>Dragon Ball Super
>Fire Force
>Lupin lll Part 5
>Food Wars
>Black Clover
>Naruto SHIPPUDEN [\spoiler]
>Gundam: The Origin
And last but not least
>My Hero Capeshi-I mean My Hero Academia!
Holy shit guys, I’m practically cumming right now. These aren’t only the best anime ever, but the best shows ever! AND TOONAMI JUST AIRED THE STEVEN UNIVERSE MOVIE A WEEK AGO!!!! Is Toonami officially the best network ever?!?!?!?
Toonami has the greatest lineup since airing
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not running
How could you fucking forget Dr Stone?!
Do you not wish good morning world?!
Why was I made?, who made me?, and what did they make me for?
Fucking weeb
Die el 8
Toonami fucking sucks now. Last time Toonami had a decent lineup was 2014
>No Demon Slayer
A boy has the right to dream.
Stopped reading there.
Go play gears of war faggot.
>Dragon Ball Super
>dubbed anime
You got to walk your own path.
>Gen Lock
>dub anime bad!
>moe shit good!
You're attempts at looking superior amuse me.
>To outer space, every one of us!
October 12th
Gender: lock haahah
i absolutely hated toonami as a kid, especially when they shat on samurai jack
dumb weeb
You mean American Dragon?