A Place of Solace From the Horror of Rape

>A Place of Solace From the Horror of Rape

>Calmly, devoid of emotion, Abarbanel told their stories. This is what happened to the young woman, who asked not to be named:

>(She) came to America when she was 7. Her father was a movie producer who had brought the family here from Italy. They attended the best schools and lived in increasingly beautiful homes. But (her) father was difficult. He collected guns and used them to intimidate the children and their mother. When she was 12, her father decided her nanny wasn't needed anymore. He began to enter her room at night and that was the end of her childhood. By age 13, he was regularly raping her at least three times a week. The audience--including Tipper Gore, Abigail Van Buren, Quincy Jones, Sherry Lansing, Norman Lear, Marsha Mason and Susan Dey, to name but a few--seemed to be holding its breath, holding back tears.

Attached: giada 1.jpg (600x394, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> (Her) life became a mixture of shame and fear. . . . Her father told her they had been lovers in a previous life and that he was preparing her so that when she had a boyfriend or husband she would know what to do. But there were no boyfriends. (She) was never allowed to date. She was allowed no activities outside the home. She had become her father's captive. As (she) neared the end of high school, she began to dream of escape. She knew that if she did not leave the house now, she would be there forever. She packed her bags and told her father she was moving out. He called her a slut and a bitch. And he looked at her and said, "Take that whore of a sister with you."

>When she summoned the courage to tell, she found solace at Stuart House, a small, beautifully appointed building near the hospital that was a dream of Abarbanel and Aileen Adams, the treatment center's legal counsel. Stuart House, which opened in 1988, provides free legal, medical and social services under one roof for sexually abused children. The young woman did not have to tell her story untold times on separate visits to police, prosecutors, social workers and therapists.

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Imagine nutting in her from behind.

> Stuart House professionals filled the courtroom in 1991 when her father, Alexander DeBenedetti, pleaded guilty to two counts of raping a minor and was sentenced to 14 years in prison. "For that support," said the young woman, now 24, "I love them."

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If I were Giada's dad, I'd definitely want to rape her.

Was this actually Giada?

She helped daddy make some white cream sauce alright.

hello newfag

to think, this poor girl was getting raped by her father 3 nights a week

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So is this why she's a BJ addict?

when you were 13, did you ever look around in class and wonder which of these girls was getting pounded by her father at night? i didn't...


>lose virginity to the class slut at age 13
>prior to doing so she gave me a VHS tape which i watched one day while my mom was at the store
>video was of her masturbating with a tv remote while the voice of her dad gave her directions in the background

I don't think I fully wrapped my head around what I was watching until much later. I was just happy to have porn in an age of no internet.

I hope she's doing okay.


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absolute retarded coomers

i guarantee you she is not.

Jesus christ.

>troubled young girl gives user evidence of her abuse as a cry for help
>user masturbates to it and discards it after he's had his fill

Am I supposed to know who that is?

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based and cunnypilled

Way she fuckin' goes


>tfw she does nothing for you because she looks freakishly similar to your sister

post sister

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You can't know that, Vicky is doing just fine.