What are some good workplace comedies?
What are some good workplace comedies?
this is actually a good move
based black lady
I would selflessly supply the BWC she craves
>it's apple
>"diversity chief"
>she's actually based
I don't know whether I'm happy about this or not
apple probably got tired of being forced to hire women and brown people, so they had this great idea to hire one brown woman to say that it's okay to hire only white males
too bad it didnt work out
Based, she realizes whites are the ones who meep that company going. Spaghetti code pajeets and women who work as "copy writers" are wastes of company money
>instead of hiring competent employees to fill needed positions, companies hire people based on their skin colour in order to make them feel good
Wew lads
>Good guy goes undercover as the bad guys and gets found out
would suck her milkers
>diversity officer
>using the W word
Good, she’s a fucking Nazi
How did she as a decent person slip through the cracks as a diversity officer, which basically means a brainwashed far-left ideologue?
Maybe because she seems old enough to have escaped the new wave of college indoctrination therefore didnt get contaminated.
She then applied to that job and got hired because she's a black woman with some degree. But she didnt know she had to be a far-left ideologue and not a decent human being and so they fired her
>a black woman being ousted
I thought these people were FOR diversity? A black female is the epitome of a diversity profile.
I once worked at a company who did this, letting 4 really talented interviewees go. All the diversity hires were sacked at the end of their probationary period
How do companies that obviously are profit motivated fall for this ideological subversion that basically means losses?
>*honk honk*
Because it’s easier to hire then fire after three months than it is to deal with negative publicity. It’s the same reason why companies will withdraw products / ads if even a handful of people imply its problematic. Nike withdrew a set of running pants worldwide when a handful of people complained that the pattern may be culturally appropriated from samoans
They hire them so they can put their photos on their websites and in their newsletters. They also do it to meet a quota so when they deny an applicant that person cant say it was because they were a specific race.
And before I forget, the air maxes with the Betsy Ross flag were binned because ONE football player moaned about it
>How do companies that obviously are profit motivated fall for this ideological subversion that basically means losses?
The actual people who would make the decision are looking out for their own jobs. It's better to let the company fail in five years than to get fired right now for not being woke enough.
>And before I forget, the air maxes with the Betsy Ross flag were binned because ONE football player moaned about it
I never heard about this lol
HR doesn't give a shit about your profits. they will hire based on their ideology, destroy your company and then move on to the next without ever realizing that they were the problem.
The problem is that diversity to the morons complaining about what she said is only skin deep.
Truly shallow
racism shield, if your company pisses off too many limp wristed yuppies in california/NYC you get a shitstorm of bad PR on your hands. Whether or not that's good is irrelevant. Shareholders and the market like stability above all, so not making waves is paramount to keeping the people with money happy. Put up the fag flag on fag week, post a picture of a room full of negresses on black week because every other corporation is doing it, and fucking with that formula is how you create waves, and if you want to keep your job you don't fucking do that.
Can she run for President? Also, how can I worship her?
just type her full name in google retard
1 google search = 1 prayer
Older black women are pretty redpilled. They lean left, but they don't have the patience to babysit college kids.