My Yea Forums thread on reddit

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These threads have been around for years you stupid newfag 2016 zoom zoom incel piece of shit.

haha best post i've seen all day! upvoted and gilded good sir!


suck my cock

>go to reddit after being a 4channer for a decade
>they love everything I say
>pretty soon, start to feel like their king
>realize after all this time that Yea Forums's just one big danger room to eventually prepare me for an ascended level on a site that actually discusses Television & Film

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well that settles it, reddit is full of pedos

edit: wow I can't believe this post got so many upvotes! send nudes lol!

This place will damage you

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He's still here

Prove it

That guy's sobbing is a riot. Every time.
>A bloobloo, I wanted your attention
>Why wouldn't you give me hugs instead of shitposting?
>Please be friendly to me, I'm just a lonely otaku
>I made this for you! Why won't you stop using mean words?
People who turn their projects into a letout for their personal needs for attention or affection always end up in echo chambers

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>up in echo chambers
Like this very board?

>go to reddit
>express an unpopular opinion (example: “Trump isn’t as bad as you say he is.”)
>downvoted to oblivion so my post is now hidden from others
>comment gets linked in a brigade sub where they all just downvote me even though that is supposed to be against the rules
>get banned from the sub i posted in
>get banned from other subs
>some psychopath tries to track me down and dox me
>eventually get -100 karma and can’t post any more
At least on Yea Forums/nel you can disagree with people.

Yes, Yea Forums is an echo chamber where nobody agrees and everyone is constantly being contrarians just for an excuse to argue sure you fucking imbecile you complete evolutionary deadend

Seriously, what makes you think that this board in specific is anything close to an echo chamber? Other than /pol/ cancer leaking into here

>Go to Yea Forums
>People will actually tell you the truth and it hurts my feelings

>desperate basedspeak clutter
you guys always out yourselves its comical

I know where Yandere Dev lives and I will soon make me move on him

I think he's even pissed off his Reddit audience by now. That game is never coming out.

imagine conflating post-2014 Yea Forums basedchildren spam with the entirety of the site

why did you go to reddit you fucking ingrate
just stay there for fucks sake god damn why do you niggers have to mix everything up together
i used to have real life in real life, myspace on myspace, Yea Forums on Yea Forums. you queers cannot stop mixing it all together

*upvotes you to hell*

If you go against popular thought you're either a shill, tranny or jew. Look at a star wars thread for an examp

>why did you go to reddit you fucking ingrate

to impress my Yea Forumsbros
y aren't u impressed?

>express shit opinion
>can't fathom why everyone disagree

>they love everything I say
Could be you actually belong there

I never even saw that guy but I don't like him at all

Wow, Reddit is great!

who is the girl?

This guy didnt even finish his game, he was just mad people here didnt put up with his bullshit excuses

What a pathetic faggot

I've got a couple of my better bait posts on reddit, its nbd. I wish I'd gotten that notoriety on Yea Forums instead of reddit but whatever, I guess its all the same at this point

>I wish I'd gotten that notoriety on Yea Forums instead of reddit
>anonymous board

Well someone was asking on Reddit which movie a certain webm I made was from.

Reddit isn't even centrist. They're straight out full sjw.
The great thing about imageboards is that you can say whatever you want and although you might get called names by some wehraboo or blacked shitter, your word holds the same value.
Go ahead and post something remotely right of the median leftie and watch as you get downvoted by people too cowardly to even adress your post on a fair playing field.

I like how you people are under the illusion that Yea Forums hasn't been reddit as fuck for at least 3-4 yrs.

>Look at 'designated shit thread' for example
You know what type of posting goes into those repetitive as fuck threads, and what type of underage user makes posts packed with buzzwords.

Yea Forums turned to shit when the election tourists came.
Or maybe it was even before that and we didn't even notice.

this, it's too late now. Yea Forums is basically normie tier nowadays

back when i used to post there i regularly got upvoted even though i was saying a lot based shit, the trick is to use their own style against them, you can get people to agree with you if you just spin it right. getting lefties to upvote my crypto-racist shit was pretty funny for a while, but that website is completely in the shitter and i havnt been there in a long time.

Based. Take me with you

what was the game?

>election tourists
i think it was actually all the youtubers constantly talking about it

>shill, tranny or jew
wow! you actually take these posters seriously? massive yikes from me senpai! you need to get 4channel savvy!

don't use words you don't know retard

what a fag

>If you go against popular thought you're either a shill, tranny or jew. Look at a star wars thread for an examp
Yes this is why you go to your favorite Disney Wars shitholes such as /r/StarWars or /r/StarWarsleaks, you'll just have a ncie disney shill echo chamber there, or get downvoted to oblivion if you dare criticizing the mouse. I think the worst is /r/StarwarsCantina, it's literally a safe space for Disney shills subhumans such as yourself.

Thanks for proving my point

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Sounds great until you get banned for wrongthink.

My point is it's the same on your leftard echo chamber. But at least I prefer a place when most of the people is aware of the shit that is Disney instead of literal soî subhumans sucking on big corporation cock like drones.

>disagreement is banishment

Not reading all that, but does this person not understand that how people post on Yea Forums in no way reflects how they outwardly express themselves in reality? I first came to Yea Forums in late 2004 or early 2005 something and shotposted on /b during it's most "problematic" years and yet I'm a perfectly polite, friendly person in real life.

The holocaust didn't happen.

if it was an echo chamber you wouldn't be allowed to post dissenting opinions you absolute mong

>trip faggot turns out to prefer reddit
color me fucking shocked


