Woman screaming

>woman screaming
sploosh, baby comes out
>baby crying

Am I the only one who's sick of delivery scenes.

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I thought they should lay eggs?...

He cute

Have kids OP

yeah they're gross and annoying
and they act like it's such a good thing they are creating more suffering

Yes but only because after the pregnancy their bodies return to normal. Pregnant women are hot as fuck, even more so if hyperpregnancy is involved.

Wow im so tired of scenes of people walking why are directors representing reality by filming scenes from every day life?

You're projecting.
Most people are happy with their life.

I'm not a gonna collageist but I doubt these scenes are reality -- because they all look the same


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They really need to pick a new basket of tropes to work off of. The current batch are beyond played out.

Fuckin hell imagine being immediately born and you’re just a dumb lizard plopped onto a leaf? Ok figure things out real quick.

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It was fucking retarded how many delivery scenes there were in this show. Shit Claire alone gave birth three times.

anyone sick of woman acting like pregnancy is painful in films? as in screeching at the top of their lungs? i saw a birth video in health class and the woman looked like she was in 0/10 pain

I think they drug them up like horses these days.

LOL my feelings as well.

And why does The Island kill pregnant babies? Unexplained.

Little dude is only like 5 seconds old and he's already going hard af

i fucking hate kate so much bros. she hangs out with dudes cause its less drama. she totally 'gets' you, man. fucking fake tryhard mysterious bitch.

juliet is better.

someone you know?

every scene of juliet:

And there’s a delivery scene in Star Trek, another show directed by Abrams.

If that woman had an epidural she was feeling no pain.

ducks are cool too they flop out and just start doing duck things. I think the worst is to be born a sea turtle

Imagine a human baby comes out and start doing taxes.

>Am I the only one who's sick of delivery scenes.
I love them, specially when the girls doesnt have money to tip the delivery doctor and needs to do some sexual impro

my biggest issue is that they often make pregnant bellies way too small in media compared to what a woman at term would normally look like

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Wouldn't it be more logical if baby comes out of belly buttons.

dude how white the father has to be


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they get given epidurals so that there's no pain

This thread is going to be tougher on a blue board

Fist pic is her with a watermelon she stole from the market.
second pic is a baby she stole from a park.
Anyway. I find gilrs in the first 6 months of pregnancy so fucking hot... i really want to knock up a bitch.

it's different for different woman, 2 women both at full term could have really different belly sizes


Oh shit dude hell yeah

Yeah, American healthcare is a mess.

it's a standard girl archetype

*blocks your path*
*stops the jew writers from succeeding in their interracial cuckold plot*

how can one man be so based

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how does that contradict what I said?

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The idea that a Korean woman from Korea finds trust and comfort in Micheal is... LOLable
>"In America them Koreans don't like us Blacks"
Well you people loots Korean town because white people arrested a thug.

the rooftop koreans during that one looting spree received more of my respect than the entirety of the black race so far.

That's beautiful

>it's a character giving birth while another character is dying interspersed scenes to show duh curcle of lyfe episode

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Seems like the little guy is doing a pretty good job, considering.

>those widened hips
>those pushed up breasts
>those thicker thighs
>that massive belly

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humans take a retardedly long time to be not worthless when you think about it. especially because the end result is usually nothing special.

Can a lizard shitpost on the internet? I think not.

very based

>Yes but only because after the pregnancy their bodies return to normal

That's just when you start the process all over again. Art is a continuous cycle of creation, destruction, and recreation.

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In movies
>oh fuck, my water broke, run to the hospital!!
>10 min of contractions
>completelly clean (oversized) baby
In reality
>oh! Another contraction, these last days a get a lot
>oh fuck, they are quite oftem now, I better call the midwife
>water broke, lets finish dinner and head to the hospital
>3 to 24h of contractions
>try to breath like in movies, hyperventilate, midwife looks at me like I'm a retard
>now it starts to be really painfull
>still 1 h super hard contractions
>baby takes several minutes to go out little by little
>he is covered in shit and really tiny, head is weird shaped and hands and feet probably look like an alien.

Yep, just like in american movies. How the fuck jews reproduce?


Have you ever had a big dump and feel great? This is 100 times better than that. Imagine give that up and be cut open while unconscious

Some do, some don't.

That would make a lot of sense. Such disconnect from reality in every single movie is not normal.

This. Or they could just not sream while they are in pain, animals do it all the time.

A lot of animals also scream when they're in pain though.

Childbirth is a lot more fucked up for humans than it is for most animals. An evolutionary penalty of sorts for our advanced intelligence.

I saw a video of a woman giving birth at home while standing up. She had no epidural or anesthesia or whatever. She was completely silent and fine and caught the baby with her own hands when it popped out.


People handle pain differently and labor is different for individuals, though giving birth upright is a good idea. Hospital births where a woman is on her back probably results in more pain and injury than the normal upright position.

He literally said youre projecting

I absolutely can

Do they stick around their parents for awhile?

Post claws

is the architect pregnancy pilled? I'm not necessarily sure if he is

I wasn't speaking to The Architect's specific genre or medium of art but rather to his philosophy on the process of art itself.

That is an abomination.

>le "I AM ACTING" scream of pain

I hope for your sake you're just underage and not the gayest person on this board.


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a very respectable perspective

Women should always be tiny.

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Unironically low test.

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Hello ladies.
I know you're in this thread

Hi sweaty! ;)

fuck you guys for making me go berserk and fap like a madman. that shit took forever.

Look how much bigger her tits got

Did you coom?

a little bit but I've been wasting my supply lately

You have no idea what I would give to watch Anne Frank give birth.

Just imagine her, sweating and panting, desperately trying to hold back crying out in pain. The hot tears running down her cheeks. Fighting a losing battle to keep her grip on reality as the hormones and receptors, overwhelmed by the pressure and burning sensations, cause her to lose all perception of time and surrounding. Being too sick and exhausted to even sit up, but still forced to continue enduring because she no longer has control over her own body. Feeling her pelvis split in two as she bears down hard and pushes with her rapidly diminishing strength. Having to content, not only with becoming a mother at such a young and tender age, plummeting self-esteem at the sight of her once slender body becoming the size of a planet, fear of being socially ostracized, but the unending terror of Nazi persecution of the Jews as well. That her agony-induced cries, no matter how muffled, will attract attention and be a death sentence for her and her entire family.

God, it makes me so fucking hard.

Anyone here write birthing wankfics?


Why has Jew Jew got a dick nose lmao


I know that video. It's some woman in her Garden giving birth to her 6th child. Obviously it's less of an issue if you had 5 already.

God the mere thought of that makes me hard

How can hairless apes even compare

By fucking a baby into Anne Frank and pounding her little pregnant vag so many times that the little bastard just slides out of her

the one I saw took place indoors

Literally adrenaline. Some get such a rush that it numbs their genitals being ripped open to their anus but once that wears off they do feel the pain. Many already do it during delivery.

bump haha get it?

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Haha I sure do

They kidnap goy babies and transform them with dark magic in their lizard hives. FACT! !!

wouldn't be unfortunate if she stumbled and fell on your dick haha


>Almost had sex with a prego
>Didn't get to because she had to get a cerclage
>Couldn't even do anal

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fucking tragic man

hen semi was cool i need to watch it again

All fucking women are fucking whores.

What a dark age we live in

What's a cerclage?

She's done multiple videos.
Women whining about birth is the most cringy shit ever.
>muh 1000 bones breaking hurr de hurr

>Childbirth is a lot more fucked up for humans than it is for most animals
Blatant lies.
The main reason is because most deliveries are done fucking wrong.
You're supposed to let gravity help, which is completely nullified by having the woman lay down.

The shit I masturbate to these days....

cerclage my balls lmao

My gf's vagina prolapsed momentarily when our daughter was born, I got to see the inside. It's electric hot pink in color, glistening, covered in frills not unlike the bottom of a running shoe.


Vaginal stitch. She had something called an incompetent cervix where her membranes were so thin that the baby could slip out and she could miscarry.

Some kinds of pretty much everything that lays eggs (lizards, snakes, frogs, fish) keep their eggs inside them until they hatch, then "give birth" to their offspring.
This strategy tends to produce fewer offspring (many fewer in mass-spawners like fish and frogs), but has a much higher rate of survival than abandoned eggs (and tends to be even better for the mass-spawners, since the young are born relatively large and skip the absolute slaughter that is the larval stages of mass-spawning aquatic animals), so long as the parent survives.
It also makes these animals really easy to breed in captivity, since you don't need to fuck around perfectly egg temperature/humidity and helping them hatch or preparing microscopic live food for tiny fry or tadpoles.

>my gf
Why not wife?

>hates how children come to be
breh you're gonna go extinct

>inb4 muh mammals
common misconception due to this shitty "rule of thumb" given to kids to "help" them in biology.
Mammals are identified by their mammaries, boobs.
Live birth is not an indicator of a mammal.

burgers standard procedure is to essentially paralyze your from the hip downwards, you dont feel anything from there


i think you mistake the words paralyze and analgesia. with an epidural you can still control your body, but you dont feel pain, you can still feel pressure. its like when a dentist numbs your mouth or a doctor numbs something else

wtf get back outside where you belong

The concept of pregnancy and childbirth is disgusting. It like Alien, but worse, because at least Aliens are aesthetically pleasing ('cause they were designed by humans, by artists). Women, vaginas, children - all those things are ugly as fuck.
How do people even live with the thought that half a humanity experiences this horror-tier parasite invasion? They must be fucking brain-dead.

unbased and gaypilled

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i'll never forget that video of the nude/nudist woman about to give birth just kinda walking around for a bit then she squats down and pushes for like 5 seconds and the baby just plops out

This might be a little retarded, but how come some animals can immediately adapt to the world they born without aid of their parents(albeit, not everyone) but human babies are completely useless alone and they just cry and cry?

Dilate at once.

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How come make pregnancy always gets ignored

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Humans are more complex.

Bipedialism restricts pelvis size, limits of the mother's capability of feeding the growing fetus, being born early is beneficial to learning social stuff


Humans aren't the only animals that are useless alone.

>being born early

I thought Jews lay eggs though?

>being a preemie is actually super healthy bro
Yeah, that's why they're under constant surveillance in a modified easy bake oven at the hospital

we're born too early compared to a lot of creatures, so we're not too big and can actually get birthed and not die and kill our mothers at the same time.

he means that humans come out with less stuff developed. If pregnancies took 18 months, kids would come out ready to walk and whatever.

wtf Is this real?

Big Baby is a real thing, just like Big Pharma. Look at all the shit there is to try and keep your baby from dying on a constant basis. Do you think poor chinks have this shit or the generations upon generations of people who made it to their ripe old age of 26?

I meant being born in an earlier stage of development, as user asked:
>This might be a little retarded, but how come some animals can immediately adapt to the world they born without aid of their parents(albeit, not everyone) but human babies are completely useless alone and they just cry and cry?

Non-mammalian live-bearing is still quite different. They're still in eggs, feeding from the yolk sac inside. They just stay inside mum until they're ready to hatch. They aren't directly connected and receiving nutrients from the mother, like in mammals.

Child mortality was fucking huge til relatively recently, and was part of the reason for having huge batches of kids. Even up til the early 20th century, it wasn't uncommon to have multiple siblings die in childhood.

you're supposed to skip them

You have no idea what I would give to watch Anne Frank give birth.

Just imagine her, sweating and panting, desperately trying to hold back crying out in pain. The hot tears running down her cheeks. Fighting a losing battle to keep her grip on reality as the hormones and receptors, overwhelmed by the pressure and burning sensations, cause her to lose all perception of time and surrounding. Being too sick and exhausted to even sit up, but still forced to continue enduring because she no longer has control over her own body. Feeling her pelvis split in two as she bears down hard and pushes with her rapidly diminishing strength. Having to content, not only with becoming a mother at such a young and tender age, plummeting self-esteem at the sight of her once slender body becoming the size of a planet, fear of being socially ostracized, but the unending terror of Nazi persecution of the Jews as well. That her agony-induced cries, no matter how muffled, will attract attention and be a death sentence for her and her entire family.

God, it makes me so fucking hard.


Ridiculously high infant mortality until recently is actually part of the reason why the whole 'medieval peasants lived until 30' meme exists. The sheer quantity of children who died before they reached the age of 5 completely skewed the average; if you got past your 5th birthday then you usually had a good chance of living into your late 60's.

Can we get an F in the chat for this nigga?

Did you at least get a blowjob?

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>Ridiculously high infant mortality
It was around 30%.

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Considering how the infant mortality rate in most Western nations is below 0.5% in present times, that's a gigantic difference. 30% of all babs dying is going to make a significant difference to the apparent average lifespan.

A man of taste I see.

God that’s making me hard as we speak

>being this much of a dumb nigger

Of course he’s a massive faggot

Based and Redpilled

Shhh... Just accept it.

I remember when the photographer was posting on Pregchan. God his pics were hot.

>skipping the best scene and not blowing my load as she pops the little bastard out

Imagine being this much of a ducking faggot lmao

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c-sections increase the likelihood of autism and mental illness in the baby

y tho

Imagine being born a turtling on the shore and run to the sea while seagulls are trying to eat you

It’s more the fact that pregnancy is nothing but painful and not that pregnant women are horny as fuck and can’t stop their husband’s riding cock every waking moment.

We need more pregnant sex scenes in movies and TV. Preferably live sex scenes.

>implying all natural isn’t the most kino experience

Most generally hold it in until the last few minutes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. If it ain’t cries of pain, it’s cries of joy.

>Childbirth is a lot more hot for humans


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God that’s so fucking hot.

>being such a pleb that you fall for the disgusting hospital birth meme and not the kino birth in the comfort of your own home

I need to find me a woman willing to birth me six kids (and let me do anal while she’s crowning)

And I’ve nutted to every last one of them.

>You're supposed to let gravity help, which is completely nullified by having the woman lay down.

This, it also gives me a better view :)

Lucky bastard

How hard did you get from watching her pop.

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you're opinion is invalid because you'll never have the opportunity to do it.

>>being this much of a fucking nigger


I need me more fap material

>he’s never seen kittens, baby pandas, or puppies

Birth is hot in movies. But even hotter in real life.

>How the fuck jews reproduce?

By fucking a baby into Anne Frank and pounding her little pregnant vag so many times that she squeals with joy as the little bastard slides out because the hormones cause go nuts and she thinks I’m cockslamming again.

Speaking of which, do we have any writefags around? Anyone want to do one about Anne Frank committing the ultimate act of defiance against the Nazis by bringing another Jew into the world? Preferably starting with her getting cockslammed into labor by Peter after she rode his dick just a bit too hard (who just wanted to be a nice boy and help her have an easier birth by cumming inside her) and the hormones completely alter her mental state, causing her to lose perception of time and surrounding, leading to an epiphany that even as she hears the Allied guns roar in the distance, she's doing her part to bring down the tyranny of the Third Reich through birthing. The creation of not just any life, but a Jewish life, in the midst of the Nazis' vain attempt to destroy the Jews. For all his supposed godlike power, Hitler and his ilk are helpless to stop her from using her body to resist their futile efforts to annihilate her people. As she gives birth, Anne feels the agonizing pain, but finds that not only is she glad to be experiencing it, she actually wants even more. That she was made for birthing and she wants to do it again and again, bringing as many babies into the world as she can. She's ecstatic to give birth in hiding, with just her family and her lover there to help her, no doctors, no painkillers, going through the process all naturally as Eve, Yocheved, Esther, (even) Mary, and every other great Jewish woman before her had done, and that she would have it no other way.

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>because you'll never have the opportunity to do it
Correct, so we only have women's word for it, which as we all know, counts for nothing.

your poor mother

got a c-section so she doesn't know either.

guess this theory has some merit then

I hate baby delivery scenes and rape scenes.
Both make me feel really uncomfortable.

*her pics were hot

its a fucking odd combo, a lesbian thats into breeding. but fuck am i glad it exists

Is it just me or are there a disproportionate number of c-section fags on Yea Forums?

myself included

Because women get told "uhmigud its so painful" and then they go and get a c-section, while continuing the cycle of "uhmigud its so painful".

I was born normaly


It was a she who was posting this entire time?

>ts a fucking odd combo, a lesbian thats into breeding. but fuck am i glad it exists

Thank Christ

>imagine watching a birth scene and not popping a boner

Dude big brains lmao

Unironically the reason. We're quite advanced mentally (and in fact physically, literally kings of endurance and physical damage tolerance) so we have to be born still in development

Re: the physical bit, we can quite "easily" survive injuries that would cause other animals to outright die of shock. Also we used to hunt by literally just pursuing animals until they expired or couldn't move.

I’m pretty sure c-sections are more painful in the long run because of the longer recovery time

Based, got any pics?

>Head was too big so Mother had C-Section.
>Yea Forums is my home board.
>Meet QT that browses Yea Forums and /cgl/
>She asks which board I browse.
>"Mostly Yea Forums"
>"Lol Yea Forums is pure autism."
>"Says the cosplaying weeb cunt? Begone thot!"

I will defend my board to the death, fans.

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>tfw was a c section AND mom got pregnant with me after she turned 30
i'd like to think i'm a functioning and normal adult since i have a job and a gf, but after all, i am on Yea Forums the job...

>especially because the end result is usually nothing special.
Working together, communicating and establishing civilisation is nothing special?

The beauty of life.

Google US Patent 3216423



It grew so fast. This is absurd

Have you ever passed a kidney stone? It's similar to that in concept. But nowadays you get drugged to hell so you won't feel a thing besides sore and tired.

women love to pretend pregnancy and giving birth is the hardest thing ever
because that's the only "burden" they have in life
men take care of everything else
women have zero responsibilities

id get super hard, absolute ultimate erection

Why did Lost have like five different drawn out delivery scenes?

sure if your a kidney stone the size of human baby
life and death and humanity and all that stupid shit.


Maybe Lindelof just likes childbirth. I think the beginning of season 2 has a cavewoman give birth for some reason

Kino taste