What's your favorite scene from Meet the Spartans?

I think mine was when Megatron played the "Leave Britney Alone" clip.

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Mine was the IT'S RAINING MEN joke

I think future generations will look at this shit like some sort of arthouse cinema. It would seem so disjointed and baffling without knowing all the references.

when spartan men greet each other, no homo

I'd watch anything with Carmen Electra in it

When Spiderman shot his web into the face of Paris Hilton and it looked like cum and then that guy from Jersey Shore showed up and took a shit on her.

I'm not sure if that really happened in the movie but I just assume it did.

These movies are fucking shit but I can't help but send my sides into orbit during some of them.

When this movie came out I was in highschool and all my friends thought it was hilarious and I would say “Naked Gun was way funnier this movie is so stupid” and theyd say “why are you always so negative and whats naked gun?”

lick my snowballs leobitch

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Shitty spoof thread? For me, its disaster movie

Mine is the dance off

The end where his neck split got me, was surprised I'd get a laugh out of it

The green screen army.


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This, best girl


When she made out with the black guy

Leonidas beating up his kid

this movie is the best one of these parody movies

I don't know which one of these types of films it was but Carmen Electra dancing as mystique to nelly furtados promiscuous girl will forever been the hottest thing I saw as a kid

Why the fuck is kevin sorbo in this movie

Truly avant garde. Dare I say... Lovecraftian?

This was supposed to be his big break after not being Hercules anymore. Now he just does Christcuck propaganda with Dean Cain.

What a great excuse to post this youtu.be/8u6XE4UaggA

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Why would future generations remember Meet the Spartans but not the things it referenced?