Twin Peaks: The Return is utter dogshit

Twin Peaks: The Return is utter dogshit.

I really love the original and it had everything I wanted but this is dogshit supreme:
>Cooper spends the sum total of 15 out of 18 episodes as a spastic drooling over his paperwork
>A whole plotline about a casino and insurance scam and a family caught up in it that I didn't fuckign give a shit about
>Episode after episode following new characters like the headteacher who I wasn't remotely interested in
>Barely any twin peaks (the scenes there with Hawk and shit were really good though)
>5 minutes of Ben Horne cucking himself out off that brunette milf
>5 minutes of best girl Audrey arguing with her midget husband, then that weird mirror scene, so I am guessing she is still fucked up from her bank explosion
>17 parts of following Evil Coop around watching his bad weave flow in the desert breeze and him kill a bunch of dudes for coordinates
>Following Jacobi and Eyepatch chick for no reason
>Norma's diner plot for no reason
>No kino Bobby and Shelley romance anymore
>Amanda Seyfried and her bf plotline (I hate the actor that plays him and it went fucking nowhere in the end)
>Whole thing could have been a 4 or 5 parter with immediate return of Coop and him using his FBI skills to kill Evil Coop

Please someone tell me why this fucking series gets such high praise. PLEASE, for the love of GOD explain what I am missing.

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Filtered and LYNCHED.
>PLEASE, for the love of GOD explain what I am missing.

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I was starting to believe I was the only sane person who watched this

>overthinks everything instead of feeling the experience of watching the return in the moment

Wanna know how I know you got LYNCHED

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i've only seen the return and it was kino

Season 3 really is the biggest pleb filter. How can you not love the silly adventures of the super endearing Dougie, kino Vegas brothers, seeing all those old faces return and getting a bit more insight to th lore. I mean he actually manage to make something that I simultaneously something new and the same familiar thing. I honestly really wonder what is wrong with people who liked the first two seasons and not the third. It was everything we could have ever dreamed of, pun intended. It's Lynch, what did you expect? Answers and everything laid out and explained?


>I honestly really wonder what is wrong with people who liked the first two seasons and not the third.
My dad was utterly confused by the third season. But he's like 70 now and he can't really understand new concepts.

why do you think it is kino? these lynchfags above who I shall address as the faggots they are momentarily are wrong. Seriously want to hear your thoughts user.

you have no response or justification, you just watched it becasue it was Lynch and then declared you love it. Prove me wrong, I dare you.

it was fun :)

This is the only way to watch Lynch kinos.
If OP watches Inland Empire he'll never wake up from his nightmare he calls life.


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>seeing all those old faces return and getting a bit more insight to th lore
I would have loves Twin PEaks season 3 set in Twin Peaks washington. Instead we got some South Dakota/Vegas bullshit for half of it. Good god give me the old faces, please.

>simultaneously something new and the same familiar thing
It wasn't though, it was just Andy and HAwk and some other lads that got inserted back in to let you know it was TP.

Nah, it was literally the pinnacle of kino

user-chan I've seen Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me,but not a single episode of Twin Peaks.Why? Cause I'm satisfied with the experience I got from watching his film.

>Answers and everything laid out and explained?
No I am not a baby and don't need hand holding. but please, give me something more than a retarded insurance salesman. I want Cooper back. I got him for five minutes.

Starting to suspect this approach is what is going wrong to be honest. Yet TP 1 and 2 were not like that. I genuinely loved piecign together the mystery and finding out who BOB was.

FWWM surpasses both first seasons


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I don't know how this is supposed to relate to my post or much else I have said in this threat mate.


Season 3 is the best. The original seasons were bloated with pointless soap opera story-lines I don't care about.

>retarded insurance salesman. I want Cooper back. I got him for five minutes.
It's too bad that's all he was to you. I love coop because of the character and the amazing acting, Dougie was a pure representation of coops childlike wonder and the acting was just as amazing, I wanted Coop back in the start, then I just fell in love with Dougie. I think that's what Lynch was going for and as with everything he makes, you either love it or you don't.

That was kind of the point. It made fun of those 80s and 90s soap operas.
The Return = FWWM > season 1 > season 2 imo

You call twin peaks shit and having no plot,but yet you can't understand their isn't a single linear story to any of projects. Just cause you can't comprehend what you're watching doesn't mean Lynch is shit Director.
That's the whole reason his movies always bomb in box office,we hate and fear what we can't understand.

That's only fun to watch for so long though. After a point, you're just watching a soap opera.

I just started season 3 yesterday after binging 1,2 and FWWM in a week. First 2 episodes were pure kino. Really excited to see where the rest of the season goes.

Have fun and just enjoy it.

>would have loves Twin PEaks season 3 set in Twin Peaks washington. Instead we got some South Dakota/Vegas bullshit for half of it. Good god give me the old faces, please.
That's your problem, you wanted what it was, which it could never be 27 years later. Who cares where it is when it is kino and Lynch from beginning to end?

You should leave before you get spoiled honestly
All I'm going to say is that a certain episode will blow away every expectation

>lynch is shit director
quote me saying this

>plot needs to be linear
quote me again

I disliked it, I didn't need it to be some run of the mill whodunnit to like it, I like other Lynch.

This but for dougie's soap opera life, not the Hornes or the Palmers.

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I agree user.

Totally spoils the legacy of Twin Peaks. It's just a bunch of nothing stapled together.

Dougie's hilarious though.

Why is his "Rabbits" web series so bone chilling,creepy,and unsettling all at once?

>It's just a bunch of nothing stapled together.

Oh look its retarded.

I would agree but i think it was mixed very well. Season 2 is where it slipped into nonsense in the middle.

>the man in the green suit

Drooling spastic Dougie Cooper >>>>>> le damn good coffee Agent Reddit Cooper


he has his charm but I don't want 18 hours of this, I got a retarded cousin I could watch on the nanny cam if I really want kino Dougie method acting.


I don't need to pretend to like a bunch of boring nonsense infront of other pseuds to fit in on Yea Forums to feel good about myself


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I really don't care about the love triangle involving Josie. Those scenes drag so much.

leave young, charming, handsome, caring coop alone. no bully plz.

when he turned down that sexpot audrey when she was in his bed I simultaneous smacked my forehead in despair and wanted to go shake his honorable hand.

If anyone but Lynch had made it, people would be calling it a pretentious dreary load of shit which is what it is.

this. I do, having said all this, appreciate the cheekiness and humour under the surface. watching dougie in his office is clearly not suppose to be taken all that seriously but holy shit is it a fucking chore overall.

t. a drooling spastic


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People say this about Lynch's work but those people are idiots

I can understand that.
Lynch is often named as a pretentious director, which is a complete bullshit.

>it made fun of
No? All the episodes with that shit didn't have Lynch's input. They were 100 percent serious in the second season

>You will never have the feeling of having absolutely no clue what is going to happen each episode ever again

I miss it bros. The Return and comfyposting with /tpg/ was a once in a lifetime thing

so how did Yea Forums react to episode 8?

>he wasn't there for the threads
feel bad for you

Fuck off

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i feel bad for myself, must have been a wild ride

>There is a point of view
>People offer this point of view
>I don't like it
>POV must be wrong

I was talking more about the first season.

Most people would yes, but I'm not talking about most people, I'm talking about proffessional critics and high faluting faggots like people on here who suckle on his arse every time he poots or takes a shit.

For people like this, if Lynch does it, then it must be good - he is beyond reproach. I'm deeply suspicious of anyone who watches The Return and thinks "Yep, that was perfect, nothing bullshit about that." The furore that surrounds it is borderline cult behaviour and utterly nauseating in its blind sycophantry.

There are many moments in The Return that wouldn't look out of place in a Neil Breen movie. Yet when Breen does it we laugh and when Lynch does it we should nod our heads in wonder.

I didn't say The Return was perfect but frankly the only part i didn't like was the one punch man.

Literally the only good bit

>There are many moments in The Return that wouldn't look out of place in a Neil Breen movie.
That's a nonsensical comparison. You can't just compare any film maker you don't like to Neil Breen, as if the comparison is self-evident.

I love Lindsey

Lynch is not about narrative

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real talk

kek I am the griping op and I actualyl like me ol' cockney lad and his story. A tale of a young lad stumbling home drunk from a few lagers is the only bvelieveable set up for an Englishman's tale desu.

t. british op

There is unconventional and non-linear narrative and then there is boring nonsense.

If it didn't have a narrative at all or it didn't matter what it was, then why not drop the whole insurance arc entirely and just give me Dougie hijinks?

Lynch without co-writer restrain just vomits artsy nonsense on screen. You're either into artsy nonsense or not. There's also peer pressure into liking it because muh Lynch.
Now imagine how fast first season would be cancelled and forgotten if it was all like Returns.

Why would you ever be into David Lynch if you don't like artsy nonsense though? The Elephant Man, maybe.

I enjoyed it but I still agree with most of what you said


Hardly nonsensical, I can see what he means. Both works feature
>poor visual composition
>awkward languid pacing
>cheap ugly digital aesthetic
>obscurantist self indulgent drivel

Realize that this is not just twin peaks (vastly the least lynchian thing hes done) bit a culmination of ALL his past work. If anything this feels more like how Mulholland Dr the series would've been if the pilot wasn't rejected then made a film.

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Op hee, and you know what, there was some enjoyment from me with it too, but by the last 10 mintues of each episode I was desparate to get through it. And for 5 mintues pockets throughout too.

>Now imagine how fast first season would be cancelled and forgotten if it was all like Returns.

Hate to say it but
David lunch lol

I loved it, if Lynch tried doing the original show again, it would’ve failed and not captured the magic from nearly 30 years ago. The Return was a modern update of what Twin Peaks originally did, the original in the 90s was unlike anything else on TV and changed the landscape of TV. The Return is also unlike anything on TV, whether it will change the format going forward has yet to be seen.

My only major complaint is that as great as Robert Forster was as Sherrif Truman’s brother, the show really did lack the original actor and his history and chemistry with Cooper wouldve strengthened that plot line a lot.

but it didn't capture the original magic. Maybe the new one will push people to make new and exciting stuff that really takes its time and stretches out rather than the obsession with mini series and the BBC's 3 episode per season format (please let it stop). But no, I don't see it as continuing TP whilst reinvigorating television. Maybe the latter, but it isn't the TP I know and love.

This. This was a project for Lynch to dump all his ideas into, the ideas that he's built up for years but no-one would finance. The fact that it's ostensibly a Twin Peaks sequel is incidental to him. It should have been something else.

It wasn't supposed to be some nostalgic throwback, it's a new thing. If you want the original show, watch season 1 and season 2.


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>mysteries upon mysteries
>quirky and surreal humour
>riffing on the kind of TV people are familiar with in the current era
>themes of nostalgia and the corruption of innocence
>being generally the most bizarre thing to have ever been on TV
How is The Return not quintessentially Twin Peaks?

I enjoyed it purely because /tpg/ was right there with me watching it

That turned it into pure, unadulterated kino

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David lunch lol

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>pic related
Based David lunch poster

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Audrey was a tulpa. She was fucking Billy, who was the guy that Richard stole the truck from. Billy never shows up to meet Andy. Then later in the episode a guy runs into the Double R and ask if anyone has seen Billy implying that Richard possibly killed him after taking the truck. There's also a scene with two girls at the Roadhouse talking and one of their names is Tina. In the Audrey scenes with her husband, he is talking on the phone and mentions Tina, implying that Tina is Billy's daughter. On the phone, he was informed of what Richard did and couldn't bring himself to tell Audrey who is in a poor mental state. She exhibits all the behavior of a Tulpa. Like Diane's tulpa she is nervous and even proclaims, "I feel like I'm somebody else." She even repeats a line that the Arm says in the lodge, which Diane's tulpa also did.

It makes sense that Mr. C would create a tulpa for Audrey since she was someone Coop was close to much like Diane.

was episode 8 the peak of Television?

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>want Cooper back. I got him for five minutes.
That was the entire fucking point

The entire original run parodies soap operas that dominated TV at the time



This is true, but only if you've watched the first two seasons.

>That was the entire fucking point
fucking why though? What utility is there to denying me the fucking protag for 16 hours?

>Audrey was a tulpa
Is this canon? I don't know what the rest of the post has to do with it user, I picked up on Billy and Richard and the truck and the girl Tina (the girl in teh booth actually said Tina was her mum's name iirc so possibly a different friend/relative of Billy's and not his daughter).

So is Audry still in her coma but stuck in the lodge/waiting room? Is she still pregnant with richard or did richard get born via tulpa audrey in the real world?


By being completely detached from it's predecessors style, tone and subject matter

Nope. 80's soap operas fell out of style. 1950's nostalgia fell out of style. It would be less faithful to it's own tone, if it did that stuff in 2017.


>(the girl in teh booth actually said Tina was her mum's name iirc so possibly a different friend/relative of Billy's and not his daughter)

My bad. Been a while since watching. Audrey's behavior when talking to her husband is very similar to Diane's tulpa. Both of them seem to become nervous and questioning their existence right before they are poofed back into the lodge. Both say lines that are first heard in the lodge. Diane says "Lets Rock" in a scene, while Audrey says "The little girl who lived down the lane." Both of these lines are said by The Arm in the lodge. Audrey even says to her husband, "I feel like I'm somebody else." Her husband tells her "It's existentialism 101."

If you want to get a better understanding of what I'm poorly able to communicate watch this

it's the most realistic explanation in my opinion

>Almost finished watching season 1
>one episode left
>nothing weird happened apart from the red room
>it's just boring drama

When the fuck am I going to be lynched ? Why was this popular
I'm not baiting btw

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The original series is a bit of a slog. FWWM and The Return are way better.

I'll never understand these arguments
>if someone else made it or if it wasn't brand X then you wouldn't like it!
No, if Lynch didn't make it then it wouldn't have Lynch's unique and specific form of surrealist horror and humor. In that case I wouldn't have liked it. People who make these arguments seem to be completely unable to discern an artist's hands within their art. As if all works of art could just be made by someone else and remain exactly the same, which is just a completely retarded assertion.
The utility in denying you comfy twin peaks nostalgia cash-in for 16 hours should be self evident.

That's interesting, I wondered why she phrased it as "girl down the lane" when she was bitchslapping Charlie. I wonder when the Tulpa got swapped for the real Audrey. It could have been the coma but then how did Richard come along? I will dwelve on this information user, thank you.

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper)

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>No, if Lynch didn't make it then it wouldn't have Lynch's unique and specific form of surrealist horror and humor. In that case I wouldn't have liked it
People who say "if it were not lynch then X" do not mean what you mean. They mean if it was exactly, frame for frame, a Lynch but it had another name on it then it would not be well recieved. That part is true.
Obviously you are right, it is were not Lynch is could never have come to fruition the way it did, but that is not the point of the thought experiment.

>The utility in denying you comfy twin peaks nostalgia cash-in for 16 hours should be self evident.
Well nope it is not. Never known someone make a 3rd in a list only to make it so completely different.

Of its evil Cooper why didn't he kill those two at the cafe

Because people were really invested in the murder mystery and these peoples' lives. The Lynchening is a gradual process.

Is this canon? If so then what was the whole showdown with Cockney glove bro and Bob? When did real coop get sent back to the waiting room?

*If it's

The implication is that if other people did what Lynch did, it wouldn't be popular, which is obviously untrue, when there's a whole market for off-brand Lynchian stuff like Beneath the Silver Lake, or Wayward Pines, or Deadly Premonition.

>plot relevant lyrics
>singer is mumbly and just barely comprehensible
AAAAAH. I hate being music autistic.

Richard is the real Cooper, it's just Cooper with his single-minded determination amplified so it's his entire personality, the opposite of Dougie who was all childlike wonder. The doppelganger went through a similar transformation. At the end of S2 he was a manic laughing fool, 25 years later, he never cracks a smile.

No that's not the implication retard, how can you be this dense?

Oof stopped reading very soon, liking twin peaks and not the return is the ultimate tell of a plebeian

There is no way you can expect anything to be like TP:TR though. If Silver Lake had stretched out for that long without ever actually playing their protag. It would never have been made. You know for a fact that if the credits were different and Cole was played by any other director, it would have not been considered as highly.

>Richard is the real cooper
How do you figure that? Cooper was always living some split life which is why he was so impressed by coffee and donuts but was also super dedicated to the job, and Dougie was his child side and Richard (after some sex magic) was his serious side?

>Following Jacobi and Eyepatch chick for no reason
>Norma's diner plot for no reason
>Amanda Seyfried and her bf plotline (I hate the actor that plays him and it went fucking nowhere in the end)
Earlier in your post you complained about not enough Twin Peaks scenes

I don't know. If it was a fresh series people might have had more patience to enjoy it for what it was, instead of being butthurt that their favourite characters weren't on-screen constantly.

>if it was exactly, frame for frame... had another name on it
Did you not read my post you subhuman worthless sack of shit?
>as if all works of art could just be made by someone else and remain exactly the same, which is a completely retarded assertion
You are a worthless human being and a bad person

I just don't see the point of making the butthurt a possibility when you can do a new season or a spiritual successor.

>>as if all works of art could just be made by someone else and remain exactly the same
obviously they do not remain the same, that is not my point. Have you read my post, you retard subhuman?

I was saying that, IF you could make the exact same series, and you just put a different director on the credits, you would get it panned by critics and the audience alike. Lynch should do that one time, just pretend he was never on set and put no name son his film, watch how it gets trashed.

You can either make something crowd pleasing and bland, or try to make something special and risk pissing people off. A lot of people would have been happier with the TFA version of Twin Peaks season 3, but would that really have been better? Once you've brought back all of the characters, and had your nostalgic pie and coffee moment, is there anything actually interesting about such a series? Will people still be discussing it ten years down the line?

>the only alternative to how Twin Peaks: The Return turned out was a TFA style nostalgia wankfest
Asinine argument


I disagree with OP and I loved The Return, but the
replies any time everyone voices criticism towards Lynch are starting to remind me of
>Git gud
Take that as you will.

The Return is perhaps the biggest pleb filter I know, second only to The Last Jedi

Considering "I wanted more of muh characters", and "I wanted it to be more like the old show" are the only real complaints you hear out of people, I can only assume that's what they wanted.
What would you have done?

The return was the greatest thing of all time and what was surprising is I did not see the kino that was coming which made it all the better. What a ride.

90% less dribbling retard

That's exactly what is, that's what it's always been. It's not an arguement it's just a meme. At a certain point if you keep posting in the face any and all criticism, you look like a retard

That was great though.

>Twin Peaks
Castle Rock

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But it wasn't though.

Get a load of this pleb lmao

They wanted it to be like a 25th season of a soap opera that never ended. That's not necessarily a rehash, as all those long-running soap operas prove.

It was too indulgent. Forcing in random bands Lynch likes for every episode was a major clue as to how production worked. The atom bomb sequence was also pretty weak. At least we got a classic Laura scream at the end, despite all the female cast being underused.

Sounds infinitely less interesting.


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Go back to plebbit with that capeshit tier taste of yours.

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>PLEASE, for the love of GOD explain what I am missing

Taste and a functional brain.

You're right, OP. Lynch hasn't been good since Lost Highway.



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Annie, are you okay?

Everything in the series other than 3 was good... And the second half of S2.


Season 2 does have the most kino scene in the series though, when Bobby's father tells him about the dream he had.

I'm so glad you agree about that most kino scene. I would personally say FWWM > 1 > 3 > 2 but that scene in S2E1 is so affecting. I love the whole series btw.

Yeah, me too. At least we agree that 2 is the weakest. It has some really great scenes and ended up being the foundation for what Twin Peaks is iconic for in pop culture, as well as what is parodied the most. But there is just so much utter shit in it. Especially James and his shitty milf sub-plot, as well as Audrey and Billy Zane.

basedjak is the sign of insecurity and no argument.

>Please someone tell me why this fucking series gets such high praise
It does? I thought the consensus was that it's trash. That's why nobody watched it.

>being a woman who watches kino with your feelings

You have the wrong assumption. Men watch kino with their feelings, women watch flicks with self insertion fantasies

No cherry pie for you.

Oh no user, you got...

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>This was a vision, fresh and clear as a mountain stream - the mind revealing itself to itself. In my vision, I was on the veranda of a vast estate, a palazzo of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light from within - this gleaming radiant marble. I had known this place. I had in fact been born and raised there. This was my first return, a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Wandering about, I was happy that the house had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional rooms, but in a way it blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the house's grand foyer, there came a knock at the door. My son was standing there. He was happy and care-free, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced - a warm and loving embrace, nothing withheld. We were in this moment one. My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision; it was of you. I'm so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best, always.

Transcendent television. I agree with you both that season 2 was the worst. Season 1>FWW=Season 3>Season 2 I also feel that season 3, while still great, could have been the best season in TV history had it been 4 episodes or so shorter.

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This scene was beyond stunning. Absolute kinography. Pure.

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This scene and the dinner with the Mitchums are the two most wholesome moments in television history.

I'm a simple man about to start S3.
I loved all the qt3.14s in the first two seasons. Are the women as good looking in S3?

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Candy is top qt
Naomi Watts has reached her prime.
Shelly and Sheryl Lee are still going strong after all these years.

>when you see it

Is it Bob? What the fuck

Final Scene of Season 3 > FWWM > S3 Episode 8 > Season 3 > Pilot > Finale of Season 2 > First half of Season 2 > Season 1 > Second Half of Season 2

Season 1 is top-tier

Everything above the last half of Season 2 is amazing, and even the last half of season 2 is really good.

it's Bob

>Michael Anderson accuses Lynch of rape and murder
>Lynch makes midget the murderer

What a petty old fart. He probably did it btw

The bands were there so Lynch could fuck a lot of young women.

how the hell do you niggers actually like this part? Im genuinely curious

What a slog to sit through. Every scene was so dull and went on way too long. People say lynch doesn't do symbolism, but FWWM had the stupid TV explode. This one had the demon emerge from the magic box to kill the couple making out. He's such a hack. Just listen to his music or watch his cartoon.

Is that in the original? Terrifying if so

It was the best episode of the Return, but can't hold a candle to Season 2 E1 and SE2 finale

ike the spike did nothing wrong

>people say lynch doesn’t do symbolism

BASED honest poster
you got lynched posters are retarded and literally just say they liked it causemajority of people are dont


If you look at the acting scene in Mulholland Drive, as Betty is walking out she says thank you to everyone expect the woman to her right.

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I'm a huge Lynch fan, but the LYNCHED dickriders are just obnoxious. I'm sure Lynch himself would bemoan these automatons blindly approving of everything he does

>that scene in the return with ed eating in front of the window
>his reflection is wigging out in such a way that you'd never notice unless you knew it was there
fucking spooky man.
I also remember being genuinely terrified at BOB'S reflection in the pilot the first time I saw it.
I knew it was in there somewhere, but had forgotten when my eyes stumbled upon it.

>bob is brought back as a big bubble that is punched by some british guy instead of just having Ray Wise play bob as he was the last person for bob to posses.

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It’s not worth engaging with brainlets seriously, hence, LYNCHED. If you can’t tell The Return wasn’t one of the best television shows of all time, you simply aren’t worth it. Yes, we comprehend your issues, it isn’t the same enough, it isn’f satisfying enough, it “made no sense”.

You aren’t worth my time. I hope one day you can see the beauty of it, but it isn’t my place to force you. LYNCHED.

>Ruining the beauty of FWWM + his death in Season 2

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as expected, no attempt at real communication or proving points, yet im supposedly the retard that didn't get it

you're right. having bob being a .png file stretch over a bubble which is punch 4 times in a wood paneled office building was clearly the superior choice

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LOL lynched

Yep, glad you got it.

It will take years to mentally unpack the dougie jones plotline for me

>still can't formulate a cogent argument about why they like the show
Reluctance to engage betrays a fear of exposing your shallow sensibilities. I liked the return but I'm not going to pretend it's perfect. I can at least make a case as to what works and what doesn't because I see it as a work of art with aims and intents like any other, not some ineffable mystical artifact from the Lynch-god somehow exempted from criticism the way a lot of LYNCHED fags seem to.

I would love to see more discussion of the series because I think it merits it, but all I see are either dickriders circlejerking specific moments and waifufagging or people bashing on it, neither really giving much of an argument

>no, we are NOT gonna talk about Judy
What was he trying to tell us?

It filtered me hard ngl


How about instead of watching television, which you are clearly not suited for, you hang yourself?

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That would've made the scene itself better in a vacuum, but would have totally neutered the feeling of pic related.
It was a set up - a sleight of hand. Make you feel like what you're seeing can't be real, and then deliver on that promise with a kick to the gut. It's the kind of emotional storytelling Lynch does best.
That said I would kill for some more Ray Wise. If we ever get a season 4 I hope he's in it.

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just because i'm questioning you loyalists regarding one part of one episode doesn't mean i disliked The Return as a whole
why don't you explain to me why this segment is regarded so highly? the only conclusion i can come to is you like it because it's different and a "pleb filter"
it's meandering and insulting to the audience's time investment

A reasonable discussion is a reasonable discussion. If you want to discuss what something could mean or theorycraft, that's its own thing. If you're just gonna complain about NOT MUH CHERRY PIE you're just gonna be shitposted.

I heard someone doing a radio review of The OA season 2 and he basically said it did everything that Twin Peaks The Return was trying to do but better

Fuck that guy, but I am curious, is The OA any good?

Don't worry user. Part 8 is great, but it's nowhere near the best in S3. It's the plebian answer to "what's the best episode"
17, 11, and 18 are all easily superior.

It's the most backstory you get in the entire series and in a kinesthetic sense it may be Lynch's most effecting work.

First season was the definition of "okay". It keeps you coming back because it seems like it's building to something worthwhile, but ultimately falls a little flat. There's near-kino moments throughout, but it never actually reached that status for me. I can't comment on season 2 because by the time it came out I didn't care anymore. I have heard season 2 is good, but the lackluster first season = a "can't recommend" from me

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>muh backstory
oh okay so it's for retards that want things explained, yet you point to everyone that dislikes it and pretend that they're the ones who need to be filtered
the mystery is the fun of the show and you idiots are the real plebs

Nice brainlet reading. Crumbs make the mystery worthwhile. The orgasm of the search for meaning. Episode 8 doesn't spell out anything, but it does lend the most context to people who actually can use their brain and pay attention.

If I say yes will I look smart?

i got a kino screensaver or two if you want more brain blow cooms, champ

All his faggot fans

Sounds like you've been talking to retards.

>Episode 8 was just pretty screensavers
I rest my case, you aren't worth my time. You've completely justified LYNCHED posters.

youz a foo feat. 2eazy

Not really on topic but do you think we'll ever get more lynch Kino or is he done? Pretty sure zoomer's despise him so the chances are getting worse by the day.

i turned it off after 5minutes..

I'm betting Twin Peaks is done, he got his recognition for his Kino, finally. Will this be his swan song? I don't feel like this is the case, there wasn't a sense of finality to it all, but you never know.

>retards itt arguing over what parts of TP are better than the others
who cares, it's all good. if you cant just get into the vibe and enjoy the ride for what it is with all of its highs and lows, you're doing it wrong. all the goofy campy soap opera shit juxtaposed with the dark fantasy elements are what makes the show kino, a perfect blend of light and dark.

did anyone here read the books too? the secret diary audiobook is gut-wrenching

Someone got LYNCHED

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The fact that you think it's boring nonsense is what makes you retarded. You should have known after FWWM and his subsequent films that he was never going to go back to that cheesy soap opera form of storytelling.

If you can't appreciate the artform that David uses, then just admit you're not a fan of his work. Otherwise, stick to your linear soaps.

Unironically "Lynched"

Come back when you've matured a bit, kiddo

I hope we get one last send-off, either a shorter finale season or another movie. You can do mental gymnastics to make the S3 finale scene feel thematically satisfying as THE ending, but I still want one last ride. There are still a few loose ends to tie up and Coop deserves a proper ending one way or the other.

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>do terrible unsatisfying stupid shit
>get defended
Lynch doesn't have a vagina you don't have to protect him from criticism

I knocked off Inland Empire in a single viewing, all mysteries noted and analyzed, packed in with the rest for future musing.

Anyone else think Lynch was letting us in on some big fucking secrets here? I mean saying the Atom bomb opened a gate that allowed these other dimensional creatures into this world...I dunno. I think Lynch KNOWS.

Dude's all into that creepy mind fuck shit

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>one last send-off
That was The Return, my dude.

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How many times must we remind you that if you don't like Dougie Jones then you never really understood the character of Cooper and are a complete pleb?

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I feel that Crazy Clown Time and The Pink Room are essentially both heavy David Lynch guitar riffs that are duplicates of one another and both imply gang rape.

Because you're trapped like the Lost Girl if you're watching that shit on a CRT. Turned that shit off when it came out, everyone in 2005 or whatnot was like NEW LYNCH TV HUUUUUUUUGE and it's like "What?". Glad I waited until after The Return to watch Inland Empire so those fucking rabbits could have maximum meaning.

Dougie getting fucked was the GOAT

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Fuck out of here, he was an actor on the fucking show during that time reading lines and reacting to shit, and going on Letterman and shit asking people to write letters to Bob Iger begging them not to cancel the show.

fuck the janey-es

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Sycophantry isn't a word, get your OED, Pallie. It's sycophancy, look that one up.

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I hope the shot of a naked woman's back doesn't trigger the American janitors on this board, considering you can't see any tits, ass, or literally anything

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>he doesn't know that this is just the introduction to the culmination

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Couldn't agree more. There's a lot of idiots here that defend the absolutely emptiness of TR.


I am the Bozo poster, this is highly plausible.

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Twin Peaks wasn't all about Lynch. It wasn't his vision alone.

But why isn't white-room Audrey a close-eyed Jap making monkey noises? Why doesn't she have clown-ass hair?

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Things I will not defend:

Michael Cera

Shovel your way out of the shit

Shelly's kid

Neither is Twin Peaks: The Return or Lost Highway or what the fuck ever, he's always got people. He often writes with another man and works closely with women to edit and ensure fidelity to script.

I'm still not buying your book, Frost.

Well you're probably one of the types making a stink earlier about how there's nothing in mid/late season 2 worth watching. Except Major Briggs is the domain of Mark Frost, and he's highly important, and his tale is told during season 2 and in Mark Frost's book.

you lack perception.

Cera's scene is so cringe. It's so clear he's improvising and not doing a great job at it. I like the idea behind his character but in practice that scene is hard to watch for the wrong reasons

The pinnacle of television. I honestly was astounded how good it was.

Everything that wasn't Bobby and Audrey's scenes with her husband was not worth the time wasted.
>Audrey, I'm so tired

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More like soul and artistic sensibility

If you don't like dougie jones you don't understand life.
Dougie is who we should all strive to be. If there were more Dougies in the world and fewer Coopers/Mr. Cs, there would be a lot less suffering.
Coop means well, but trying to change that which you cannot only leads to heartache and pain.

What was the point of Seyfried and her boyfriend? They also killed Richard Horne off too early. You think they’re setting him up as a future Bob or something?

>I am the Bozo poster
You are basado

Part of what made the original series transcendent was its incorporation of disparate genre tropes which when coupled with his classic Lynchian surreal horror emphasized the best elements of both styles. Ironically when it's ALL Lynchian surrealism it feels more watered down because there'd no baseline of normalcy to return to. Even the scenes that aren't horror, like the Dougie scenes, are still relentlessly surreal in their way

>he doesn't think cera doing a shitty lispy brando impression is hilarious

My dharma is the road. Your dharma... [gestures towards a gay bathhouse]
May the ass rise to meet your dick

I watched it on my phone at a couple layovers it was pretty good.

Take that stick out of your ass and stop taking things so seriously

I found that the relentless nature of the Lynchian horror actually worked just as well but in the reverse. Every bit of clarity or light, no matter how small, was amplified to 2000% because you've been conditioned against getting your dessert spoonfed to you. The ANTI nostalgia reboot.


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thanks for the info guess I'll skip it

that shit was so bizarre. honestly that little midget was weirder than episode 8

This is exactly how I felt about it. Binge watched it expecting some Twin Peaks-level kino, got burned by the disastrous last couple of episodes. It sets itself up with a great premise, great themes, great performances and just throws it all away in service of some absolutely embarrassing moments and shoehorned resolution that felt like it was trying to be topical more than anything else. Ended ip hating the show because I felt misled by its promise

Best part of the show
>Existentialism 1. 0. 1.

delicious bait

The Return ends with the dream ending. Cooper achieved his goal at long last and everyone is awake. We don't see what happens after because the real world could be totally alien.

>What year is this?
>Blood curdling scream

Is this the most kino ending of any show ever?

It fucking LYNCHED me all the way. Loved season 3 tho

You lack a working brain

>if only we were all dribbling retards
I'm going to guess you're a dribbling retard

>Cooper achieved his goal at long last and everyone is awake


He's full size, he just has little arms

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There was plenty of shit you didn't care about in the first and second season, faggot.


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literally retarded
you're missing the point of the return, one of its main themes is that nostalgia is bad and that things can't be the way they were before
look at dougie/cooper, even when he wakes up from the coma he's a changed man. kyle literally says in an interview that a lot of the return is about moving forward as a person and how people/places change over time
you want coffee and cherry pie shit go rewatch the old series, clearly the return went over your head
essentially you got lynched


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It's a compliment when a lynchqueer screams out "FILTERED" or "LYNCHED". Honestly, please filter this garbage hack crap out of my life. Never in my life do I want to view another Lynch product again.

Good post

>jj abrams
No thank you

nice one you watch corn pone flicks
imo audrey is definitely NOT a tulpa, there's 0 reason for that to be the case
her whole arc in the return is a metaphor for (the real) her not wanting to be admitted into a psychiatric ward (the roadhouse)

so, was the whole thing a dream?

>thinks he can dictate what others experience

Yes, but that doesn't mean it's inconsequential.
In Lynch's work there's no real distinction between reality, dream or hallucination.


but what the fuck is judy? can we talk about her? is she real?

Yes it does

i remember watching the ep8 on the stream of /tpg/
everyone was expecting the show to finally advance, revealing something big, and instead we got 10mn of a weird rock song and 30mn of nuclear explosion.

Read this



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Now THAT'S what I call FUCKIN' BASED.

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Laura = The Dreamer = Brahman
Judy = The Preserver of the Dream = Vishnu
Carrie Page = The Destroyer of the Dream = Shiva

One and the same

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holy one

Quints confirm

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isnt that the point though


Went out and got a big pizza and came back. Was thinking about hotels and convenience stores as I eat it. Supernormal things have happened here, and of course with beings in disguise. They're usually dirty homeless bums (not so much the divine these days due to the fentanyl crisis, they're often replaced by little old foreign ladies)

One time a daemon tried to put a curse on me in a convenience store. At the bottom of the hill, there's another convenience store. After the police shot a girl to death there, it closed down. But still there's two stories above it. Above a convenience store. I drive by often and wonder what goes on there. No cars. Lights sometimes. 24 hour surveillance sign, phone booth. How much corn is behind the boarded windows?

Looking forward to checking in to a hotel soon. Hotel magic is strong in Lynch. You check in at night, and you wake up in a different universe. And if you're lucky, in between you get down to some serious fucking.

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quick rundown?

>not being born a freak of nature so you can be an actor in Lynch films like Mr. Glass the original midget and the Winkies Man woman who's too weird looking to exist

You spend all this time hearing Andy and Lucy hyping him up, and it's early on enough that you expect they'll confirm who the daddy is (nostalgiabait...etc).
And then you get none of that, just a dumb retard.
And yet it's still 10000x more endearing and memorable than if they gave you what you asked for.
It's a perfect microcosm for the entire season.

I think Lynch had Crysta Bell say the word "tulpa" just to fuck with everyone. It's like if she said "thelema" or something, Frostshit is Frostshit whether it's on a screen or a page.

Link to the other one too, you need to fuse both versions into your head like FWWM + Missing Pieces, after seeing The Return, and then the mysteries of the LA Trilogy will be opened up to you.

A blasphemy

No. Stop talking about it.


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It's the final bracket for this category: The Terror vs Twin Peaks

how can you like it? I turned that stupid show off

i think richard was the synthesis of both doppelcoop and agentcoop.
A more complete but more flawed person

david lunch lol

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Sorry lad I like the Terror more, but only by the slightest of margins

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