

Attached: 887821E2-EE62-4C53-AA91-61419067C3AE.jpg (333x352, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:



That yellow bastard

Attached: 1488894383880.jpg (802x1080, 242K)


>cooms in your fried rice

me in the middle

What is with this contrast?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 11.48.39 PM.png (751x261, 323K)

What do you think it’s like being at one of these? I would imagine it’s either a really friendly atmosphere since everyone is basically the dregs of society or its incredibly awkward.


>whites and asians enjoying the show
>black guy looks sleepy

none of them look very happy


Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-12 (2) tv - - Television Film - 4chan.png (213x281, 158K)

>two women with huge asses making out
>the only one not watching is the black guy

Attached: 1406263529300.jpg (1024x1024, 72K)

I get the impression it's fun somewhat for the girls because they get a lot of attention and make a bunch of money but for everyone else it has to be utterly depressing to be there.
Or at least it would be if any of the reprobates attending had any modicum of self awareness.

Because he’s the only one in the room that could actually have sex

This is why strip clubs dim the lights so you can’t see how disgusting everyone is

look again. He's a footfag.

He made the mistake of already cooming earlier and is now recharging his coom.

is this mexican or asian?

the absolute state of cumbrains

>at a porn convention
>looks like shit
>low energy
Hes a coomer like the rest of them

Not hardcore enough


imagine being this drooling retard

When did moot start wearing glasses?

Attached: snep.jpg (800x1496, 277K)

stupid coomer

Cant a man enjoy a view?

A man of taste I see

don't mind me just waiting for my favorite blacked.com pornstar autograph

Attached: 1560824738187.png (597x625, 654K)

This guy isn't even among the creepiest fans in that article. I find the other pics more unsettling.

Attached: 1566228487427.gif (331x221, 2.36M)

All I feel is disgust and pity.

Incel shaming is NOT ok

This gif would be better if it just ended with Peter staring dead at the viewer without the meme words and background.

Incels hate women,they don't go to shitshows like that.

based glink


Why are cumbrains so cringe?

this is what porn does to your brain

Attached: chrome_2OqaDoJVQh.png (552x355, 439K)

What did he mean with this?

Attached: Skärmklipp.png (670x959, 1010K)

>those crows feet
>that heavy makeup
She looks more soulless than the doll

Wish I was a giga Chad. Would be fun to go there

>i have given up

wtf is with those pupils? is she on drugs?

Not being you is a good enough start

I really need to leave the coom lifestyle behind for good


Attached: b.png (649x948, 1.33M)

I bet he spans chuck porn here typical Asian man

They are like us and they are having sex and touching boobs, I hate my fucking life

Jesus, Penny looking rough nowadays. She was legit only 29 when that article was posted.

Do those people look like giga chads to you?

How many hours has he spent on /gif/ do you think?

I genuinely think we need to hit the reset button

>I wish I still had the energy to coom

Jag om 10 år

The devil is real and these people are his missionaries.


Attached: molitva_peresveta.jpg (2082x2614, 680K)

The final temptation test

>It's a movement to end porn addiction.
>Porn addiction to what?
>*The Who starts playing*

“Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;”

“Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,”

Attached: 1553595117429.jpg (398x376, 37K)

Understanding that this is a spiritual war was the greatest redpill I ever took.


Attached: E._Michael_Jones.png (198x258, 111K)

This guy is based as fuck. Dabbing on the whores and the cumbrains.

He gets irl white pussy unlike the crackercels and chinkcels

>Cowboy bebop theme starts playing

Attached: D04DE618-6BBD-4031-AFFC-BF23A4AE4E31.jpg (902x680, 55K)

this is your brain on porn

>slaanesh shaming

Dubs and I have a threesome in the next weeks.


wood u ?

Attached: 1548806863171-IMG_2498-2.jpg (850x1133, 200K)

>dem latex pants

He's no brother Dean.

>people dot have sex outside of porn

This is your brain on imageboards

Attached: hg.png (1050x1493, 1.73M)

real life isn't like your creepy fetishes

He looks incapable of actual joy.

Attached: 1567713396204.jpg (2784x2256, 1.15M)

Check out the writer of the article

he looks based

Based as fuck

Attached: hopeless.png (1050x1475, 1.68M)

that fucking hairline on that girl... dios mio

Can't flim flam the Zim Zam

he has one dopamine receptor left for each of those 3 things

>tired, dead eyes
lord have mercy on the coomers

lord please stop me going down the path of the eternal coomer

I think that's a sex doll

Being a kissless virgin doesn't seem so bad now, knowing that I can still find pleasure in the beauty of a sunset or a flower in bloom.

Unironically pretty based video.

Literally stop touching your dick

Attached: thousand coom stare.jpg (685x215, 22K)


kissless virgins and coomers aren't mutually exclusive

He even has the Monster Zero.

Attached: 5DF61C50-2F33-4805-BEBE-C2F0C9EF4DA2.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

Same eyes as Ben Linus in Lost

dubs of truth

Blackedraw photo and are the best.

Wow someone actually uploaded this picture of me wtf

Attached: E22C7D7C-1267-42F6-ADD8-4316DC4B2ED8.jpg (600x792, 83K)

at least he got to touch some ass
I'm a one of those coomers that never leave their basement

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When was the last time you touched a girl's boobs Yea Forums
maybe never
only $5
you'd be a fool not to

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-12 1548806602598-FANS13b jpeg (WEBP Image, 1050 × 770 pixels) - Scaled (90%).png (946x694, 838K)

Sauce on right? I love her nose.

exactly 1 month ago. I flew to Reno and saw a hooker there

I touched my gf's tits last night for free
She has I-cups

bet you paid more than $5

>I love her nose.
I'm detecting some Judaism.

this morning when I fucked my gf

I'd fuck a jew bitch who looked like that, butterfaces are hotter anyway.

>sometimes i rip on it too hard

Not him but I have a massive hardon for girls with greek/roman noses

Attached: tumblr_n4mca6ZJq51rl2xsfo1_1280.jpg (565x1023, 133K)

week ago again tonight

2 years ago

Oh man I have not laughed this hard in ages



I think it's Luscious Lopez
t. coomer


>don't do porn, become a twitch thot instead
yeah no

Never in 32 years

Big boobs is technically two things


they all have dead eyes



>Luscious Lopez

Attached: that link description.png (580x113, 15K)

Never did, never will.

Today when I touched my sisters big breasts. She doesn‘t mind and I can touch her everywhere.

a few weeks ago

>What a sweet piece of Mexican ass this Luscious Lopez is. You have to see her in action to believe it. When a dude spreads those cheeks to ready her Latina brown hole for some fun, you can almost hear his dick-mouth hyperventilating from excitement.
Sounds about right. Don't see the issue, she's a cumslut.

You're right, it's fucking hilarious

Attached: 1568132866163.jpg (2560x1920, 795K)

kek someone post these porn whores before/after make up

2 years ago

hook noses are ugly as fuck

The dick likes what it likes
Guess that means more hook nosed girls for me

The 40 year old coomer

>huge ass

Attached: 555-come-on-now-1687205.png (500x522, 133K)

thank you coomer




>dick-mouth hyperventilating from excitement
What did he mean by this?

wh*Te cuck

And thats a good thing
Cooming is better than fucking real roasters

This morning

my dick-mouth is always spewing dick-sick. i think i'm dying

same here dude, i thought i was the only one kek

Literally me

What a chad.

>the male star that is.


Attached: 1548806335941-FANS10.jpg (2000x2916, 3.2M)

these guys all look like they would be bros wtf

this article is stupid

Abella Danger

You're not wrong

based post

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Praise be to YHVH

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>porn addiction to what ?

Attached: ahah yea.jpg (1008x720, 99K)

I'm starting nofap today. Just look at their eyes. Their soul has left their body.

Why the hell do people go to these? I don't get it.

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Shameless addiction to pornography.

just stop watching porn you retard

wait is that really her

who is she? she would be a top tier qt if she had none of the retarded tattoos

Attached: shittier.jpg (220x316, 17K)

She came off as a spiteful cunt

she came off based and redpilled

> back in my day, pornstars were worth fapping to *burp*


Listen boys. I am 1 year 1 month into no fap, no sex, full semen retention. You can all make it there too, not because I believe in you or some lame shit but because I promise it’s worth it. I have no end goal as I don’t see it as something I’m working towards, rather I’m just allowing myself to move forward continuously.

> I am 1 year 1 month into no fap, no sex, full semen retention.
what a retard lmao

>full semen retention


Man that is so sad

I work as a cam whore and it kind of pains me to think these are the people at the other side. Just lonely, empty souls.
Bless them.

Resist the modern sirens call lest ye wind up battered and broken upon their shore.

Coom coom your brain cells away if you want. The rest of us are ascending.


Because I wanted the challenge so I can judge what other men throughout history like Tesla, Muhammad Ali and Hermes claimed is the key.
Sex is a waste of time and resources. My perspective on this comes from a mental state of abundance so I can understand how this would frustrate an unironic incel.

Sex should only be used for reproductive purposes. Not recreational purposes.





I don't know why, but these two somehow look convincingly like they could be a legit married couple...

Attached: 1548806800629-FANS19.png (717x541, 555K)

That’s your own journey to decide what the key is for. The door you seek has always been there.
The pursuit of carnal desire became hollow and the realization was that I had become hollow too.

nothing wrong with coom coom
at least I get to enjoy myself and coom huge loads.

Attached: 32434nt.jpg (247x329, 16K)

i've seen guidos with their fat tiddy jersey shore trash wives on long island who look like them. it's not outside the realm of possibility.



kino shot

Attached: Capture.png (1050x1394, 1.4M)

Even the jew einstein had sex and so did hitler.
The only people who don't have sex are incels

He's a YouTuber there to make fun of the BLACKED cucks.

why is it so kino

Attached: kiss2.webm (360x640, 1.12M)

Attached: coomer.png (1050x1402, 2.57M)

i unironically feel bad for pornstars bros

Attached: kiss4.webm (252x336, 1.51M)

jesus there is some serious labia happening top and bottom

Fucking primal animals. Sub-human monkeys.
Having sex should be about build up your family and future, to be intimate with our one true partner in life.
Fucking trash.

t. incel

Why are lesbians so offputting?


i feel bad that they get groped by fucks like him, but then i remember american gokkun videos where 100 guys like him cum in a girls mouth and she plays then drinks it, i guess they are used to it

Attached: kiss6.webm (480x852, 489K)

I don't know, is it because you're a gigantic faggot?

This morning while cuddling with my gf before leaving for work.

white ones are. jav lesbian kiss scenes are pure kino

Even the butt?

cringe religious rhetoric based on nothing

cause it's fake and it shows, it's just to get chad attention
lesbianism is a male fantasy

Of course he is Asian. What's with Asians and nigger porn?

Why are you so hostile towards my disdain towards lesbians?
Please also explain how disliking lesbians makes you gay. It's the most retarded comment you can make against lesbian criticism.

Full semen retention is impossible though right?

I've done nofap for 90 days a few times and there are always one or two wet dreams in there. As far as I know there is no way to stop those.

All of them are offputting

girls are hot so hot girls kissing hot girls is hot, it's as simple as that
butch dykes are disgusting of course

It is though. Look her up yourself you in denial virgin.

Whatever you say cumbrain

Yes. :)

Attached: 188898657-preview.jpg (1920x1080, 67K)

>having sex at least once a week makes you a cumbrain

Enjoy your prostate cancer.

You will never achieve anything in your life. You will watch porn everyday after your minimum wage job, get fatter and more disgusting with time and die. Someone will find your corpse after a month.

I hate this fake phony ugly whore

nah this cant be real

Attached: 1565307288798.gif (268x402, 1002K)

Why do you think she's always trying her hardest to not look directly left or right in her videos and streams.

I don’t focus on that because it’s not something I can control unless I were to wake up in the middle of it but even then it’s sketchy. Don’t fight your body, your goal is to tame it.

I already retired when I was 25. I dont have to wagecuck ever again in my Life.
I'm also not fat, watch porn every day and have absolutely no problems with it, cooming is fun.

But I could see how Porn could negatively affect mentally handicapped and subhumans so thats why they perceive it as something dangerous.

i thought bitch on the right was amouranth

Attached: amouranth.png (1119x578, 793K)

ugly fucking whore who thinks she is important and matters.

Attached: pokimane.jpg (1600x1600, 306K)


god I hate this bitch. So sickly looking. Looks like she fucking smells.

what's the name of this new maymay?

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But hot girls kissing other hot girls isn't hot. Just like watching a hot girl kiss a "hot" guy isn't hot either.


you sure about that?

Attached: GKiss_2161.webm (704x396, 2.98M)

>he was balding even then
Never stood a chance

What is the purpose of sex?
The purpose of food is nourishment. You can eat and then throw up, but it's not designed for that and is corrupting its purpose
Now how about sex?

awesome pictures & great _reportage_ desu

Yes. I'm 100% positive on my statement.

My penis begs to differ
Onlt girls on girls, I don't watch anything with men


>hot girls kissing other hot girls isn’t hot
Yes it is you fuckin dweeb

really? absolutely 100% ?

Attached: GKiss_2162.webm (704x396, 2.99M)

The pleasure sex provides tells me that it's for pleasure, unloading stress, increasing passion with a lifelong partner, etc. There has been an idea of monogamy and enjoying your partner for a very, very long time instilled into our ancestors so it's not a new sentiment.

Look at those fish go at it

Those are rookie numbers. I went nofap for 9 years.

What about the pleasure that food provides?
Is that for pleasure as well?

>two soulless black eyed insects mashing their lips together for yakuza money

thats why you shouldnt eat anything tasty, its as haram as masturbation.

t. homosexual

Attached: schlop schlop schlop.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Yes. That's why multiple cultures, without any inter-communication, come up with recipes to create beloved dishes. Making your lover a delicious meal is an ancient concept. You can have pleasure, and you can also have moderation.

>retired when I was 25

Real man could never retire. Meaningful work is part of his identity and he constantly build for his family or community. We don't work just for money, but also for social status, you brainlet. For more respect.
But have fun browsing Yea Forums for the rest of your life, my retired soikid. I'm sure a quality woman will pick you and not a working "wagie" doctor.

Attached: TV-meetup.jpg (2000x1447, 1.85M)

showing asians kissing like mongoloid retards is not a good way to convince someone women kissing is hot

wtf u talking about man she literally looks like that photo, look at that fucking snout

me covering my face with my cap

Attached: 1468622276399.webm (360x640, 2.92M)

2,5 years ago but they were real nice and big

gay ?

Attached: kiss1.webm (500x624, 2.93M)