What other scenes took the black-pill?
What other scenes took the black-pill?
JOIfags STILL believe that that holographic thot loved K willfully. Sad!
B-but she was not like the others.
She broke the conditioning just like K did. They loved each other.
Sure she did! Get a real woman.
She did love him. She was created to love. But did it make it any less real?
Not really, what they had was unique in a way, and, upon seeing the Joi hologram, K realizes that she will never be replaced.
HIS Joi is dead.
it was real, get over yourself
>tfw you go down the endless rabbithole of reading up on the films symbolism of kafka, nabokov, frequent religious, historical and biblical allegory, dichotomy between luv and joi and endless other literary works and realize you are too much of a brainlet to ever comprehend any of the films deeper meaning
I don't care if she's not unique. I'd love to have some emotional support … right now.
The French truly understand the blackpill
Seriously though Yea Forumsbros, how do you cope with these insane feelings of loneliness, angst, rage. Watching kinos like 2049 only makes it all worse.
is this good foot?
>did it make it any less real?
Yes. Meaningless love.
It's not rage for me, I'm 25 and I've pretty much given up on relationships. Never had a GF. Made attempts with women when I was younger and got shot down too many times which racked my confidence. Now I'm too scared to approach women for fear of being turned down again. So now I'm starting to lift, gonna buy trendy expensive clothes and already own a sick motorbike. Hope all this will increase my confidence so I can try tinder and see what happens. If it doesn't work out I've already lived alone for so long that I'm quite content with it and have accepted my fate
How do you achieve this level of contentment. How do you not punch the wall when you go to bed at night.
Joi is literally not Sentient. She loved him as much as Siri in my iPhone loves me, which is to say not at all.
A fake is more real than the real thing
This will get you women but not women worth loving. Nothing wrong with improving your appearance and what you own but just remember if you really want someone special the biggest factor you have to work on is yourself, how you react to things, and your personality
No, it is not. You might as well download a self-help audiobook.
>Siri in my iPhone loves me
is that a real feature? fuck my samsung garbage
Forgot to add that the fact you are content alone is great. One of the most important things is that you can’t really love another person in a healthy manner if you’re not happy alone
I've been alone a long time user. I enjoy my work and found hobbies that I like. I started realizing that hanging out with a lot if people actually made me more depressed and negative people would bring me down. I have a small number of close friends now but mainly do things by myself these days. It's nice to be independent from people
>women worth loving
damn, that's harsh. people are people
What is the difference between Joi being programmed to love you and a mom being "programmed" to love her son?
>It's nice to be independent from people
Until your senior years
I've noticed that a lot of my friends are incapable of being alone for more than a few hours. They get anxious, stressed or worked up. As if they have time to actually think beyond surface level normie feel-good thoughts. Is this the same for all normies?
You might prefer our previous model.
A mom has a choice, as slim as it is. There is also a difference between familial love and romantic love.
Thanks for the follow up user. I get what you mean. Can you give me an example of hobby or two? I can't seem to find anything that I can really enjoy and get lost in. It all seems so pointless.
I don't plan to live that long if I'm alone. Sure I'm content now but I'd hate to be old and be a burden to people. I'm content to live enough through my youth but if I'm still alone in my senior years I'm definitely clocking out early
A machine can be programmed to make a choice, random or based on factors
Cavery. Making a cave. All you need is a mountain, hammer and chisel.
Precisely my point man. I don’t hate people but a lot of them will drain you and leave you embittered like half this board. You have to have an eye for the right one and play your cards right or you’ll actually regret loving someone more than just not trying at all
>A mom has a choice
No she hasn't. Every mother loves her son no matter what. Look at moms of serial killers, rapists and murderers, their moms all love them despite it all.
Only mentally ill mothers don't love their children, or in other words faulty programming.
Getting out of the house is important. I've found going to the gym fulfilling. Then I'll go for lunch or coffee and then go for a walk. I listen to a lot of podcasts so rather than staying inside alone listening to them I'll walk around or relax at a park. Physical activity makes me feel better.
Caving is so fun. Used to work at a cavern system for a summer where all we did was dig
Take a walk, meditate, do literally anything. You just need to decompress and stop stewing in your own juices.
JOI has no choice, so your point is irrelevant.
> Every mother loves her son no matter what.
Factually inaccurate statement. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of real stories that contradict your claim.
Sounds like there are guys in this thread that will commit suicide if they are convinced cyborgs will never love them
>There are hundreds, if not thousands, of real stories that contradict your claim.
All mentally ill mothers with "bad programming"
Correct. I'd buy an Alexa for company but I know its spyware so I wont
Okay so what? JOI robots don’t exist and never will. What point are you trying to make here?
so what if some pajeet in seattle can hear you sobbing into your dakimakura while you cum in a onahole? live your best life
>JOI has no choice, so your point is irrelevant.
Where is this stated?
Perhaps, but JOI programs literally have no choice.
>JOI has no choice
Yes she has, she is programmed to do whatever the owner wants, and K wanted her to genuinely love him, slowly programming her towards that by every interaction and letting her say or wear whatever she wants, even to the point of saying that she doesn’t have to say "I love you" just to say it.
You literally "program" a JOI by interacting with her. By the end of the film JOI is exploring Deckard's apartment all by herself with K sleeping in a different room.
By having friends and family.
JOI is not a robot, she's a program. And yes it will be available in our lifetime, just not in the 3D holographic way.
Why is Joi all people talk about in the context of this film? You could take her straight out and it would change nothing. I was expecting her to betray K to the company or at least be shown for the shallow program she was or something
>Where is this stated?
In her programming. Were you not paying attention to the movie? "Everything you want to see. Everything you want to hear.”
>Why is Joi all people talk about in the context of this film?
It's the "Is Deckard a replicant or not" question of BR2049.
>You could take her straight out and it would change nothing
Her progres, death and then the bridge scene are literally pivotal moments for K as a character and without it there is no film.
My bad but still it’s pretty sad if you want to date a computer. Id rather die alone than know the only affection I can receive is from something artificial. It’s like primally repulsive and an affront to humanity
I have both, it's a completely different void. You can't fill it with family and friends, doesn't work.
Yes, and what did K want to hear? True genuine love.
You contradicted yourself in your initial sentence. If you think that K didn't want to be told that JOI loved him, you are delusional. She was a program who performed her programming.
What if the love you're experiencing is artificial? Or what if we go by the simplest of meme perspectives that your entire life is a simulation, right down to me now replying to you?
>Yes, and what did K want to hear? True genuine love.
Which a holographic fortune cookie cannot give.
Because I'm in uk and if it hears me say nigger I'll be arrested
I'm so alone that I regularly watch ASMR girlfriend videos and the sad part is they actually calm me down and make me feel good
this scene was the opposite of blackpill. it was the whitepill.
Hanging out with my friends and family who are in happy relationships makes me feel worse desu
Why? Because her love is in lines of code instead of chemicals in the brain?
Except my life ISNT a simulation and the only people who buy into that shit are normies looking for quirky shit to say
>If you think that K didn't want to be told that JOI loved him
He LITERALLY said that ("You don't have to say that"), meaning that he wants to hear it only when it's genuine.
>She was a program who performed her programming.
Yes, and her programming is to do what the owner wants, which in this case is K experiencing true love.
If K genuinely wanted JOI to hate him instead she would do so, because she's programmed to.
Yes, and she has no choice in the matter. She is barely a step above a waifu simulator.
Why? Do you believe love is some unsolveable voodoo magic?
>Every mother loves her son no matter what
Look at this fucking newfag
No, but I do believe that a program's love is worthless to me.
I'm sorry that your mom is mentally ill.
based, trips confirm
Do females dream of genuine love? Can women love men the same way men love women? Maybe an AI can love you more than a woman ever could. Men love. Women love too, but not in the same way.
Why are zoomers so devout of creativity?
wake up Neo
That image is wrong. Nothing can beat dilate.
At least those work for you, they make me feel more alone so I stick to the other weird asmr roleplays and mommy ones
I guess none of you saw the sequel
K ended up happy with a new model that also loved him
How do you know anything about AI "love?"
What if I told my JOI that she must only love me when I truly treat her good? There, just programmed her to have a choice. And she's programmed to do what I say.
have sex, incel
I don't, none of us do, but we can imagine. What we do know is all about women. No woman is capable of loving a man like a man loves a woman. It's not their fault, it's just nature.
>What if I told my JOI that she must only love me when I truly treat her good? There, just programmed her to have a choice
>And she's programmed to do what I say.
if she's obeying everything you say, she doesn't have a choice, especially if you say "if X do A, if Y do B". that isn't a choice
you just know
I like the part where he kills himself after being financially ruined by the ambulance ride and hospital stay that Patricia Clarkson orders for his sex doll.
>yield beats cope
>I was expecting her to betray K to the company
The rest of your post is retarded but I agree with this, especially during the threesome scene, which I found so incredibly dangerous. It looked like K was being manipulated by two chicks working for different organizations. TENSE.
But it turned out to be real in the end. Really incredible filmmaking.
>No woman is capable of loving a man like a man loves a woman.
This doesn't mean anything. Expand upon your position.
Then I say to her "live next to me for 15 years straight, you don't even have to project at all and then based on all the experiences and interactions among humans you see you can then choose to see if you truly love me or not"
It all just boils down to giving enough programming for her to have an absolute free choice, which even most humans don't have.
free will is a meme, all your and everyone's "choises" has been predetermined by a billion of factors even before your birth
"love" is nothing more than ensurance for biological life's reproduction
Why the fuck did you capitalize sentient? What a retard
>I expected her to betray K
But she did. That's what the scene in the OP is about
She betrayed K in the same way ones phone betrays their alibi in a criminal case.
>billion of factors
Where did the concept of free will originate?
Women want men for validation, security, procreation, among other things. They love men for what they give them. Men love women in a way that's incomprehensible to women. It's difficult to expand but as a man you should know exactly what I'm talking about. If you were to explain it to a woman, she wouldn't understand or would even scoff at how irrationally deep and complex the emotions are (for them, for us it makes perfect sense). We seek love itself, beauty, purity, the relationship. They seek the benefits of said relationship, only the end-result.
>be me
>discussing runnerkino with my mates at work
>qt 8/10 girl co-worker asking to join the discussion
>nah okay, what did you liked about the movie?
>says that she liked the visuals, directing, the soundtrak but also disliked Goose's performance saying it's too emotionless
>dumb cunt.jpg
>confidently explain to her why ourguy was top-tier with examples of GODDAMNIT and death of Joi scenes
>she silently agree
>asked if her bf liked the movie
>I-i always go to the cinema alone
>tell her that we should watch the movie together sometimes
>she blushes and smiles
>o-okay user!
>never invited her to watch movie together after that
>That's what the scene in the OP is about
Yes at the start his Joi was a blank slate just like that giant ad, but through all their interactions and K's genuine "I'm special" beliefs (which he doesn't have anymore at the bridge scene) his Joi became special, unique and "real" to him specifically, seeing that entire scene as a mirror of Deckard meeting the fake Rachael, which is most evident by the completely black eyes of the giant Joi, where K could've easily had the same exact "I know what's real" line like Deckard did with the fake Rachael there.
K wanted her to become like a real girl that really loves him and she slowly did so (as she is programmed to do), so where is the difference once she becomes the thing he desires?
from the minds of arrogant species known as "humans" trying to imbue their worthless and pathetic lives with the delusion of grandeur and false hope of shaking the shackles of our universe
Even in your bullshit little story you had to end it with yourself continuing to be a lonely faggot.
Lame pasta
>if she's obeying everything you say
That can easily be coded out, and make her so she doesnt follow 100% everything, plenty of examples where she is acting on her own, not following K, for example the scene where she cooks.
Hayчeтe кaк ce пpoизнacя
an act of choosing between two or more possibilities.
In the scene with the prostitute, it was JOIs idea to have sex using her, K even objected to it initially I recall corectly. That means JOI had a choice not to do it.
drink harder, faggot
lol gay
I'm not white knighting women, but we all love to propagate the species. Men do not love on a level above women.
work on self-improvement. read something, go for a walk, cook something healthy, etc
Found the woman or the faggot. Any concept higher than "lol have sex" is too difficult for you to grasp.
Confirmed, but don't feel sorry, user. You act like it's abnormal for mothers to neglect their children when for 100,000 years women have practiced infanticide as a form of birth control. What other species outright kills its offspring? I know there are some, but a woman's heart is not a kind place. I'd rather be dropped in a forrest on a random night during a summer rain. Women are biochemical machines programmed by blind forces of natural selection and indifferent laws of nature.
Only JOI could offer pure love. Ana de Armis knew this about her character and played it that way.
Probably more a question of it being directed differently. For men romantic love is the strongest, for women maternal love is the strongest.
>but we all love to propagate the species
Speak for yourself. The species ends with AI and I'm okay with that.
>Men do not love on a level above women.
Men do everything on a level above women, including speciation.
Do you have children? I don't, but all the fathers I hear from, would step over their wife's burning body to save their child.
Those fathers are most probably not of a darker skin complexion
Bizarre attempt to change the argument.
Art isn't about articulation, it's about abstraction. You already understand the meaning of the film intuitively, even if you think you don't, simply by virtue of having obviously related to it in a deep way. Studying up on the "intended" meaning of something like that frivolous, unless you have an interest in the filmmaking process itself.
My opinion exactly. I find those tryhard essay videos so fucking idiotic. Experience the film for yourself, take your own conclusions.
Lol dumb humanoid thinks their love is any more real than K and Joi’s
Imagine thinking nawalt
Probably Siri fucking with me
Bullshit, the opposite is true. By seing the Joi for sale he realised she was just a print out. A carbon copy romance l, meaningless, as much as vapid expirence as buying a soda. He chose to act that day because dieing for something anything is the only truly human experience left.
Blackpill 101. Take the blackpill
HE is a robot so it isn't any less real to HIM
>HE is a robot
He was a manufactured human, and he did his own thing by the end of the movie.
This. Meatbags gonna meat.
>dying for something is truly human
I never understood this meme. Are there not members of other species that engage in sacrificial acts for each other? Do we not create drones and robots to venture into dangerous territory precisely so that they can be sacrificed and not a human? Even on a cultural mythical level in Western Civilization, did God not sacrifice himself in the form of Jesus so that humans would no longer have to sacrifice?
Humans are supposed to be the species that doesn't sacrifice.
>Humans are supposed to be the species that doesn't sacrifice.
Self sacrifice for others is a higher order.
my toaster burns toast doesn't mean it's sentient
Are you now claiming K isn't sentient?
absolutely. he is a robot built to a baseline and acts according to that. if he's malfunctioning that just means he is malfunctioning
>he is a robot
Nope, a bio-engineered human being.
>built to a baseline
Nope, has to be regularly maintained in order to be at a baseline, otherwise they are killed off.
>and acts according to that
K literally broke his programming.
Wrong on all points.
Reddit words.
>Nope, a bio-engineered human being.
>Nope, has to be regularly maintained in order to be at a baseline, otherwise they are killed off.
you aren't disagreeing. I will chuck the toaster too.
>K literally broke his programming
when my toaster burns toast it is "breaking its programming"
>you aren't disagreeing
Yes I am. They are not "built" into a baseline.
>when my toaster burns toast it is "breaking its programming"
Nope, toaster not working properly means something is damaged. K was not "damaged", he only evolved. It's more like if your cheap toaster could suddenly make your entire sandwich all by itself.
based zoomer mental midget cumbrain
no because making sandwiches isn't something a toaster can do. K was built to be capable of making sandwiches.
Jesus christ you really are a pea brain 12 year old.
K was built to obey his master and work as a slave for them killing old models of replicants, and he did so. But after the series of events which happen in the film he brakes that programming and directly disobeys both his boss, Wallace and the replicant rebellion and makes his first truly individual choice of his life by reuniting a father with his daughter, which he was never programmed to do.
my toaster is not supposed to burn toast although one day it chose to start doing it
also did you even watch the movie? that girl implanted memories into the replicants so you cannot say he's disobeying anything because they've all been fucked with
>zoomer mental midget cumbrain
Retarded non comparison, read again.
At this point you have to be baiting.
This user is 100% right. The other fag that keeps replying is the densest, most braindead retard I've seen all day on Yea Forums so that's a prize in on itself.
dude I'm trying to put things as simply as fucking possible even if he does something he was not originally built to do, that doesn't prove anything. toasters are not supposed to burn toast
Villeneuve left many features of the movie ambiguous because that is what has become of the Blade Runner franchise. The scene between Wallace and Deckard in which Wallace mentions the possibility of Deckard and Rachael's meeting being orchestrated brings back the same question of whether or not Deckard is a replicant or not. We still do not know if their child is half-human/half-replicant or the first fully replicant child.
The same mindset should be applied to K and by extension, JOI. We assume that K sees the world through a perspective similar to our own, and we assume that his assembly is so complex that his decisions are not simply calculated or simple, but organic and natural. But the truth of the matter is that we do not know how K thinks, we do not know how the Nexus-7 models think, hell we dont even have a good understanding of how humans think. On the surface, we see K as a warmhearted, honest, soulless guy. His interactions with JOI show that he cares not for pleasure, but for companionship as he is trying to come to his own conclusion as to what "love" really is. He reinforcement to JOI that she make her own decisions lends us to think that she had predetermined thought processes but is it really that far-fetch to assume that Wallace-made holograms would have the cognizance of Wallace-made Replicants?
In the YouTube minis leading up to the release of 2049, one of them involves Wallace showcasing the true obedience of his newer Replicant models, but we dont know for sure if that feature was implemented widespread into all of his current Replicants. The fact that K doesnt not obey every single order of Madam to the T, and even has the chance to fuck around at the memory centre leads me to believe that K thinks for himself, and that JOI does the same.
Thanks for reading my essay
by engaging in the process of inquiry, you lift yourself out of brainless status. the fact you know which things have greater meaning takes you halfway there.
Nicely put, thanks for sharing your take on it user. Good content.
Will we ever get a sequel?
I hope not, by miracle we have two extremely good BR films and the chance of the third one being great aswell is basically non existent.
Hope so, as long as it's as good as the first two.
>I never understood this meme. Are there not members of other species that engage in sacrificial acts for each other?
>Humans are supposed to be the species that doesn't sacrifice.
Animals are not aware enough to make that choice. Even dogs, on the occasion they die for their companions incidentally, can't sacrifice themselves the same way a human can because they are merely acting in the moment and did not make the conscious choice to die. Being fully aware of your mortality and still sacrificing oneself is basically a deceleration that you are more than you seem. It means that your essence would more meaningfully survive by sacrificing yourself to preserve something or someone else than it would if you were to personally continue on as flesh and blood. Humans are the only creatures capable of sacrifice in this sense because they are the only creatures with such a "spirit."
I feel that the universe of BR is simply too big to be condensed into another movie. I'd love to have a series of books continue where 2049 ends, addressing the continuous developments of Wallace, the 9 stars that make up Off-World, the plans of the Replicant Rebellion, and a more conclusive send off for Deckard.
have dilate
What would you think of a series? Not the normie bullshit type that follows the same structure as every other series. More like 1 hour long episodes that don't need to focus on beginning and end of he episode itself but on the overall story instead, similar to what Twin Peaks The Return did. Gives much more time to explore the world in detail.
what the fuck are you on about lots of things sacrifice themselves even insect species do it. I like octopuses the most
twin peaks was long and drawn out boring why the hell do you want even more time
Sorry user, you just got fuckin' Lynched.
ana is real though so technically their love was real but fictionally
Do ants comprehend the physical finality of death or are they just little robots running on a script and never questioning it? I've never seen an ant agonize over the idea of sacrifice. They just do what their biology tells them to do and whatever happens happens. I can't speak for an octopus, but I know they're brilliant little bastards so although I doubt it the idea of them sacrificing wouldn't really shock me. Not that this really matters, because by calling something human they don't really mean homo sapiens so much as something in possession of a "soul." The whole argument about replicants, for example, is about their so-called humanity, not whether or not they're literally humans.
Eloquent, truthful and relevant.
in all seriousness, the movie is incredibly bad, not even fun bad or crazy bad, just crap. Jared Leto, Ford, even Gosling were horrible
my man THIS is exactly how i interpreted that scene
>mfw all those brainlet niggers saying in comments "k realised joi never loved him"
How would MCU handle this scene?
tits or gtfo
Based and, date I say it, effort-pilled. A daring synthesis. And check those dubs.
This. Also, they are complete stories. What else is there to say?
It wouldn't.
dangerously based
>giant JOI hologram ad has the same exact speech just condensed into 12 seconds
>we see the sign "Everything you want to hear/see"
>insert some comic relief moment so the audience doesn't get too sad
>K replies with "You've got to be kidding me"
>the ad starts breaking up and his own JOI comes back from the dead in the ad kicking the other JOI away in a comedic fashion and then shows K the way to a special memory chip she hid that lets him revive her, telling K "I always loved you, for real, and that love was so strong that it made me a real girl and now all the Jois are just me and I have control over the whole system, let me hack Wallace's file and we can stop his evil plan!"
>then the rebellion comes again, makes a lot of group poses and then the epic fight with Wallace and thousands of Wallace's NPC le evil replicants happens
>the rebellion and K fight Wallace with lasers and blasters and K is wounded in the battle, lies there bleeding out on the pavement as Wallace is just about to kill him after delivering a 5 minute overlord speech
>out of nowhere comes Deckard, shoots Wallace with his Deckard Blaster™, calls K "kiddo" about fifteen times and calls Wallace "weirdo" six times, they all kill Wallace in an epic crowd cheering manner
>few more quip exchanges between K and Deckard, K blows a kiss to JOI on the nearby ad and Gaff in a wheelchair comes in for the last quip of the film "You've done a mans job!"
>roll credits
>roll post credits sequel, TV series and 5 standalone flicks announcements
emotionally dead
everythings just meh
>outstanding allocations are up, whats going on with your team?
dunno. not bothered to ask
>its your job to ask
eh, ill get round to it
>we need to see improvements or your employment at this company will be questioned
ah well, thats life
What did Nabokov contribute other than a novel about pedophilia?
read Pale Fire
Uh love is literally just a chemical reaction that is there to facilitate the creation and nurturing of children
Him being a bio-engineered human is very significant. There is really no difference between him and us other than he was assembled and we were born.
>he's never had a women walk hand in hand on the street with you, pluck a flower from a tree and get you to sit on a stone wall while caressing your face with the flower. Planting it in your hair and tell you how beautiful you are before kissing your cheek.
Look and these DOOOOODs
I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl
At that point i'd just buy a nice hooker.
then why do they bother with the whole baseline stuff? why did they implant random memories in them? why can't replicants dream anyways. if they are so similar why is it possible to sniff them out?
This right here. Patricians understand this. Only kissless virgin Doomers think JOI was just following programming.
Social and maybe chemical conditioning to make them more docile. They give them memories because they don't have any since they're made as adults, and an adult with no memories is going to be way too developmentally stunted to work with.
>why do they bother with the whole baseline stuff?
So they can make sure they never develop any emotions
>why did they implant random memories in them
So they have something to reflect and base their identity on.
>why can't replicants dream anyways
Where did you get that part?
>if they are so similar why is it possible to sniff them out
Because they have codes on their eyes, they just have to look up and left. Also they have superhuman strenght.
gamble a stamp
Dilate is weak as shit and u just get exposed as an incel for even using it
I bet prostitution will be legal within 10 years. Only because they'll be too many incels and the nation will have to cope.
so they program the robots to act like humans and you take that as evidence of them being sentient?
K always has the same dreams and it's the ones given to him they discuss it in the movie when the lady visits him in it apartment.
>K always has the same dreams and it's the ones given to him they discuss it in the movie when the lady visits him in it apartment.
That's a memory you dumb fuck
Just come to terms that the things you desire are chemical impulses and you can find a means of diluting your desires so the things that might seem insignificant to you now become the very things that motivates you to move forward.
If someone can't appreciate you for falling in love with life then they have no hope themselves. Just distractions to keep the agony at bay.
it's a memory that he has as a dream. if all of their dreams are implanted then they effectively do not dream
>implying I wouldn't just take myself out when I hit 65
>synths are just lines of code, they are made for a purpose and that is all they are, they arent real, they dont have a soul or personality and cannot feel human emotions
>holograms are just lines of code, they are made for a purpose and that is all they are, they arent real, they dont have a soul or personality and cannot feel human emotions
this thread is unironically deeper than anything hollywood has produced in the last 20 years
>he's never had a women walk hand in hand on the street with you, pluck a flower from a tree and get you to sit on a stone wall while caressing your face with the flower. Planting it in your hair and tell you how beautiful you are before kissing your cheek.
i did, she ended up replacing me with a taller version of me.
Women no matter who or how they are, are whores. You may love a whore but never believe even one word she says. Fact is they themself dont know that they lie when they say "i love you"
That's not programming retard, it's brainwashing. They are not robots, they are living breathing human beings.
If everything we know and love is reducible to chemicals, then it must be that chemicals have some intrinsic value. They find yet more value in spontaneously assembling complex structures and interacting through their various interrelated components. They do this through immutable laws which I can indeed trust to "tell me" that they are chemicals, whether they do this inside my brain or outside. My consciousness has physical and chemical limitations. I can be drugged, knocked out, asphyxiated, or interrupted chemically in a variety of ways. So can dogs.
>Yea Forums thread
>this is deep
Don't you have a 13 yo birthday part to get to?
No you idiot, it's the memory reoccurring in his dreams. K has dreams and oftentimes they're that memory
all of the robots have the same dreams how the fuck are they real dreams if they all share the same dreams and memories. it's all programming.
now we're back to arguing semantics?
This is the most man-child flow chart I have ever seen.
Then why do fags on Yea Forums say them so much? More than that, how do you know what words reddit uses?
>all of the robots have the same dreams how the fuck are they real dreams if they all share the same dreams and memories
You're absolutely fucking dumb. No one has the same dreams or memories as K except Ana. If they did every single replicant would recognize that horse as the horse from their memory.
name any subject with more """depth""" than what this thread has touched on, go ahead faggot don't hold anything back
>caring what a tranny thinks
It's never stated that that's his only dream, only that it's a recurring dream. And they don't all share the same dream, where the hell did you get that from?
And the difference between programming and brainwashing is not semantics. Anyone can be brainwashed, and from what it looks like normal human beings can likely be given the same memory implants that K was given, seen as they are implanted after the replicant is made. So in the end, the only big difference between a replicant and a normal human is that a human is born and a replicant is made.
K thinks for himself because of Stelline's memory. She gifted him the value of self, self-defense, self-respect. Madam describes it as
>Little K fighting for what's his. That's a good one.
and she responds on an animal level to it as something real, which is why she wants to fuck him right after that, but she has no conscious idea that it's an unauthorized memory.
Stelline placed it there purposefully in order to give replicants "real human responses." So in a sense we do know how K thinks and this part of it is not ambiguous.
Read a book on philosophy instead of discussing it on a fucking anime imageboard you retard.
Iv looked into castration to see if it helps
open wikipedia on "philosophy" and have a go at it, one thing, lets see those depths bro
every time
Why. why does he say these terrible things?
Its not true is it?
You think i get my philosophy from fucking wikipedia?
Read Either/Or by Soren Kirkegaard, The stranger by Albert Camus, The Cosmic Orphan by Loren Eiseley.
Digest it, please don't take your information from a fucking internet imageboard. Yea Forums is where we post images of bane and rave about anime, this isn't the Mesopotamia of intellectual prowess, this is a garbage dump, fun to play in, and explore, but filled with garbage.
>The stranger by Albert Camus
oh no no no
He seems like a angsty teenager, it's essential emo teen kino
We're going to wake up any moment now
same mate
when you accept that you will be alone, it gets easier, like a weight taken off
That's called giving up, I can't do that. I need to find her.
This fucking video.
I understand where you're coming from but your points lead me to wonder about such events would just put the already shakey order of Humans and Replicants in further jeporady
>Stelline is contracted by Wallace to create such vivid and potent memories so that the Replicants that do the hard work, have some nice times to fall back on and reminisce about
>Stelline would then inject some of her own painful and emotionally-charged memories into a Replicant who is most likely working in an extremely unpleasant environment
>Wallace would simply let this slide as to not think about the potential dangers of Replicants who are instilled with "self-respect"
Madam not recognizing this as an anomaly in K is just an oversight on her part. I just have a hard time believing that Stelline would inject these types of memories into a ton of Replicants for shits. Putting those into K as a one off, I can come to accept.
I actually liked it and I'm 23.
What's wrong with it? It seemed like a pretty good book about depression.
rent free
i just wanted a gf, bros. i wanted someone to cuddle and talk with. i wanted someone who would be happy to see me and who i would be looking forward to seeing everyday. i wanted someone to love and who would love me for who i am.
i guess not everyone gets to experience this, heh. it's not fair, bros... not fair...
drugs help, somewhat
>Wallace would simply let this slide
No, he wouldn't. Stelline says very clearly that it's illegal to use real memories on replicants. She got one past him, though.
Her motivations on sending out that one particular memory are not immediately evident, but it was clear that it was an important memory to her because she became very emotional on viewing it. She explains that every artist puts a little bit of themselves into their work. I think it's tempting for an artist to put everything into their work at some point. She felt the need to put "everything" into her work, at least once, and put the deepest most emotional part of herself into it.
We're not told if she did this for more replicants or how many. Probably not many and even if she did, they would dismiss it very much like K did as fake.
Put in some effort. I don't have a gf but I don't whine about it everyday. Either use your energy to improve yourself and make a move or atleast stop whining. Nobody likes a crybaby.
As a bald manlet who has NEETed for 13 out of 14 years, I basically never had a chance of being a normie, outside of some near misses in my teens when I was ultimately Friend-Zoned. Older people always said I was good-looking, but my contemporaries evidently disagreed.
When I was 21 I bit the bullet and hired a call girl for the first of 18 times throughout the next decade. While I never came or got more than a semi, it was better than absolutely nothing. Now my folks are dead and I don't even care about paying for sex again. I am so Black Pilled now, it's not even funny. I just want to survive with access to food and shelter and if I must work again, it must be tolerable, part-time and local. The last woman who expressed an interest in me and encouraged me to stay in touch turned out to be a dyke, so fuck it all.
Now with Tinder and social media, it's over for sub-8 men, as all women want Chad and reject their looks-match. I am lucky that having a tight foreskin never made me want to jerk off much, due to pain. Even since getting it cut at 25, I'm not sure I have had a raging hard-on since my teens. It's just as well that my sex drive collapsed, as evidently nothing was happening for me. It's a shame though, as the slightest attention from a woman would inspire me, but I know full well that will never happen now.
The Black Pill is nirvana.
You need purpose. Say you get a GF, then what.
Have sex.
You're right on the social media and Tinder shit. Even then, you're looking in the wrong place. If a woman uses any of those things, she's a whore straight up. Don't lose hope.
Kill yourself.
i'm too socially retarded. years of being a loser made me this way, i cannot hold conversation, i sit like a quiet retards for hours because i don't know what to say + i'm never in situations where there are women i could talk to.
btw good digits
i go on with my studies and have someone to spend time with.
we will (not) make it
Where's my Joi, where's my Rachael, where's my Meredith.
Unless holodecks are invented, I have no chance of any waifu sex. Sexbots are just too creepy for me.
Tinder sucks, find women somewhere else
How old are ya, champ? Have you tried drugs?
You probably didn't have anything to give, so it's only normal no one gave something to you.
If user is wealthy enough, he can just check himself in to a swank retirement home when he starts to break down.
at this point i'd settle for a girl with autism, not even kidding. but you're probably right.
The opposite of that is what happens in real life, retard. Men consistently rate women as attractive, even if they're nearly landwhale mode. Women, on the other end, only rate men attractive from 9/10 up. There was a study made on this, complete with an eye opening graph, that I'm sure an user can post to enlighten you.
She didn't break conditioning, and one doesn't have to be a "doomer" to be believe that.
Luv is real. Luv is better.
Men sounds like the real retards here.
go outside
have sex
Very well said user
Men take it to one extreme, women take it to the other. It's a vicious circle. Social media was what kickstarted this phenomenon.
Dilate, kill yourself.
This is true if you believe some shit posted here with not proof.
I thought that was the real tragedy. When the Joi in OP's pic called him a good Joe he suddenly realizes in that moment it was all a farce and that he was truly alone. Now the only thing left to do was the right thing for Deckard to make his life worthwhile.
if you lift and put effort into your appearance you will eventually find women to sleep with, but they will leave you quickly. your sexual inexperiences will become painfully obvious to them as soon as you become intimate triggering a red flag to go off in her head saying "this one is not a suitable long term partner" and they will begin looking elsewhere.
sex is like anything else in the world. you have to do it over and over to finally get good at it. most people do this as teenagers with their first love. you missed out on that so you will have to really step your game up and realize that you will maybe get to have sex only once or at best a handful of times with each "match" you successfully take from talking on the app to bed. the amount of time and resources required to do this will be quite daunting. i'd suggest casual bar dates - don't go to expensive restaurants. you will face countless rejections and humiliations along the way. avoid women in your social group because the anxiety of them telling all your friends about your lack of sexual experience will really get to you and make you go insane. i wish you all the best. i'm in the same boat. the first few times will hurt. you will probably catch feelings. you need to detach the physical aspect of it from the emotional part if you want to make it.
>When the Joi in OP's pic called him a good Joe he suddenly realizes in that moment it was all a farce and that he was truly alone.
There is a world of difference between someone calling you "Joe" or "a good Joe". Also in the script his JOI calls him "Jo".
>Now the only thing left to do was the right thing for Deckard to make his life worthwhile.
This is true.
no amount of lifting is going to change my height or the fact that i look like I'm perpetually in high school
it actually will change the fact that you look like you're perpetually in high school. a good build will make you look more like an adult.
height is overblown on here. unless you're under 5'5" you'll still have options.
you'll have to lower your standards a bit. but i guarantee you though after consistent lifting (boosts test) and a few weeks of nofap you'll have no qualms shagging a big girl.
women, or simulacrum of women, are incapable of love. they were created specifically by the demiurge to destroy and mislead mankind.
Last bump of the night. Blessed high intensity thread.
Stay the fuck away from tinder.
I was feeling like shit before, and I stopped using it after 5 days because I could tell my confidence was nosing down even more.
Now it's getting worse. I'm trying to lift to regain a bit of it.
Try going out to a popular bar with a friend. Don't go out to try and get a girl's number or whatever, just to have a few drink and decompress in a friendly environment. If you focus on thots you won't enjoy yourself.
Chances are you'll eventually end up talking to people at the nearby table, and possibly a girl. Alcohol will help you to socialise as long as you're not wasted.
Every time I go out I end up talking to a random girl, but being a depressed sack of shit kinda represses me from being flirty, I don't even try anymore.
>Dilate is weak as shit
>Uses "incel," maybe the one word weaker than "dilate"
what if you don't have a friend to go to a bar with
Can confirm. I was fine before my last one-way relationship.
I was single, couldn't care less about having a gf.
Then I met someone, ignored the dozens of red flags. Got dumped after a few months of a confidence crushing relationship, and now I'm being more and more depressed as time goes by.
I'm over her, but I feel like I've been through a meat grinder.
Find a club for whatever sport you like. Maybe you'll get to drink a pint with other people after a practice session
There's always a way fren.
Damn Robert is fucking BASED
But she's not real user
You would never be able to talk about these things with her
Women aren't made for this kind of thinking.
Trust me I've tried
Damn it