what are the best fighter jet movies?
What are the best fighter jet movies?
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>implying Yea Forums would know about a /gif/ meme
>implying i have been jerking off on /gif/ for years
Just post the webm, faggot.
My fellow incels...
You will never hold a butt.
I can hold my own, does that count?
Gonna have to let me see it and hold it for myself first.
>still no sound on Yea Forums
She's fat now.
I'm in my 30s now and can't imagine anything worse than going to a club. I went to one a few years ago after a massive break since last going to one and it was so fucking awful. Drinks were overpriced as fuck, crowded as hell and I couldn't hear a fucking thing anyone was saying. I suppose it used to be better because I was always on ecstasy but without it they're fucking unbearable. All I wanted to do was go home.
nice blog
maybe if you werent so stingy you would get drunk and yell
you're a fucking boring pussy ass nigga
keep being lame
clubs arent for hanging out drinking talking to your friends thats what pubs are for clubs are for music you idiot
Will do.
cry more normalscum
based only npc go clubing.
>clubs are for music you idiot
Clubs play garbage music user, get some fucking taste. Clubs are for getting drunk and fucked up then grinding with drunk and fucked up girls.
Clubs are for scoring chicks. Going to a club for actually dancing means you're a woman or an absolute subhuman piece of shit.
Same I hate clubs and what makes it worse is that they usually play nigger music, it is not enjoyable at all. The only point is to pick up sluts.
clubs are for drugs and getting blind drunk and fucking 18yo sluts and dancing like a retard to SHIT music
top gun
These anons get it.
no one goes to a club to listen to fucking music
holy fucking based