How did the Joker sink so low as a character going from a based happy chad that fucked Harley whenever he wanted, did what he wanted to sexless virgin loser momma's boy that cries about being bullied and goes mad because a black girl won't fuck him? This upcoming movie is a piece of complete dog shit and should not exist. Imagine using Taxi Driver (which was also sad and pathetic) and combining it with an iconic based character. You get this movie. Do yourselves a favor if you're a fan, don't go watch it.
The Reduction of the Joker
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lmao why you watching cartoons bruh? Are you five years old?
society changed
Who says he won‘t be a chad after the events of the movie?
He murdered some famous Guy on Live TV and woman love murderers.
Ya seethe, Incel? The cartoon was significantly more based than this movie would ever hope to be. Facts are facts.
You,re comparing him at two different points in his life. All Jokers start out as some kind of myopic reject.
OP btfo
Here's my gay little Joker theory:
I think it's just because sociology has became more popular, in the mainstream at least, than philosophy.
Older Joker's existed as the antithesis of Batman's values of good and order.
Batman: "You're the worst bro"
Joker: "What are you gonna do about it? Fucking kill me? Hahaha nice moral code FAGGOT"
Batman: "Yeah... I guess not, because [insert reasons]"
Viewer: "Hmm this is a pretty interesting topic..."
The new Jokers are more often about speculating about a guy's transformation and its causes.
Joker: "I'm day JOKAH BAYBEH"
Batman: "That's so sad dude. Don't hurt yourself"
Joker: "YEAH? WELL WHAT IF I WILL?? Haha I'm crazy"
Batman: "I still care about you bro"
Viewer: "Woah..." *writes a Reddit post about xir mental health"
source: my ass
OG Joker wasn't who he was because he felt 'rejected' by society. He committed a crime and killed for the laughable thrill of it. So with that said, nothing of your statement is remotely accurate.
To be honest those cartoons have more mature themes and depth than all these marvel movies you incels worship
>be zoomer
>don’t realize that Harley Quinn is a character from the 90s
its more mature than the mcu
>How did the Joker sink so low as a character going from a based happy chad that fucked Harley whenever he wanted, did what he wanted to sexless virgin loser momma's boy that cries about being bullied and goes mad because a black girl won't fuck him? This upcoming movie is a piece of complete dog shit and should not exist. Imagine using Taxi Driver (which was also sad and pathetic) and combining it with an iconic based character. You get this movie. Do yourselves a favor if you're a fan, don't go watch it.
Holy shit. A Joker thread I actually agree with.
Imagine thinking it is a positive thing to compare something to the drivel that uses time travel to fix shit writing.
You are correct. Batman and Harley Quinn animation have some of the most mature imagery I've ever seen from a Batman flick aside from a few episodes from the past, but you can't expect. closeted, insecure children who think watching any glimpse of an animation makes you 'immature' trying so hard to look mature.
still counts
He gets killed at the end. Probably died a virgin too.
no really, watching real people act is way more mature than relating to a drawing
It's funny. Even Frank Miller back in the 80s made fun of garbage pop psychologists and how they would excuse the evil of men like Joker.
While I know this Joker movie is some dark comedy and he's not the hero, it's still banking on that same pop psychology bullshit that Batman comics used to make fun of.
Hell, I know Joker proves himself to be evil by the end of the movie and the whole talk show thing ends horribly, but that very scene with the talk show scene is a bit of a knock off of the scene from Dark Knight with the bullshit psychologist making excuses for Joker's actions.
Hell, the scene in Miller's book might have have been inspired by King Of Comedy. Both it and the original movie did it waaaaaay better than this Joker movie garbage.
>based happy chad that fucked Harley whenever he wanted,
Never happened
>sexless virgin loser momma's boy that cries about being bullied and goes mad because a black girl won't fuck him
Pure kino
Funny. The function of the human brain to interpret lines on a page as people seems to be as high if not a higher function than seeing people talk to you. You're pretty much saying art and artwork are irrelevant when you can look at photos and videos of human beings.
To discredit the art of the cartoon and drawings and paintings themselves sounds pretty idiotic. It sounds like a pathetic attempt to sound mature.
In other works, jack off to some anime tiddies like a real intelligent human being.
>comparing drawings made for children to the mona lisa
why are all you comics manchildren so delusional
>Pure kino
Why, because it personally hits close to home? Please, stop what you're doing and just go have sex already.
>Do yourselves a favor if you're a fan, don't go watch it.
You are a retard OP, as always. Joker has had many incarnations in the comics, any true Joker fan will want to see this incarnation, even if it sucks ass like Leto's. My favorite was from Going Sane.
Why are you close minded assholes so dismissive and ignorant?
You're making a self fulfilling prophecy. If you insist that comic books are just a medium for children, then that's all it will remain. If you refuse to look at actual examples of mature storytelling in comics, then of course your lame petty argument that comics are just for children will remain correct in your tiny world view.
You're the one who is delusional and just accepting the bullshit propaganda Hollywood shoves in your brain to make you think the garbage they put on the screen is the most mature things you can entertain yourself with.
someone post the LA SOCIETA+leak shot meme for me please
>Be autistic
>Project your generation on others as an attempt to look cool when you can't provide a rebuttal
>unironically greenlighting a Joker origin movie detached from Batman
>turning him into a crybaby autist
>yet still trying to mimic what Nolan did at the same time
>but this time there's cursing and blood so normies think it's so much more mature and deep
>making it as bland and non-comic book as possible for award bait
>get Scorcese involved for even more award bait
This is one of the most embarassing and pathetic things WB/DC has done to date
>You are a retard OP
>You aren't a true fan if you have certain standards you're fake!
Projecting this hard.
>Joker has had many incarnations in the comics
Does that make the upcoming incarnation, premise, and concept of Joker (2019) any less pathetic? No.
It pisses me off because there is sooooo much they could do with their characters. Even with just Batman characters and even Joker they could do so many various movies.
Instead we get this shit.
This is a good post, thank you for making it
Even among Batman villains, there are so many they could use in movies, but we keep getting shitty half assed versions of Joker.
Comic books are the lowest form of art(particularly american superhero comics). He mocks pop psychology bullshit then does the same with batman. Cringe.
Stop reading comics you manchild.
But I unironically feel conected with nu-Joker. It's not like he is "literally me" but he is someone who I would love to hang out with. I need a nu-Joker bf.
Yeah. If people actually read the comics, maybe they'd realize what half assed dreck Hollywood puts out. They're rehashing shit comics did decades ago and nowhere near as well done. It's a glib facsimile of the material it's based on. It's as hollow and superficial as Hollywood itself is. They have these fanboys defending them who say the source material are childish things when in reality the fucking Hollywood output is the most immature garbage of all.
You're overthinking it, it's just a different take. Jared's Joker was just a couple of years ago and he had a gf, was a criminal leader, was wealthy, feared, and successfully did criminal activity.
Stop assuming that movies are any better.
Clearly an industry that is banking its future on superhero comics can't be any better than the mess of an industry superhero comics themselves are.
No, because it's a realistic origin for a criminal. Stop projecting disneycel
>But I unironically feel conected with nu-Joker. It's not like he is "literally me" but he is someone who I would love to hang out with.
You're one of the individuals that Yea Forums is warning people about. Just don't shoot up your local theater at the premiere.
>Do yourselves a favor if you're a fan, don't go watch it.
Beg for it mousebitch, get on your knees and beg to not watch this movie or I'll order 4 tickets for my wife, two friends and myself RIGHT NOW
Not amerimutt so don't worry.
Much like comics and cape comics themselves, the vast majority of films are souless artless corporate garbage. Now that the major studios in the movie industry has turned to milking superheroes as their bread and butter, things are only getting worse.
It's like the movie industry has entered the shitty 90s era of comics. They've not learned from any of the massive mistakes comics made then.
Now even in the 90s there were some amazing and artful comics. You just had to wade through the dense thicket of complete crap.
Super hero comics do suck, but some comic books/mangas are amazing
I don't care because the movie industry isn't just hollywood. Even hollywood isn't restricted to big studio who own comic book franchises.
Make not mistake, even smart superhero comics are nothing more than man child edginess by talentless hacks who couldn't make it in other creative fields.
ty ty
here's a midget of gratitude
>some comic books/mangas are amazing
They sure are.
They suuuuuuuure are.
Marvel shills are this desperate
>that pic
What shape is his spine even? Turned upside-down L?
Imagine connecting with made up capeshit character, holy shit, your single mother should have at least beaten you sometimes.
and the comics industry isn't just Marvel and DC capeshit.
and not even a good relatable capeshit character
Yeah nah fuck you kike
welcome to some of the finest art of the 90s
How did Harley go from Joker's doormat to feminist icon?
and even with superhero ones, there have been some really off beat ones that are far more interesting than another lame take on the Joker.
Literally started with The Killing Joke trying to turn him into some dark philosopher and made worse by The Dark Knight turning the edgy philosopher trait to eleven.
You know what would have been a great idea for DC? Instead of leading with Superman and Justice league to counter Marvel's Avengers movies, they should have lead with Teen Titans. Marvel still doesn't have a team of teen superheroes. And now they're locked out from Spider-man.
DC could easily just have started their series of films with the League already established and started with a team of young superheroes.
Instead we just get more Batman, more Joker. Yaaaawn. I guess Shazam somewhat filled this gap, but that aimed even younger.
>certain standards
Now I know you are a millennial retard.
Because The Joker movie is about him becoming the Joker, not about him already being at that point.
Catwoman is who they want but they'd have to actually read comics to know that.
>fucked Harley whenever he wanted
One of the best running jokes in the series was how completely and utterly the Joker was uninterested in Harley's thirsty clownpucci .
>Harley: "Oh I just know Mistah J has special plans for me. Why else would he have picked out all special-like? Oh I just know that in that deep dark heart, trembling with laughter, he has a special spot for me!"
>Joker: "Alright so if the Batman escapes the gas through the vents, I'll shout 'Did you see where he went?' Also I should install an automatic creampie tosser at the end. Fucking hell, the bimbo I picked up for the jump out of cake gag is still here. Why the fuck is she sitting on my notes. God damn it, I forgot the one-liner I had prepared for when the Batman chases me to the getaway boat. Fucking bitch."
Hamill Joker was based, but you know full well he wasn’t banging Harley.
Because by killing people and becoming crazy he earns the attention of bitches. That is the only way for incels to ascend.
He was, just not as often as she wanted.
>we will never get Jaquins Joker interacting with a new Harley Quinn, slapping her about etc
Yeah they really dumbed down the joker so incels could relate to him.
>he doesn't know
>be me
>get on 4cahn because i want to go be a faggot and look at traps on Yea Forums
>see a thread about the joker movie on the front page
>decide to take a quick look over and hear peoples opinion
>spend 25 minutes reading about clownpussi and how comics are apparently the worst artform of all time
>still can't decern if the movie is terrible
Movie is literally not out for half a month.
Whose first hand experience do you want to base your expectations on?
I don't waste my time paying attention to un-important bullshit like that, i just wanted a general prediction to know if it would be a waste of time to go to it
>he wasn’t banging Harley.
He did, only when it was funny.
>How did the Joker sink so low as a character
Think about how long the character has come around. The jokester has been reinvented so many times.
I think it was in "a serious house" where the shrink says joker is hyper-sane to explain why hes constantly shifting in motivation and personality.
Give it another few years and you'll see a newer gayer jokester.
>he doesnt know about liefeld
I admire your ignorance my laddo.
You want more shitty mancjild theatrics, I get it. Don't try to cover up your comicfag autism with this supposed betrayal with his "true" character
>only when it was funny
the code of the toon
There are plenty of shitty versions of Joker in comics too. These movies are closer to that crap.
Every joker origin was about him being a loser
Seething Chad
But then we wouldn't have the whole "we live in a society" thing.
Very easy answer to this? Who used to be the most hated people? It was criminals. Now it's men who don't have sex.
I remember Bruce Timm being lambasted for this. How did he dare to sexualize his own creation, or some dumb shit like that. Woke critics are the worst.