Explain since i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about sand hags that totally rule and kick mysigonist manhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick
Explain since i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda...
>patriarchy controls all resources
>imperator furiosa (affirmative action/women's rights)
>morbidly obese women generating milk because women who have children are yucky breeders
>antagonist's unwilling brides are all skinny and more attractive than other women in the movie
>one-armed woman in charge of war machine and troops
>max crucified to vehicle (christianity is evil and part of patriarchy)
>3 main antagonists: joe, bullet farmer, gas town "people eater" (patriarchy, military industrial complex, capitalism)
>both of joe's sons dissabled in some way (eww don't have kids, it's yucky and they'll be retarded)
>war boy Nux (men) gets accused by women of having destroyed the world, tossed out of truck
>pregnant wife puts her own baby between joe's bullet and truck (abortion)
>pregnant wife falls from truck, dies a few hours later from injury (don't marry and reproduce or your life is over)
>side character named max is big and burly but can barely fight a scrawny one-armed woman
>side character max bests woman only when he gets a gun and places it to her head (gun control. also, Theron's father killed her mother with a gun in south africa)
>bullet farmer nearly kills all women (gun control again)
>max has to wash blood from his face using breast milk (motherhood is the death of happiness)
>Nux is rehabilitated and now a male feminist
>group of amazon lesbians setting traps for men in desert
>women able to live in sand filled void because MUH STRONK WOMYN
>old women in desert shoot better than war boys who have constant practice in raids
>old woman has a bag of seeds (hope)
>side character max wants to retake joe's citadel because it is unguarded
>convoy turns around (leftist revision history)
>people eater (capitalism) fat old bald man with gold nipple piercings, has to be lifted to his vehicle on the backs of poor
>desert lesbian amazons making perfect headshots from speeding vehicle on uneven terrain
>polecat minion plucks woman from her friends, delivers her to patriarchy
>desert lesbian amazons fall from motorcycle and dodge speeding vehicles
>amazon grabs rifle, continues to make perfect shots
>finally run over by people eater (capitalism as he takes control of the wheel and purposely kills woman)
>pursuit vehicles use harpoons and plows to try to slow truck (patriarchy holding back women's rights)
>max and nux now male feminists must help their women leaders
>max nearly falls from truck, charlize grabs him with the sheer might of her robot arm and strong will can hold up man three times her weight without prosthetic arm flying off
>max's v8 interceptor destroyed (manhood and patriarchy destroyed while saved by a woman)
>furiosa survives stab in gut by evil man
>nux given command of truck as furiosa jumps to joe's car
>max uses people eater as human shield against joe's bullets (using patriarchy to destroy capitalism via male feminist)
>max jumps to safety of women as capitalism explodes
>joe's massive son corpus fooled by woman who helps her get furiosa to joe's car
>max fights giant corpus
>furiosa rips mouth from joe (patriarchy no longer has say in women's lives)
>women quickly leave war machine for joe's leadership vehicle
>blonde wife takes seeds from old lesbian who is now dead but smiling
>nux sacrifices life to destroy war truck, corpus, and stop pursuing vehicles and thereby serve women
>gang returns to citadel, present dead patriarchy, toss him from hood where legions of poor tear his body apart
>intelligent but disabled son of joe pressured to let furiosa and brides up to citadel via lift
>he allows them up, they ascend to paradise while the poor are allowed to come up with them (open borders to promised land)
>furiosa looks down at sea of poor, sees side character max look up at her as he disappears into obscurity
Stop posting this copypasta.
i dont know what you are talking about this is first time im making this threadf
OP here.
I'm so lazy. All my life, my parents have held my hand through life and have done everything for me with no sort of long term goal to shoot for. Now at 22, I still want everything without having to work for it. I get pissed when I now have to actually work at my age. I don't want to admit it, but I start whining if people ask me to do something. My parents aren't as easy on me as before, but they still do for me mostly. I just stay out of the way and remain silent, not to look like some pompous dick so they won't kick me out already. I stay in my room most of the time. It isn't a complete mess, I do clean it up (in a month or two) if it get's too messy to navigate or work through, but other than that let the dust and dirt fly. The only trips outside are to the market to get more junk and items for my further seclusion. My body and face look a mess because I don’t feel like maintaining them both (and plus I never go out so what’s the point?) My parents nag and pressure me to maintain a job which is hard for me to do because that shit requires energy and I don't even feel like going downstairs to put on my shoes downstairs half the time. My parents are upset that I have no life, often pressuring me to go to the military to "straighten my life out." I tell them I’m not “psychologically fit for it,” but in reality, I just don’t feel like going.
tldr sorry
Put me in the daily archive
im 34
>literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day
lol are you stupid?
The women fail at everything, they need Max to save them. And that feminist commune they go to used to be an oasis but turned into a desert shithole since women took over.
>ITT: Incel C O P E fags win an Olympic Gold Medal in Mental Gymnastics.
George Miller has literally said it's a film about feminism and toxic masculinity. It's about men and women working together to dismantle a patriarchal oligarchy that's bad for everyone forced to live under it.
He actually toned it down from ealier versions of the script where it was more overt.
It's also a PERFECT action movie.
Not being able to enjoy extremely-well-made films because you need your entertainment to 1000% pander to your worldview is fucking pathetic beta male bullshit btw.
Well then he utterly failed.
You remind me of that guy that did a video essay on in on youtube whining about muh stronk women propaganda and at the same time mocking the film for actually showing women as dumb and incompetent, what a retard. He did the same with Life Is Strange.
It's like you /pol/tards can't even comprehend that maybe everything isn't part of the anti-/pol/ conspiracy.
Not really, immortan Joe was the good guy in this movie - he literally wanted to build a society in postapocalyptyc world, literally trying build something from nothing but Strong Wymyn TM happily saved the day thanks to womn magic and emotions. pathetic
Max beats up and defeats Furiosa in their fight while the brides stand around impotently.
still a good flik regardless. no one actually cares if the woman is stonk as long as she isnt also a total fucking cunt pulling magic out of her twot
I don't care it was an awesome movie. The feminist shit is overshadowed by the nonstop action and badass cars all the way through, with a great score. and this is coming from a huge poltard.
back to fucking reddit faggots
I found it boring as hell
Chase scene was so good, but it was all the same. At half movie I was more than ready for something different, but they turned the vhicles and began a second less exciting chase.
Also Max is a non character, there are almost no dialogues and there is no plot.
Furiosa I liked. She was cool
>muh reddit.
lol, imagine getting this butthurt over madmax
please leave this site - its not something for you, as you can see. niggers and redditors are feeling bad here, why not just leave?
>please leave this site
kek, listen to yourself.