Phantom Thread

What's Yea Forums's opinion? Was Reynolds our guy or not?

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He was a based mommyposter

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That's what i was thinking too.

It's quite good, should have been longer.

I still didn't see it

Watch it

>Was Reynolds our guy or not?
he was an autist dedicated to his work so yes

Damn that hurt

I bet his character would’ve been normal if he was japanese

He was quite normal in the film.


>white text on white background

I liked the sound design in the breakfast scenes where he would get jumpy and annoyed at small noises that others ignore. Not as good as There will be blood, but it was a good movie regardless. I'm not sure if I will re-watch it though.

What did the end of this movie mean? He knew the food was poisoned then he just smiles and eats it?

>PTA's next movie has a 600 page script
Will he be able to do his thing without Daniel Day?

He just wanted someone to take care of him. He needed it to work, Alma even explains it. He just had mommy problems and she became his mommy.

Didn't he say that he is going shorten it? I read that he will just write it again without looking at the old one and that way he will filter out some ideas.

no, but she was /ourgal/

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What about the poisoned food tho? He is very hostile against her and suddenly becomes loving?

Sometimes i pretend to have a tummy ache so my Girl friend looks after me like a child

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He was very glad when she nursed him back to health, he needs to relax and take a break sometimes. He doesn't do that on his own, she makes breaks for him. He realizes that the food is poisoned and that she did it before and he takes that as a sign of love and they find this common somewhat functional relationship.

oh right that flew over my head

He's a well-known, powerful, very well connected man. He works for royalty, celebrities and the likes.The food weakens him so he may remember he's also a man who needs motherly care, a feminine attribute he sometimes tend to forget about despite working for women, to make them gracious and more feminine. Throughout the whole movie all he ever wanted was motherly care and love and whenever he's weakened, he remembers what he truly sought after.

I had to rewatch it a few times to get it. Basically he's self-centered but gets off on being taken care of like a baby when he's vulnerable.

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I love the ost.

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Such a perfectly structured and directed film. Not PTA’s best but paradoxically his finest work.

how in the fuck

also, love the movie

wanted to like this film a lot more than i did

I'm confused.

What didn't you like about it?


He looks like Jordan Peterson

i loved this movie so much
everything about it was so dreamy and weird

He will come out of retirement for his biopic.

Why was it so boring? Couldn't get past 20 minutes..

Because you have ADHD.

My man

Good movie. Thought provoking. Almost lost my attention, but didn't.

Beautiful movie. I love it.

The new year's party imo is the most beautiful scene shot in this decade

I don't understand why was it edited in that way, could have been just one long take.

This is one of my favorite romantic comedies. Albeit very dark comedy. Much like how 'The Master' is a phenomenal buddy comedy.

As I said, it’s done perfectly : the writing, the directing, the acting, the cinematography, the subtext are all excellent. But it lacks the visceral quality of his true masterpieces : The Master and There Will Be Blood.

I have grown too adhd to focus on what was once my true love of film. But the phantom thread was the first movie in almost 15 years that captured my attention fully and kept me engaged throughout. So i thought it was pretty good.

>mommy fetish: the movie
absolutely kino
this is also a great movie to show your friends and family when you want to get a reaction out of them. all that poisonous mushroom shit was freaky as hell desu

I’m a wannabe loser filmmaker who was going through a particularly rough patch when this came out. It moved me so much I basically had a week long autistic tantrum. Embarrassing, but it really cemented how much the film had an effect on me. It’s extremely refined and should make any wannabe filmmaker at least a little jealous

Pretty disappointed. The acting was top notch but the directing and writing not so much. The last scene's lines felt forced. I would have liked to delve deeper into the wife's development. I expected a lot more on the depiction of the fashion industry and the designer profession and its aesthetics. Overall it was OK but imo it's one of PTA's worst and it wastes a lot of good things in it

That wife stuff was the point, they shot a bunch of stuff about her and her backstory and decided to cut it. It's more about him. I do agree that the film feels like it wasted some potential and should have been a bit longer imo.

I've thought about it very carefully, and I think it is the worst movie I have ever seen. Of course I'm discarding from consideration any movie that set out to be bad.


You haven't seen many films then.

The characters are miserable to watch. I am never happy when anyone gets screentime or a line.

Fashion and Design does nothing for me.

DDL's character is unwatchably disagreeable.

The ending was the biggest eye roll in recent

The girl should have left.

Shots of them two staring at each other last far too long and don't communicate near as much as the director pretentiously thinks they do.

Generic melancholy instrumental soundtrack that is immediately forgotten.

They are funny imo.

That's a very small part of the film.

Really? I thought he was fantastic.

That would have made no sense whatsoever.

People stare at each other all the time, i thought the dialogues were very well done. People talking over each other and stuttering. Very realistic especially if you ever were in similar situation.

Melancholic but great, i wouldn't call it generic.

You sound like a women or a homosexual retard who belongs on r*ddit.

>whenever Alma says 'yes'
I love her bros

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>tfw no redhead mommygf

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Giv mommy gf

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I can't look at these anymore because I'm too old to fit any of them.

My duck is so hard rn

Kill yourselves redditors.


This desu

Diner scene was absolute kino.

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