South Park renewed through Season 26

They will keep going until one of creators drop dead, won't they?

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sneed park


Which episode was it where Kyle and Stan stand on a bridge that they complain that they will just have to keep on and on and on forever?
It was very meta and I felt sad..

>people have been trying to cancel us for years.
hurrrr this season is the last one for real this time.


Of course it is, Comedy Central is so close to death they are bringing back Crank Yankers.

I wonder how many people watch SP on Hulu and on the official website, because live viewings have been tankning for many seasons.
Nearly all episodes from the last one dipped below 1M. Maybe CC should just go full streaming already, because even the Sneed Show can maintain an average of 2 million live viewers and it's the one which is trashed more often.

I think it was the final episode of the most recent season

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in their theatrical release. Team America is kino and I will not have anybody tell me otherwise

i watch on hulu, one of the few shows i still watch

it is in the top 3 shows on hulu. something like 100m+ streams a year.

which episode had jewish gold pouches?

Two days before the day after tomorrow

Two days before the day after tomorrow (or whatever it's called)

i still like south park because of how they approach social issues in their episodes. they aren't left or right, they aren't looking to preach anything, but they still comment on them. like the episode from last season "a problem with a poo" when they say "everyone knows you can't defend mr hanky in modern times" after mr hanky pisses off a lot of people. i can't decide why i like seeing scenes like that but i do

>Stone also shared his theory as to why critics were so hard on the latest Chappelle special, while viewers seemed to enjoy it far more. "I feel bad for television critics and cultural critics," he explains. "They may have laughed like hell at that, and then they went home and they know what they have to write to keep their job. So, when I read TV reviews or cultural reviews, I think of someone in prison writing. I think about somebody writing a hostage note. This is not what they think. This is what they have to do to keep their job in a social media world. So, I don't hold it against them."

thats probably true


I recently listened to the Slate movie podcast and they were just looking for every excuse to call a movie sexist, racist, and even ableist. They couldn't debate about theme or cinematography. They are insufferable people, waste of human life.

mel gibson crazy lololol

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>The Simpsons and South Park have a combined 52 seasons


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And about 16 good seasons between them both

Here's some info about that.

Nielsen rating scale is outdated and should not be used anymore.


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Don't even remember when I last watched South Park. These things reach a point where they just run out of steam, regardless of whether they can keep the quality up.


Same way I feel about always sunny. People say it’s still good but it’s just so tiresome at this point. The show started when they were what? 28/29? They’re in their 40s now just let it die

They literally said they'll keep going until CC cancels them

You like being provided with easy answers to complex questions, so you can feel smart.

Shota Park.

Comedy Central will die once this show stops airing and they know it very well. It was the show that saved them and it's the show that still keeps them alive.

Past 3 seasons have been total garbage

Fuck this episodic bullshit

Fuck drumpf garrison

They lost their edge, wit and humor

Pc principal is okay though

Drumpf Garrison is hilarious. Fuck off back to /pol/.


thanks, watching it now, it was a good one.

Didn't they make fun of Trump? They are dead to me.

They make fun of everything.

Those two are pussies who lost their edge a while ago. One of Parker's wifes already had a son, and Stone married a black woman. That's why they never made fun of Obama, and why they keep attacking Trump.

Fuck them both. I stopped watching that shit years ago.

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these two were in tears when drumpf won and wanted to just sit a black screen as a protest

Season 22 was probably the best one since Season 18. The episodes are actually alot more disconnected with a few references to prior episodes of the season. The 2 two parter episodes both have their own stories.

>Stone married a black woman
What's the problem?

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>they aren't left or right

If you sincerely believe that, then I feel sorry for you. They are absolutely left. They may not be hardcore left, but left all the same.

marrying a black woman is usually pretty based but that one is ugly

Even that meta point was done better already with duck president

shut up

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Who even cares if they are left or right other than butthurt "conservatives"?


Cuckservatives are so autistic that it hurts, I know the feel user.

When they constantly push an agenda to incredibly obvious levels, its annoying as fuck. Serves me right for watching comedy central. Holy shit I dont remember it being this bad like 10 years ago.

What shows qualify as Sneedcore?

>Holy shit I dont remember it being this bad like 10 years ago.
You've spent 10 years in the conservative media victimhood bubble.