Post your dad's favourite film.
Post your dad's favourite film
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Your dads got good taste
Does it get any more boomer?
This is my moms favourite movie
Surprisingly this one
I'm glad Robin Williams is dead desu
He really likes the soundtrack.
Do we have the same dad?
Mrs. Doubtfire
Well, I DO have two brothers, but maybe a lot of men born in the 60s just have mommy issues.
Who doesn't?
Wings of Desire is a great film that I can recommend to everyone. (I don't even speak German.)
I think he identified more with Harold being an attention deprived rich kid than anything...
His other favorites are probably somewhere along these lines:
>clockwork orange
Also Hellboy, Caligula and Sleepy Hollow.
wtf that movie was awful
Road Warrior.
Probably Die Hard or The Mechanic.
They have these things called subtitles that allow you to watch films made in languages that you don't understand.
You should try watching it next time using them, then you can actually understand it as well as enjoying it and recommending it to anyone.
Of course. I always watch films with subtitles and find dubs unwatchable but some nuances can be lost in subtitles, no?
>some nuances can be lost in subtitles
>Demolition Man
I am not sure if my dad has good taste or a massive pleb.
You get the gist but some nuance is lost. The subtitles for Roma remove a lot of the sincerity and subtlety.
wrong again
My Cousin Vinny or Army of Darkness
Um I just saw Roma with my wife and the subtitles do exactly what I said. A lot of phrases Spanish phrases are replaced for brevity.
Excalibur so far as I know.
I realize this is just obvious bait at this point but let me use one of the most clear examples. How would you go about translating the scene in Your Name where one character doesn't know whether to say watashi or watakushi, without using translator's notes? Just look at this, the subtitles have to be adjusted pretty heavily:
it just doesn't work like that user
Blade Runner
Essential Arthouse goon Dadcore
In the category comedy it's Blues Brothers
Just off the top of my head when the woman ask if she’s gonna be fired the woman replies “no seas tonto” which means don’t be dumb. But the subtitle says no. One hints at the dynamic of their relationship and the other is a generic response.
what are you babbling about
A scene in Roma where the subtitles change the viewing experience and content of the film.
that's just not how they work user
Okay good job at baiting me
Lots of love
OP here, this would have been an honourable mention. Along with Apocalypto, Return of the King, Duel and Highlander.
It’s pretty was shocked to find out this is his fave considering all he watches is Spanish dubs of action films
Probably this. He's an old bastard and was there when the krauts were bombing England.
Based coming of age user.
Seven or Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (good taste)
Essential dadcore
I have fond memories of dad humming along to the theme song way out of tune
r8 my dad
Dad was a Navy guy.
Says it all right there
You're George's daughter right?
Forgot to mention he once recommended Dune to little kid me saying it was "like Star Wars but uh, different"
The Mask
You forgot to clean your Cpap machine dad
My Dads gay (not kidding)
H&M is actually my gf's favourite film, she's got pretty kino taste
My dad's is probably One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or some Leone film. Usual great dadcore stuff
Build your own suicide kit, this one was made for me.
>kino taste
>Hal ashby
it's okay user you tried
He has good taste at least, that is a killer piece of Aussie film.
My pop fucking loves Bayformers desu
based dad coming through
I never actually watched this movie.
Unironically Ghost
he's dead so I can't ask him
growing up my dad made us watch it over and over
sounds like a joke but I'm telling the truth
How can a dad die without telling you what his favourite things are?
Wouldn’t that make you around 50+?
well I guess I could ask but he won't answer
sometimes dads just dad themselves out and then they go up to the big speedboat dealership in the sky
Don't know or care but probably Fiddler on the Roof
he died when I was pretty young, I never really got exposed to his actual taste. he liked star wars I guess.
something about psoriasis and hepatitis c weakening his immune system so they couldn't treat him for the pneumonia that killed him.
Man would marathon that shit 10 times a day if he could
The Blues Brothers
Wait, that's real? I thought that band was made up for that Simpsons episode.
Its a real movie (And funny, though younger people will miss a ton of references), and it was a mock documentry then the band became a real band since the movie was such a hit and people wanted to book them.
based as fuck
Jaws and Pirates of the Caribbean 1
I was trying to make a joke about Spinal Tap not being a "real" band. Sorry.
The real life stories/inspo behind it are even better than they are in the movie. For instance, the scene where Derek smalls gets stuck in the chrysalid stage prop during rock and roll creation was inspired by Paul McCartney getting stuck in wings for several albums
>hep c
was he a male prostitute?
drug addict?
That and the toto drummer really did die of a gardening accident.
It's either this or devil's advocate.
He quotes them non stop you can't get past him without copping a HOO-AH
Christ I forgot about that one
My dad introduced me to Harold and Maude and now it's my favourite film. I think his might be The Shawshank Redemption
I doubt he was ever a prostitute and he definitely wasn't a drug addict. I know he was rowdier in his younger days so he might have done heroin before or something, idk.
If he had to nail down one, it would probably be Easy Rider.
Nah, he's in his 80s, still lives in a house with my mum in Australia. I turned 40 this year, but can still pass for 30ish. He remembers shrapnel from a bomb in the blitz come through the house & just miss his old man's head in Huddersfield.
No surprise he took up amateur flying and loves spitfires. Spitfires are dadcore as fuck.
Kept seeing references to it in pop culture, so I rented it expecting a dance movie. Got a surprisingly heavy drama instead.
It's pretty weird when I consider my old man was born in the time of Al Capone.
Also, he never does dance to Stayin' Alive
Not sure but he's seen Apocalytpo a billion times
I bet you have Down syndrome
Yeah it was based on a magazine article by a fantastic author called Nick Cohen who based it on the experiences of a young man's night out on the town.
It was all bullshit though, he made it up, he was that good of a writer, amazing at capturing zeitgest.
He was the same guy who wrote the legendary book Rock Dreams, and then the epic sequel 20th century dreams, pic related with artist Peelaeart.
Dadcore as fuck.
Hey, it's pretty comfy. Based on Assault on Precinct 13 being inspired by this, you're expecting something fast-paced and heavy, but it's more relaxed and a slow burn with gradually escalating action.
Never really watched movies with my own dad, although he did introduce me to MST3K and weirdly enough, Pokemon. It was my mom who introduced me to Star Wars, Billy Wilder, the Marx Brothers, and Cary Grant (wound up making me see George Clooney as a discount version of him).
Cary Grant was a discount Rock Hudson anyways
This one
This is my dad's favourite TV show, I think. He also loved to watch Spongebob with us back in the day, but despised Dragonball Z ("They just stand in the air with minimal animation and yell insults at one another.") and Fairly Odd Parents (He says he hates the animation of them hovering.)
Me and him talk about movies a lot, and The Searchers and The African Queen are the two he has praised the most.
He was in Nam ?
He works in a tri-service environment, he's army. Since his last viewing he's instructed his department to tug their forelock instead of giving a proper salute and the office - or rather the men in the office - make references to it constantly. His (navy) boss caught it non-saluting happening, thoroughly approved it.
Here's the ones I could remember him renting/buying and watching alot of.
This, Annie Hall, Reds, and Young Frankenstein.
Apparently Ridley Scott is doing a remake.
Probably be full throttle cringe, but hey, there you go.
yfw when you realise user's dad had GRID
Based because it's gibson, cringe because he probably worships a dead kike on a stick
>Pirates of the Caribbean 1
The only good one
Surely it's going to be a shitty CGIfest? They struggled to get airframes back then. It's not as if there aren't other stories from WWII that haven't been told.
Went to an RAF Battle of Britain dinner. Traditionally they had pilots who fought, but as they're thin on the ground they invited a historian to be the guest speaker. His main points were that the Battle of Britain probably didn't exist, and if it did it was won by dutch or danish AA (can't remember which) which decimated the luftwaffe when they invaded, or the Royal Navy. The RAF officers there were seething, Army and Navy loved it.
Imagine if the franchise was called Ricky instead
I don't know really, it will be like boomer catnip I guess, with Ridley on board, but there is not much to read about it, just a placeholder on imdb with Ridley's name attached.
25 years ago it would have been really exciting news, but I don't think Ridley has made an A+ film since Kingdom of Heaven.
The polish were the ones who helped win it, they were excellent pilots who went to England to fly and fought hard against the Krauts. I'm not sure about Dutch or Danes, never heard of that.
Old guy in my sunday football league is obsessed with Rocky. Sometimes comes to training in a Rocky jacket, is full of tattoos and one of them is Rocky doing the pose on the top of the stairs. He once actually brought a Rocky collector's figure to training (???) and said the winner could take it home. There are no winners at training, we are just training. And no one actually got it in the end. I think he just bought it at a store before and coincidentally still had it with him.
He also sometimes keeps talking about how his life kinda was like Rocky's. Genuinely nice guy though.
That's hilarious
do you have any more stories about rockyfriend?
>I'm not sure about Dutch or Danes, never heard of that.
It was during the defence of their own country, whichever it was. The argument was their AA batteries were so good that the luftwaffe went into BoB with no chance of winning it because their best was already gone.
do you have the big gay?
libs tell me it's a gene
I have no idea, probably some John Wayne western. Or Magnificent Seven.
Your dad has good taste and you should take notes.
I thought dutch people were powered by D cells? When did they switch to AA?
My dad used to love some movie about a bald tough guy plaid shirt wearing MC who watched out for some kid and his mom in a ghetto environment, all I remember is that the MC got shanked by some druggie (might be the kid's dad) and I can't for the life of me find that movie.
You talking about The Wanderers italiancore?
I don't think it was Italian, it might have been a shitty tv-movie out TV-stations liked to import from the USA, I wish I had more info to go by.
Not really any stories, but I can talk some more about him. He is around 45, which is pretty old for our team where everyone else is from 20 to 30ish, but he can still keep up and likes to call attention to that - which is actually somewhat impressive, but it's nothing unheard of. Once while we were walking onto the pitch before a match, he suddenly and without any prompt started talking to me about how he was calculating that in his career of more than 20 years he had scored about 700 goals, and how there was one season where he had scored 40 and basically single-handedly secured his team to win the league. I kinda laughed it off, and told him how my dad would tell me similar stories.
Also, I think all of his tattoos are of American pop-culture (like a Route 66 sign, or Marylin Monroe), even though we are in Germany. His only non-American tattoo I can recall is that of the goat mascot of his favourite football club, FC Köln.
Also, he always wants to play even if he is injured. At one point his entire leg was blue with bruises, but he said he would just put a can of ice spray on and it would be fine. Once he had an operation where a vein was pulled from his forehead, and he showed up on the training pitch the next day and promised he would be careful. My coach didn't let him, because he still had a medical plaster on his head.
During matches on Sunday, his wife always comes to watch. She's a small and really shy lady, not particularly pretty, but she seems to genuinely enjoy watching football and always seems very cheery. But I don't think I ever heard her talk other than saying "Hello".
And Yea Forums-related, he collects horror film DVDs.
Also, I should have put this in the post about his Rocky obsession: at one point he said, to a part of our team, that he, and I quote, "sometimes feels a bit like he is the reincarnation of Rocky". No one knew how serious he was, so we just kinda laughed at it, while some guy pointed out that "Rocky is still alive."
Meant for
My dad is pretty based.
It wasn't an italian movie, it was about young italians in a youth street gang called the wanderers in the US dodging the mafia and the draft. One of the dudes in the other gang was bald. Pic related?
good taste dad
Nah, wasn't that movie, the MC was a lone tough guy, not obese but chubbybearmode, like a southern Vin Diesel. I think it was a 90s movie, too. Thanks for thinking along, though.
Reservoir Dogs
He fuckin wishes kek
Got a 64 year old jewish doctor daddo
His favorite movies are:
>Crimson Tide
>Independence Day
>District 9 (he really liked this when he saw it in theaters for whatever reason)
>That Denzel Washington Train movie
>Bridge on the River Kwai
>Blazing Saddles
>Star Trek Wrath of Khan
>All the various Zorro movies
>Anything with Charlton Heston
Awful, awful taste
also forgot Taking of Pellam 123 (the original)
>>Bridge on the River Kwai
This is essential dadcore. Wrath of Khan, too, I forgot my old man likes Star Trek (but only the first season).
>being passive agressive
>thinking I haven't tried googling
>responding like even more of a woman than the other guy
I watched it after Finn Wolfhard talked about it in an interview, it's granny-fucker kino
You're onto me, user.
no and I'm pretty sure my dad wasn't gay either. like I said I've never asked how he got hepatitis but I know he cheated on my mom when they were really young and was suspended once for getting a little too friendly with a high school student (female)
its kino for real dads
I don't know, maybe this or The Unknown Soldier (1955)
Also In the heat of the night & shawshank
>That Denzel Washington Train movie
>also forgot Taking of Pellam 123 (the original
Must be that ultra high kike IQ at work.
Like if you didn't find a list of all biker movies from the decade you are looking at you couldn't eventually find it you big girl.
wrong poster
This is my dad’s favorite as well
King’s Speech I think is his number one. He hates 95% of all movies and TV.
just watched that for the first time last night
really solid
Rushmore or north by northwest
Crocodile Dundee
Aliens, my dad is obsessed with Aliens.
He has whole room full of Xeno shit and argues with me all the time that Prometheus is a good movie (it isn't).
Is your dad excited about the sequel?
Damn mine too. Are you from the south
He's divorced, and he never finished high school.
He’s jumping up and down. I’ve never met a man who loves horror movies more than him, and he loves the “masterpieces” but he swears this is his favorite.
Yessir, but he’s a Jersey boy.
my dad has fallen asleep during every movie he’s ever watched
I guess he just hasn't seen the one yet
My dad falls asleep every night reading Lord of the Rings. He gets one page in AT MAXIMUM and then nods off. It takes him over a year to finish one of the books, and he reads them on repeat.
not sure if based but definitely committed
your dad knows his kino
It's not commitment if it's a habit.
He really likes britkino
Why do our dads watch decent movies whilst we watch capeshit and masturbate to anime?
He's got patrician taste for a boomer. I fucking love watching movies with my dad.
It's not based because the books are terrible.
The books are pretty great actually, sorry you can't appretiate them.
The books are pretty terrible actually, written by an autist as a vehicle for his fictional languages. Sorry you have shit tastes.
It helps no one to be reductive.
the books are fantastic
are you high?
No, he is a self-titled "patrician" who is "above this".
My Dinner with André
Watched this two nights ago
he probably shits his pants on the reg
In the late 90s my dad got a copy of 1942 Conquest of Paradise on VHS. I went downstairs for some water one night and he was watching it alone while laying on the sofa in the dark, he didn't sleep upstairs anymore but so didn't really think about why. I lay behind his legs and watched the movie with him in silence. I liked it, especially when the native guy says "you never bothered to learn *my* language" to Columbus. It was my introduction to historical sailing related mancore cinema.
He's dead now. I don't know if he even liked the film, I fell asleep to the credits music and we never spoke about it. He was gone when I woke up. The film is regarded as being shit but I'm unable to see it objectively, it's one of my favourites despite historical inaccuracies everyone goes on about.
I haven't watched the film, but just because a film is historically inaccurate doesn't mean it is a bad film. Anyway, it's a sweet story, user.
>>That Denzel Washington Train movie
No, they're tedious. Long on describing babbling brooks, songs and poems, short on describing anything else.
>t. seething pleb
Strange, a lot of the ugly dweebs who were fans of the books stank of shit. Are autists scared of water?
>I need the author to describe the exact feeling of every footstep in order for me to enjoy a book
>LOTR is tedious
toplaugh m8
Probably some ww2 movie
user, liking LotR does not make one a pleb. I hope you are aware of that. If you don't like slowpaced description-heavy pseudo-mythology, well, that's on you then. It's your opinion, and it's totally fine to have it. But I don't see what you are gaining from flaunting that.
Just curious, what books do you like?
>noooooo he doesn't like muh epic fantasy
>I will strawman him!
That I would cateogrize as at the same level of LotR? Le Carre, Forsyth, Bernard Cornwell, MacDonald-Fraser Sven Hassell would be my go to pulp fiction. A lot of LotR fans reread them fairly often, I guess my equivalent for that would be the Peace and War series.
If I wanted something more meaty Amis, Satre something along those lines.
>short on describing anything else
you literally said you wanted other descriptions immediately after calling LOTR tedious
pretty sure it's both the first two Terminators.