So can we discuss this upcoming Christmas film? Hopefully Paul Feig doesn't fuck it up

So can we discuss this upcoming Christmas film? Hopefully Paul Feig doesn't fuck it up.

They released a new trailer today

Attached: LastChritmas_Posters_001[1].jpg (1895x3000, 1.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it a Christmas flick or a biopic though

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let the kino commence

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This is /ecg/, jannies do your duty once again and prune.

Looking kino

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>literally everyone there minus the gook
Really subtle Paul

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I'm sure he just had some video tapes to return

Emilia looks like 45 in that poster

Movie posters are almost always a photoshopped mess


Attached: age_optimized.jpg (6832x4960, 1.64M)

>see terminator

Attached: terminator5_posters_4.jpg (1080x1600, 834K)

those are big breasts

That lad looks like one of those fucking Bogdanoff brothers


>Speaking about her utter dislike for Photoshop and the editing of one’s body, she recalled hashing it out with a producer on one of her early films over a promotional poster of her.
>You see, she didn’t agree the size of her assets on print correlated to her IRL boobs.

>Speaking to one of the showrunners, 32-year-old Emilia told Miss Vogue: ‘Hey guys, I ain’t got no DDs.

>‘I’m very happy with what I’ve got, and it’s not what you’ve put on that poster.’


Her boobs are unironically perfect tbqhwyf amilia

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this is the smart user

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>Lou is still singles
you had a job, user

It's small but not 14yo-tier small, its compact and perky

She's probably a C cup, she's not close to flat

God i wish that was directed at me

Looks kino


Attached: leading_lady.webm (800x640, 2.99M)

Any thoughts on Kate? First i tought she would be a degenerate but now seems like she will be a cute

She's projecting to be Lou/Verena tier, we shall see

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She's DAMAGED, this is probably how Lou was for a few years after the rape, complete with the dead end job

she's both

Attached: 14_iceskates.webm (1200x948, 2.98M)

Loufags on suicide watch

Last Christmas,
I gave her my sneed
But the very next day,
she stomped on my fees
Fuck me, shit posting away,
I guess I'm a manlet inceeeel

So what accent do her parents have? Is Kate adopted because there's no hints to her being anything but a bong

>Is Kate adopted
no her parents are just slavs

>New trailer just released
>Mods delete thread
>On a television and film board

Why are mods such fucking morons?

imagine being this wrong

Attached: 34_expressive.webm (514x600, 3M)

This is a thread about an upcoming movie. Are you fucking retarded?

This movie is basically After You

>Loufags on suicide watch

Never. Lou will always be my one and only.

Should be illegal being this cute

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it already is according to jannies

Attached: cutesmile.jpg (570x443, 24K)

Fuck jannies. I would gladly bash a janny’s skull in until his brains squirt out in a pool of black goo.

The only good janny is a dead janny.

Biopic confirmed

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Oh look Emily Clark stalkers are up bright and early. Take your meds you pathetic creeps

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grow up