The Dark Crystal

So, Skeksil is like the Emperor Palpatine aka Sheev?

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i tried watching this but it's just so stupid everything looks so fucking stupid

FUCK off

t. booty-blasted gelfing

The similarity between SkekSheev and the other Skeksis is what the disney shill from RLM said about Palpatine: We enjoy them because they enjoy being evil

Trips of truth

No, he's either Littlefinger or the fat, bald eunic from Game of Thrones.

>they enjoy being evil

I'm convinced this is why that wily old Jock Ian McDiarmid has such a large and enthusiastic following.

I this worth watching if I never saw it as a kid?


Absolutely. It's a prequel anyway and explains everything that's going on.

Sure. It barely has anything to do with the movie anyway.

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Nice, thanks.

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Yes, I didn't see the original movie (or maybe I did and just can't remember) and i absolutely love the world building that takes place in the show. It took me 10 minutes to shake off the feel of "no humans" and I'm just enjoying the ride.

I hope that, when i finisht he show and watch the movie, it won't ruin the magic.

That being said I loved Farscape so puppets don't bother me.

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Why is Chamberlain so skeksy

I think the only thing they fucked up was Chamberlain's broken English

Barry Dennen originally spoke like that to the gelfing because the original print had the Skeksis speaking a different language. It was meant to be a huge shock to the audience, and an instance of Dennen playing dumb to Kira and Jen (also casting his hypnosis magic on Jen, like Thulsa Doom at the start of Conan).

At the very end on the film, in the ceremony scene, Chamberlain speaks perfect 'gelfing', with really smooth elocution when he says: 'Give us the shard, and you can go free.'

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Why are they doing that


I liked this aspect. I felt that he was playing dumb with everyone so they could underestimate him. I believe he is fully capable of speaking completely fluently and eloquently.

>"I am honored, Sire"
>"No, you are commanded"

the skeksis dialogue is on point

so do you, puppethater

The Emperor reigns until dying of crust at the start of the movie, then Skeksil fails the TRIAL BY STONE![spoiler/], so no, he never achieved a fraction of what Sheev did. He's Grima Wormtongue or some shit.

I like the puppets but the execution of action scenes is terrible; it's distracting and reminds me I am watching puppets controlled by humanoids. Puppets really limit the things you can do. They look great tho.

Other than that I liked the season overall. The world building expands on the original movie with great success. The sets are beautiful; I bet it took a ton of work to make them.

I am looking forward for the next season.



It's great. Like watching Big-Birds torturing a bunch of Elmos for 10 hours.


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Fuck marry kill

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finished the show. worth it to watch the movie? I hate watching dated shit.


It's a bit slower and very different to the show. Personally I liked it but then I'm very patient when it comes to films. Still might be worth it for the puppetry and to see where all this originated from though.

they look exactly the same with the exception of the gelfling being less animated

I think the Skeski and Mystics and monsters look pretty great.

Gelfings look a little odd but it works because of the art direction.

It was made in 1982 and still holds up so fuck off pleb.

How did the Hunter survive landing on those sucker things?

Have you seen the making of documentary? They had done test footage with pixar-esque CGI gelflings acting with the puppet skeksis.

On one hand, CGI gelflings had no trace of that puppet uncanny-valley-ness and could move and emotie´much more fluently, but on the other, it also just gives something 'extra' to the series as a whole that all characters are puppets and physically there.

He's been doing this hunting thing for a really long time.

He pulled his devil trigger

he's not gay so he can't get the succ (chompies)

>Um, hi user! It’s me, Deet! Let’s get you out of there.

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>tfw a dinosaur vulture puppet with a purple stick has better characterization and motivation than pretty much any genre villain in the last 20 years

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I'd doot a Deet if you know what I mean.

What does Deet smell like? My guess is wet moss and limestone.

Moss, wet earth, and decomposing leaves. Like the ground of a foggy New England forest in autumn.

would fug

why are gelfings so qt

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I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

Fuck emperor (Jason Isaacs), marry best boi Chamberlaim, kill Hunter


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Why don't the mystics just kill or maim themselves to end skeksis power?

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Deet is real waifu material. I want to hold her hand while I fuck her ass.

Anyone else excited for the Gelfling genocide next season?

why don't you just have sex?

Skeksis got the half that has ambitions to do anything whatsoever. Mystics are lazy, passive fucks. Archer was special.

Must suck being a mystic, knowing the torturous shit skeksis do to each other. One moment you're chilling weaving or something, next your eyes gets gobbled out of nowhere.

That makes sense but the question still applies to archer, he could have just stabbed his own legs or something to stop hunter from getting away.

>you dare try to control Aughra?

She’s fucking great in the series. They did such a good job with her.

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He delivered a deadly arrow to Hunter. Just didn't kill him immediately unlike Archer, who keeled over.

why did Archer's body just disintegrate into magic dust when he fell off the cliff? He wasn't even close to hitting the ground.

Wait I think i got it. Archer had to "die" in a specific way in order to resurrect Mother Aughra in the last episode?

mystics being mystics

it was never a "huge shock to the audience" in the original as Skesis were still speaking english the whole time

In the original concept Henson actually had them speaking their own language

But he changed course and the Broken English sort of lost its point

>In the original concept Henson actually had them speaking their own language
That's what user is saying. In the original script, skeksis spoke their own language. Chamberlain would have been revealed to be able to speak in a language the gelflings could understand in the scene where he meets them, which would come as a surprise to the audience.

A new trailer for the SRPG came out. It's coming this winter.


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Absolute madman The opening scene is already pretty frightening and confusing if you're a young kid, but I imagine it would have been 100% scarier when on top of everything else, the only dialogue is Mordor speech.

skesis speech is more or less ancient egyptian much like how podling shit is based on polish

Why do the skeksis read from the Torah?

Just finished the episode where the little insect was going to mind control her and then she just flips out at it instead. Such a great character.

They don’t

I'd say that SkekSil uses broken english intentionally to trick his victims into thinking he's dumb.

Looks like small scale battles like in final fantasy tactics, I would prefer something like weshnoth or wargroove style.
But I do want to play and level up hero Chamberlain, too bad he is looks like he is buffer/debuffer type instead of heavy hitter.

Why did she give the crystal to the skeksi in the first place? Also she could have atleast looked for it every few 100 years or so

>he was only pretending to be retarded
one of us

I literally finished it for the first time about 5 minutes ago and yes. The puppetry work is amazing but the story is pretty ass and you can guess the reveal from minute 1

I lost it at that line and
>Aughra was born old

What reveal are you talking about?


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based hupposter

She actually gave the crystal to the UrSkeks in exchange for their orrery. They then fucked up in their experiments of it and split


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this bird has a broken wing IIRC. sad boyz

>duel blade
>doesn't duel with it

>kill Hunter
good luck

the real power of the duel glaive was it had the missing dark crystal shard in it. idk why the heretic and wanderer weren't more open about that fact tho

they're stripped of all ambition by their very nature, and even if they did, the death of all skeksis wouldn't heal the crystal. the darkening would still spread, possibly even faster, and corrupt all of thra.

>not scared
>just surprised

I wager they are just as unwilling to die as the Skeksis, and would rather be reunited with their other halves. Archer only did what he had to since he knew that if the Hunter gibbed Rian then and there, they'd probably be screwed in the long run.


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I hope it has a robust class system like FFT.

What reveal?

This is what I love the most about Mystics, they come across as your typical benevolent and moral fantasy wizards but actually if you look deeper into their behavior they are as much a blight upon Thra as the Skeksis.

>evil ugly puppets


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>heavy hitter
yeah I totally thought the sneaky manipulative guy was gonna be a front line fighter too, wtf

What do we think of Thunderbolt Fantasy?

The first shot of this guy and you already know something ain't right with him

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Here's probably how it went down.

>Skeksis have gift for Aughra, yes. Let you see the stars we came from!
>Do not worry about crystal, Skeksis are Aughra's friend. Skeksis will watch Crystal FOR Aughra, yes?
>Don't want to do it? Think of knowledge. Skeksis know more because we come from stars. Think if Aughra knew as much as Skeksis. Think how much good Aughra could do.
>All old Aughra has to do is lay back and rest while Skeksis do all the work.
>Good idea, is it not? HmmMMMmm?

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There's actually an interesting bit to that. skekTek was originally very good friends with Aughra, being one of the few people who didn't treat him like shit alongside maybe skekUng, and built parts of her observatory, and was pretty much bullied into cutting ties with her by skekSo when relations between the two soured.

Why didn't Archer murder the shit out of his fellow Mystics then off himself?

skekTek was surprisingly mild in his evil compared to the other Skeksis.

He just wanted to chill and enjoy his experiments.

That'd be evil, and he literally cannot be evil.

Why are you asking stupid questions instead of offing yourself?

The death of the Skeksis wouldn't fix the crystal, and both the Skeksis and urRu seem to remember when it was shattered and are likely aware of this fact. That and as strong as the Archer is, I doubt he could single handedly kill all his fellow urRu even if he could bring himself to do it, nor would skekMal.

Honestly it seems like the more active and further away from the backstabbing and politics a Skeksis is, the less evil they are. skekTek is still a sadistic and ruthless monster but even he seems sickened by some of the others. skekMal, skekVar skekUng formerly the Heretic are all far more physically active than the others too and while the first three are still violent brutes they're at least honest about their dickishness.

That would barely change anything.

Why is his name Skeksil? Wouldn't that be like the President being named Humal?

All skeksis have names like that dumbass. Skeksil, Skektek, Skekmal, Skekso etc.

This would have been absolutely brilliant.