Cause the whole system is rigged

>Cause the whole system is rigged
>And we all know the riggers
>For the last 8 years this country has been run by ----

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was it that hard for them to find something to rhyme with it?

>Your rhymes are trash
>Drop them next to your emails
And just like that he won

Was way more pro Trump than I expected

I was really surprised how harsh Trump's lyrics were and borderline sounded like /pol/


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yeah, Trump's verse is twice as long as Hillary's and the beat gets hype as fuck towards the end too

>I'm gonna run these streets like I run my casinos
>more police and less latinos

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If only he did run America that way

ERB accidentally had Trump unironically dominate HIllary. Watching this got me super fired up like it was 2016 again.

If only things tuned out like he promised.

Probably their best one. Between this and churchill vs roosevelt

They were shilling hard for Clinton but accidentally made Trump based. Then literally almost quit (and did have a long ass hiatus) after Trump won

Mazel Tov

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I don't think there was anything accidental about it. Democracy is a stage show, what matters is the actual results of the overarching plan that does not change much from administration to administration. Presidents are installed solely because it is believed they can implement the broader agenda, or more prioritized portions of it, better than the other one at a particular time.

I like how Lincoln tells trump "if you lose, be polite and don't get your followers caught up in a civil war on twitter".

Good advice.

Why does /leftypol/ think this will prevent people from supporting Trump? Everyone here knows who is making these posts and the average Trump supporter outside of this website isnt a Nazi and dont give a shit if he likes Israel.

Mate what? They gave Trump the best verses and the crescendo(when the music builds up with his tearing down mosques verse) was much better than anything Hillary did.

Only biased part was Abe Lincoln asking Hilary to beat him.

>They gave Trump the best verses

To us. To the twitterfags and normies, all of Trump's lines were actually supposed to be digs at Trump, and Hillary's were supposed to be great.

The build up was supposed to be scary, not motivating.

But they've lost touch with the common man.

That's not exactly true. I say this because I am not american and am pretty ambivalent towards Trump but still enjoyed his verses more. I usually even skip Hillary.

If you are on Yea Forums, you aren't a normie

For the last 8 years this country has been run by dicks that are biggers

>you wanna talk about misogyny? your Bill’s worse than Cosby
>he left a mess on that dress like you left in Benghazi!
unironically based, one of ERB’s writers is definitely a trumpman

>churchill vs roosevelt
the clanking beat is so perfect for it

>one of ERB’s writers is definitely a trumpman
is it so inconceivable to you that someone makes something without his political bias in play?

The verses were pretty weak in that IMO. Blackbeard vs Al Capone is probably the best for me. That or Jackson vs Elvis.