Did you get any gifts over the summer, Yea Forums?
Did you get any gifts over the summer, Yea Forums?
>no girl will ever be this exited about giving you a gift
She knows she's being recorded.
i feel nothing watching this
based chubby shitty-haircut man and his slightly retarded girlfriend
That nut job is higher than a fucking kite.
my girlfriend forgot my last birthday
I literally spent most of this summer going to the park with my gf.
Have sex
kek are you seroius
I would put a baby in her
Make it stop lads
can you stop
Does anybody know who this absolute cute is?
hehe this is so wholesome bros!
i'm so sad
at least I have my ryan gosling meme folder!
I just spent it in church watching her singing.
in fairness she has (medicated) anxiety and we were on a flight that day but it still made me very sad
I wonder if this girl knows how hot she is.
What's your excuse?
My girlfriend.
all women are whores
Shut the fuck up zoomer
why am i about to cry? i am so lonely bros
He must give great ...head.
fuck presents. i'd murder that loser fuck cuck in front of her and then dick her so hard she'd never sit again.
>he doesn't browse /fit/ with his gf
Spoken like a true incel
why did i have to turn out like this
i was so close to being normal
All women weaponize their sex, and it's why we as men are bound by duty to do everything in our power to saturate them with jism to at least snare them a bit.
God I wish that Blade of Grass was my penis instead
the girl is adorable and her excitement at her partner's pleasure is heartwarming
of course she does, you beta idiot
too young
Why is he so excited? The N64 controller sucks dick.
What does it feel like to cum inside a woman you love, Yea Forums?
Do americans actually jump up and down, make soi faces and start clapping when they exchange gifts?
that's not your gf, faggot, that vid has been around for years
yes plenty of new bontent!
Nah. This is the I have to act really excited face
>too young
obviously staged
does holding the bar that high actually work muscles differently than just keeping it on your shoulders?
that cat is a cunt
No, but I do practice wrestling with her
Theoretically Charles Manson is in jail for convincing a cadre of women to kill people. I would have just stopped at the sex. Perhaps this is a game that can be played and won. Race war's back on the menu.
based as fuck bb poster
>hard nipples from working out
he sucks at grappling
cold gym probably
That's nothing, I got married over the summer
Better than any material gift.
>Don't be shy, user! I know it's your first date with a girl but I promise to give you a good time. Try not to look at the coffee and talk to me!
The guy in the grey suit was in love with her.
Fuck shitbulls nigger, that cat should have done much more
his suit fits like shit, that's more embarrassing than marrying jaba the hut
Oh god all those faces on the back hahaha
I guess I'm ugly on the inside too
Just saying the truth.
Lots of shoulder kino recently and it's a gift for us all.
Somewhere out there a ship is missing a sail so this whale could have a dress.
Da fuck you talking about? Girls love giving gifts to each other and to you (if you're fucking her).
Join me, and we will put all normies into camps
Based and Architectpilled.
>tfw no Catholic gf
Super autistic.
I dont get it
That's because you're a filthy heretic
When they buy a home it's gonna have to be a ranch style because she definitely can't make it up stairs.
Yes, makes the lift much harder as it forces all the stabilizing muscles in your arms core and legs to work much harder than in a regular squat by adding balance to the equation
Cause shes an exhibitionist and she knows shes going to be watched and have guys jerk it to the thought of her
Fucking hell I'm done lads
more pantyhose
It's the day Catholics celebrate the patron Saint of Pokemon.
Emma Rohan
>ywn have a gf get excited for you getting something she knows youre going to enjoy
jk i have a wife.
fuck you stupid bitch
kek wow thank you so much for this second hand piece of shit that is not compatible with my tv and when i finally do get it to work will have massive amounts of input lag and also run at a smooth 15fps. I can't wait for this to collect lots of dust as i wait for 5 n64 games to come in the mail that will cost me 200 dollars. this is the best gift ever
im not some prop that a girl can parade around on her social media channels so she can get showered with praise
I also wont die in my sleep before im 35 so she wont have to commit to that self congratulatory parade for more then a few years
I like how some millennials have fallen off the deep end so much that they are trying to tell themselves that being lonely and having no kids is good.
What a joke of a generation.
o-oh no you beat me
Yeah my birthday is in August.
uhm is this bait? the guys right. she's just doing it as a way to get attention. she probably doesn't even have to fuck the dude and just makes money. when he dies its a freebee. she'll spend a few months being "sad" and make some more money off it and then try shacking up with a professional athlete or something of lesser intelligence
Bring me Solo and the Wookie
I’m not attracted to her whatsoever but I still find her videos captivating
Me on the right
me too user me too
there is absolutely nothing negative you can say about this that will stick
you are human garbage, and these people have more than you are even capable of imagining
Bros, I really need an easy way out.
He's stuck with a white roastie forever. He could have had this.
>muh pure nippon waifu
>That moment at the end when she positions his head
Wait, I know them sails
based and blackpilled
That one hurts, because she looks young and it reminds me of all the teenage love I've missed on.
WMAF couples are cringe
No, but my friend did shoot me in the ass.
I broke up with my girlfriend this summer, she and I met in teacher's college . She lives several cities away from me, and we were were only able to meet once or twice a month. It was completely PG as well; we never had enough time together and she liked going out to like dinners and stuff but we barely got to hang around. Never had that issue with the girls from OKC and tinder I would meet.
I also had a growing crush on a friend I have, whom I have asked out this week. However I'm not really confident. She and I went to a kingdom hearts concert together, she's giggly around me and seems to like me but I might be in my own head. I don't know if I'm the kind of person she's interested in.
>that bathroom shower video
good for you, but I'm cringing hard at this
also, fuck you, faggot
songs about teenage love that you never experienced ?
my friends in another state mailed me chocolate chip cookies : )
Sounds like she likes you well enough. I’d made a move sooner rather than later—that way you make your intentions clear, and if it backfires you can more easily transition into friendship
not going to make it lads
i broke up with my gf this summer. it was long distance since last summer and we were going to move in together a few weeks before we broke up. I have never shared as much as i shared with her. i've had relationships in the past but never something where i was able and comfortable to share absolutely everything with her and i got just as much back from her. we broke up but it was my doing. since then i tell myself it was for the best everytime i think of her but really i'm afraid that i lost someone who so unconditionally accepted me for every single strange and sometimes psychotic parts of me that she not only accepted but embraced. fuck man
I simultaneously loathe them and wish I had their simple happy normie life
hope it was only 9mm
And that pitbull is a shame for his race for not fucking that cat up
It was a 9mm sim round
So it just stung for a while, but he did it when I was taking a leak so it really pissed me off.
>those faces in the background saying you could have scored way better
explain. now.
No. It's just a retarded crossfit invention to make people hurt themselves and fuck up their joints.
Don't listen to this retarded twat If you put the weight on your shoulders you can put on at least twice as much weight and you get much more out of the exercise.
thanks. pic made it look like somebody took it without permission or something
I'm gonna rape this bitch.
I'm just run of the mill ugly, people would ask her what's wrong with her for dating me instead of hailing her as a great person.
Looks genuine to me
Honestly what are these freaks' endgame? Some kind of tv show or book deal where they can make a few million dollars then finally end this sick charade?
oh lol, I just screenshotted the video
Pretty sure what it is. If you browse through their channel it's just weird how she has this fascination with carrying him around and stuff
Life has a dearth of opportunities for a man such as myself, a sociopath.
what a bunch of roastie logic BULLSHIT
that's stupid as fuck
sociopaths have the most opportunities
a real sociopath wouldn't even be capable of thinking what you just thought
I bet she's a dirty little slut during sex
the moment he disregards the letter on top of the n64 kino
Ugly fucking brows, 0/10
Why the word "hot" instead of something more accurate like "pretty" or "cute"?
exit bag
or stop being a pussy and better yourself
Im so tired
>be average or slightly below average looking neet who spends all his time on an anime image board. He has no actually skills, has a bitter/nihilistic personality and no life experience
>What? No I wouldn't date this 5/10 chick, she's too ugly looooooool
Why do you regards think you deserve a cute gf anyways? Are you so brainwashed by Jewish media that you think you'll get the cute girl despite you having nothing of value to offer? Fucking r9k gags I swear...
An ex two ex's ago bought me an 800$ laptop and she was pretty excited
Was less excited when I dumped her for the ninteen y/o girl I worked with and had been fucking for months
Based fuck inc*ls
I don't feel the pain anymore, haven't for years. Girls, women? They aren't like they used to. I can't feel a warmth in my heart when a cute girl smiles at me. First thing I think about is how many ways she can fuck me over. Maybe she'll lead me on and suck a bunch of dicks on the side. Maybe she'll ghost me. Maybe she already has a boyfriend and is fucking with me because she knows she's cute and she can.
It's not about "hating women" or whatever, either. It's a matter of how human beings are now, more than ever, fucking trash. It's not worth falling in love, because love barely fucking exists at all. And I mean love in general. We don't care for each other, we don't even care about ourselves, so why pretend otherwise? You date, break up, replace the void with some other worthless face, repeat until death.
Anyway, movies are cool.
Dear diary bla bla bla
Dude shut up nerd
>she'll spend a few months being "sad"
not likely. more like she will be happy from all the money she made off of him paying her.
tomboys really appeal to me, but more the personality, not necessarily the look. is there such a thing as a tomboy stacy?
SAD was in quotes because it has to be a faked sad in order to keep up the act that she was with the guy not for the clout
Kind of. I wouldn't say they're full on Stacies, but they are very feminine in appearance but act kinda crass and boyish.
Lots of them in college.