What's her name, Yea Forums?
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Sunset Shimmer.
Ryan Gosling
I haven’t had a crush in a while
>i love spending time with you user, you should browse less Yea Forums and hang out with me !
based Adeline poster
Beckii Flint AKA Beckii Cruel
nobody I just post
>tfw no gf
to fit in.
user, we dated for a few years maybe 10 years ago. Best girlfriend I ever had and we were obsessed with eachother. At the time I was in great shape so women were all over me, I cheated, drank way too much, dabbled in pills and coke, destroyed the relationship. I messed her up so bad she holds a huge grudge and hates me to this day and refuses any of my attempts to get her back.
Godzilla vs Kong trailer, which we should have by now seeing as we are
>only 182 days from Godzilla vs Kong
You dumped me 1.5 years ago. Get the fuck out of my head already.
hit or miss
You were a whore and I only regret not treating you properly
Robert, your grill is on an uneven surface! It's best to keep all legs on the concrete.
she's a lesbian
Leslie. We never even dated, that’s how pathetic I am.
Spent several hours with her last week, and for a little while it seemed like she was attracted to/interested in me, was impressed by how driven/motivated/organized I seemed to be, and she made a random comment about how pretty my eyes are
Turns out she just graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the world and is absurdly out of everyone's league here, even though the people she talks to in my city see her as just another student, and i'm a lowly community college guy who has absolutely zero chance with her ;_;
Had a crush on a lesbian for the longest time, glad I got over it.
You are a retarded she's a lesbian dumb ass
Fuck off
She seems to like you though
Teresa. She’s 40. I’m 30 and we’ve been fucking for a couple months.
is K wearing margielas?
bruh she sounds way into you
nothing wrong with giving it a shot user
my high school oneitis was a lesbian but didn't know it yet. its rough
There is no name because there was no one.
Karla, she's a prostitute that agreed to go out with me and saw me a few times after the first time I payed her for dates. She's unstable and hangs around a very bad crowd, I'm talking about murders - one of her "friends" was killed a couple months ago with her present.
Probably Elin. She has a bf now.
There is no name.
You know you are a sad isolated fuck when you don't even have some girl to have a crush on.
All I know is I'm lonely and horny.
for me, it's Katie
nigga don't EVER try to have a relationship with a prostitute, active or former
Didi. We're meeting up this afternoon.
I won't do a goddamn thing.
Maybe she did like me at that moment, but that's because she's brand new to the area, she hadn't yet figured out what the local colleges are or which one I'm going to etc
Committed to doing activism work with her (reason she's here) partly because I like her, and now it feels all awkward because I have a busy schedule but I'm still trying to make time for her every chance I can get, it probably seems weird to her, making her a higher priority than she should be, too eager to see her and stuff
I met her when I was living in Florence for a month two years ago. I know long distance never works out, but she had such a lasting impact on me that I despise every day that I fucked up on forgetting to get her number.
>Visit hometown 7 years after I left it for the army
>sees old flame that dumped me
>find out that she had a six year old son that was taken away because her boyfriend would molest him
>Realize that there’s a chance that he was mine and not his
>Realize she left me because she didn’t wanna be with someone that was joining the service (her brothers died in Afghanistan)
>Find out that the kid looked like me and nothing like her boyfriend
>Realize if I had told her my job was in Human Resource she probably wouldn’t have left me (she thought that I was in the infantry)
>Realize that I may have caused the suffering of a child because I wanted to look tough and lie
Don’t have sex
No, its more ethnic. Or maybe just old fashioned. She was one of a kind.
I'm so sorry my friend.
Either make a move or cut down on the time you spend around her. If you drag your feet too long it might scare her off.
I've never loved anyone I've been with irl, but I'm in love with an actress
>don't have a crush in elementary school
>don't have a crush in high school
>nothing has changed since then
im in a similar boat. we'd talked about marriage. she was the only girl i could see myself marrying. i fucked everything up. hard to live like that. i'm sure there are other women out there and all that but i don't want them
Holy shit
went on a successful tinder date today fellas. delaying suicide by a few days
you shouldn't carry that much guilt, it was her decision to leave, her decision to date that guy, his decision to abuse, etc.
that's. actually none of your business
I feel similarly. There's a particular model that I find to be Aphrodite-levels of beautiful and it physically pains me to look at pics of her because I'm just a nobody to her.
Winona Horowitz
Please elaborate friend. Pic related. I feel like i am starting to see reason, but my drinking pulls me back in. Yes, we're mexican
is the purpose of this gat to fuck up any clever lads who see you with a revolver and are counting your shots thinking there's six?
Mine is Jennifer too. Not a lesbian, just a cheating bitch
jk its cc
user 7-shot revolvers are a thing you know
Don't listen to The only way to win the game is to never play
For me, it’s moner
I wouldn't get romantically involved with a prostitute in the safest country in the world. The fact that she hangs out with a bad crowd and there's even been fucking murder(!) in her presence is a big red flag. You do not ever want to meet those friends or friends of friends. This is completely ignoring the girl, think of your safety in such a circle.
Yeah. At least I won't see her until Mon or Tues next week and can avoid texting her until then.
Though feel like I should have already tried asking what she has going on outside of work.
If I don't hang out with her on the weekends at all then another (more qualified) guy is going to get there first
Being an introverted man is suffering.
could be worse. a lot of introverts are based once they open up to people they trust
Maria. We went out today for the first time and she’s definitely smarter & more confident & more driven & motivated than I am. She works in my field but at a way higher level & is in grad school. Figured I might as well make a move before she discovers I’m an insecure fraud—you should do the same!
>opening up
I'm real sick of people pretending to be introverts
>chad friend from HS invites me to a concert
>join him and his chad friends at the beach
>i’m anxious about opening up in general
>start to talk to chad with the speaker and he plays a bunch of phish and steely dan
>suggest some trippier tunes by boris when we all get high
>one chad decides to take a tab before the concert, asks if i want to join
>say fuck it and walk to the concert
>acid turns out to be very strong
>show melts our fuckin’ faces off and we have a great time while the rest of the chads chased pussy
>walking back from the show with acidchad
>”you know, I’ve had a good time getting to know you—I understand why you and [chad from high school] are such good friends”
this made my weekend
For me it's more than just the looks
i mean there are red flags and then there’s straight up murder lmao
Cheers dude. Imma finna boutta delete all her shit i have in my ohne.
Thanks, that's encouraging
How did that first date with her go, though?
How did you avoid revealing what an insecure fraud you are, or giving her any red flags or reasons to be suspicious?
She’s fine but I don’t think she’s worth the hassle, man. Unless you’re a real fucking badass in which case you do you man
sounds like a good experience
this girl i like shes a school teacher and really nice
I’m at the point where there isn’t a “the one” for me
There was at one point but I learned recently that focusing time and energy on a single girl is not a healthy way to love and makes you even more unattractive
Only problem is that despite having sex with a handful of girls, I’ve never been in a relationship
there are multiple ones its a matter of taking care of yourself first
Eh, I might be interested in a girl but if it doesn’t happen then I don’t get overly invested
Being obsessed with a girl isn’t smart. Even if you succeed you’ve given her all the power. And that’s a big “if”. Success happens very rarely in these situations
I'm no badass, sadly. A badass would not fall in love with a whore.
You know, I get off making women have orgasms with my dick; i don't even have to come. I thing my problem lies there mainly.
Sorry for blogposting.
It went really well—we hiked for about 2 hours then lingered by our cars before I asked her to dinner. She took us to a fairly new place that just got written up in the papers and I made a comment about her being trendy; she said “you’re pretty cool too” which made me smile. I definitely revealed my insecurity and mentioned that I overthink everything and hesitated when messaging her earlier & she said I should just go with the flow/stream of consciousness. I haven’t mentioned depression/suicide attempt/therapy etc. yet so I’m trying to figure out how to approach it! She seemed pretty chill to be honest; I tried to ask as many questions as possible. Eventually made a move & we made out for like 15 minutes before parting ways. Overall a success, I just don’t wanna fuck this one up like the last one
Emmelie? I guess she is.
I love her and I can't let go of her despite not talking to her in months. I'm 27 and I've never felt like this before, not even as a teen. With other girls I'm just reminded how perfect we were for that short brief blissful period. I'm so fucking trash.
im the same way, i just enjoy the fucking and partner’s satisfaction. mejor que largue la niña porque siempre puedo hacerme la paja lol
Thanks user. But I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.
Sorry to hear that user.
Dawn will break and you will be well.
All will be well.
Dude schoolteachers are the best. My buddy is dating an elementary school teacher and she’s super sweet and loyal, takes care of her body, likes to drink/smoke pot, reads a lot, really the whole package. Only negative is that she doesn’t make shit for income.
lol fuck off fag
>she’s definitely smarter & more confident & more driven & motivated than I am. She works in my field but at a way higher level & is in grad school
Sorry to say this but it's not gonna work out
reverse the roles here and basically i’m her in this situation. I regret it every fucking day.
would you guys be interested in making a robert gofundme? If we can't make it we might as well make somebody else make it.
i don't even know what she looks like
Have found ex's like that to be a sort of mental apparition. It's like you filter out the bad aspects and remember it in a distorted idyllic way, when in reality they aren't that person at all.
Hits very close to the home
yeah i was just thinking about the two that got away this week for some reason. it's not that bad though.
Fuck. It’s an evil world. Hopefully one day the guilt will go away for us.
>we hiked for about 2 hours then lingered by our cars
The only one on one time I've gotten with was about a 20 minute walk through the city with her, and it was technically still work, she was just taking me to her office building.
Don't expect that will happen again, and don't see how I'll get a long chunk of time with her like you did, it's almost always working with a larger group and everyone being on the phone the whole time
Maybe so but atleast my bitter ass found someone that made me see good things in people again and I'll always be grateful for that
I lost Flavia in the same way. Eventually found her on FB a decade later and she’s directing her third indie film in France
get on a dating app my bros
>chads turned borderline virgins
yikes you reap what you sow
Just know that those experiences can never be re-created. It's better to be glad that it happened.
>I cheated
no empathy for you, faggot
bro people in grad school ALL have imposter syndrome. don't let her intimidate you.
> I haven’t mentioned depression/suicide attempt/therapy etc. yet so I’m trying to figure out how to approach it!
Simple: You don't.
I sow discord in every relationship into which I stumble.
there's no her, I don't think I've been seriously interested in anyone. that's the weirdest part
i learned from it and have a pretty clean slate today
Maybe other dating apps/sites are different but, for guys, Tinder and Bumble can actually be really discouraging.
When you get rejected by someone you know irl, it's easier to figure out why, and at least you met them and it was more personal.
When you get unmatched or she stops replying on Tinder, it can make you think you did something wrong and fucked it up, when you really didn't.
It was simply that she chose one of her other matches, because males outnumber females on Tinder, 6 to 1. But once she's unmatched there's no way to know or figure it out.
Jesse (she liked to spell it the boy way and hated "jessica" at all)
turns out she's lesbo and has been with the same chick since high school.
Look at this nig
>I haven’t mentioned depression/suicide attempt/therapy etc. yet so I’m trying to figure out how to approach it!
Dang, you really weren’t kidding when you said you overthink stuff. You shouldn’t be worrying about that already. Save that for like a few months, at the very least.
one ended up being a cookie cutter sw engineer she might out earn me by a little in a higher cost of living area and the other is a jewish identitarian so it's not all bad lol
Do Americans really do this?
It’s super discouraging. I will say that keeping your profile concise and pointed helps you match with the kind of girls you want, in my case space cadets/hippie dippie girls. I don’t match often but the ones with whom I do have been chattier after shrinking my profile and letting a female friend choose pictures.
t. chubby guy who has only used tinder
I'm too depersonalized to want or enjoy being in a relatioship with another person.
we don't. it's more of a Lithuanian thing.
Understood. Well, if you just wanna fuck get on kik and join some fat chick groups in your city
then fuck off, whiny cunt
Lucky you. I just want to find her again so I can just say hey and tell her I remember her. I just want closure, really.
Will do my best to fail upward
Nah, being alone is better. Having to pretend to be an actual person while talking to people is a chore.
Who says I'm whining?
Why would anyone ever cheat? That's cartoonishly evil
Oh God Briere I'm sorry I fucked up I just want you back
The Flesh is Weak
weak moral foundation, wanting to hurt the other. it's a pretty evil thing to do
i did it once when i was 19 in a long distance relationship and called it off the next day without ever explaining myself
Should try Bumble too.
It's the exact same thing as Tinder, just yellow, and after you match the girl has to message first
Though a lot of them still don't message, they just use Bumble to validate themselves so they get the matches and then let them expire.
But there's maybe a 1 in 10 chance that a girl will message you first, instead of about 1 in 10,000 on Tinder
I'm always paranoid about my girlfriends cheating one, but that's because I've cheated on almost all of mine (not that they found out)
it turns out what you worry about in a relationship is a reflection of you
i mean i'm not going to stop fucking around all I can and hiding it, i just don't want them to do the same. i don't care if it's wrong or a double standard
Literally my entire middle school class. I had to move during my last year. I remember there were some girls that wrote letters to me but it can't keep going forever.
You kinda should care that it's wrong, you could be spreading stds around that way, including giving them to your gf
kys normalfag
I feel like there's more super religious chicks and fatties on Bumble though.
and actually now that i think of it i had felt pretty betrayed in the weeks leading up to it and was looking for some way to resolve it, and at that time it was to make the relationship unviable for me.
Daisy Ridley
Why do you think you self-sabotage?
Not my experience, Bumble girls tend to be hotter, and on the more professional/successful side, the 19 year old immature stoner girls don't really seem to be there
Hinge works that way for me though, it's always either massive landwhales or perfect models who are impossible to match with, nothing in between
>Super religious chicks
is this true?
Elizabeth :(
Super religious chicks dont go on dating apps, as they're ungodly cesspools of flesh mongering.
this is blatantly untrue
Maisie dek
not really interested in arm chair psychology
oh boy i know that feel. There's this absolute qt who's like 5 years younger than me and seems to really like me (always catch her looking at me and bitting her nails, keeps eye contact when we talk, sees me as a smart guy, etc) despite having a (shitty) bf. but i don't want to make a move honestly because i feel i'm not good enough, she has a very good image of me, but she has no idea that i used to fuck hookers, used girls just for sex, had to get tested because i was going crazy just out of fear of having gotten an std, and deep in the inside, i'm a turbo autist who just happens to be very good at hiding it. but i don't know man, maybe is just me and my emotional cowardice.
this cant be real
>There was this cute adhd autistic girl that went to a different school but hung out at our school's gaming club
>Find out that she is waiting on an old flame because they have mental problems or some shit and need her to sort it out
>Mutual friend tells me she also has a crush on me
>She herself tells me she is done with the other guy because her life is hell because of him
>Mutual friend tells me that he suggested she invites me over for anime
>Day comes where she asks me
>Go full spaghetti mode, tell her that I can't do that day
>Went radio silent
>She stopped showing up to the gaming club
>I couldn't contact her, social media is just gone
I was such a fucking dumb ass.
I do it too—just looking for your input
Don't ever pull a beta bitch move and tell a girl this. Like " I like you but I know you don't like me back." Don't ever put that seed in her head cause she'll just start thinking "why wouldn't I like you"
Summer Glau
I grew up with her when I spent summers back home in our rural European village. Us and the village kids would spend all summer together, and every year I brought all kinds of new shit from America to impress everyone. VHS tapes of Yugioh, Raimi Spiderman, DBZ, Toy Story, etc. My favorite memory is beating Pokemon Emerald together.
I haven't seen her since I was 9. We just sort of lost contact with her family after they moved to Italy. She still visits the village every year, but I haven't been able to find her since I'm so used to diaspora life. She's fucking gorgeous now and she's the only girl I care about. The melancholic childhood memories destroy my soul every day. I just miss her so much, and I'm too much of a pussy to reach out to her since its been so long. I think I'm just going to go back next year and find her, I can't take it anymore
>In July 2016, Christian Mingle began accommodating gay men and women as the result of a non-discrimination lawsuit. Previously, the site had only allowed users to choose either "man seeking woman" or "woman seeking man." The change removed this profile designation and allowed users the option to see either opposite-sex or same-sex matches
owned by
which is owned by
every fucking time
Faggot cheater. Thats stooping to womens levels
Cheryl and she actually finds me attractive. At least I think she does. She goes out of her way to talk to me, giggles at the cheeseist jokes I come up with, acts nerbous around me when there are other people. But the thing is she has a bf already and what makes it worse is that she mentioned once that she went after him, so it pretty much means I don't have a chance even though I'm taller than he is, in better shape, and have a better face.
I thought so too for years. Then I got a new colleague and now going to work (the only thing that went right in my life) makes me miserable.
The meme was just a joke, to be honest. Here in the South there are plenty of religious girls on dating apps—i have a friend who preys on them specifically
My nogger
Just fuck your girlfriend instead or jack off it's not hard at all
It's fine if you're evil just acknowledge it
Kim Dahyun
I had a dream about her the other night
been there brother. is it worse to have had it and lost it? sometimes i think it is
My 12th grade HS art teacher from ten years ago. I have forgotten her name, but still remember her smile and voice very clearly.
I'd always stay after school to work on my clay statues and canvas paintings projects and she would be there to compliment my work ethic and ask personal questions. She seemed friendlier to me than other students. Maybe it was because I just did the work instead of goofing around. It was weird, but comforting.
It was Polina for me, but weirdly enough I dreamed about Therese a few nights ago, despite her being a much earlier love. Maybe that means I'm finally over Polina.
Is love a muscle that atrophies with disuse, or is it like that Fats Waller song, "saving my love for you"?
Nobody. There never has been, nor will there ever be. I really just don't like being around people. The way they carry on with one another, jumping from one person to the next, is grotesque. Granted, that's probably unreasonable and selfish of me, but at that rate I'd just as soon be left alone. That thought doesn't really bother me much anymore, besides.
I won't make it to 30 anyway, so I suppose it doesn't really matter. My neurosis will see to that.
Robert, did you remember to pick up the black bean burgers? You know my wife Emilia is a vegetarian.
>likes to drink/smoke pot
Jordon (female)
Cute religious girl who admitted she was a virgin to me. She was super fucked up by the chad before me because he treated her like shit and it did a number on her self esteem and opinion of relationships. First girl I really got physical with and being with her was amazing. We had to agree to end the relationship when I graduated because I would be moving back home. She may as well be in another state with how far away she is from me. Distance really fucking sucks. Pic related is from valentines day where she was feeling super lonely. Had an old friend send her flowers and a card signed from me. Even though I still text her I really miss her. Sorry for the blog
Christy. It's my own fault though and ive lost her for good and she deserves better.
I don't know what your situation is like, but a hundred miles is a poor excuse to pass up a chance at true love.
It's not evil. It's stupidity.
Brooke. I fucked it all up and its been over a year since we've talked.
“You know that I could be in love with almost everyone.”
>hates me to this day and refuses any of my attempts to get her back.
Good, move on you sack of shit.
I'm this guy. Were you trying to teach me something or were you referencing what I posted?
Never think you are unworthy of someone user, you should never decide that. Also..
>waaaah super awesome girl MIGHT be into me
How fucking awful. Truly, you are suffering.
A lot of failed normies around here, I thought this was the incel board not the sadboi board.
Yea Forums has changed. I feel it in the threads
Nobody. I'm stuck in a tiny town with a population of 200 and I have nobody in my life besides my sick mother. But I'm fine with that. I helped my brother get out of this hell hole and into college, so there is that at least.
I just wish I knew what it would feel like to have romantic feelings for a girl or anything like that.
I guess the Incels are prepping up for the upcoming Joker movie and are too busy to post. I also began to see people telling their sob stories on other boards besides this one, this is the last era of Yea Forums, hopefully
First I wouldnt call it true love, but it was a genuine connection. The reason I couldnt stay up there is because it's literally in bumfuck nowhere. I would have to drop my career, move, get a shitty min wage job, and hope that maybe she'd want to keep going with our relationship that ended over a year ago. It's a lot to drop for the CHANCE at a great relationship. Ive been burned way too many times and if that happened to me again I would seriously an hero.
Hey, just because I had a short period of mutual attraction with a girl doesn't mean I ain't a virgin
Yeah it is, pointless betrayal and 90% of the time you have to go out of your way to do it
What if you’ve been here for a decade? I’ve leveled up incel—I own my own home, sometimes fuck, hate my life and myself. I am become sadboi
Meghan, Laura and Nicola. Haven't crushed on anyone in about a year though. I kinda miss it, despite the pain.
I got over all of them, even the college ones, by now.
There was a stunning one working in a restaurant though whose name I never got. Serene.
Things have changed so much I can't even relate anymore to the /r9k/ posters who larp as robots these past few years.
How old are you?
Didn't even date for so long or date at all but I can't still get her out of my head
She's the one at fault not you
What a bitch
>Oh no I don't want my boyfriend to die
>I'm A-ok with leaving a guy when I'm pregnant with his son
>I'm a-okay with dating a shady guy when I have a little child
and she married a fat german rather than me
I haven't had a crush in... huh, must be over a decade now. Feels pretty good.
You deserve it you fucking troglodyte, manwhore.
Claire, she never loved me, no matter how much I did, I worked out, I got a job, I started being more confident, better hygiene, better haircut, I started approaching other women, learning what they like, what they hate, I completely remodeled my persona when interacting with others, spent time with her, took her for lunch and dinner, I kept her company while she was crying, we enjoyed laughing about stuff and drinking. and it was all for nothing. I asked her after we finally talked about the subject, she just told me that we were just incompatible and there was no way to change that, and to never talk to her about it again.
We cut all contact since then, I've done a lot of stuff after that, tried hooking up with tons of other women, in an effort to fix my self esteem but it never happened, I'm broken beyond repair and every time I see her on the streets or in photos I feel horrible. It's a fucking nightmare, It's been 3 years and I still can't get over it. I hate that part of myself.
just rape her
Jesus christ no, that's not what I'm after, I actually loved her, so much it still hurts every single day and every single waking moment.
Taylor Marie Hill
she looks like a ho
>I was an attractive partier who fucked too many girls
Been there done that,the only way out of that loop is engage in interaction with as much people as you can, first few are gonna be cringy but as the time goes on you'll get better and eventually develop real relations with people you care. That's the only way to get back in the game after a long period of isolation.
Thats where you are going wrong, women are incapable of that kind of unconditional love
I wish I could change it, but I simply can't. And knowing it makes it so much worse.
>/r9k/ thread
She sounds heartless
Introvert doesn't mean shy to the point of crippling social anxiety. That's a mental illness.
Introvert just means you won't go mad if you don't interact with anyone for months on end.
Extroverts means you won't go mad if you are constantly interacting with people months on end.
Introverts can be sociable and can deal with interacting with people intermittently and in limited quantities just like extroverts can enjoy solitude, but only intermittently and in limited quantities.
You, like other idiots think mistakenly that Introvert means shy.
i ain't no caving in
Delagos of Pergamon
Modt people are together for sex and companionship so cheating is easy for them, very few are actually in love and even them the love usually fades after a while.
Marta. And she was a cunt. People with shit parents get together with shitty people.
Lin, a beautiful girl from Changsha.
The relationship was great but we couldn't have sex because my penis was too big for her.
oh she's trans?
>grow up together
>in love with her my whole life
>fall in and out of contact very frequently
>she always has a boyfriend
>finally reconnect after about a year
>she's single
>first time in my life that I've got a gf while she's single
I will never have her.
Even knowing that it would probably result in death.
She's perfect in every way.
>oneitis: the thread
Get your act together, you fucking poofters. All this whinging is fucking embarrassing shameful display. Holy shit. You faggots. Pussies.