Sticks and Stones

The content is the best it has ever been but he’s no longer funny. What did you think?

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But he was fucking brilliant. The way he was able to rope the women into his abortion bit, and then call them all out, was genius. He also made Chinamen SEETHE even though the point of his joke was the ridiculousness of trannies.

Imagine getting paid tens of millions of dollars from a sinking ship just to be able to speak your mind and get away with it.

It's all bullshit. You have the vocal minority who think it's terrible, then you have the opposite minority like fucking Norm who are so desperate to push back and say this is the best of comedy.
It's neither.

I never found his standup funny

So I was walking down the street looking to score some weed when I saw a strange fellow
*claps knee*
I had to ask them, are you a he or a she?
"I am neither"
God damn nigga how many sex change operations did you have?
*runs up and down stage*

it's Patrice-lite material

I laughed a bunch.


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It's one of his least funny specials but it's the least gimmicky and most redpilled.

>you that faggot nigger off TV?
>that sounds like something... I would say

Who is this describing?

>What did you think?

this nigga has been reading Yea Forums and stealing our jokes

Bill Burr did better

No we've been stealing his


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pretty much this, it's deifnitely weaker than his last few on netflix, but for some reason those two groups have latched onto it because NO YOU CAN'T MAKE FUN OF TRANNIES and YES LIBS BTFO!! which is odd considering he had tranny jokes in his last one and it was funnier but they didn't care as much, he was literally retreading old ground, felt pretty lazy.

the juicy bit was great.

Was it a Joker reference, bros?

>i agree with what he says so its the funniest he's ever been
>i disagree with what he says so it's the worst hes ever been

It was lukewarm, but it had a bit of balls. Many of the jokes are tropes and memes from the last few years, polished and sharpened by a skilled performer, but hardly groundbreaking material. His cue for the audience to laugh is also a bit of a crutch.

Im glad that he so clearly presented as his thesis that nothing should be out of bounds from comedy, but the jokes weren't as funny as the statements within them were bold.

Man when he said that Juicy Smolley was French I thought he would say that he was targeted for a hate crime because he was French. Would've been kino.

kek, i needed to google the fucker like an idiot.

He’s at that later era Carlin stage in his career where he states the obvious that very few will admit.

Bill Burr was better


It’s boomer humor as told by an over sensitive black guy that gave up comedy for several years because he hated White people laughing at his jokes even though he’s most popular with white people.

It’s only edgy humor if you avoid any place that has politically incorrect humor for the past few years.

It was better than his 2017 stuff but not nearly as good as his other earlier specials

I actually thought the stuff people aren't really talking about was the funniest. The class role reversal with a rich black guy feeling disdain towards white junkies is great comedy fodder

>content is the best it has ever been but he’s no longer funny

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>was it funny?
>no, but I agreed the hell out of it

based stew was making fun of you people a decade ago.

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I think part of the problem is the general vibe/delivery that comes with his age.

When he was young and scrappy the edgy shit Chapelle said just seemed like shit he was saying to get a reaction, now in his more aged self you actually feel like he believes everything he's going on about, whether that's true or not.

It kind of hinders the humor when you feel like you're being preached to, especially if you don't agree with some of it.

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I think it’s true. I think he believes everything should be taken as a joke in comedy. That’s what he fights for. Not for the subjects he talks about

Didn't find him that funny this time around, but still interesting.

Bell Birr was butter

He's a god tier comedian. I've loved him since I was 13 years old, watching one of his stand up routines at 5am in the morning waiting for a plane and listening to him talk about crack babies selling weed to support their own kids.

Everything he's ever done is top tier. He shits on men and women, left and right equally in a way that isn't as sackless as 'c-centrism'.

Are you fucking high? That 'alphabet' and 'now white people know how it feels' gags were fucking hilarious. Never mind fucking everything about 'Juicy Smolley'.

He fucking says everything he says is first and foremost a joke. It's all a fucking joke, jesus christ.

Comedy Protip: If a comedian prefaces a joke with "I probably shouldn't say this," he's washed up.

His post 00s stuff all comes off as oooh I'm richer than you oh I'm also black fuck white males hahaha Asians small penis

i love the way he screams faggot

Listen tranny, it will go away faster if you stop talking about it.
It was funny, you were destroyed, move on.

>That 'alphabet' and 'now white people know how it feels' gags were fucking hilarious.
Not really.
Besides the fact that he stole the "alphabet" joke.

>see a comedian perform
>turns sensitive topics into jokes
>hurr durr wuz he being honest??


his stand up was never funny and his show was carried by Murphy and Brennan

This. Buts its the best we can get because RIP Patrice
Bull Berr was bitter

Dave has been practicing and perfecting that joke for over 15 years

>Dave Chappelle stole a joke
>from Owen Benjamin
>Owen FUCKING Benjamin

The joke's older than that nigga. Comedians occasionally share/reframe joke. It's when you pull a Dennis Leary and steal an entire set that you get the kiss of death.

end your life immediately


Dave Chappelle. Or whoever writes jokes for him.

who do you think?

the true GOAT of comedy

The bit about being able to terminate child support is a long time men's rights talking point from r9k and plebbit

He was also a liar about how quiet black people were regarding the Passion of Jussie.

That was literally engineered by Kamala Harris and her people to get support for her lynching bill. The first few days only the far right websites dared to question him.

Meh, it was okay. Some funny bits, but also some weak ones. He went a bit too soft on trannies, but I guess that's the rules if you want to be on Netflix these days.

It's similar but done in a different way. Is it really any different from other jokes that can be easily thought up?

This. His timing is a bit off. I feel his jokes are a bit better, but it's less funny because of the timing. It lost some of it's seemingly spontaneity.

Also: I saw him in Con Air the other day. Never realized he was in this. Must've seen this movie before he got famous.


>The content is the best it has ever been
Um, no.

he's quick, like lightning from a gun

I laughed way more at this then at his 2017 special. The school shooting jokes were really good.
The tranny jokes are getting old though, he literally repeated the same joke from his 2017 special.

It was fine. Some nice lines. Almost brave in parts. But as a Bong I can't half help but notice how adoringly that crowd looks at him. They'd probably kiss his arse if he asked them to. Also, the way Chappelle slinks away after delivering a punchline was shit. Overall I just got the impression that Americans are very easily pleased when it comes to comedy

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He got shitlisted by (((Hollywood))) for a decade and a half because he refused to wear a dress and walked out when they tried to fuck with his vision for his show. They let him come back because hes genuinely one of the funniest in the game and rakes in buku bucks