Is arabic TV more kino than western TV?
Is arabic TV more kino than western TV?
Memri is a mossad psy op. That isn't what they are really saying.
I spoke to an arabic friend and he confirmed this is 100% what they're actually saying
He's right you know
>National duty to rape her
The translations are accurate but it's the equivalent of trawling crazy Jesus channels on western tv that have like 5 viewers and presenting it as if it's mainstream.
No you didn't and no it's not.
The political science teacher is based as fuck
it's about 500% better
>I'm retarded
it's a psy op that backfired really hard
It’s real this one was reported in the news a year ago
The texts match exactly what they say, but Memri implies all Arabs are like that while in reality it is 50% to 60% who are like that.
Many of those sheikhs are widely considered "moderate" and mainstream. As I said, a slight majority of Arabs would be agreeing with those bits.
Arab here , the text is accurate but only 10 to 30% of Arabs would agree with it and a lot of stuff is out of context
A lot of the images are meme edits that get presented as genuine though
tv is harem
Well I guess it depends where you live. In Tunisia and Lebanon I would agree with you, but in places like Yemen, Iraq, and even Egypt I think that the poor masses are still ranging from fundamentalist to traditionalist. There is a reason honor killings are still so common.
he's not even wrong desu
> There is a reason honor killings are still so common.
Except they are not , there are like 5 or 10 stories max every year that we know off , perhaps a 100 max that aren't reported.
In a population of millions that's insignificant
Why are muslims so obsessed with their shoes?
The shoe is a metaphor for humiliation , something that is constantly stepped on
lol "the news" ok that settles it
>this makes the coomer seethe
>50% to 60%
of the ones under the thral of evil saudis maybe
The translations aren't always accurate. One that comes up often is that they always translate 'Zionist' or 'Israeli' as Jew. And a lot of Arabic can't be easily translated to English without sounding extreme, they very much so play that up. Google Translate would genuinely be better.
subtle. exactly what one would expect from zionists
I miss Memri threads.
>caring if it's real
>not just enjoying the whackiness
Fucking based.
my favorite
Is there an African version of Memri TV? Like some Congolese local tv or something? Feels like a potential source of KINO
Africans and indians are just unapologetic uninteresting shit , Arabs are intellectually superior and based
watching porn on the internet can be a hobby desu
are any of these subtitles actually real
>Arabs are intellectually superior and based
no they're a bunch of inbred idiots
As an Arab i don't even find what they are saying to be that outrageous
Define consanguinity
what is he wearing?
it's a map showing the rate of inbreeding around the world
>it's a psy op that backfired really hard
This desu, everyone thinks ayrabs are based now
A sweatshirt tied around his head.
google it nigga
They make for excellent edits
>In a clinical sense, marriage between two family members who are second cousins or closer qualify as having a consanguineous marriage
Means how purebred you are.
Niggas i know what i mean , sang=blood in french and we studied the term in biology.
What i mean is what do you consider as inbreeding ? ,first cousin second cousin ...etc
Best Memri character
Probably. At least their talk shows are.
holy fucking based
This is undoubtedly true
The funny thing is that you are partially right as it was founded by ex-military Israelis but they literally just translate what they say and don't edit the footage usually
>getting this buttmad over memes
ask me how i know you're muslim
Fuck, this one is my favorite
kek, what the fuck is going on here?
Chokers are hot though, and for precisely that reason
cant tell if these are even real
fuck I laughed hard
I fucking love memri threads
What do you find weird about any of these statements ?
This is true and I wish I could adhere to this
>this guy marries your 9 year old daughter
what do
>Canada has more inbreeding than the US
Must be all the Pajeets that immigrate here
It's the winters. Too cold to go outside, so they get bored and fuck their cousins instead to pass the time.
she probably died after this statement
That's why this is my favorite. He was just talking about the effect of hollywood movies on people!
Back when the world still believed in God, touching someones feet meant humilliating yourself before them. Or if someone touched you with their foot it was the greatest disrespect. Not just arabs. Indians have tons of literature about it. Jesus Christ washed the feet of their disciples
>they always translate 'Zionist' or 'Israeli' as Jew
Which is the correct translation.
No, no, no. Not more kino. Quicker, easier, more seductive.
Wow this is getting very meta
Lmao he's completely correct. I've never met a girl who wore chokers who wasn't a "choke me daddy" type with zero self confidence and a low opinion of herself, who simultaneously spouted vapid feminist bullshit.
smol brain
>the jew SEETHES in anger at this
> "شمس" a (((kuwaiti))) singer who denounced her citizenship and took up the nationality of"saint kitts and nevis" a literal who Latin country cause she wanted to wear shorts
Women are retarded evrywhere
Except foreign tourists (female) go to ar*b countries like yours and end up mass gang bang raped in public spaces you subhuman filth
all ar*bs should be genocided, your kind and seed must be put down
Israeli - اسرائيلي
Zionist - صهيوني
Jew - يهودي
Try harder, jewboi
>Being mad that she now wears short shorts
Spotted the fag
Please provide an image
>the democratic club
Like the "swedish tourists" 2 out of god knows how many tourists that visit Morocco every year.
Just thier bad luck that they came across some Meth-head Moroccans , facts are arab countries are still 1000x more safe than most 3rd world shitholes
>As a working definition, unions contracted between persons biologically related as second cousins (F ≥ 0.0156) are categorized as consanguineous.
The thing is she could've worn shorts in her country , denouncing your home and throwing a huge tantrum just goes to show how stupid and immature you are.
>whatever happened there
Stop, i don't want to become a Muslim.
He speaks too many truths
Yes, please do
Depends on which country. Qatar/UAE is relatively westernized and fine. Palestine(West Bank, Gaza) And Lebanon doesn’t really have religious issues besides muh jews. It’s usually the African Arabs and Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan that are the issues.
this looks fun is there a video
video please?
-U.A.E/Qatar safest countries in the world , much safer than every western country you can leave your car/house doors open at 2 a.m and not worry about a thing
- Afghanistan literal warzone why would you go there.
- North Africa generally fine if you don't go out late in the night and stay away from shady alleyway , you know just following basic safety protocols
- Levant same as north africa a bit more safe , only problem comes from armed conflicts
Even if it wasn’t a war zone most non Arab Muslims are worse than actual Arabs.
Theyre actually quite prevalent in Albania
user, I....
Ugandan TV, which is in english, and any of the interviews with Idi Amin where he named the International Jew.
absolutely based
China>>>>>>>>Arabic countries>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(((the West))))
Definitely. We never have shoe fights and blatant antisemitism on air.
Fucking based
>with Allah's grace we will smoke this to reveal his divine reasoning
I'm dying here
Does anyone have the original of that part?
Sounds based as fuck. Whatever country her home is I'm sure it fucking sucks. I'd denounce it too. She should go to Europe and fuck white bois.
what if my hobby is drawing smut? help me imam
she looks like she fucks white guys
Again she could've done that without renouncing her citizenship and throwing a tantrum
positively feeling the charisma radiating off of this man
bluepilled freak
What’s her name?
>She should go to Europe and fuck white bois
WMArF is the future. Buy stocks now.
>-U.A.E/Qatar safest countries in the world
may a thousand pig flesh fell onto you and your family's flesh muhammed for this misinformation
fuking kekked
Unless he has the entire script of every episode and every movement and facial expression memorized so he can match the two up than he wouldn't be able to determine that
He would have to have watched every single episode and memorized everything everyone said
That's extremely unlikely
he's just assuming that's what they said because he's seen Muslim people saying things like that on TV
Also you're an idiot
It is tho maybe not for a filthy kaffir like you
>even arabs know about alb*nians
Shoo Ahmed
Be honest, are you a bot?
I wonder how her farts sound like, does anyone have a link to the original clip?
USA #1
That was actually fascinating.
Nah, it's because you have like four cities with any sizeable population and then lots of small towns separated by frigid wastelands. Also, protestantism in the US took a very dim view of cousin marriage early on so it's illegal in all but like four or five states, whereas you guys kept in line with British culture and allowed it.
>it's a beard
Fucking this. Nothing gets my dick harder than a girl with a choker.
PewDiePie’s fanbase
>any of these about arab obesity?
Inshallah, western women will learn the power of arabic culture
Careful or the Shah will hear
I don't know man, something about him makes me respect him.
Looks like an episode of Always Sunny
they cherry pick what gets translated but the translation isn't wrong
Fuck that's a good one
I prefer Israeli TV myself
>mfw I've been doing both for the last 15 years
Jews don't have a concept of hell
>I've never met a girl who wore chokers who wasn't a "choke me daddy" type
But that's hot
He is not wrong
it was also rude to sit with your shoe upturned
Lol buttmad Muslim trying to “retaliate”
Fake and gay
So its literal jew projection confirming that /pol/ is right.
Arabs are subhumans bu these pictures are painfully true
yeah, that sounds about right
Jokes on them, it actually makes the Arabs more likable than the Israelis.
Kill yourself Moshe
Maybe if you’re a 54 IQ nigger like them. Everyone is laughing at them otherwise
fuck you sooty
Cry less Mohammad
How long before we just see them discuss a Yea Forums thread about their show in one of these threads?
this one got me
Theres white muslim communities, you know.
What did they mean by this?
they look like legend of zelda townsfolk
based muslim bro
Show me some then
holy shit
why do right wingers/conservatives hate muslims when every time these threads come up they think every picture is based and redpilled
Because they hate america (not unjustified btw) and his skin is brown
I mean, memri is an israeli production
Right-wingers for the most part are brainlets who hate everything that could truly benefit them in the long run.
Because of JUDEO-Christianity.
Also, ask yourself why Islam is the last Abrahamic faith to come about, a full 8 centuries after the inception of Christianity. Also figure out what was happening in the Middle East at the time.
Religion always was programming for political purposes.
When they come to America, their children will undoubtedly become liberal faggots, like all the other brown people in America. They lack the appreciation for the America that their parents have and lose their religion.
How do you think I acquired these dubs?
>Islam is the last Abrahamic faith
Someone's forgetting about Joseph Smith.
>Arabs/brownos in general shittalking Jew noses
Pot calling the kettle black.
stoic wisdom
Last major one.
What's preventing me from doing both?
Some post that ehyptian talk show where they kick the atheist off the air
The one on the left would get it
>right wingers aka nazis lite doing something because the jews told them to do so and not just because an average muslim is not "white"
A real galaxy brain take
May Allah forgive me for saying this, but she is based
muslim pilled as fuck
right wingers have been doing what jews told them to do for the last 2000 years though, old habits die hard
The astronomy teacher is right, Saturn has always been associated as the planet of the jews and also, satan.
masyallah ukhti thats true
top banter
What's wrong with Iran?
From Vancouver, can totally confirm this
I love Memri TV, it's like what would happen if /pol/ had its own TV channel and was also majority Muslim.
>t. land of dancing boys
oh the irony
women are for babies, boys are for pleasure
I don’t see dancing boys in the Middle East. Only in Pakistan and Afghanistan
>d-doesn't count
? These are arab channels.
There are rules on how to beat your wife.
Poli Sci-History double major.
Im sure pol is a brown majority
I studied Arabic, and I'm actually quite impressed with google translates Arabic to English. Long passages obviously get fucked up, but if I'm unsure of a word's consonant root and it's meaning I can transliterate it into google and get a pretty accurate translation. I've tried it a lot with words I know very well and they always get it right. Also, that bit about zionist being changed to Jew is typical tricks, but also accurate in a hilarious way.
>implying that burger knows the difference
it is unironically
There is no hell in Judaism
a qt
>a bunch of asians and mexicans are the ones fighting for white supremacy online
There’s a lot of brownies who’d love to have whites stay in power.
more like brownies who haven't been told they aren't white yet
I mean he’s right. Shitskins have it better under whites.
Can you deny white people are trying to make black or brown supremacy online?
Venus is hebopaney associated with satan. Lucifer was a Roman term for Venus and is known as the Morningstar, which was Lucifer’s moniker
There’s no correlation with Satan and Saturn you’re just retards that see sat for both
they rarely realize it
>thinks Satan and Lucifer are the same character
they dont have a conception of truth either
99.9% of all people would rather be poor and independent than be rich and conquered by a foreign power.
Not true. Blacks and Mexicans sure. But Asians and non black shitskins are pretty ok with it.
Venus is lucifer, saturn is satan my fren. Even vedic astrology makes that distinction.
Nobody liked to be associated with saturns or its people.
Its not about white supremacy, its about fighting against kike supremacy
What the fuck are western roasties going to do when muslims take over and they get BTFO.
It must be fundamentally crushing to them that their leftists views allowed that.
Arabs would be based if they didn't have chimp outs or if they didn't have a shit tier religion
Very subversive of you, Moshe
Truly we have the same God
Are they making hashish out of that reefer there? The old Arabic saying goes something like "unpressed flowers make the lungs ache and the head crazy".
its quite clear that it would benefit the family due to the man high charisma genes being passed down
based m/u/slim
He's right you know
You mad weeb boy?
And This
Only suckers pay for porn. If you pay to fuck a pornstar, then you're golden. Expensive though.
It actually is. You'd be surprised.
Let me guess, indians?
Dude, read the definition. If your uncle or aunt is the mother of your wife at least, dude. Myself, I am attracted to my first cousin and also my cousin's cousin (but that one is ok, cause no blood relation).
>shitholes in a constant state of warfare are somehow more obese then the US
Keep guessing.
The translation isn’t wrong, but they deliberately use the most inflammatory phrasing.
I doubt they foresaw just how badly it would backfire on them.
>if /pol/ had its own TV channel and was also majority Muslim.
heh heh... “if”.
there's a reason they get flustered when you call them mutts
to be fair for Mexicans, the smart ones realized that without whitey they won't get free money and will have to deal with cartels again, unfortunately for everybody most Mexicans are stupid and don't realize this
source: your ass
Kek this
People often confuse racism for white supremacy. When in reality spics are the most racist people you can encounter. Which is hilarious considering how utterly worthless they are, how much they hate other spics, and how they can’t even tell themselves apart.
t. spic
How would that make any sense?
Also, “t.” means “signed.” So without a meme arrow, you’re just saying your post was written by a spic.
Can you deny white people are trying to make black or brown supremacy online?
t. pedant
I thought that being a musician was currently prohibited in Islam apart from Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens).
he's right desu.
>can't do both
WTF I unironically love Muslims now
Arab here, I'm glad the whore gtfo. You can have them, I don't want them around to corrupt future generations.
Where do I meet cute Arab women who don't wear the typical Islamic headgear?
why eleven and thirteen, but not twelve?
what's wrong with Toblerone? is it not kosher?
What a dumbass
there are a lot of white native muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania and Macedonia.
Also in a few areas of Russia and in the former soviet countries Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.