Did the redpill turn me retarded or am I thinking correctly? All I see is subversion in movies...

Did the redpill turn me retarded or am I thinking correctly? All I see is subversion in movies, I can't enjoy them anymore. For example my gf has a very young brother and wanted to show him "How to Train Your Dragon" so I watched the trailer and wanted to decide if I might wanna join. From the first second the only thing I saw was stabs against "toxic masculinity" as the barbaric men are portrayed as evil for protecting their tribe against literal monsters. Their reasons are perfect and they train their boys to be strong and capable of fighting the dragons to protect the future of their people. But no, they are dumb. The low-key gay guy has of course much more success with his feminine approach of petting the literal monsters. All I can see is pedo acceptance propaganda, anti-masculinity propaganda and probably some pro barbarism/third world shit. Am I going insane?

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Other urls found in this thread:


spot on except for the part where you missed how its brainwashing to accept refugees

I thought I had that covered under third world shit.

You must be doing something right.... impressive

How do you get so good at this shit? I also want to pierce the veil

Yes, you are being an idiot like most of the retards on this website.

It's not pleasent desu

>whines about "barbarism" and "pedo"
>whines about "anti-masculinity"

You're not insane. The plot is a fairly standard left-minded/feminine critique of missplaced conservatism. To see the inverse (where the outside force is invited in and proceeds to fuck shit up) you usually have to go to older movies. Pendulum swings.


>OP just wants the girls little brother to sit on his lap

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Hiccup isn't gay though, the guy missing the arm and the leg is. And the third movie is somewhat redpilled (despite being an absolute snorefest).

But the Vikings aren't portrayed as evil, just misinformed. Stoick, contrary to what might be usually expected, is not a totally unreasonable meathead authority figure. He wants to protect his people, but he's not portrayed as evil.

you either ignore subversion or put it up bur you can't unsee it

>becomes so invested in the right wing anti-SJW outrage internet culture that you can't enjoy a simple movie

Yes, that's what a red pill does. You are going insane while Youtube collects all that ad revenue from anti-PC content creators. Stay based, user!

Yeah it's all fucked I just watch cowboy movies and Excalibur now.

Based dishonest retard mad that nobody is falling for the propaganda anymore

>From the first second the only thing I saw was stabs against "toxic masculinity" as the barbaric men are portrayed as evil for protecting....
You're just basically an sjw

>identifying subversion is just as bad!!!
thanks contrapoints i hate myself now

From now on everything you see is an attack on you. Slice and dice it with all the memespeak you want, in the end you're no different than an sjw.

but they are lol

>defending your own unhealthy obsession and calling attempts at breaking people free "propaganda"
That's the definition of blue pill

Think you need help it’s about giving weedy little boys hope that they don’t need to be overly manly good at sports etc and that they probably have some hidden talent or are special in their own way of course the real world is a bit crueler than that

>attempts at breaking people free

Everything's indeed shit and propaganda. Just try to consume older less pozzed medias if you need to. And/or you can talk about it. Talking about the brainwashing and subversion is now more entertaining than the so-called entertainment in itself.
The only real pleasure left in this life is the search for Truth.

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You’ve been cucked into caring too much about politics by your government. Go outside. Make some friends. Read some books. Be a good person.

>Just go with the propaganda, bro. Just let them brainwash you

>Pendulum swings.
a fallacy. the pendulum won't swing when a society falls below 90 IQ, it just becomes like the rest of the world, mediocre or hell on earth.

Get a creative hobby, stop watching television and films.

media is already plural, incel
>The only real pleasure left in this life is the search for Truth

No, if you use "redpill" non-ironically you're always been a subhuman and will die as one.

>What value is this portraying
>is it positive or negative
There you go

ITT: Half-assed attempts at gaslighting people that Hollywood isn’t openly pushing the ideologies that they are freely boasting about pushing. Pretty cringe

You're mentally ill

No shit.
Media in the past thousand of years was uses as propaganda. What makes brainlet thinks that somehow it's different now?

>just lay down and die stupid goy

you're only "gaslighting" yourself if you look for "hidden" meaning in movies

You seem really well-adjusted

More adjusted than schizophrenics on here, yes

This is the Lowest IQ post I’ve seen here in all of 2019, and half the posts on this board are just ‘Sneed.’ What an astoundingly stupid comment

Nobody is persecuting you you fat virgin nutcase lmao

lefty cringing at truth best trope of 21st century

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That's what subhumans would think.

join us on and /ck/
learn how to work with your hands, making things you can personally enjoy. imagine having a custom-designed and detailed desk that you lovingly made for yourself. imagine having a 5-course dining experience you cooked by yourself. these are things you can learn.

we only go on Yea Forums to shitpost and MOCK these faggot hollyjewed "movies" and "shows".

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>Everyone else is schizo!1!
At least you’ll never reproduce

You lost the culture war, you're never going to convince society to hysterically hate gays and minorities no matter how many posts you make on Yea Forums

>some slurs
wtf i'm suddenly okay with white genocide and the lgbt agenda thank you

just a well programmed pawn

no one said taking the red pill would make your life easier
ignorance is bliss

>the truth is I need to be handed things for free for being white

>moana uses a Maui statue to reach a vagina like hole in the cave to get out
>instead of putting another rock on the top of the rock pile obelisk and pushing the island further in the direction of the heavens and into the water, puts a vagina-looking clam on it and sail away like a teen girl looking for adventure
>disregard tradition, it was made by evil but deep inside afraid and fragile men

Propaganda and subversion general?

>white genocide
how many children have you sired incel?

it's funny they don't even deny it imagine defending the popular agenda on some fringe site because i don't know reasons

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That's right user, the SJW death squads are coming to chop your dick off and allow niggers to rape your mother. Your only hope is to vote for corporate politicians who will cut millionaires taxes and deregulate everything it's the only way. You're so woke and redpilled only you have uncovered the secret truth because you're such a special snowflake

>anti-sneedposter is also an alt-right redditor

Read Kojeve.

You seem to be persecuting him, tranny

wew lad this strawman completly dismantled me better die and make room for poc now



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It's literally the same message as beauty and the beast and dozens of other children's movies, except you're a fucking nutcase now. I beg you to tell your girlfriend your thoughts on these matters so she can escape before you cut her head off


>I'm a shit off my brain and enjoy it type of guy
low iq

No. Watch older movies and the lack of propaganda will astonish you.

>All I can see is pedo acceptance
Why do pedophiles project their mental illness onto everything? What the fuck is wrong with you people? See a psychiatrist before you snap and kill somebody for christ's sake

Holy shit /pol was right

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>why isnt the message of this kids movie to just hate and murder everything you dont like or understand??
You people are absolute morons.


>lost the ability to enjoy things unconditionally
it's just your delusion, you're just as bad as those you so despise, you lost the ability to see things as they are

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>Children trying to sound smarter than they are

When you're dilating, just remember we'll have another four years of President Donald J. Trump.

Reminder that all of these kinds of threads including the fuck niggers spamming is being done by irrelevant and cucked anglos.

Stay away from fags who say lad, m8, cunt, and always talk about US, UK, and Australia. It’s just sad at this point.

>Propaganda and subversion general?
too on the nose you'll get trannies reporting you down in no time

Those fucking digits, Jesus Christ.

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I used to be like that when I lurked all the time and read the news daily. You need to de-politicize your mind to enjoy things again. It's a slow process, and avoiding SJW types is key, because reading their BS will suck you in and make you polarized in the opposite direction. Just remember, they are unhappy people. Don't get sucked in and make yourself unhappy too. Keep news/journalist media consumption to a bare minimum and shut off all racebaiting bullshit you see. I know it's hard in this awful fucking culture, that's why I hardly consume media anymore. Slowly but surely, I could enjoy things again.

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Reseting the modem won't make me kill myself
You know
Like 40% of mtf

and what good did it do you, lol?
no wall
liberal propaganda galore

Yeah you're pretty much a weird dipshit now user, congrats. You should show your GF the websites you browse

your (mental)health will take care of that


>we need to ban trannies because they kill themselves

Who ur quoting dear?

>generic children's movie message of love, kindness and acceptance
Do you think Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is some kind of illuminati psyop as well? You're a very simple person.

You're just being paranoid as hell. Take off that tinfoil hat and have sex.

so you're saying we don't need to ban trannies
cringe and bluepilled

How about making your own stories? That's what I'm doing. Eventually I'll share them with people, but it's not like it'll be easily discoverable.

>Maui chokes the dumb cock while claiming "boatsnack"
>maui, the masculine archetypal hero, fucks everything up and Moana has to fix it with love
>Moana has no flaws and do everything right

Shitty princes to be pretty mf honesto

This is why I only watch older vhs kinos now

The redpill did in fact make you retarded, user.

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You're correct user, society doesnt want you to be a masculine badass but you just go ahead and do it anyway bro

That's what I'll do for my children
Eventually get them published in a book


How would you make a story about a fictional word in which compassion is the answer to a problem over violence without it being "pozzed bluepilled propaganda"? Does every story starring a man need to be about him ripping the head off of something or else its propaganda? Maybe its a good thing to show sideways gun holding niglets how to train your dragon at a young age because maybe its better than showing them the latest two chains video

Now OP, given the absolute abismal reactions itt from that blluepilled samefag retard, you know you're just normal. All they had to tell you is buzzwords like incel, or like they always do, exagerating your opinion to make it seem stupid like that paid troll did here , which is not an argument at all.
And like this other user said, no one told you that would be easy. You're not going insane, but that world is.

Nazibooism is usually an angsty teen phase. It comes from growing up and realizing you don’t always get what you want. Some people can’t handle this realization and want to lash out like they did with their parents. That’s essentially what it is. Most grow out of it and realize being an adult means being empathetic and supporting and confident in yourself at the same time. Feel bad for the ones that don’t. It’s not a good life.

fuck I actually remember enjoying that movie a few years ago. you're right, it's shit. fucking hell.

>pedo acceptance propaganda
i never understood this meme. literally every movie or tv show i've ever watched has portrayed pedos in a bad light.

>everything is a conspirecy to destroy ME!
>society is plotting against ME!
Yeah sounds like you're thinking pretty clearly and in no way suffering from psychotic delusions

You're paranoid

still not deradicalized contranny

You're completely right. Don't doubt your path, user. Stay strong, really. I wouldn't let a child watch any damn TV until the age of 2 anyway and then at that time I'd make sure it was older stuff that even if it did have some super secret kike shit in it, it'd be too diluted and would go over their heads anyway, like the 1980 movie Flash Gordon.

Is this what happens when you don't have enough sex?

You're not paranoid, they don't even hide it anymore.

>its masculine to be hysterical and terrified of everything
Mkay bud. Watch our for those gays they're gonna getcha!

He never said anything about him, he's talking about masculine role models which are indeed lacking in quantity and quality and are extremely important for boys since forever

Tl;dr: dilate

i tried to watch that designated survivor show last year and couldn't stomach it because it was such a thinly veiled orange man bad minorities good snoozefest. i don't even like trump and this shit is just so tired and hamfisted it's impossible to enjoy it.

>a fictional word in which compassion is the answer to a problem over violence without it being "pozzed bluepilled propaganda"?
It isn't usually the answer, so find a circumstance where it really is. Like those kids in prison who turn good after a priest talks to them. People don't realize that sometimes people are evil just because they're evil. Not everyone is inherently good.

Don't be stupid, user. Hollywood has only one ideology: money. If people are becoming more liberal-minded, of course the movies will pander to their worldview. Cartoons of the 1930s were racist because society was more racist back then. This whole "hollywood reptilians are cucking society" stuff is deeply naive and cringeworthy.

Yes, creative types are usually left-leaning (left-wing people usually score higher in openness to experience in big 5 personality tests, which make them better-suited for creative jobs), but at the end of the day they answer to the producers, studio heads and shareholders, which are usually right-leaning (conservatives usually rate higher in conscientiousness, which make them better suited for handling money and delivering consistent results).

Are the reptilians trying to influence society? Probably not. Most likely, it's just a bunch of rich-ass old guys trying to figure out what makes them the most money.

You obviously need some other pills in addition.

If cant uniornically turn off your brian to enjoy a little movie then you will always be miserable. The people who are getting "brainwashed" are just as miserable but at least for those 90 mins they feel joy, what do you feel?

The red pill didn't exactly turn you retarded, you were already there, but it certainly didn't help.

You can tell that there is something deeply wrong with you, so at least there might be a way back.

>tfw you have a redpilled woman to watch shitty propagand with you so you get to criticize it together

Feels good, man

That's not how IQ works, retard. The median IQ is always 100. Even if society becomes dumber the average person will always be 100 because the scale adjusts.

The irony is that they romanticize old movies and old animation yet what these people consider pedophilia was a lot more common back then. Almost all of the disney princesses for example are underage, Snow White was 14.

>Hollywood has only one ideology: money.
Counterpoint: Disney, Netflix. After they have a sufficient safety net they start pushing propaganda since they can afford the loss, and better yet it helps with taxes. Two birds with one stone.

>am I a crazy brainwashed idiot?
Looks like it user

Maybe you should try fucking her so you can live a normal life without all this paranoia

Fiction is the key word here. Maybe its about seeing the world as it could be rather than how it is

Normal "pedophilia" (liking younger girls) is fine, normal, and should be encouraged. Gay pedophilia isn't.

t. pedo

>but at the end of the day they answer to the producers, studio heads and shareholders, which are usually right-leaning (conservatives usually rate higher in conscientiousness, which make them better suited for handling money and delivering consistent results).
Even if that was true, the actual message in their products IS leftist. Btw we have more and more examples where those corporations seem to care more about shoving their propaganda than actually making money: Netflix, and Nu-Lucasfilm for example.

You’re actually correct, noticing patterns doesn’t mean you’re retarded, it’s when you pretend they’re not happening or add “and that’s a good thing!” at the end, like the entire woke left. They’re so retarded I wouldn’t use them as dog food.

>I can't enjoy them anymore.
lmao you have no idea how happy that makes me. Redpill incels are so fucking miserable and their propaganda only makes them angrier and more hysterical. I unironically love your misery. Keep taking your medicine, for me

>mfw they really get ya

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To be fair user, all conservatism is misplaced, unless it is referring to water use or pollution and other finite resources that actually need to be conserved.

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He feels actual consciousness that he's being fucked. And so much so he had to write about it here. That's the most human thing to do.

Okay but the main idea of the movie is basically "Killing your enemies is bad. Integrating them into your society is good." You can't even dispute this

Honk honk

What is your response to this

"evil" and "good" is arbitrary and subjective assessment, absolutely relative and without value

Yeah but if he cannot enjoy them, he’s not the only one. Then he starts talking about it online, other people notice and agree, normies notice and soon there’s a huge backlash and they don’t bother making them anymore. In the end, your obese ass is reduced to crying about representation again, like anyone from Hollywood ever looked like you in the first place, femcel.

>muh good and evil

You're not insane, others who feel the opposite of what you feel are insane.


based. however i only support it if the girl is 14 years of age or older. i dont care if you are into CP but if you ever molest a 7 year old you should be shot.

The pedo meme is always vague but I believe that in fact there is some subversion going in that direction... It's about protecting your kids from the big bad wolf basically, in modern human society (the last 2000 years) the biggest threat wasn't a wild animal but "monsters" in the society. Like murderers, rapists and the combo out of both concerning children would be pedophiles as they rape and kill kids. In Russian culture there's an age old song "bayu bayuchki bayu" and it portrays the wolf as a predator that the child always has to watch out for. When almost every movie is about trusting and befriending the most dangerous creatures in their worlds it's a very suspicious archetype they're pushing. Old, traditional stories never give the monsters good intentions. It's the actual meme "evil guy bad because uuuuh he's evil" and it works for kids almost always and teaches them how to survive in a dangerous world full of predators. Freud, Marx and the Frankfurt School changed that. It's way easier for Epstein to get a child off of the street when its mind isn't sharp enough to determine if a person is a predator.

You should read the righteous mind by Jonathan heidt

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This. Just check all those twits that are being posted here or those articles from online lefties. They're insane, and those medias are literally pandering to them most of the time. Star Wars is the last most impressive case of that.

Teaching people to use ineffective methods will just end up harming the naive. Besides, the ultimate "perfect world" story has already been told. Superman Red/Blue. The original one.

this is like the freshman year philosophers and physics students thinking they know everything, you're not that intelligent, get back on the ground retard

It's teh jews isn't it? This ends with muh jews.

>liberate ourselves from the disputes
You first.

^seething kike
>NOOOOOO be degenerate!

you've never even read the bible, incel

Honestly how much did movies you watched as a kid influence you?

Where the fuck would I even obtain some obscure thesis on criminology from some dude at some uni?

Your post proves that you know nothing about me. You'll have to try and "pick on" someone else because I'm not buying your shit and it has nothing to do with me anyway, thank God. Spell that last word out completely, Chaim.

Only a bitch nigga needs the support of society to have open discussions.

These "pozzed" ways of thinking have literally made the first world 10x less of a violent hell hole than it was 300 years ago. Im not telling you to put kids on hormone therapy or let in a bunch of brown people, but you are actually arguing in favor of barbarism if you dont want children to watch stories about people being nice and require they ALWAYS watch stories about solving problems with violence. A balance is in order. Teach people to stand up for themselves and push back if necessary but compassion is also important, its what separates america from a place like china, a land of empathy lacking bug people or africa a land of literal savages

You people are so tiring

Netflix and the sequel trilogy actually help illustrate my point really nicely. Netflix's strategy seems to be to make buzz-worthy and niche shows that make people subscribe. This means they have a financial incentive to make stuff that panders to a lot of different groups, including very liberal-minded people.
Also, Star Wars was seen (before TLJ and Solo flopped) as too big to fail, so the producers gave a lot more leeway to the creative teams. I'm expecting them to reverse course a little bit, but it still serves my point: it all goes back, unsurprisingly since Disney is a for-profit company, to money

>Honestly how much did movies you watched as a kid influence you?
Most people have a trained negative response to "nigger" and the holocaust that extend beyond the normal reaction to similar slurs and genocides. The brainwashing comes from somewhere.


you don't even believe in God, incel

I have 2-year-old and 10-month old boys and we’re talking about trying for a girl. Erstwhile, you will never marry or likely even touch a woman who weighs less than 15 stone, Redditor. I’m glad you’re a genetic dead-end

political shitflinging aside, you can only have so many "what if the monster was good all along?" stories before they get stale and boring. Children nowadays are exclusively growing up on subversions of tropes they never experienced in stories to begin with, making the point of those subversions moot.

The problem is you never know, that's why it's called subversion. Like how much does it hurt you that your mother never breastfed? Or how much did it hurt being born via c section instead of a natural birth? You can't exactly know but the influence is extremely strong and we know this for a fact.

>let kids watch mind poison, goy!

Nice try. A kid raised the right way will know the difference between real danger and false danger.

>being so brainwashed that you can't even enjoy a simple animated movie without looking over your shoulder for a made up boogeyman
I legit feel sorry for you people. I can't imagine living life like that.

Read Ellul.

You kikes are disgusting in every way. Of course I believe in God.

>These "pozzed" ways of thinking have literally made the first world 10x less of a violent hell hole than it was 300 years ago.
Prove it. I'd say better technology, a better economy, higher standards of living, more education, better laws and enforcement, etc. are what did that. Using bike cuck logic has done nothing for us.

nice bait. checked

You were doing so well with that post and you were right on track until you went all racist in the last bit and sank to a similar level to the dicks you were posting about.


>my brain is a toilet, let yours become one too!

The argument shills are using is pretty funny. "There's no choice, goys! You can't watch or read things that are wholesome, you must ALL EAT DA POO POO"


Jonathan Heidt is a jew himself. Married an asain like most conservative incels. I came across the book in a library a few days ago, that user is right, it's a good read.

Conservatives are more sensitive to danger and filth and liberals are more open to new things which is why they love diversity.

>those things made us stop hanging people in the streets and beating women


You didnt read anything I wrote

think its pretty obvious that unless you're one of those obsessed autismo types that the movies & shows you see as a kid aren't responsible for your mature political beliefs

Fucking checked

>harry potter analogy

a soon there won't be a first world anymore yay!

Fuck off idiot, go live in africa if you think what I said was untrue, hell you wont even live in a majority black place because you value your life and wallet. I believe in compassion but races besides whites are severely lacking in that department right now and im willing to teach them slowly and over time but im not going to pretend the only difference between us and somalia is a "lack of opportunity" fuck off moron.

>stop hanging people in the streets and beating women
Laws and enforcement? Yeah. Technology which lets us investigate crimes better? Yeah.

Why is conservatism and stoicism, the mark of a man, demonized while extroversion and emotional outburst, the mark of a woman, is encouraged? Why do people have a problem with someone not acting womanly?

Scum slavtard

>You didnt read anything I wrote
I did and then I dismissed it as the crap that it was. Your argument assumes that children aren't taught right from wrong from the parents who want to shield them from Satanic indoctrination. You're decent for a shill.

Conservatives are sensitive to danger that doesn't and is not even necessarily likely to ever exist, that's the problem.

Conservative brains light up like christmas trees with fear when tested with MRIs and EEGs in relation to new stimuli and complex phenomena.

sure you do lmao

Not true.
Whites then had 80 iq yet still manage to maintain civilization.
I believe there is a lot of factors that play.

Please tell me the alternative? Behead every minority in our countries before they ruin everything? You live in a fucking fantasy land. I know im doing something right when I trigger sensitive faggots crying racist AND /pol/ retards

Remember, the more attacked you are, the more correct you are. So if those shills keep pestering you, it's because they view you as a threat.

just do buttstuff it's the future

Yes you're going insane.
It's the same with hardcore sjws, they and you are looking for things that go against your beliefs, so you'll find them everywhere.
There certainly are things like that in culture, sometimes the views of the creator are reflected in the works, to show its side, to pander, sometimes to brainwash. Sometimes it's intentional, other times not. Other times subtle, other times not.
A lot of the time it's just nothing and can be read in more ways than one, opposite ways even, depending on your outlook.

Pic very much related.

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No one fucks my girl except me. I can fuck any girl I want though. Does that sound cucked to you incel?

>being extroverted is a woman's thing
T. shy "introverted" faggot

What do you think lead to those changes in law you fucking brainlet? Do you think they just materialized for no reason?

>Conservatives are sensitive to danger that doesn't and is not even necessarily likely to ever exist
Yeah like immigration, which objectively caused tons of problems in Europe. Kill yourself JIDF. Nobody falls for your tricks.

>just turn off your brain, goyim, trust our programming

If you think teaching children to solve problems with compassion is "satanic" i have nothing to say to you you fucking delusional psycho. Its ironic that in the first world we have moved away from beheading people from believing in the wrong god or burning people for being witches and you seem to want to go back to that

Go live in africa you fucking savage ape, the first word is not for you

You're merely choosing one programming over another, you can step beyond that.

you don't have a girl, incel

brain over brawn is common as fuck trope that predates your existence you literal brainlet
shit like this is in the bible and likely in every folklore or legend on earth
david and goliath ring any bells?

>caused tons of problems
save your sophistry for the plebes

That's a valid point.

Please kys asap. thnx

That's just not true, guy. The steady growth of industry, philosophy, science and arts is only possible with a steady IQ. You couldn't have so many Mozarts, Goethes, Socrateses and Newtons if your mean was around 80. Meanwhile look at africa, aboriginal Australia or America. Nothing.

Take the black pill. The red pill is retarded

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Please leave my country, savage retard thx

Because the people getting dabbed on complained about it. Do you think lawmakers started watching the 60's equivalent of how to train your dragon and suddenly said "oh wow we should be compassionate"? No, change happens when more people know about things. Pressured by things like television becoming wildly available and showing how bad things are, and more recently the internet, it's much easier for people to learn about things they didn't know about before. They don't need artificial compassion boosts from movies to feel human, it's just a natural reaction. Under your method, the way to stop the KKK or woman beaters is to show them pozzed movies until they suddenly develop compassion. Wrong. You have to stop these people. Except the KKK was based and redpilled and their only problem was not having better targeting methods.

don't you get tired of this?

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You're the kind of guy who wouldn't beat up a faggot if they touched your kid or anyone else's kid. You're very much part of the problem, you have Stockholm Syndrome. Bye now.

>hurr durr genociding crazy dude
nah i'm way past beleving in politics first world will become a hellhole regardless best you can do is have a plan to fuck off somewhere it won't affect me

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>or america

If the most powerful country in the world is supposedly retarded and on par with abos, what does that say for your country? Rent free

X=Y based on some arbitrary set of rules you just pulled out of your arse right user?

Places like Africa Somalia etc have had the western foot on their neck for 100s of years, and have not had the opportunities to slowly develop their societies in parity with the west.

Stop using /pol/ talking points and start using your brain. Third world nations are third world nations because our societies want them that way. It has always allowed us to exploit their resources for a pittance and get them to do all the hard work and toxic manufacturing that we don't want in our backyards. You sound like a classic NIMBY spoiled brat.

The solution is to slowly raise the quality of life and parity of third world countries so eventually they can have a fair shot at middle class existence, just like China is doing in China.

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Rape, murder, theft, etc. Are you really pretending that these things aren't happening? Kek.

Actually, it's the Jews.

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I was talking about aboriginal America, not white America.

>when televsion shows how bad things are

You cant stop loading your statments and sneaking in conclusions. Ehy do you think people started to view these things as bad? People literally gathered in the streets to applaud and watch hangings, why would seeing it on tv be any different?

U sound like my teacher who told us that the kubla khan is about the private parts

we reached this point before, spoiler, society crumbles right after

Brain over brawn is Batman defeating Bane. Brain over brawn isn't "dude let's just try asking Pol Pot nicely to stop killing people."

You are literally a dumb violent nigger

You are proving his point by suggesting he's part of a jewish cabal intent on making people adopt liberal ideas.

Why is this thread full of so many salty kikes?

You called asian people 'bug people' which follows the fucking /pol/ #basement4life meme that asians are insects who don't have a soul.

Glad for you that you are partly enlightened and can trigger sensitive white #broflakes, but what you said is utterly racist and grotesque.

angry birds

TV and movies 50 years from now will just be every Satanic fantasy ever conceived, and people like you will say it isn't so bad. Shit, look at things now, people like you said we'd never get to where we are and yet in Texas of all places, a man is being told by a court of law that he must allow his son's dick to be cut off by his insane liberal wife because progress.

They knew it was bad but didn't see it happening and didn't know the extent of it. Learn your history. Change happened from the federal level, not state level.

Can you explain why sub saharan africa didnt have a written language or calendar before the evil white man even set foot there?

Why is this thread full of so many retarded huwites?

Oh, but I do. A 'cis' ginger one who is asleep in the other room.

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Its retarded because it doesn't properly equip them to deal with all the third worlders that keep moving here. You have to continuously kill people who wrong you, its the only way society domesticates itself. Giving these types of people a second chance so they can reproduce is ultimately dysgenic.

You honestly think that God-fearing white men wouldn't beat or kill a faggot if said faggot touched their kids? LOL

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>change happened from a federal level

And why do you think that is

They are, though.

>the pot is not getting warmer, goys! It's all in you heads. You're all crazy! Now chop off your son's junk for Satan.

>you have to continuously kill people who wrong you
>sits inside all day and shitposts while spics and muslims flood his country


jfl the world turns around this guy’s head

Because of television allowing people from afar to see what was happening. Not because of pozzed movies. You know what? How about you show me the pozzed movie which caused the change to occur instead. I'm sure all of the politicians had cited to it as their inspiration.

>better call them retarded that will work

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No, now in certain 'first world' countries have much more humane methods like when they strap people to a chair and electrocute them until their eyes explode, or strap them to a gurney and inject whatever shitty drug they could get a hold of so they thrash around and die slowly in strange ways.

Sometimes some of these people are actually guilty of the crimes they are accused of, and not just black and poor.

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>god fearing white men beat the shit out of people who wrong them
>meanwhile their prophet tells you to turn the other cheek

Which is it christ cuck

Mainly because of malaria and other tropical diseases, huge monsoons that destroy crops and make stockpiling difficult, no animals that can be easily domesticated and no internal masses of water that make trade and technologic exchange easy. It's not because "niggers are just dumb lol"

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>da joos
stop feel threatened by them and soon you'll acquirue immunity
as long as your position remains as retarded as theirs - you'll only rot inside

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Totes, bro, there’s just no way that a group of libertine cosmopolitans living in Los Angeles, California is even slightly out of step with the modal American! How silly to even think that
This is wrong. You would need the whole world to change for that to be the case. The average IQ in almost every country is either above or below 100

The scully effect, look it up

>Conservatives are sensitive to danger that doesn't and is not even necessarily likely to ever exist, that's the problem.

Let me be clear: You are human garbage.

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In this thread someone will realize that the media, the state, and organized religion are the same entity.
TV and movies are their greatest mouthpiece. They spread ideas on their electronic platforms, then they become public opinion, then that opinion becomes law even if it such thing isn't technically codified, e.g., "believe women" means all women making all claims are always right. Do you remember a House or Senate vote on that? No me either.

>projecting this hard

So europe didnt have harsh winters or plagues?

But all this aside, this is my favorite part because you are already agreeing with me whether you realize it or not. You have just agreed that an environment shaped a people to be less ingenious than others. RACIST!

>You called asian people 'bug people' which follows the fucking /pol/ #basement4life meme that asians are insects who don't have a soul.
Prove the meme wrong, loser. Ever heard about Chinese Legalism?

>I don't believe in Jesus, but that won't stop me from selectively twisting scripture in order to try and deceive you!

We know.

This is irrelevant and trying to distract from the main issue. Last chance, no more tricks.

You're right, it made you retarded.

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>no animals that can be easily domesticated
this is the real reason though malaria has nothing to do with it also the abundance of food gives you no incentive to make a calendar

Nice try, would have been easier for you to post that ms paint picture. Im not trying to do a gotcha while not believing what you believe, the second part is irrelevant because my beliefs are actually consistent, can you say the same?

ITT: desperate Jewish "people" who think calling someone crazy is their greatest trump card. Ironic since Trump is the biggest kike prez yet.

>give me evidence
>n-no not that evidence!

You dont even deserve another chance

can't wait

>Im not trying to do a gotcha while not believing what you believe,
Correct because you failed.

Aboriginal Australia is basically the oldest civilization in known memory being at least 60000 years ongoing.

They developed sophisticated irrigation and hunting land management techniques beyond compare. That and so many other things.

>not understanding the jewish role in all of this
you're right though there's no point getting worked up about it, but posting on an anonymous mongorian basket weaving forum is absolutly a okay

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>unironically thinks that anyone who disagrees with him is a jew
>not crazy

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I lived in china for 7 years you fucking idiot, i cant tell who is worse, the larping "le gas everyone who isnt white" retards or you faggots who pretend all cultures are equal

>You are going insane while Youtube collects all that ad revenue from anti-PC content creators.
Slightly off topic but has anyone else noticed that JewTube removed all those "feminist owned/rekt/cringe compilations" from YouTube? Me and my friends noticed the other day when we wanted to watch one and couldn't find any. Blew our minds.

I can sense the seething. Good, let the butthurt flow through you, Jakob.

Tell me more about the abo intellectuals. Those guys seem like geniuses to me as well.

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But niggers are unironically just dumb lol

Doesnt mean much coming from some with contradictory beliefs

he will also realize they're controlled by the same (((entity)))

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its hard when you have to stare directly into the anti-humans

>trips over dropped skullcap
>doubles down on kike delight
>I..I I'm not a Jew!


The best part is that he is literally saying niggers are dumb just in a different way

The "scully effect" is what prevented people from being hanged in the streets? If that's all you have then all I have to say is "no it didn't" since Civil Rights legislation was passed way before that. Good game, you'll only get sneed replies from now on. Try your tricks on Reddit instead.

>Every person blaming “the joos” in this thread

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Let me know when they create forensics labs that can compare the refraction of two different shards down to the molecule

Its really quite simple you fucking retards. If you repeatedly club the wolves that bite you, over thousands of years they turn into dogs. If you then throw them in fight pits and breed them for aggression, you reverse the domestication and they turn into pitbulls.

The same thing works on niggers. You don't fix them through training. You kill their criminals and the violent apes reproduce less than the ones that don't act like chimps.

The holocaust didn't happen. Whosoever replies to this post correctly is declared the winner.

Let your kids watch anything, goys...err I mean guys. It'll be all right, I promise.

I work for a massive international German company and every single person from Germany i have ever had a immigrant conversation with has resentment for the middle eastern migrants from past 6 years. They say what they really feel cause their in the USA and think most of us share this opinion. Even the ultra liberal interns agree that it was a mistake. Fucking hilarious. If your in favor of this shit you should be obligated to house these strangers in your own communities, you fucks are so damn funny. You don’t need to be near any of that bullshit so it’s so easy for yu to “say the right thing”. Your such a pussy

I'm unironically whiter than you, mutt, but you do you and scream autistically and do nothing more

No, hollywood is pushing clear agendas, the problem with trying to push their agendas so hard is there is a brain drain of creativity with all the remakes and sequels being churned out.

Heh, watch machete kills. That is predictive programming

God I wish there was an app that counts how many images of BBCS and torrented copies of blacked vids and 'cuck' pron are currently residing on the drive you are posting from everytime you post.

All you /pol/tards would fuck off pretty quickly when the bbc counter was higher than the post numbers of your shitposts.

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Correct, supply lines got bombed, disease then ravaged 30,000 Jews who were held in camps that allowed for transfers and have maternity wings.

It sure did, but Europe without a doubt had way better material conditions that enabled the development of complex societies. I'm not the original user you responded to, but geological determinism does have some merit, especially in the early stages of civilization, where nature influenced people way more than society did.

Now, even if it was the other way around, a rich Africa and a poor Europe, it still wouldn't justify imperialism or historical reparations or anything like that. There's a chasm between facts and policy, between is and ought.

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No one says "joos" except triggered kikes.
Now go home and get your fucking dilator

You can just enjoy propaganda.

>I'm unironically whiter than you
lol not even the whites of your eyes are as white (pink) as my nipples. I am literally the archetype the media hates. I do feel smug.

Still mad about having no girlfriend, I see

I think they removed some.

They also made them unsearchable.
They did the same thing with the TYT meltdown video.

They're getting ready for the next election to stop trump.

This is blatant election meddling and I hope trump beats the shit out of them with anti trust laws

>Germans are racist
This isn’t exactly new info

I was actually happier when i was single. All women are suckers for your agenda

I'm not gay, and I don't think all cultures are equal.

I believe they could be if they were all nurtured and not exploited. People also are fundamentally equal, aside from their shitty society.

Judging by what is happening in HK, it seems the Chinese are far superior to all of us in the west, and dynamically rise up against the foot of the 1% on their neck at all times.

Why the fuck are you defending a racist supremacist ethnic group?

Trump is one of those people, user. He doesn't give a shit about non-kikes.

i didn't even attack blacks in my post wtf

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>this projection
Stop masturbating.

>no animals that can be easily domesticated
Google zebra cavalry ww1. If the germans could do it in 5 years, there's no excuse for africans not being able to do it in 10000 years.


>TV and movies are their greatest mouthpiece.
True and I'm an expert in watching popular entertainment. On TV there's entertainment and media (political news) which was differentiated for a long time until Trump went from to the other sealing all of it together as "TV." Movies are obviously important, but then there's music which gets into our actual dreams seriously manipulating us in a direct way on the most regular basis possible as long as you drive a car or go to a public place (society: we live in one).

The understated part that we all know to be actual brainwashing engineered by corporations is the most boring yet fascinating on reflection. Once you interrogate commercials and their methods of design the role of video advertisements becomes overwhelming. Epistemologically we're controlled by the media. We don't have anything other than what's in our possession or our head. Everything in our heads is colored by mass media therefore our lives are immediately determined by

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>other guy doesn't even respond
Kek... Good job bro.

they all are

>why didn't they just kill all the dragons?? Fuckin cucks!
You are a MORON

What am I projecting exactly based retard?

You forgot to mention that the son desperately believes he is a girl, and has a chance to look just like one if he gets treatment early, instead of looking like Artie Lange in drag when he hits puberty because of his fuckwit dad and because fuckwits like you think it's funny.

Pic related, Victoria's secret model who transitioned before puberty kicked in.

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>Defend the white race from the kikes!
>White women? Who cares about them

Faggot detected

>Message of How to train your pet dragon is to invite all the savage immigrants to your land and teach them to be your slaves for scraps of food
Yep that's liberals.

Guns germs and steel has been debunked
Its basically a joke at this point


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As opposed to killing them all and not having slave labour? Conservatives are the worst route whichever way you spin it

>you should love pathogens
You're suicidal.

Nope you're retarded

That's a true fact.

Nope. You're not crazy.

But /pol/ ----->

>You forgot to mention that the son desperately believes he is a girl
Liar. He dresses like the boy that he is every chance he gets when he's away from his monstrous mother.

You leftists never have any arguments and whine like babbies that people on this board don't have your political political viewpoints.

Grow the fuck up faggot

>newfag can't do it proper

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The question of whether or not Hollywood films are 'propaganda' is pretty obvious. What's more interesting is how there's this entire, faux-normie push to insist that you complacently accept any narrative in a contemporary film ever made, as long as that film pushes progressive friendly narratives. You can see an insane amount of pushback against the fucking Joker movie, where suddenly, we CAN'T just take entertainment at face value because a clownworld remake of The King of Comedy might motivate an alt-right incel somewhere to shoot up a school. That's in the case of a movie that is not even in any way explicitly trying to be political, whereas films that are, like Get Out, are championed unquestionably because of their politics. The reviews are completely open about this, too.

Hollywood is far too transparent with its intentions now for the question of its politics to even be interesting anymore, desu. The same people who will call you a tinfoil hat wearing incel for saying something clearly has subversive messaging will literally then go on to tell you that the gender binary is an oppressive construct that has limited the rights of trans people for all of western history.

>dude enslave them lmao
Importing niggers was a mistake. Never forget that.

It's okay to be white.

b-but muh progress

>You never have any arguments and whine like babbies
oh the irony oh im laffin

Based Mexican here. Enjoying this thread a lot. Keep seething white nationalist cucks. When white people become even fewer in America we'll hang all you white nationalist scum.

>implying the status quo hasn't been leftist for 70 years

>hanging the teet you draw welfare from

Thanks Mexibro

Now you're projecting lol.
You're the one that just cried that people who don't share your ideology should just leave because you couldn't refute them.
Literal manchildren.







Unaipon spent five years trying to create a perpetual motion machine. In the course of his work he developed a number of devices.[6] He was still attempting to design such a device in his seventy-ninth year.

Unaipon took out provisional patents for 19 inventions but was unable to afford to get any of his inventions fully patented, according to some sources. Muecke and Shoemaker say that between "1910 and 1944 he made ten ... applications for inventions as varied as an anti-gravitational device, a multi-radial wheel and a sheep-shearing handpiece". Provisional patent 15,624 which he ratified in 1910, is for an "Improved mechanical motion device" that converted rotary motion which "is applied, as for instance by an Eccentric", into tangential reciprocating movement, an example application given being sheep shears. The invention, the basis of modern mechanical sheep shears, was introduced without Unaipon receiving any financial return and, apart from a 1910 newspaper report acknowledging him as the inventor, he received no contemporary credit.

Other inventions included a centrifugal motor, a multi-radial wheel and a mechanical propulsion device. He was also known as the Australian Leonardo da Vinci for his mechanical ideas, which included pre World War I drawings for a helicopter design based on the principle of the boomerang and his research into the polarisation of light and also spent much of his life attempting to achieve perpetual motion.

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just want to say to the new jannie based f.am

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t. Herschel Ramerez

I'm not on welfare, no. I have a nice comfy office job, and a family who loves me. I don't waste my time seething online about 1488 shit either.

Based hypocritical racist fascist ethnonationalist Mexican poster.

imagine being this excited to become the next best goy demographic for *merica

There you have it boys.
The left are ACTUALLY the real racists.

It really all stems from Hollywoods lack of creativity, reboots and sequels aside. Sure they have agendas and quotas to meet during production, but it also comes from zero talent from writers. The people creating these movies are trying to push you to believing something (maybe not even intentionally but they are small minded), instead of making it ambiguous or thoughtful because a lot of them have trouble thinking themselves. Moviegoers now also get confused when the bad guy isn't just a bad guy or the good guy isn't a good guy and it's more grey.

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>exception disproves the rule
Why are you committing retarded fallacies?

Nobody ever said their weren't exceptional black people and abos, user.
Just as a group they trend to have much lower iq due to their genetics.
The smart ones just have gotten the absolute best mix of abo genes, especially for intelligence.

I agree however i just find it funny when people say "they arent dumb! They were just subject to environmental conditions and disease that made them dumb... oh fuck wait"

>just stop thinking about it

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>Epistemologically we're controlled by the media.
True, which is why we need to (ironically) unplug as much as possible so we can have calm minds to know wisdom.

For you, cuck

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I truly hate seeing my parents and friends being brainwashed by this same media.

It's ingrained in people's mind that the media is an authoritative source even though they are compulsive liars.

Based. MesoAmerica Shall Rise again. Futuristic pyramid cities here we come!

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Wow what an amazing rebuttal of my argument.
Clearly I'm a nazi for having views on race that the nazis banned.(IQ)
Clearly I'm a nazi for having the views on race of the people that killed the nazis lol

So this is the power of leftist argumentation.

The only thing that could help them is extreme poverty for them, sad to say. Or possibly a life-shaking event, hopefully neither are needed. You just have to know when to let people loose, so to speak, you can lead a horse to water blah blah blah. In all seriousness, knowing when to stop trying to help people is desirable. If you don't know when to stop prodding, they might prod back.

tl;dr find new friends, sorry about the drone family

My favourite part of watching online debates with /pol/zoomers is when they try to pretend like they’re in some kind of debating academy after slinging insults and tasting their own medicine.

it only benefitted a small clique of highly elite people so hi rich kike stemming from a slaver family are you from the Levy line by any chance?

Liberals are retarded children, and once you accept that, everything they do and say makes perfect sense.

It also benefits me because it kills your kind

Imagine being totally assblasted when both lose the debate AND the insult game

I saw that doco, stop bullshitting.

He dresses as a boy because of his douchebag dad who is intent on ruining his life.

He made it pretty clear that he only does that to appease his dad, and to avoid being tormented by cunts like yourself who he most likely has to deal with in school without the support of his dad to defend his life as a girl like his mother does.

Outing yourself this bad as a tourist

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yes i know david maybe you should care for the niggers in your own backyard

It was my first post in this thread and I already have two replies on that post. Yay me!

>He dresses as a boy because of his douchebag dad who is intent on ruining his life.
How DARE his father expect his SON to dress like a MALE. The nerve of that guy!

Look how angry you're getting at losing an argument lol

Don’t worry the white girls are taking care of them

Well as you said, that’s a fictional world. Name one major global conflict that was solved more with compassion than force; I’ll wait.