Name a better capefilm, I'll wait

Name a better capefilm, I'll wait.

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spider man
spider man 2
into the spiderverse
gotg 2


the dark knight rises

Man of Steel
BvS (Ultimate Edition)
Justice League (The Snydercut)

unironically captain marvel

Movie was shit, comic was good.
Next thread.

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more like right


Batman Returns


Iron Man 1

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Watchmen is great until you read the graphic novel and realize how inferior the film is. Regardless, a pretty good effort.

thats literally the most overrated, boring movie in the capeshit genre

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I can't


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Deconstruction of a genre doesn't count as part of that genre.
Tim Burton's Batman.

only Movie I ever walked out of when watching it in a cinema. I have never watched anything capeshit or comic book related since. Dire

I liked the movie ending though. For the first time in capeshit, a movie didn't end with an extravagant fight sequence. One of the best finales in capefilm imo.

>Name a better capefilm, I'll wait.

Get a load of these two!

>Girl has a man that can do anything and be anywhere and have a personal 5 Some with her
>Still cheats

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Superman 1 and 2

That ladies outfit is very nice and smart. Every lady should wear something similar.


>this shit is better than that shit

This movie was on a whole different level of grimdark for a capeshit movie, and for that I gotta respect it. There's a lot of memorable moments from this.
>Rorshach's speech about the city being shit
>Rorshach eating beans in night owl's kitchen
>The comedian killing that Vietnam girl he knocked up
>Every scene where Dr.Manhattan's blue dick was on screen
>That part where Rorshach kills the dude in his own house
>Dr.Manhattan getting cucked by his own clones because the gf was an insatiable cunt

Rorschachs first kill scene was one of the most botched things of the film when they had the comic as source

Imagine being this guy

Jackie Chan

The movie is basically the comic retard


Cape Fear

Good movie? Yes
Good adaptation? Hell no

Did you just assume it´s gender? how dare you?!

Can´t because there isn´t one (at least not live action one). Most capeshit flicks are irrelevant and lack both dramatic and aesthetical value. They are cookie cutter forgettable entertainment.
Watchmen dared to actually adress all the dramatic elements most of these movies neglect. I would go as far as saying this movie is more a neo noir drama with super heroes rather than capeshit.

Aesthetically however i would say Sin City is superior as it completly accepts and effectively translates it´s graphic novel elements.

Beneath these two i would place stuff like V for Vendetta, Logan or the Tim Burton Batman movies. V and Logan both take their dramatic elements seriously enough and Burton´s Gotham is the closest cinema has ever come to actually understanding what that city is supposed to be (plus it does have some iconic shots).

As for the MCU and DCU, those are all irrelevant.

with the exception of the ending, the movie is a shot-for-shot recreation of the book you absolute fucking brainlet.

No it didn't. Have you even read the comic? First scene that comes to mind is when Rorschach burns the guy alive after handcuffing him to a furnace and giving him a hacksaw in the comic Vs just meat cleaving his head in the film


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that is the best capeshit film. sadly that graphic novel's point doesn't come across easily in movie form

In that list, only Spider-Man 2.

You're right it is the comic if created by a retard

Formerly right

It really shows that all women are whores in all time periods in all possible circumstances in all possible timelines and even under impossible scenarios

Alan Moore is a retard

>Movie was shit, comic was good.
I agree with the midget over here.

Attached: not a single fuck was given - before watchmerch figurestumblr_lz5ariQjnm1qih0pso1_500.jpg (500x391, 45K)

>Dr manhattan backstory
>Dr manhattan slow descent into not caring
This movie is so good

>>Dr.Manhattan getting cucked by his own clones because the gf was an insatiable cunt
You missed the whole point of that scene

retarded bovine

Not an argument.

i love both

>Sin City
Came here to post this

Yea Forums still no mentioned this, disappointing

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Sadly no sequel.
Maybe it's better off that way. movie did come out during the obama reign so the shift into pc culture was already in full swing, so the sequel likely would've been shit.