Last Christmas

Is this a Christmas flick or a biopic

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What did they mean by this?

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>he archived the last thread because it was too on topic to be prunned
dare i say pathetic?

>the angel in the thumbnail

fucking kino

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Looks more like a SHIT flick

Is it foreshadowing about the totally real asian guy being an angel?

>he doesn't like christmas movies

This is /ecg/ AGAIN. The same 10 or 20 stalkers obsessing over Emilia Clarke, as they have been every day for weeks now. Purge.

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This is a thread discussing an upcoming movie on a movie and television board. Are you mentally retarded?

go make another coomer thread instead of being a crybaby here

Ironically, this faggot is more off -topic than anyone else here.

No, just some girl i found on Tinder


>calling other people crybabies
Funny, considering how when your shit stalker threads are deleted you freaks seethe so fucking hard you spam the board with 5 or 6 janny threads

So Feig isn't revealing what exactly is wrong with Kate, and he said the story was already written before Emilia was cast. Do we believe him?

imagine unironically believing this

here's your last (you) now fuck off

Paul Fag is on absolute damage control since the first trailer came out

trips confirm. Faggot is as faggot does.

I'm guessing it was something that required an organ transplant. It wouldn't be Kidney/Liver since she's not yellow so my best guess is a heart attack.

have sex, bitchboi.

Stop giving the tranny (You)s, xhe derails the threads so it can be pruned
The coscreenwriter is an autobiographer, so it's someone experienced putting life to paper. This movie was written literally with Emilia in mind and based on her experiences

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>ecg fag
>telling other people to have sex

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>archiving an on-topic thread because you hate the actress


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Bryony Kimmings

I post
He prune
I post again

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I meant do you have a source where she claimed the story was based on Emilia's experiences?

yet he keeps coming to these threads? wtf is wrong with him

He doesn't want competition for emilia

Nah, but its obviously not a coincidence the whole Kate was sick and depressed thing, especially because Emilia lived with Emma during some weeks

jelly that no matter how much xhe dilates, xhe will never be as cute and charming as /ourmilly/.

She lived with her during production though, after the story had already been written.

Angel you say?

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its been almost 4 months now

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>fully clothed
>no shoes

Guest directed by Quentin Tarantino?


If God doesn't exist, how do you explain this
Checkmate atheists

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i-is this what Heaven looks like?

>last chirstmas I gave you my heart
>literally gives them their heart
it's like pottery

Heart attack for sure. There's no other way

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take the blackpill

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Yeah but you won't post any pics?

cutest alcoholic

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What accent do her parents have and why doesn't Kate speak with a non-English accent

They are slavs or something like

because they are migrants and she's born there, pretty easy to work out



What did she mean by this?

Some article I read said they were Russian.


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Enter the other thread retard

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it's on the last thread but

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If she's the same age as Emilia I hope she wasn't born in eastern Europe in late 1986

Who's the bigger lush, Kate or Emilia?

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Emilia said she got blackout drunk once when she was young and never again so probably depressed alcoholic Kate

Emma was friends with Emilia's dad, he used to swim in her pool and wanted to hit that, they go way back

Doesn't have the eyebrows, the eyes or the lips but the face shape and hair is similar

kate is literally an alcoholic

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Is this woman sleeping?

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>bee tattoo


The dragon tattoo is visible in the first trailer too. It's not really a problem since Kate would probably have tattoos anyway

Eh, Kate would most likely have tats, so that doesn't bother me.

Not as bad as her tat showing up on GoT.

>that retard on /got/

>this faggot in the other thread convinced his wild speculation is actual proof of coke use leading to Emilia's brain aneurysm.

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The bee tattoo is ok, but the dragons tattoo is weird, they should have covered it

That's the same person who tried to derail this thread, the same person who posts basedjaks, the same person who posts that prunned threads image and probably the same person who ships Kit

Imagine the smell

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>she had the aneurysms because of coke use believe me
Why is that?
>because she had them after she got rich and famous

>the dragons tattoo is weird, they should have covered it
Maybe she's a GoT fan, or she just likes dragons?

its funny because she doesn't have a sex life

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>that smile and laugh
She wasnt acting there

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>Feig let her show her real laugh

this flick is gonna be kino

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Nah, i don't like. Paul Fag is a fucking hack

She was pretty chubby before GoT working out probably contributed to it

She looked so fucking cute in that interview.

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That's a more logical conclusion than anything that fuckface came up with.


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>all those bums and homeless people on stage

imagine the smell.

>hapa is literally the only one from the cast that isnt there
I bet thats the final scene


It comes after the scene where the hapa goes crazy and Emilia kills him

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It would surely subvert my expectations

No way he's not a ghost

If her injuries are brain-related, he's probably a figment of her imagination.

>tfw it's a Christmas-themed Fight Club.

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What would be your perfect date with Emilia?

mother of burgers

>What do you get when you cross an alcoholic loner with a society that abandons her?


none of your goddamned business


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I'd fuck that slut in her pooper

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>not the first post ITT

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