Why aren't there more movies with vaporwave soundtracks like Drive?

Why aren't there more movies with vaporwave soundtracks like Drive?

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Fucking hell, it’s S Y N T H W A V E.

There’s a difference. Synthwave is cool, dark, moody and propulsive, the kind of track you listen to when you’re driving at night ready to fucking kill someone. Vaporwave is slower, sad, brighter in a lot of ways. It reflects a time long past, one that might not have ever existed, but one that is indescribably nostalgic. It’s what you listen to when you’re driving at night and considering visiting that old mall you used to frequent so often as a kid, fixated on the good times and leaving the bad in a blurry haze.

Listen to HOME, 2814, Macross 82-99, Saint Pepsi. That’s fucking Vaporwave, and as far as I know no one’s utilized that dreamy, sad, ethereal, broken down aesthetic in a motion picture yet (that was intentionally going for Vaporwave anyway).

Haha got’em!


>not synthwave

oh, bless your little heart

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You were never really here

no its vaporware

You fucking dunce, most of that music is house or electropop

Actually why is Drive heralded as some big synthwave masterpiece when most of its music isn't synthwave? What are some actual synthwave movies?



Alright so why is there no actual Vaporwave soundtrack movie? Vaporwave is almost 10 years old...

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The Guest.

Because vaporwave as a genre is literally just slowed down pop songs, watch Guardians at the Galaxy at .25x speed and suddenly it's a vaporwave movie.

Literally the worst movie ever

No, that would be your mom’s porno video.

Wrong. Even that was better than this piece of shit “film.”

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I like this post because not only did you acknowledge its existence but you admitted to having watched it with great interest.

wow who the fuck cares? not my youtube recommends that's who

And who the fuck are you?

even if the movie dabbed on everyone I liked it

I dont know who is the bigger retard

have sex