>Presidential candidate
>My father grew up in (poor place) and was very poor, he had to do (hard labor job) for (a long amount of time) so he could provide for me. But I not poor I am rich. this is American dream please vote.
Presidential candidate
Other urls found in this thread:
>I want your son to get in a flag-draped coffin on behalf of ersatz israel!
>Uh, I mean, we need to uphold the rule of law and democratic norms. Yeah, that's the ticket.
>reality is all the American presidents are related to royalty from Europe
>My back is spineless
>My belly is yella
Shut up one of them is at least 1/1024 native American on her mom's dads cousins dogs side. Stop being racist
>president is finishing up some serious business
>daughter comes home from school and runs into his arms while the first lady stands smiling at the door
you, I like you
don't forget the dress shirt with rolled up sleeves like he is about to help you move.
>"I am dressed well but also hard working"
every person of northwestern european descent is related to royalty in europe
>I spoke with a (woman/minority/male worker whose industry is in trouble) in (early primary state) and they told me that (sitting president) has put in place policies that (took away their welfare/led to their industry cutting jobs). We should do this other thing.
>It's an "OP realizes democracy is a joke" episode
good take op
If only the US ditched democracy for, maybe, I don't know, a representative republic system.
I don't know. Crazy idea.
Kek, basically this.
this so much
every """"""""""""debate""""""""""""" these days is just blatantly fake anecdotes and trying to get the crowd to clap
It's still just a popularity contest, except instead of appealing to 51% of the country you have to appeal to 51% of people in each state.
That, and pre-scripted putdowns so twitterniggers can post reaction gifs for which candidate “dunked” on the opposing one.
>During his term my opponent did [thing]. His [thing] only benefitted [some small minority] at the expense of [some majority]. He did [thing] because he's in the pocket of the established [same minority] who's entrenched in power. But this isn't American, the government should work for everyone, not just [minority]. Vote for me so that I can return power into the hands of you, the people.
How the fuck can you guys sit through multiple different two or three hour sessions of this virtue signalling shit?
>political candidate
>Politicians are corrupt
>I've been a politician for decades
>I'll end this corruption
>trust me
Why is this trope so prevalent?
they're soulless bugs
>career politicians
what a fucking joke
Nobody wanted to watch the Bucs, user
The debates should be in some private venue where there's no crowd. Any actual discussion of policy gets shafted in favor of whatever meaningless schlock will make the unseen mongrels in the dark say "WOOO" loud enough.
For me, it's literally entertainment; no different from a sports game or a soap opera.
How can you be consistently entertained by Kamala Harris pretending to be black, Bernie going on about "THE TOP 10% OF THE TOP 12%" and Uncle Joe looking like he's about to grab a six year old's ass?
I guess because of exactly what you said. It's fun watching career politicians act in a way that would have been considered satire only a few years ago.
>Presidential candidate
>Dad was a genius Physics PhD who developed a lot of the technologies you use today
>Wants to give everyone 1,000 dollars
>Presidential candidate
>If you vote for me I give you free money and/or benefits
>Presidential candidate
>You vote for me and I give you free money, then don't give a fuck about you anymore
>Presidential candidate
>You vote for me and I just don't give a fuck about you, no free money
I mean...
>Presidential Candidate
>Anyone who doesn't vote for me is dangerous and my supporters should harass them publicly
>now, everyone, I know that [party] and [other party] have had our differences. But whether you’re [constituency], [constituency], or even [marginal group], I know we can all agree that incels should under no circumstances be allowed into movie theaters. What we disagree on is whether to adopt Mr. Yang’s universal Asian gf subsidy, Senator Harris’s proposed virginity drone surveillance program, or Senator Sanders’ “heel boots for manlets” pit forgiveness program.
Please don’t post if you can’t type in fluent English. Thank you.
>I'm a failure. Please vote for me
>My greatest weakness is succeeding beyond my wildest dreams.
Why did I watch that shit?
Jeb! was the only honest politician.
>member of a (((political dynasty)))
You mean Trump's tax breaks, right?
>I'm not a politician
>I'll end corruption
>is more corrupt than any politician before.
Way better