Is he right?
Is he right?
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Dobson is never right.
Nice hat.
What is he doing recently ?
Let me guess he doesn't like this new Joker movie that's winning festivals in Europe
this guy is pure soi
He's correct but not in any of the examples he exhibited
Cuckson the the most unlikeable person on the internet
It’s butterfree. How can you mess up such a foundational part of the joke?
this fucking guy
Barely staving off suicide.
Hell no.
>goes into tabletop gaming store
>people are tabletop gaming
dobson is just so sad, desperately trying to appeal to some sjw clique
You know the saying even a broken clock is right twice a day? Dobson proves that untrue. See, Dobson is a clock whose hands are running at the exact wrong speed and in the opposite direction. A stopped clock will sync up with the right time, true. But Dobson will always, always be chunkily pinwheeling his fat hour hand backwards in such a way that he never, ever hits the right time. And assuming he does ever accidentally blunder onto the right time, his bald fucking alarm will assuredly manage to fail to go off, leaving him just as unaware and clueless as he always is.
Then he'll probably belch, clap like a Rich Evans character over Nintendo, and then pretend that women like him because he thinks he's actually defending them on the internet.
>Still enters because the door is "strangly" opened
I fucking hate him
How is that not racism?
Can it be an echo chamber if there's literally only one voice in it, and that voice is too weedy and effeminate to actually reverberate off anything?
I guess he makes a fair point in the first two panels, but this is Dobson we're talking about so it's no surprise that this is just another way he fools himself into thinking that it's all right to still be watching children's cartoons.
>More like Dubson
Mature refers to the audience, not the content, so it's no wonder he doesn't enjoy it
It’s Butterfree. Leave it to Dobson to make a Freudian slip about frying butter
this. do americans doing this shit irl?
I thought it was a stab at pokemon being from japan.
The whole point of that Butterfree episode was learning to be able to let things and people go when it is for their best. Ash doesn’t want Butterfree back because Butterfree is where he belongs: deep-dicking that pink Butterfree endlessly. Also it was a fucking kids show and not even remotely sad even as a kid.
i need this cringy fuck today it was a shit day
If Dobson suddenly became an edgy racist manchild I would gain a lot of respect for him
why do you want to ruin your day even more?
at least you could say 'what a shitty day, but at least I didnt read a Dumbson comic today' until now
you dont understand - it makes you feel better about yourself, since you are not him
Not him, but it's more like "I have a shitty life but at least I'm not Dobson"
Thanks for this thread. I was feeling especially suicidal today but then you reminded me I'm not Dobson.
>an unlocked door means i'm welcome
everyone like this needs to be lined up against a wall and perforated
cope mechanism is hell of a drug
Dobson was in high school when that Pokemon episode aired.
Strange memories on this nervous night in my basement. 10 years later? 20? It seems like a lifetime, or at least a main era---the kind of peak that never comes again. The internet in the early 21rst century was a very special time and place to be a part of. Maybe it meant something. Maybe not, in the long run, but no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant.
There was madness in any direction, at any hour. You could strike memes anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were posting was right, that we were winning.
And that, I think, was the handle---that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Normalfags and Society. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our shitposting would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting---on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. So now, less than 20 years later, you can go up on a red board on Yea Forums and look in the catalog, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark---the place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
>i get this a lot
>i've finally scrounged up 3 excuses
Is HE right?
this. literally me.
Did he commission someone to do that second panel?
>assigned mentally ill
unironically owner should shoot him in his stupid fucking face thinking hes a burglar
The famously globalist USSR
friendly reminder
Does Garrison really need to label every single thing in his comics
I don't get it
>mentally ill person saying to stop calling them mentally ill
Not even remotely. This guy is one of the only ones on the Internet that can give Dobson a run for his money in the delusion marathon.
>blond lenin
In the first panel, yes. Sex, gore, violence etc don't necessarily make a work mature, just age-inappropriate, in the sense that this is imagery that we wouldn't let children get in contact with.
But the follow-up is wrong. Most cartoons can't be "mature" because, by nature of their target audience, they need to simplify concepts, present them in forms that are simple, bright and colorful so they can be assimilated by children. Pinocchio shows that mindless hedonism turns you into a literal donkey because that's the message children can assimilate; but in reality the effects and damages of mindless hedonism that adults ought to consider are far more complex.
If cartoons sound "mature", then that is not because of a real maturity in themselves, but in a deficiency present in adult-oriented content which is more interested in making adults into effeminate manchildren.
>not being attracted to people who murder small animals is bigotry
>you'd never know they mutilated squirrels in their yard unless they told you
>you probably have had lots of crushes on future serial killers
Imagine being a grown man and being unable to discern the point of a fucking children's series. The whole Butterfree was supposed to be bittersweet, Ash misses his buddy but even as a child he understands that ultimately it's for the best. Wanting Butterfree to return is a disturbingly underdeveloped take on the situation.
Dobson is a lazy bear that always picks the strangest hills to die on.
>beats Ash up, steals his clothes and Pokemon and then starts yelling about fried butter on a cliff-edge
What the FUCK kind of message is this, Dobson?
>disturbingly underdeveloped
this should be dobdrew tomston's tagline
A long one, but it's worth it. I'm pretty sure he did draw a big nosed kike to his jewish gf.
I always wondered why he censored the black JarrJarr guy
>not all trans ppl have gender dysphoria
please name other so-called valid reasons for transitioning, besides attention whoring?
Actually, I agree with the TERFs on this one.
If you don't know what a TERF is, it stands for:
These feminists are essentially "old-school" and are unwilling
to share the spotlight with the mentally ill. They still hate men
of course, especially white men.
How can something like this exist in today's feminism?
Why haven't they been assassinated by trans furries who
want to genocide the white race?
Well, one of the things the mentally ill trannies want to push on the
population, beyond the infinite pronouns and child molestation,
is that they DEMAND lesbians HAVE SEX with MALE-TO-FEMALE TRANS.
Otherwise you would be insulting the trannies, and contribute to their oppression.
It's called the Cotton Ceiling (referring to panties or whatever).
Another thing is that they are using linguistical colonialism to overtake
the feminist language, by making vagina and penis problematic, abortions,
periods, etc. since the language MUST UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES refer
to the actual SEX.
The TERFs actually believe the trannys are mentally ill, self-absorbed egotistical
evil persons.
Of course he is s nintenbaby
Stop posting edited versions. Where's all the merchants?
Even though I've seen pictures of the grotesque author behind these comics I'm still 90% sure his work is satire. Half of his comics look like they could be /pol/ edits.
kek is this true? imagine if trannie and terfs started beating each other up in the streets
This one will forever be my favorite dobson move.
>there's no way to tell who's tran
well said
>Change your society to cater to our fetish
Also, Dobson the gay smaher.
what was he thinking?
God knows. He is probably so autistic that he don't see what he did wrong. He still haven't said sorry but instead did a long message about how he was sorry that "some people didn't like it" never a "Sorry, i was wrong" sorry.
jesus christ that was painful but the response just fucking made my whole body convulse inward
>Naturally she saw the drawing and got seriously offended, as any good Jewish person would.
he genuinely thought it was a way of saying "calm down, take a deep breath, things will be okay"
he's genuinely autistic and does not understand a single modicum of emotion
He's such an unabashed hypocrite. Of course I'm sure Andrew wouldn't include himself amongst the people that made the franchise "not fun" to make, anymore
>Most cartoons can't be "mature" because, by nature of their target audience
So the few that are aimed at adults can be. you could have saved yourself some time.
I doubt it's even that. I think it was because she said she's neutral about gamergate which makes her a nazi of course.
dob would never speak ill of a woman
He does it all the time. Unless you agree with him 100% you are a nazi.
I wonder if playing Monkey Island gives him PTSD.
>Dobson is the monkey