Brie Larson

Is she /ourgirl/ ?

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no but she is moderately cute

Unfortunately yes.

Emilia or Brie? Who do you guys prefer?

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Quite the opposite, even out of those of you who like the girl she definitely hates you all

She's /ourqueen/

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The one who uses "human beans" unironically in real life

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She's about it hit the wall hard

>5/10 empty corporate shell
She is /yourgirl/ if you are leftypol retard.

Brie hates me

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She makes Yea Forums seethe and thats good enough for me

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I might be in love. Why is this happening? She is cute

No, fuck off with this shit. She's 3/10 at her best. Can't act either.

Neither, they're overrated mediocre women who have been turned into irritating memes by you autists.

Too true

She keeps popular roles away from WOC, so yeah,

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The goddess of fertility Venus
Extremely based

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Every other week with this shit. It was a resounding No then it's still a big ass No now. Fuck off Disney shill. That cunt is never going to happen.. Tell that to your masters, fool

I hate them both, but Brie by far. Clarke hit the wall midway through GOT and is now prime roast whilst Larson still looks relatively good. Larson is also a much better actress.

>irl sperg
>reads Ayn Rand
>listens to black metal
Yeah I'm thinking she's based

>Larson still looks relatively good
>Larson is also a much better actress.


Body double

come on user

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