Doggie just died, any doggie kinos to watch

Doggie just died, any doggie kinos to watch

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John Wick

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I Am Legend
should do a great job taking your mind off of it

My dog is old and arthritic, he’s on medication for the pain and inflammation but he’s still getting weaker every month, I’m not ready to lose him. I’m so sorry user, mine is so important to me.

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Yeah, my old dog could barely walk the last 8 months of her life. I did everything for her, but the inevitable happens. Hope you enjoy your time together

i'm sorry for your loss user

old yellar

Seen this. I'd rather die first than my dog outliving me

Seen it

Where the red fern grows


>I'd rather die first than my dog

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my dog skip

Sorry for your loss.
Get another one and you can fill in some of the hole.

Homeward bound
A boy and his dog

> I'd rather die first than my dog outliving me
user, I...

Fuck man I'm sorry. My dog is getting up there as well and I'm scared

Marley and Me
I am Legend
John Wick
Jojo’s bizarre adventure

>Get another one and you can fill in some of the hole.

I seriously don't think I can

Beat me to it.

air bud

My aunt is a chronic depressive ever since her brothers suicide when she was young, her dog of 12 years died and she was obviously distraught, but she got a puppy a week later and it did her a world of good.
The sooner you move on the better you will feel.