Kino with this feel?

Kino with this feel?

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Wow, I'd put my penis inside her vagina if you know what I mean.

disgusting skank whore

what do you mean?

aweful taste op

Russ Meyer, probably

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In english, doc?

Why would you make this post? I don't understand.

try being less vague

I feel really conflicted about a few women like that. On some level I'm disgusted by the skank quality of them, but I'd still bang.

Would love to lick her pusy desu

She looks like she fucks black guys

He just wants to post some porn on a blue board mate

Probably gets turned on by his ruthlessness because breaking the rules is hot

>when shitposting is so shit now it makes you miss old shitposting

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I'd put my vagina insider her penis, if you know what I mean

She is so ridiculously hot in this movie. 11/10

Is she a pornstar or is this how millenial women portray themselves on social media.

Cope femnazis !

>millennial woman on social media
Literally no difference.


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Why are boomers so dumb?


Snapchat whore, there are numerous ways for these sluts to make thousands of dollars simply by being naked

Question for everyone ITT: She offers to fuck you but tells you she hasn't been tested in a year, do you fuck or not

is anyone gonna post her name

Your generation is a joke, face it zoomer

I don't know if I catch your drift, pal.

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Just wear a condom.

Allison Parker

This is fucking gross. She would be hot in a different setting but who finds this shit sexy?
>soaking wet with thick socks and spray painted makeup ran through a filter
>HuR nO bRA clUb

you just jerk off on her

Why though?

Western women are fucked bro

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Yh lol

thanks user

Lansky needs to sign her to an exclusive contract

>measuring intelligence by knowledge of random whores

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>who finds this shit sexy?
Heterosexual males that are not on oestrogen.
Do you really think actig obtuse makes you more credible as a woman?

Enjoy your herpes

>Olivia MUST use a condom

She's a stupid whore fuckmeat user, you aren't meant to like her personality. Just imagine punching her in the face and cumming on her

More evidence indicating that white women are absolute trash

>reading comprehension

You can remove that word and that sentence is still accurate


Why is that white tile wall such a meme with instagram thots? Wtf Yea Forums is the NPC meme real?

my gf had those same panties

We heard you the first time faggot.

Seems to me like Amerimutts are very insistent on projecting their degeneracy on an entire people and race.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Americans have always, and will always be inherently anti-white subhumans and have, as a goal, to destroy the west, another reason why they promote racemixing so much.
Maybe we should try destroying America, seems to be like that's the real problem here.

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Subway tile is very trendy

>wet socks
Yeah no

Women who know that they’re sluts are great in bed(they let you do and say anything to them) and unironically have chill personalities. Self aware bimbos are much better than those feminist cunts that think they’re "empowered"

obsessed yikes

Is this supposed to mean something? Are you just posting random shit?
>treasure hunt


obese yikes

Attached: amerifats.jpg (2048x1536, 679K)

The most promiscuous women in the world come from NZ/Australia and European countries. They also have the highest rates of infidelity. White women are garbage everywhere

They're right. Bitch in OP has tons of makeup and shit on to look more attractive. Stupid cumbrains like you can't look past the wet t shit or pose though to see that you're being bamboozled by an ugly slut.

Not even American but you /pol/ types have a really strict definition of what is and isnt white. I've heard them say people with brown eyes arent white. Like wut?

based coomposters

I'm supposed to just believe the word of a stupid, anti-white American millennial?
I think you should stick to dying your hair blue and watching Marvel movies.

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Cumbrains literally can't stop thinking about and consuming porn. Every day is nothing but cooming to them

Who is he running from?

People born in Europe = white.
Everyone else = non-white.
That includes Americans, because Americans, even if a few of them still have fair skin, talk, behave and sometimes even look like niggers.
All Americans are honorary negroids.

Attached: America.jpg (1457x1497, 271K)


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"Well user, are you ready?" Allison slurs out in that tone that suggests that she's been mixing her k-pins and booze. Again. Barely open eyes, covered in whatever ungodly expensive crap Sephora shills. Eyebrows with all respect to nature removed frame her eyes. She calls it expressive, I call it dull. Her face is just lathered with makeup, designed to make her look pretty. But it does nothing to cover her brittle yet oily hair, pinned up in some Miley Cyrus wannabe bullshit.

Her drugged out gaze calls not to me, but to her dad. Or uncle. Or whoever molested her. Perhaps it is Ray she sees. I don't know. I'm just a surrogate flesh golem for her. My cock is but yet another fleshy realistic dildo. Gigantic fake tits sprawl all over her chest, covered in a translucent No bra club. Ironic, given her day to day reliance on push ups bras. Cheap underwear from victoria's secret ordered online barely covers her plague infest gash. To call it a vagina would be an insult to womankind. It is a parking garage of dick.

Maybe she was wearing socks when she got raped by this Ray? Probably. At this point, I doubt she could even recall. She's almost nodding off and thus my decision is rushed.

So do I fuck this mess of a human and overpriced make up? Of course. I'll do it bareback too, I'm a fucking wildman in a dying society.

>People born in Europe = white.
Muslims aren't white

subtle but i think i get it

And now post the US.

She looks british

>those dead, soulless eyes

Of course, immigrants aren't.
But Americans have never been white, the moment they became 18th century ISIS because they didn't want to pay taxes is when they showed their true anti-west, criminal nature that's inherent to them.

How to cure cumbrain disease, lads?

And people on this site wonder why many men don’t want to have a daughter
>all those moments of trying to instill good values in your daughter will go waste as she’ll be calling random men daddy when getting fucked by them

Bait? I'm assuming not since you had that pic saved or maybe youre just an epic ruseman. Nigs/paks born in europe are whiter than a yank with blonde hair, blue eyes which seem to be the whitest people ever according to /pol/ types?

>Spain is at 0%
>but it says it's 39% in the list
Also, what kind of source is this.
Dating websites?
How do you get reports on infedility from those?

Look yourself in the mirror when you jack off. Make eye contact with yourself.

If I ever have a daughter I'm locking her up in the basement. It is quiet literally the only way of preventing her from being a thot.

>Nigs/paks born in europe are whiter than a yank with blonde hair, blue eyes which seem to be the whitest people ever according to /pol/ types?
Oh no, i'm obviously refering to people born from natives.
Being white it's genetics and mentality.
Hell, look at this thread, all the people using ebonics like "bruh", "yikes" and "thot".
What kind of self respecting person speaks like a hoodrat?
Well, we know who.

A country that wishes the destruction of white people such as the US isn't white.
A country that is trying their best, from manipulation, to propaganda, even US citizens are in on it by attacking whites constantly, even the furthest right American is a dog who wants to racemix and attacks whites at any available opportunity.
Americans are born traitors.

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">reading comprehension" because knowledge of random whores is not necessary for the dumb boomer to answer his dumb question

In 2015 finns had 22% for men and 13% for women - and the trend was decreasing over the years, almost half of what it was in 1970. Idk where the fuck your picture got its data

From the pic, it seems a condom company and dating app sites.
No idea how you get infedelity rates from that.

>measuring intelligence by knowledge of ANYTHING having to with how random whores operate or whore culture
Jesus Christ dude. I’m not going to hold your hand throughout this thread. I think the porn and constant jacking is eating your brain you degenerate fuck.

All women are whores

El basado

im from the uk and i wouldnt be surprised if there was a large percentage of people lying even on an anonymous survey

Even that quiet girl sitting in the back of the class at uni?

Probably got knocked up a few times.

Big if true.

Unironically have sex

Definitely at least women
>well it wasn't technically cheating
They love living in self-delusion, they fucking thrive doing it

I'm a Brit, the media class here is just as anti-white as the US'. You could argue it originated from the US but to say its an exclusively American thing is wrong. It seems to be in most western countries at this point.

the reason why she's not talking is because she's fantasizing about getting gangbanged

your opnion doesn't matter incel
stay mad

Even your mum?

Find Jesus

> UK
> 36%

no fucking way desu

Those are just the people who admit it you nonce.

I was talking to someone yesterday in a thread here and they said everyone in England is fed up with SJW culture. I told him he was full of shit. He said he wasn’t.

If that’s true (I highly doubt it) then they are doing better than the US.

The problem is that in the US even the right-wing is anti-white.
You can even see it in here, where supposedly right wing people the only thing they do is shit on whites and then drool over the idea of racemixing.
What a filthy nation.


either you're a 40 year old embarrassment to the family or you're a cringy 20 year old trying to virtue signal on the shittiest board

The important thing is that you took another jab in your millennial boy vs girl slapfight.
God, I can't wait until all millennials die out.
At least we'll only have to wait 10 years more, all of them will die either of cancer from their shitty lifestyles or killing themselves of loneliness, both men and women.