>remake of a movie is actually better than the original
Remake of a movie is actually better than the original
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I want to fuck her.
i want to watch you fuck her
Most of the crew did.
>that little neck stretch when they grab her at the end
Why is Luke so fuckable in this shot?
That's not how it went down. This is like rewriting history. Also Vader would sense if she was lying. Leia wasn't this much of a badass. Somewhat, yes, but not this much.
i want to watch a black man fuck her.
It's funny they had to retcon Leia to make her tough
>This animation style
Are women ever going to get tired of masturbating over themselves or what
Already happened.
Letting women write was a mistake
You just asked that question about possibly the most self-absorbed group of people on the planet.
That's literally what every aspect of their lives exists to do.
I like her maniac expression at :04.
this comes up every so often. i keep forgetting what it's called, and i have to beg people in the thread to tell me. then i look it up on youtube and it's "not available in your country". why do i even bother?
>dawn of the dead
>pink panther
>the thing
Giving them rights was a mistake.
I almost feel bad for women. They forget that it is only laws that keep men from beating them at the slightest inconvenience.
Insomnia (2002)
Behold, the only cool thing Disney has done with Star Wars to date.
no sweaty leia is a powerful jedi now and blocked him
not even trying to be a faggot but she cemented being a badass by being in the middle of the firefight on endor. if you weren't a zoomer you'd know that no one cared then and only care about shit like this now.
>trying to indoctrinate kids into Star Wars
Disney really is shamelessly evil, isn't it?
Don't you dare insult Disney!
She was already tough.
I don't know why they have to exaggerate so much and overcompensate and I REALLY don't see why they have to make Luke incompetent to make her look better.
Can't they BOTH be badass?
I don't understand the point of animating the exact same scenes from the movies. Why. Why not do something new
I hate those retarded Disney cartoon expressions more than anything
I legit thought he was jacking off at first.
Luke is cute! CUTE!
Leia was enough of a subverting-damsel when she took action during the prison corridor shootout. But even then, cucks have to try to make her look so heroic that it's cringe.
Welcome to the current year
for all intents and purposes luke was incompetent, so there was no need to exaggerate it when the whole point of the movie was that luke was some farm boy from a backwater planet that ended up in the middle of a war between rebels and an empire. he wasn't particularly skilled but he had courage and trust in his newfound companions so at the end of the movie he is able to take the little skills that he does have and combine it with a faith/power that he wasn't aware of at the start of the film. the OT is all about luke growing from being that unskilled farm boy to a confident jedi that still has room to grow.
hella. fuckin. epic.
Is there anything more soulless than nu-Disney cartoons?
The OT is about all the heroes growing.
Wahmen can only be portrayed as strong if men are portrayed as weak.
What have you got against d&d?
Not just that but talentless and incompetent. This isn't what will entice children to watch Star Wars. It's an adult's idea of what an ad to get children to watch Star Wars would look like.
There's just so many factors that could explain why they fail to understand the psychology of children (mainly boys) who like Star Wars:
Is it because it's run and written by too many women, who don't have the memory of having been a boy? Or is it because the staff don't have enough empathy or introspection to look at Star Wars accurately from a child's perspective, even if they themselves were once children? Is it an ideological doctrine blinding them from realising what it is that children want from their entertainment? Or does the ideology make them actively work against providing what children want in favour of providing children with what the ideology says they *should* want?
I'm no expert on what today's children are like compared to the preceding generation, but one thing I sense is lacking from most of the star wars stuff that isn't catching on with them is a sense of serious earnestness or sincerity. It's pompous and ponderous, but even children can gather that it's "insisting on itself" and not actually containing any substance for its own sake. Compare it to anything you enjoyed as a child and think "why should a child be invested in this?" Or look at children's stuff that does get children invested, and compare what it has to draw children in that the new star wars films do or don't have?
>This is like rewriting history.
>This is like...
No, it simply *is* rewriting history. The creators of the animation were either given directions, or took it upon themselves, to adjust the OT to make Leia more of a YAS Kween. They didn't write a new scene, the rewrote an existing one and changed it before your very eyes.
>I don't understand..
>white men
>own the world
>own most of its wealth
>get mad whenever someone points that out
>gets mad about women and niggers on tv
>calling anyone else self absorbed
You fucks are honestly going to complain that PRINCESS FUCKING LEIA is being depicted as a strong female character, when you know damn well that is literally just a scene from the OT interspersed with footage of her kicking ass in exactly the same way we explicitly see her do at other points in the OT, just with less kicking. You people are fucking pathetic
Do you actually honestly think white men own the world and most of its wealth?
they literally can't create anything, only deconstruct and subvert
What the fuck they were thinking? This looks more like a dad scolding his bratty daughter
too over the top, I can't take it seriously
>hurr taking star wars seriously
shut up
Well that's exactly what it is darth vader just doesn't know she's his daughter
it's for literal children bro
They don't fail to understand. They are trying to force reprogramming on them through a medium that they expect them to watch irregardless.
They are the evil empire. That's why they don't know how to write good stories about the rebels. They don't understand that they are the bad guys.
And you're ok with propaganda designed and pushed on children?
this is the future you chose
Kill yourself faggot scum
because leia killed some stormtroopers like she did in the actual movie?
Female writers were projecting their dads to Vader.
A woman came in the store today asking for a lightsaber.
a lightsaber she wanted?
>I sure showed vader!
>*blows up your entire planet*
Where is your smug look now?
Disney REALLY hates Luke. Why is that?
It isn’t real so no, it isn’t rewriting history. It is rewriting/reinterpreting a story, which is just what happens to every old story still told today.
Disney's afraid their girls are going to try white meat...
Rule 34 when?
Don't capitalise words in the middle of the sentence reddit nigger, but to answer your question he's a true good hearted hero who's popular with the long term fanbase.
She became a hardened "badass" after all her experience throughout the movies. She didn't start that way. If you knew what character growth was, you wouldn't have accused him zoomer.
of course?
let me guess, you think it's DUH JOOZ. fucking /pol/tard
>this was the last time they spoke as friends
>moves goalposts
also you're him
It's a bit of all of that. They don't know how to market to boys or write for an audience of boys, and their ideology tells them that they should not know how because boys only like boyish things because they are socialized that way, so appealing to them with stuff they like is actually harming the boys and society because it's perpetuating toxic cultural mores. I'm not sure how in love Disney really is with the cabal of women doing this; they put them in charge due to Kennedy's seniority and some misguided marketing assumptions, and once things started going sideways they probably couldn't get anyone to come in and replace them because nobody with the credentials to take the reins is willing to jump in just in time to take the blame when this burning zeppelin hits the ground and explodes.
Then you have the corporate suits operating on the assumption that boys will watch literally anything with the Star Wars label regardless of the contents, so there is no need to appeal to them. They are a captured audience that can be taken for granted. All efforts must go to appealing to people who do not already like Star Wars, because that's how you grow the brand. Hence
What about when he tortured her?
>moves goalposts
You were implying she was always badass. She wasn't.
>also you're him
She was already tough. This cartoon doesn't need to exist.
Why would it be so hard to believe the rich and powerful conspire to be even more rich and powerful? It doesn’t have to be whites, it can be simple Star people too
I thought that Disney was pretending that never happened
How is this Fucking allowed!?
>Watch it, Leia!
stop this
No the outfit is empowering, you wouldn't happen to be looking at her with a male gaze, would you user? Because that would be not woke and sexist
They were never going to be able to stick to that. Sex sells, and that outfit is too iconic for them to not fall back on it eventually as the brand falters and they get desperate.
Here's the playlist: youtube.com
The best inspiration to read Dune.
i wonder what it's like to have friends
They made Luke into a bumbling retard and Leia a Mary Sue who is capable of doing everything and saves the day by herself. That's simply not how the scene actually went down.
funny though, they weren't parodying the books so much that they were doing a remake of the videogame where you could fuck all the characters.
Pretty based trailer until the nu-wars shit
>have Vader literally do a Nazi salute at the end
Jesus, I feel old. My groups used actual character sheets and gamebooks.
He is still the most marketable character of the franchise so maybe they are condoning it.
fuck off kike
Is this Disney's way of trying to rewrite the Star Wars movies?
Doesn't really bolster your credibility of being on a diplomatic mission if your diplomat shot a bunch of soldiers.
The wold we grew up in is gone.
I never got to play it even though I always wanted to try.
>laptops instead of character sheets
Boy i really hate liberals.
how did he not realize she was his daughter the moment they met?
The only group in my area that I know of spends the majority of their time on their phones or laptops during a session. Which is why I haven't played in years and instead lurk on /tg/.
I just think it's neat
Because she had been raised by the Senator Organa since she was born. Vader would have to jump through tons of logical hoops to reach that conclusion.
Luke was easy
>he was with ObiWan
>has his old lightsaber
>from tatooine and hates sand
>shares his last name
Why does Luke have the same last name as Anakin anyways?
Holy cringe, I feel a little bad for zoomers.
He had no way of knowing since in his mind he'd killed whatever children he had when he ganked Padme. The emperor was likely the one who told him about Leia after Vader found out about Luke.
You know, before Disney ruined everything, one of the expanded universe characters asked Luke that. The best part is, Luke had no idea, because apparently no one irl can come up with a good reason for it.
What is this called and how can I see it?
>these are the "people" telling you to have sex
Yikes and soípilled
ok that's fair. I guess he might have felt something coming from her but figured it was nothing.
top kek
I haven't played in 15 years.
It literally is though lol fucking faggot
>get mad whenever someone points that out
Because that has the opposite effect you stupid fuck. You're only segregating people into groups even more. Wanna know how the best way of killing racism? Forgeting this shit ever existed.