X-Files is underrated

One my favorite shows. Even the bad episodes are better than shit today

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>X-Files is underrated
Nowhere near that. It's a TV show that pretty much defined 90s TV shows.

X-Files had 11 seasons, 2 movies and was one of the highest rated shows in its lifespan.

It might just be the most successful live action show of all time.


Actual kino

Wouldn’t that be Star Trek or some shit?

Star Trek, while hugely successful, has never seen the mainstream success X-Files has where dorks and normies alike love it.

The case is arguable though

I was 13 when it came out. I remember it was on right after Brisco County Jr on Friday. Wasn’t until like season 4 that they moved it to Sunday

Was that the Bruce Campbell show?

*blocks ur path*

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the main storyline is the worst thing about the show


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Why’s he hate his son so much

because he was weak compared to mulder

*blocks ur superbowl*

i love all that dumb one off conspiracy shit

saw the first episode
wasn't impressed

What always annoyed me is Mulder is a New York sports fan but he’s from New England. No New Englander supports New York.

You know it’s because Duchovny is a New Yorker and he couldn’t even in character support Boston


I'm watching it through for the first time and I'm taking my time because I know there won't be anything else like i when I'm finished

1st ep was rushed to the point they had no intro yet.

first season was weak
some of the best was from 3-6

Its one of the most popular 90s shows of all time zoomer faggot.

the novelty of this show is off the charts. every episode is so wildly different

>It's a zoomer reveals his ignorance episode

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slit your fucking faggot throat reddit nigger

that would be more interesting than x-files

Billowy 90's suits look so comfy.

he didn't, he was a true hero.

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literally me

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dont bother zoom zoom

I'm agent Sneed, this is agent Chuck

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my favorite storyline tangent

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>that would be more interesting than x-files

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The anasazi arc was great

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yeah I liked that and the black oil

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X-Files is a beloved series. Millennium is an underrated one. Besides season 3. Fuck that shit.

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Season 1 had so much atmosphere. Mark Snow’s score was haunting


I'm going off memory, haven't seen 1-2 in a while
still have the DVD's for 6-8

I have episodes on VHS then I got all the DVDs now wondering if the Blu Rey has any good. Did they even sharpen it up and restore it

has there ever been a comfier show

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I think they did, but I actually like the comfy nature of 90's film

they're fine, just a bit different and before duchovny became a primadonna

*rattles can*

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I’ll never forgive the fact he made them move production to LA


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he was getting a lot of offers for work for major dollars

*checks watch*


Loved when they introduced Mr X, he was the best character other than the LoneGunmen

Yeah the Tunguska stuff was great.

>jewish father
it only counts if its the mother

He said it was so could be with his wife that he ended up cheating on all the time

I don't get this. I thought the main story line was the best part of the show. Of course that's not to say I didn't also love the monster of the week episodes. But, I don't get why people hate the main arc.

>I'm going off memory
then shut the fuck up faggot

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X was cool but I liked Deep Throat. Should’ve given him more than one season

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Ya he was crazy big in Hollywood at the time, they were even making fucking music videos about him, look at all the actors in this cheap music video dedicated to him.


he still carries on about kike shit these days.

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Its a normalfag meme because they couldn't keep up/pay attention or they just caught random episodes

that was a disappointment
fox knew their modern tv was shit so they had to bring it back, and bring back CGB

Carter wanted the series to end after the first movie and you can see that. The main plot was wrapped up in the movie and after that it all went to shit.

CSM was underutilized after the movie. They kill off The Syndicate and pull this alien super soldier shit out of their ass

*sips tea*

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Mytharc sucked because they kept making it up as they went along.

the scene of CGB in the cave was hilarious
truly osama bin laden tier

>*sips tea*
more like sucks cock

season 1 has almost all of the best episodes

It was good and made sense until xena and that super soldier bullshit.

see this

keep trying though fanboy

opinion discarded tranny

>jews move goalposts because their numbers dwindle

I remember he did this movie just before the first X Files movie. They hyped the shit out of it and if sucked ass

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>t-tranny! why wont you just s-shut up!
tits or gtfo roastie

Some good music, right there. Too bad the 4th volume of the scores might not be released because of (((disney)))

facebook(d0т) com/114444205294473/posts/as-you-might-know-the-walt-disney-company-purchased-20th-century-fox-for-almost-/2210636609008545/

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That whole scene was great. So smug.

seen the first two seasons

darkness falls is my fav episode so far

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Evolution was good.

Our Town cracks me up. People eating each other to stay young

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Bad Blood is objectively the best episode.

Fucking fight me.

it's my favorite. That parody of COPS was p funny too

That scene with the old man talking about how useful chickens are alwats stuck with me.

I keep starting seasons all over again. I haven't reached those 2 new seasons because I'm afraid of having nothing left to look forward to.

Just start back at episode 1, user. ;^)

>p funny
how about not posting like a poofter.

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>I haven't reached those 2 new seasons because I'm afraid of having nothing left to look forward to.

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I also worry about watching 10 and 11. I'm afraid they are abysmally bad and full of nu-male, liberal, SJW bullshit.

Dont watch them, I implore you.

One of the best episodes of the series was in season 10.

Overall they are okay except the episodes written by Chris Carter. They basically reboot the series for no reason.

fuck of reddit nigger, one half decent comedy episode wasnt worth shitting on the old show, nu files was was disney wars tier garbage

Based and Millenniumpilled

Millennium took everything great about the first few seasons of X-Files with its Vancouver dreariness, industrial depression and paranoid atmosphere and ramped it up to eleven. I wish it was more popular, it deserves to be discussed just as much as the show it was birthed from

It's rescanned from the original negatives so it looks crystal fucking clear and the aspect ratio is bumped from 4:3 to 16:9 (which it wasn't framed for but shot in), so there is some cropping above and below

Some of the effects had to be touched up as a result though, since they were made at a lower quality at the time

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> disney star wars level


It was fucking atrocious faggot shit.

I was a big fan during the original run and I honestly could not tell you a single episode plot

Are the Amazon Prime the remastered ones? I’m watching them now and they look a lot more clear than my DVDs

I wish there were more of us. It's such a great series.

I watched it all the way through in 2010, I'm about to rewatch again. The only thing that really got me was season 3. They turned Terry O Quinn into a supervillain out of nowhere and straight just ruined the series. Also needlessly gave Frank a partner. That Kiss episode I remember as being unforgivably bad.

hate fucking nerds try to skip any scene with them
the studio was right to minimise them

gabrielle miller plays a semi important side character in that episode and also plays a semi important side character in a later episode in the same season. damn, you think we wouldn't notice???

>hate fucking nerds
>hangs out on a site full of autists and pedos

I liked them as they reminded me of a family friend who was a phreaker and showed me the tape recorder trick

Really, not even with s2? I can understand with the first season since it languishes in a somewhat generic killer-of-the-week format, but its redirection in the following season is anything but forgettable. Pic related

Yup, same masters. It looks pretty fucking great

It's frustrating, if this series aired now Yea Forums would be all over it. It was way ahead of its time.

And yeah, fully agree there - s3 was a huge misstep in many directions. I didn't think Frank's partner was too bad, but they took too long to really establish a hook and stakes for her (the dad stuff only came together in the last legs).
And what they did with Peter Watts was such a kick in the teeth, especially after everything he went through with Frank in s2. He got some retribution by the end, I guess, but it felt like a pity arc for the character by then

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I remember hearing that Chris Carter got a lot of his ideas from an actual spook..

Carter gets a lot of shit but he’s a great idea guy. It’s just his execution of said ideas can be heavy handed.

But his shows where ahead is their time. The LoneGunmen was like the precursor to The Big Bang Theory. And Millennium paved the way for Fringe

Interesting. I didn't know he associated with blacks

it's been 20 years man I barely remember x files episodes and I've seen them all at least 3 times

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Fair nuff, you should definitely give Millennium a rewatch if you haven't recently

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Do you think he stole Mulder's wallet?

I bet they don't even know why Kaep was kneeling

No he was satisfied feeling his ass


my mom n I used to take every Saturday and watch it on demand on our shitty cable network.
It was always our favorite part of the week, and her favorite episode was "Jose Chung's From Outer Space". Those were good times.

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X-Files ran for eleven seasons and maybe four of them were good

It's correctly rated.

First season has some of the best, and some of the worst, episodes. If you don't like Ice, Beyond the Sea, Darkness Falls, or the Erlenmeyer Flask, I don't know what to tell you hombre

this episode was a good'un

Millennium is kino, I still need to finish the series. I'm not sure anything so bleak and foreboding has been televised since. Maybe the ultimate doomer show.

I heard the third season shat its pants.

It was bad for many seasons then the series finale was Dexter/Battlestar/Lost/Sopranos/Seinfeld style weapons grade bad

Probably a big part of why it's forgotten

outstanding selection, cheers to your mom

Season three was basically a soft reboot that tried to change it into a different kind of show. It dumped all the plot threads that the second season hadn't resolved.

Alright, X-files fan here. you convinced me, I'm going to watch Millennium next.
Is this from running aborted fetus from Millennium too?

>one of the most popular TV shows of the 90s is overrated
>part of the literal zeitgeist of the 90s is a overrated

Please wait until you're 18 the post on these boards

Kill yourself faggot

Nu files isnt the xfiles

KINO and emotional

Kill yourself reddit nigger

Even if you pretend it isn't, four good seasons out of nine is still bad.

Yeah, s2 is peak doomer kino. s3 is a major let-down, some episodes are alright but its biggest offense is rewriting the events of s2 only to double-back halfway through the season when they realized they didn't have a clear direction for it

Please do, I'd love if more fa/tv/irgins got into it. And yeah, the red baby is from one of the best episodes ever written (by based Morgan and Wong, naturally)

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What's your problem with 6 and 7?

thanks, i'll let her know. it brightens up her day when people think the stuff she likes is cool.

>faggot brackets

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why was she so dumb

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I should watch the new season some day

>old lady seeks the approval of autists and pedos
give her my best user

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>best episodes ever written (by based Morgan and Wong, naturally)
Thank you, fren. I'm in. Any other similar shows?

you really shouldn't

does anyone remember that episode with the spaz/autist kid who could control electricity and only used it to fuck around and harass a girl he liked?

i think jack black played his best friend or something, but it ended on a really cool note where the kid was flipping through a TV in a psych ward and the last channel he flipped to was the pic related and then it just cut to black?

did that happen or am i just retarded?

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Reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers


Should you?

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>he wouldn't feel up Duchovny
found the gay

*blocks ur path*

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I remember him flipping the channels at the end, season 3 had a lot of good episodes

that was a decent episode

kill yourself faggot

You have a very dirty mind.

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thank you for confirming this. season 3 was pretty good, some of my favorite episodes are from there.

those new agents were a mistake and the ham fisted anti trump shit was totally unnecessary. that one scene was kind of funny.

the little cunt knew just when to push back.

couldn't help but think of mr robot and the main character blaming Trump on his hack and demanding that everyone have their debt reinstated

>Even the bad episodes
Well, I'm watching Fire.

That's what I suspected, but I feel the need to complete it. I knew it was going to be bad


I have it as one of the greatest shows to air on cable, I re-watch it at least once a year

his party trick at the bar was cool

It wasnt the placebo effect, mole face is a filthy liar.

I like the simplistic names of early episodes

It's a legitimately awful episode but it's the fascinating kind of bad. Like how did it not get spiked at some point in the process?

Muslim terrorists blow up a building, Mulder goes on an LSD trip to astrally communicate with the brain dead captured terrorist suspect and find out the next target, it WORKS despite him being given fake drugs and imagining the whole thing, and it ends with Mulder and Scully hearing the Seven Trumpets of the apocalypse. What?

Ive never had a bad trip, that first bit, reminds me of an lsd adventure i had once.

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I listened to this song once and now it's stuck in my head.

Never understood the hate for the first season. It's actually one of my favorite seasons. I enjoy its lighter tone before everything got so bleak and serious like in the later seasons. Plus Mulder and Scully we're a lot more fun this season and it had all sorts of wacky shit like pic related.

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"Humbug" is probably in my top 10 files episodes

This would be deeply embarrassing if it was anyone but Duchovny

Agreed. And all the episodes people say sucked in the first season I liked.

Shadows was a cool ghost story. Born Again was tight just to see the cop getting thrown out a window

But I am an FBI agent!

Yeah, Mulder was real playful then becomes a sort of jackass that made Scully more likeable.

But season 3 is peak Mulder / Scully

Even that one episode where Krycek gets raped by the Amish tranny was bretty gud.

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If people knew the true price of spirituality there’d be more atheists.

>bretty gud.

i’ve seen articles on top of articles detailing how x-files changes television.

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It wouldn't work today. Zoomers are too faggy.

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comfiest show ever made. I just started a re-watch and currently just finished beyond the sea. Even Space, considered one of the shittiest episodes of the series (untill Chris Carter did S10 and 11) was even somewhat comfy despite the laughable cheesiness, in fact that cheesiness is what made it fun to watch and comfy / entertaining.

>krycek escapes ukranian gulag
>meets a bunch of CS:GO players all yelling cyka blyat out in the woods rushing b
>they take his arm as payment

very accurate. good post.

All of S3 is pretty great

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biggest issue with the x-files is chris carter in general being a hack and being unable to remember shit he wrote previously to the point the series makes no sense at all and is riddled with plot holes.

It's a shame, because there was potential for an interesting plot with the "colonization" and all the shady shit going on with the syndicate behind the scenes, but they fucked it all up and it's all so inconsistent and incoherent / unconnected.

Then you had the cool shit like the black oil, the alien bounty hunter subplot (who were actually "good" aliens trying to halt the colonists plans), and the syndicate stuff. But the show really started to go to shit once they killed off all the syndicate members and then it was just CSM and from there on, while there were some good episodes, it just turned to shit and became all about the MotW eps.

Someone stole my image but that works too

the microchip plot was kind of cool
the episodes where the japanese guys were experimenting inside a covert train car
but yes, the biggest thing that irked me was CGB constantly being brought back to satisfy the lack of villainry

>the episodes where the japanese guys were experimenting inside a covert train car
that was season 3, unit 731 if I remember.

What I'm talking about is everything post season 5, I think the syndicate gets wiped out by the alien bounty hunters at the end of season 5, and after that the mytharc becomes much less interesting.

I can't remember what the deal was with the syndicate, like they gave up one of their kids to the aliens for experimentation in order to keep them in line and working towards creating alien-human hybrids, but then there was the whole plot of Mulder trying to find his sister, it was all so fucking convoluted.

and then there were several episodes where Mulder becomes convinced his sister was not abducted by aliens, but kidnapped, raped and killed by a pedophile, I even remember him finding a grave or some shit with her in it, it's been a long time.

The point is, there was 0 consistency in this story. We were told so many times in the mytharc that Mulder's parents gave up his sister to the colonizing aliens to keep him in line and the conspiracy intact, yet at the same time this is contradicted by Mulder constantly finding other reasons why his sister disappeared and never accepting what his parents did.

Can someone explain this shit to me because it's been so long since I watched it and I can't remember what exactly did happen to his sister.

There was an episode in maybe 6 or 7 where they explained why that happened.
Had to do with CGB's wife who was a human alien hybrid that threatened the "deal" they had with the aliens who intended to invade the planet
shit did get a bit convoluted
my biggest issue was when mulder had black oil tested on him and he didn't need to get a vaccine like everyone else

>alien-human hybrids
I never understood the purpose of creating alien/human hybrids.
How does this help the Syndicate exactly? Does it save humanity somehow?

>Had to do with CGB's wife who was a human alien hybrid that threatened the "deal" they had with the aliens who intended to invade the planet
shit did get a bit convoluted
I don't remember that, all I remember is that CGB was involved with Mulder's mother, right? and it was somewhat implied that he was Mulder's father too.

I certainly don't remember CGB being involved with an alien human hybrid wife or whatever, it's been far too long that I re-watched this show though I think I'm gonna do it again soon.

The hybrids were to be a slave race for the alien colonists. The Syndicate would get to live if they prepared all that shit for the aliens.

>watching the 2Shy episode
>get a boner
I hate my penis so much

none of it was ever explained, Chris Carter just got in way over his head and was not writing a proper long arc for the show, just kind of making shit up as he went along I think. Maybe it was because the aliens were going to "colonize" earth and humans needed to be adapted to whatever environment the aliens require, to be used as some sort of a slave race.

still, made for some kino moments like when Scully is in the facility with all the alien human hybrid embryos.

like the alien bounty hunters, after they wipe out the syndicate they never show up again.

>The hybrids were to be a slave race for the alien colonists.
Ok, so would the alien/human hybrid be created? Would they have just somehow gotten alien DNA into all the humans on Earth and they would become alien/human hybrids? Or would humans just be bred out over generations?

the people with microchips are alien experiments, the faceless aliens show up and get rid of most of them
CGB's wife cassandra gets abducted again and doesnt show up for a while
I can't remember if he actually got involved with his mom or said that to fool mulder

Oh Cassandra, now I remember that, thanks user.

why did colonization never even occur? just another forgotten subplot? I never watched the season 10 or 11 eps so I have no idea whatever happened to that whole mytharc plot.

In Season 10 the big story was that Mulder was tricked from the beginning into believing in all this alien invasion stuff. It was ludicrous and batshit insane.

shit opinion alert

Last night I decided to watch the 1998 feature film spinoff (subtitled Fight The Future) and muse about the show’s success and ultimate failure as it became thee cult television show of the 1990’s

X-Files was a true phenomenon and I use to be a diehard X-fan for the first several years while its impact was due to several factors. It mixed genres such as Sci-fi, Horror, Action and also fed into anti-Government pre-millennium anxiety that the world was going to end and we were being lied to by our national representatives who clearly don’t have our best interests at heart. It was also a late night program aimed at adults filled with monsters, creatures, violence and was deliciously creepy/scary at a time when Horror was going down the toilet as movies/TV shows like Scream/Buffy the Vampire Slayer were making the genre friendly to teenage girls who wouldn’t want to watch something like the Flukeman or the Peacock family.
The shows masterstroke was in the casting as series creator Chris Carter deliberately hired people with an off-beat vibe. David Duchovny is certainly a handsome man but he has a deadpan monotone delivery that has probably kept him from achieving mainstream success. He’s essentially a character actor but that’s fine because it’s one of the reasons why he was soo memorable as F.B.I. Agent Fox Mulder whose obsessive quest to learn the truth about the disappearance of his sister, which he believes due to alien abduction, leads him to the basement office dedicated to investigating unusual cases - The X-Files.

Partnered with him is fellow Agent/Doctor Dana Scully (played by the delectable Gillian Anderson) whose character was assigned to the X-Files as the counterpoint skeptic to provide Mulder with scientific analysis/balance and spy on him for her superiors, eventually becoming his most trusted ally, lover and mother of his child. Anderson became a sex symbol, not simply because she was a beautiful woman, but because Scully was highly intelligent, sophisticated and easily Mulders equal while the character was somewhat based upon Jodie Foster’s portrayal of Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs. It’s rather ironic that after Foster dropped out of the role for Ridley Scott’s adaptation of Thomas Harris’s novel Hannibal, his sequel to Lambs, Anderson was in the running for the part and would have been an ideal replacement. In the end Julianna Moore was cast, however, Gillian now has a recurring role in the TV show Hannibal, itself a loose adaptation of The Red Dragon (the first novel from Harris to feature Dr. Lecter). Ouroboros!
Premiering in 1993, The X-Files quickly gained cult status because of its quality writing from Carter, Frank Spotnitz, Howard Gordon, Glen Morgan, James Wong, Darin Morgan, David Greenwalt and future Breaking Bad creator Vince Gillian, among others.

Most of humanity was suppose to be killed off I believe. That was the point of the small pox bees. A select number of people would become hybrids and serve the aliens. But the Syndicate was also planning to betray the aliens. They were working on a cure for the black oil, and killed the successful hybrid a couple times.

Usually TV shows gain a cult following over time as word of mouth builds and the X-Files was no different as it became a part of the zeitgeist and the cultural lexicon. The primary factor for this show was its central mystery “What happened to Mulders sister?” which was the prevailing question mark over the years that kept people tuning in. Several red herrings were thrown about to suggest that aliens were not involved and that Mulder’s beliefs might have been influenced by means of mental suggestion or that his mind constructed it as a fantasy to deal with ugly truths in regards to the stained relationship between his parents and what appears to be an unspoken knowledge of what happened to their daughter.

At first I avoided The X-Files because it seems like an “alien-of-the-week” show and I never liked long running mysteries as they usually never pay off in a satisfying manner. Today almost every other TV program employs the “mystery box”, a term coined by LOST creator JJ “cocknose” Abrams, meant to act as a carrot dangled in front of an audience to keep them tuning in each week. Abrams (and his usual troupe of typing tards/co-writers; Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci and Alex kurtzman) have utilized this ploy in almost every project as they desperately try to foster an aura of mystery to sucker people into buying whatever shit they’re selling. This is why a show like LOST has no long term durability as it’s built around one single question and when it concluded it was clear that Abrams had nothing in his box, a perfect representation of his mind, leaving audiences unfulfilled with no reason to revisit. But then this is the signature mark of Abrams, whose work is adequate for the moment but with no long term appeal as it’s quickly forgotten within the collective public consciousness.

Ultimately, the X-Files’ alien conspiracy and Mulder’s sister plotlines buckled under their own convoluted weight, the latter of which was outright dismissed in a 6th season episode where Mulder shrugs his shoulders and decides that “eh, my sisters gone, out there, somewhere, no big whoop, what’s for dinner” and the whole issue is summarily dismissed which was a slap in the face to anyone who wanted closure and had invested years into watching the show, waiting for an answer, while the alien conspiracy was dragged out and ran into the ground as the show went right into the shitter during the last few years of its nine season run by which point no one cared.

I still fondly remember the X-Files, not for the before mentioned bullshit, but because of its “monster-of-the-week” or “one off” episodes which is where the show’s writers were able to shine, as Mulder and Scully investigated some weird shit, and delivered the gold that has kept people interested over the years and also brought in new fans who discover it for the first time. If not for these episodes I doubt that the adventures of Mulder and Scully would have made such a mark on pop culture.

Cock sucker namefag

The first four seasons was the peak with The X-Files building momentum as Chris Carter and his team hit their stride before some bone headed decisions crippled the shows quality. Initially, Carter was going to bring X to a close after the fifth season and do a series of movies based upon the property with an alien conspiracy movie every soo often to keep its long standing mythology going towards some sort of conclusion at a later date. I remember thinking that this was a GREAT idea although I was skeptical as to whether 20th Century Fox would allow for The X-Files to be a series of R-rated movies as that would have permitted Carter and Co. to craft some large scale Sci-fi/Horror without the sort of censorship that sometimes constrained the show.

But then an announcement was made that Carter had made a deal for “Seinfeld money” with Fox to keep the show going for a six and seventh season with a feature film adaptation released after the fifth season and scheduled for the summer of 1998 when the show was on hiatus. To me this was a bad idea. Sure, we were getting big screen X-Files but only for it to be relegated back to television complete with the usual network TV constrictions. Another problem was that the decision had been made to shoot the movie after season four with post-production being completed as the show was going into production for season five. This meant that the movie had to be written before they even knew where season five was going, narratively speaking, and created all sorts of problems. It was also going to be PG-13.

Adding to the chaos was the moronic decision on Carters part to create yet another TV show called Millennium, about an empathic ex-F.B.I. profiler played by Lance Henrickson, that split his time between two shows while some of his strongest writers jumped ship, leaving the bulk of season five to be written by Frank Spotnitz, Vince Gilligan, John Shiban and Carter when he wasn’t fucking about on Millenium which only lasted three seasons. It also didn’t help morale that after season five the show was moving production from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (where it had been produced from the start) to Los Angeles to accommodate Duchovny who had reportedly become a prim donna douchebag and made the demand for relocation so that he could be near his (now ex) wife Téa Leoni while also chasing after feature film roles which never came as he overestimated his appeal due to a near David Caruso level of hubris. Suffice to say he was unloved by many of the people in Vancouver who had worked to make The X-Files a hit show and he was thereafter seen as a backstabbing cocksucker with a big nose.

Anywho, I occasionally revisit X-Files: Fight The Future because, despite some problems that also plagued the TV show, it’s a slick big budget popcorn flick that at least felt like it was a part of the shows universe unlike some TV adaptations that remain hermetic so as to not confuse those not familiar with the program or others that are soo far removed from the source material that they cease to represent what the concept was all about.

I stopped reading when he called a person "delectable" as if he's planning on cooking and eating Scully.

It also has some exquisite cinematography courtesy of Director of Photography Ward Russell. I’m really big on this subject and X-Files: Fight the Future is a feast for the eyes, especially on Blu-ray. I think it’s rather ironic that the X-Flick, and its glorious photography, was released the same summer as Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan which started two of the most fuck awful trends in cinematography that have yet to find their way into the nearest tarpit; color desaturation and hand held shaky cam.

Smooth, clean shot composition, editing and rich, color saturated images. I miss these things soo much.

The X-Files was a solid hit but after it returned to TV land there was no immediate interest in doing a sequel. And despite the move to LA it still followed the same pattern of shitty alien conspiracy episodes that were only produced as two/three parters designed to bridge each season, and have viewers come back the next year, or run during “sweeps” when Nielsen ratings are used to determined how much a show can charge for advertising space based upon tallied viewership. There were still some good episodes here and there but the bloom was off the rose and everyone involved was going through the motions like a massage parlor whore milking a prostate.

Despite that I still enjoyed seasons six and seven but after that it was all over. Dickhead Duchovny refused to come back for an eighth season unless he was paid 20 million, or some other fucking ridiculous number, and then demanded that he only do 8 episodes. So rather than having the balls to tell him to fuck himself and go blow David Caruso on the unemployment line, Chris Carter and Fox caved. As a result of this stupid shit they decided that Mulder would be abducted at the end of series seven and make sporadic appearances during eight while Scully would search for her partner, a reversal of the season two arch where Scully herself was abducted, created to cover for Gillian Anderson’s real life pregnancy as she needed time off, which actually worked in the shows favor.

Because of these developments, Carter concocted a scheme where Scully would now become the believer and get stuck with a skeptic partner, Special Agent John Doggett, played by Robert Patrick, as they searched for Mulder and solved various freakshows. I will always love Mr. Patrick for playing the T-1000 in Terminator 2 but he’s exactly the type of casting that Carter avoided when he first made the X-Files. He feels like a generic hard ass cop character from N.Y.P.D. Blue and we had already seen one characters ridged views of the world altered over the course of seven years so Doggett feels like a redux of Scully’s arch, leaving him nowhere interesting to go. Even worse was the later inclusion of Agent Monica Reyes who became a series regular, possibly designed to replace Anderson, as she was a designated “believer” thus negating the need for Scully who was starting to take a back seat as The X-Files headed towards its ninth and final season.

It’s obvious that all Carter and Fox were doing was a role reversal of the Mulder/Scully dynamic with new (and cheaper) actors as the leads. And although both Robert Patrick and Annabeth Gish, who played Reyes, are fine actors, they’re horribly bland in comparison to Duchovny and Anderson not to mention the wonderful cast of oddball supporting character actors who filled out the show that Carter had killed off one by one until the X-Files went mainstream and lost its soul. I had given up before the end and only returned to watch the final episode of season nine, the last of the shows original run, where Duchovny and Anderson were reunited, alien conspiracy, blah blah blah as my field was barren of fucks to cultivate and the curtains closed in 2002.

Flash forward to 2008 and the release of The X-Files second big screen adventure - I Want To Believe. A follow up to Fight the Future probably would have happened sooner if not for legal issues between Carter and Fox, over royalties tied to syndication. This dragged on for years and would probably still be in the court system if not for the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike which threw the studios into a panic and had them greenlighting almost anything that could be put into production before the deadline which resulted in many films being given a go ahead without finished screenplays, just so they’d have something to put into theaters for the duration of the strike.

So 20th Century Fox contacted Carter and threw money at him to not only clear up their legal dispute but also to get another X-Files movie going. Based upon the finished film it’s clear that Carter (who would also take on Directing duties instead of series regular Rob Bowman who helmed FTF) pulled some shit out of his filing cabinet and employed Frank Spotnitz to help him polish his turd which is an apt metaphor given how fucking wretched the movie turned out to be. Carter Directed an episode of the series called “The Post-Modern Prometheus” which draws upon Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and features a genetically modified man (The Great Mutato) who Mulder and Scully take to a Cher concert.....fer fuck sakes.

I Want to Believe, which also pilfers from Shelly’s grave, involves organ theft, body part replacement, genetic engineering and, for who knows what fucking reason, a former Priest (defrocked for fucking choirboys) who claims to have visions of the crimes, played by Scottish comedian Billy Connolly, a piece of casting soo out of left field that it left me scratching my head which, in hindsight, makes some sort of sense given the inclusion of rapper Xzibit (pronounced "exhibit" in a proud display of Ebonics) as an F.B.I. Agent. The movie concludes and we see Mulder and Scully in a row boat as they wave to the sky/audience.

Fuck you Carter.

I’m more than happy to watch some more X-Files, which reminds me of my youths walking distance, but its never ending alien conspiracy mythology fuckery better not be revisited because fuck that noise. It’s discouraging that Carter is Directing the series but all hope is not lost as former X-Files/Millennium alumni Darin Morgan, James Wong and Glen Morgan are returning and I’d also like to see Vince Gillian and Howard Gordon come back as well. But I’m also pessimistic as it will premiere on the Fox network when I would have much preferred a six part Netflix mini-series produced with a generous budget and no censorship as Mulder and Scully once again chase after monsters in once last hurrah!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/kDMkkv8SzAY

Shit. I totally forgot about that. They did him dirty at every turn. He was still one of my fav characters on the show though.

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Bang on actually.

I saw a name and didn't even start

Who is CGB? Haven't watched the show yet

The Cigarette Smoking Man

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Saved. Will read after I finish watching the show. Don't want any spoilers.

Thank you!


Kill yourself faggot


Wow, such a thing would never happen today. Never again probably. I was born too late.

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tea leoni? the one with the personality of a rock?

I don't know why but the X-files alwas spooked me good. Still does to this day.
I can watch it all, but when it gets dark my mind gets so invested in it that I am fucked in the head for the rest of the night.

Still love it though.

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i enjoyed that :)

Post the webm I need it

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The episode called "Home" is an important examination of the Trump-voting demographic.

Congratulations, you are in charge of doing a new X-Files TV-series. How do you make sure to completely ruin it?

I've always wanted to marathon then but I can't justify 218 hour-length episodes.

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Is Mulder a virgin to the chad Moody?

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its mulderrated

will zoomers ever not be obsessed with trump?

at least the thread was over when tbe zoomers arrived

>talking about Mulder's porn addiction is zoomer
You're an embarrassment user

t b h you don't need to watch the entire series, it suffers a pretty severe quality loss and ends badly

there's a somewhat kino end point like half way through

If you don't watch all the way through you'll miss some of the best episodes

Arghh...young Scully is peak of womanhood

>Is Mulder a virgin to the chad Moody?
If you're not you should eat a bullet



The X Files fanbase is renowned for it's impact (maybe even launching?) of shipping culture.
Funnily enough, you can have both good discussion and funposting.
No doubt you guys spend your time droning on about how the mytharc is shit, which really helps discussion!

save the faggot brackets reddit nigger

DPO was packed full of music - kind of makes it standout from other MOTW.

This is the most zoomer post in the thread, congrats.

That's more comfy than anything put out in the last 20 years.

kys faggot

BASED and Frank Blackpilled

Did school break early or did they let you outta your cage again? Fucking spastic, go jack off

Reminder that the actor who plays CSM is a big-time skeptic in real life who BTFOs alien conspiracy theorists whenever he gets the chance.

He was also an ex smoker when he played the part but used real cigarettes

That one episode called Home made me feel things you ain't supposed to feel.

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He was. Guy died recently

William B. Davis isn’t dead

Best time to watch it at midnight with minimal light

Meet the actor a good guy

he used herbal cigarettes. Most movies do, they show smoke better on camera and don't contain nicotine.

>It's a Christianity can be creepy episode starring Scully
Always kino.

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Weird, that's not Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose.