............... it's vodka, Mr Lahey

>............... it's vodka, Mr Lahey

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way she goes boys

140 proof bud, i'm fuckin wasted

Smokes let’s go

I miss watching this show for the first time

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>Mr. Lahey, you pissed yourself again!

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I've got Jeanna Harrison lewds if anyone is interested

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Why would you need to even ask

No you fucking don't, bitch

Seeing this for the first time was amazing, my favorite thing is julians drink, its a subtle but if you notice it, it can become the whole scene.
Julians ice vodka and coke is a character in its own way

its rum and coke you fucking retard

layhes daughters nudes aint needed

except when he was drinking swish

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Based claims he has Jeanna Harrison lewds but never actually posts them user

Sarah is Laheys daughter

Dark days

And dancing around with an old fucking dirty dog

Eating pizza crusts

Randy would you fuck off

I fucking love this quote so much.

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there is some part cant remember maybe s8 or s9 were she is peak thiccness been meaning to grab a screenshot or webm

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Anyone else an unironic drunk that lets down everyone around them? Had my nephew tell me he was proud of me for cutting tile, like it was some hard job. Just cuz he knew getting out of bed for me was hard. Drinking steel inbetween taaka right now. Whatchu know bout that user?

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Fuck off Bobandy

I had my cousin tell me I need to see a therapist the other day. None of them have ever helped.

Fuck off, Randy. Don't you have some cheeseburgers to eat?

The only family I talk to all tell me I need to talk to a priest. Think i'm fucking possessed. And I am, by the liquor.

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>Whatchu know bout that user?
prolly nothin

Yeah, prolly nothin

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what't the absolute best episode, in your humble opinion?

fuck off bobandy
nobodys fallin for your jewish tricks

Get your fucking shit together, drunky the clown

>None of them have ever helped.
this. all my immediate family have been perfectly content with long distance critique and support. When the bulk of your support group consists of fellow alcoholics, it's not hard to see how the cycle repeats itself.

HD piss bottles or Bubbles and Ricky trying to hide the fact they turned Julians trailer into a pot house.
Frig off Randy.

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Fuck off Randy

>not hard to see
Sure, but it is hard to do.

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Oscar Goldman



Conky and the best movie is Countdown To Liquor Day.

I really hope youre joking.

Fuck off Randy

i come from a family of alcoholics and ive been staying sober but they keep pushing alcohol onto me. i think they don't like having to question their habits


Best scene

>i think they don't like having to question their habits
spot on. I've lost count of how many times friends have gone from friendly to hostile when i announce that i'm done drinking for the night, or that I won't drink at all. Granted they're already three sheets to the wind at that point but it really does make you think

Read it in his voice. Good job user

нaвepнoe ничeгo

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it's like you're insulting them by trying to do what's right for you in the situation

You are insulting them, God.