Just a lab partner

Just a lab partner

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>this meme was made by...

Why hello, beautiful

That doesn't even matter. Because if Gwen was with Peter there wouldn't be any conflict at all. You need flawed characters to make the story interesting and one of Peter's biggest flaws is MJ.

Don't forget MJ went on to make out with Harry at the smallest sign of discomfort.

Gwen was always better

Attached: MJ Gwen.jpg (1600x2400, 387K)

Poor Peter. What a hard choice. A post wall angry roast or a young fertile thicc goddess.

you forgot

>played by mommy goddess BDH

White woman tattooed with arabic text is a red flag, right?

That's not Arabic retard

not arabic but white woman tattooed with anything is usually bad

son, that's elvish

Its Elvish you illiterate baboon

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post more pics of cute kirsten pls


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Why was the blonde cast as the redhead and vice versa?

It's some form of elvish. I can't read it.

To fuck with you

Is that better or worse though

>actually being proud you know that

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>is it better that she's nerdy or that she's a terrorism apologist

hard to tell

Damn user, i hate lord of the rings, and yet i realize it's elvish

finally someone said it

>not having a functional memory

>Actually knowing stuff from one of the biggest, most successful movies of all time


why do hot women feel the need to tarnish their beautiful bodies with fucking tattoos?

Stop trying to make me choose mommies.

there are few who can

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for me, it's Firestar

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she has a dick?

a purer love

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this is now a mommy thread

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ok I'll watch it

How did he do it?

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holy fuck he was even fatter than he is today

huh, I don't recall BDH was in the spiderman movies. Admittedly she is more famous today than she was then.

and hotter

She was desperate to have a kid before her ovaries ran out and her mom was pressuring her for years to have a kid and one day on the set of Fargo 2 she just said fuck it and told Meth Damon that she wants to fuck.

I love you both

Tattoos are degenerate.

>anime tier gf for peter

good lord im happy for this fucker, this should be canon

it's a nice comic

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How old is she? Seems like she should be way older than the character

hard to pick one

Based roastie


i want to bury my face in their soles.

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She's 38 now. She was 26 in Spider-Man 3.

Attached: Bryce_Dallas_Howard_in_Spider-Man_3_Wallpaper_25_1280.jpg (1600x1200, 243K)

Too big, too pale.

Who gives a fuck if its elvish, shes still a dirty whore you fucking nerds.

Being ashamed of knowledge is the trademark of a brainlet that would be better suited ground up into dog food.

no such thing


I'm an assman so i choose right

true connoisseur

>neither one of these has natural hair

Going into my cringe compilation

oh no


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Bryce looked good in the movie although I prefer her with red hair and more pounds.

Spiderman 3 was an arthouse film
Emo Peter was great


the fatter the better imo

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>all these baited anons

>I was only pretending to be retarded


He was 14 making Like Mike when she was 23 making Spider Man 1
Fucking based

what a chad

even in the 90s cartoon, a lot of the main story is peter trying to find/rescue her. everything else surrounds that

reminder that gwen canonically got her pusy ranched by norm osborn and gave birth to twins

>Sins Past
Is that crap still canon?

>topo chico
a man of great taste

this lmao fuck the dorks on this board

you can stop samefagging now

this gives me the big iron. sauce?


is this real lmao

the title is an edit, but it's a legit comic

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Peter is a lucky guy

this is what mary jane supposed to look like.

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>That look on BDH's face


Easy choice

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Okay, there's only one way to settle this: I have a threesome with the two of them and decide who's best. Set it up, Anons, I'm not getting any younger here.


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imagine that body with bryces face

I envy her husband, imagine cuddling up to that and rubbing her pregnant tummy carrying your baby

and then fucking her face and cumming all over her tits


>user come here, I can feel your baby kicking!


sure.. but sometimes I'd just like to cuddle with a pregnant qt wife and rub her belly. It sounds soothing.


>incel trivia
lmao stfu faggot

Um sweaty, that isn’t Arabic.
It’s some Ching Chong language written on Sriracha sauce bottles.

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Dad is that you? Why did you leave when I was 7

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You can only save one from being raped by Willem Dafoe's green goblin dick

lmao fucking nerd.


Only dumb people think unnecessary drama is interesting

Kind of like my clinically bipolar gf

even dunst's new mommy milkers cant compete with the complete package

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I agree

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god she has the right amount of thick

I'd speak friend and enter her, if you know what I'm saying.

Certainly makes me thick

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Holy fuck that's incredible I wish someone would make me to this to her

What's this from?

jesus christ those are some average looking actors

>Kristen Dunst

Attached: k-dunst.jpg (1000x1211, 324K)

I think Dunst has better tits but BDH has better everything else.


Post more milfy dunst


GTFO Pierce!

He lives in all of us

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is this a movie?

looking back at the Raimiverse, Peter and friends look way older than supposed ages.

>tfw the only good bdh deepfake is boring solo masturbation

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>needing deepfakes

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>I'm puttin together a team

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Always thought the red head was Gwyneth Paltrow.

>fucking dune coon rune tattoo at that

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not only is it still canon, it was one of the few things not changed by Spiderman selling his marriage to the devil in One More Day

anybody got the BDH pic where her ass is just about to touch the wall

Didn't Mary Jane like Peter because he treated her like a human being.

Here we go again

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No you fucking idiot it was all about her being a hot redhead and him being Spider-Man, there was never any depth to their relationship, now buy the new movies/comics where she is black

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what? What the fuck did they do to spidey?


Supposedly Joe Quesada hates the idea of Peter Parker having a kid, because he self-identifies with Peter and doesn't like to face the fact that he's turned into an old man. So Spider-Man is never allowed to "grow up," hence why his marriage to MJ had to be undone and why he couldn't have kids with Gwen.

real talk how did Raimi get away with not one, but TWO scenes with Kristen's visibly hard nipples in full view... like the rain scene I guess it made sense. What a mad man.

peter should have gone after the land lord's daughter

she has a legit nude scene, full frontal
she's unironically being blacked though

We don't talk about that

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Seething burgerclap.

Imagine white knighting an internet thot you will never meet

>be wrong
>get corrected
>this is white knighting
So, you millennials are so deep in your boy vs girl slapfight that you don't even care if you are wrong, you just want to throw shit at the wall?
Why do we let millennials continue to be free?
You are not logical beings, you are closer to monkeys and you seek nothing but the destruction of society merely because it exists.

dear god im gonna unironically coom in ym fucking pants bros

>she's unironically being blacked though

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Do people think spelling words wrong on purpose is funny now or something?

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No longer Canon after secret wars

Shut the fuck up Pierce, Raimi is holy ground you can't corrupt His work.

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I think the optimum way to make love to a pregnant lady is via anal.

>natural redhead
>so thicc she's basically a BBW
>dad probably kept her away from Hollywood pedos so she isn't dead inside
>actually a pretty good actress, was kino in her Black Mirror episode
>takes an interest in directing, seems to be good at that too

Is BDH the most based woman in Hollywood right now?

She voted for Hillary so that's a big no

Just a Bryce Salad Howard.

you have to support the majority in hollywood or you get blacklisted


Because they weren't Disney movies

Makes me want to fuck her even harder, knowing what a naughty little slut she is

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