All those moments will be lost in time, like *gulps* tears in rain.Time to die

>all those moments will be lost in time, like *gulps* tears in rain.Time to die.
so why did he gulp?

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Organ failure.

Because he was actually a human.

chads gulp to assert dominance


I like the jamaican version of this character, Roy Battyman

His robobody was shutting down senpai

Saliva was impeding his ability to speak.

Isn't that slang for homosexual?

Dramatic effect

This film is stunningly beautiful. The sequel, even if inferior, is also very good.

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He was still chewing on the last of his sea beans

2049 is better

He just saw some juicy p*ssy

His lungs were failing, but in his all to human pride he wanted to finish his speach

All androids are homos

>so why did he gulp?
because he's a real human bean

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Because he was nervously enjoying his last free moments before dying.

Also Hauer adlibbed the second half of the speech, he was just told to do the i've seen things you wouldn't believe line and fade out dying. Scott thought the rain quote was so good he kept it in the theatrical release. The whole sequence is just Hauer nervously adlibbing and continuing the soliloquy.

The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset Alzheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers, I want to cry anytime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself, but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others.

chronological snobbery

The thought of tears made him thirsty

>early onset Alzheimer's

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This was not supposed to be a feels thread, user.

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you dont have it

Its just that you have done absolutely nothing since your teens but stay in on the internet

Oh, you poor baby!
Run into a fucking wall