ITT: Dead Careers

ITT: Dead Careers

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Emma still looks good despite Makeapp.

Make app isn't accurate though it takes a wild guess as to what you might look like

Judging by the feverish reaction slamming it as misogynistic and demanding it be banned it was pretty damn close for most women.

These poor millionaire women getting called mean names online. It's disgusting

Chastain's jiggly tits were kino in IT Part 2

>We are rebels
>We are heroes
>We are troublemakers
>Don't you dare call us difficult.

Based and checked

(((Who))) is stopping their career, why does it have to be a concern to me as a male? Why don't they name the greasy producers who told them they were too old and that eventually they could still get roles if they sucked their cocks?

>dead careers
Silly user

Makeapp adds dimples and deletes mascara. Shameful.

you can still see the many repeated amount of makeapp layers that were applied by the intensity of the text, sorry frogfags

What the hell is Makeapp?

Frogfu is very pretty.

Attached: no makeup.jpg (2024x2024, 1017K)

Jessica acts like herself on screen and looks like a tranny. Potato had flops after flops for the past three years.

"Removes" makeup but creates freckles.

Adds bags under your eyes and makes you pale

Mary J Blige is still a new actor and is in Netflix stuff.

how one can be more casual

Didn't Lady Bird get like a thousand nominations for stuff and won some?

>Emma Stone
>dead career

Easy, just look into the mirror.

that's a man

>he thinks it was a question

Sersh is going to be in Little Women

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You think too highly of yourself.

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