Do a biopsy

Do a biopsy

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It is lupus

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i am in this scene as well
i am a woman and also a doctor at the same time
if you look very closely, i do have breasts
very very closely

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A biopsy is too invasive. Do the less invasive but useless test first.

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I'd rather do u instead heh-*leg starts thrombosing*

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I'm going to fucking kill you.

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Kill him to see if the disease stops when he is dead. Revive him and see if it reboots.

I miss that show not gonna lie.
Well, the early seasons mostly

it's imperative that i inject collagen into the patient. also i think we should break into their house and take their valuables, for testing.

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I would hate to go to that hospital, the doctors can't even diagnose a disease without subjecting their patients to 1000 invasive, painful tests.
Got the sniffles? Order a lumbar puncture.

What's with the ending where he crashing car into the hospital? That's it was surreal.

but dr house hes still alive

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Season 4 was peak house

>yo dawg doctah house dis lil nigga still ain't feelin too good but I been jivin all over the child onc unit all night and gotsta go get some shuteye nomesayin

ids lubus :DDD

Anyone else read this as
>do a boipussy

My brain is fucked, it happens everytime i see biopic as well

>thinking a biopsy and an autopsy are the same thing
are you fucking retarded cunt

Check his pulse, Yugi

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Nah House points out she doesn’t have any knockers

To be fair, the subjects that house gets are the ones that couldn't be diagnosed by other doctors and probably went through every reasonable test that isn't too invasive.
That said you are also right, if a new symptom shows they are all too happy to go to the most drastic measures first.

>*the patients

>it's father fucks his son in his boipussy episode

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Do doctors actually do that?

>get sick
>Go to House's hospital
>Endure weeks of horrible, painful tests
>Rack up millions in hospital bills
>Finally House walks into your room, you're dying, costs are thousands of dollars per hour, your family is bankrupt, you lost your house your car your wife divorced you because she thought you were going to die
>House spits on your face and hands you two baby aspirin and says you're fine
This show isn't a medical drama, it's a fucking horror. How can Americans watch this shit and not see how fucked up their healthcare system is? Every American is one bad illness away from losing everything. What a fucked up nation of day retards.

its not like insurance exists right? poor fag

Houses department is financed by donations, so you are wrong.
They are thankful that he saves their lives with a couple aspirins, when they would have died for sure everywhere else in the world.

Was this the most over the top episode?

She was so cute back then. Fuuuuck. Close to a personal 10.

It's plain bad because the implication is that it would be okay if she were 100% a girl.

He crashes his car into Cuddy's house in the season for the last. He ends up in prison. It ends with him driving into some sort of water plant and faking his death and going off with Wilson.

that was a ride

nigger retard

Wasnt it just a girl that didnt have her testicles drop at birth?

I'm not any illness away from losing everything because I have health insurance, dipshit. You have health insurance too but you pay for it in taxes

worked for rabies

jewish ones

>a girl that didnt have her testicles drop at birth

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>wearing the stethoscope backwards

Best episode? For me it’s the crane collapse one.

Depressed white girl takes slow suicide pill.
She gets btfo by house. Then her parents. Very based.

Once you pass 7 billion genders no longer apply.

In this nightmare future we just rub or squishy bits together and don't ask any questions.

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Testicles don't drop at birth you retarded fuck

I really like Lockdown where a baby goes missing and the hospital gets locked down, Foreman and Taub are stuck in records and get high and House has to hang out with a guy who's dying because he refused to take his case while Cuddy is looking for the baby.

House isn't funny.

where wis baby

mine did

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You really should use a condom when fucking a boypussy.

Hilarious thread, great replies. Thanks for visiting, everybody.

At whose birth though

Call it boi pucci or else it is gross. Everyone knows this.


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It's a good episode, you should check it out if you haven't watched it already

One of the nurses had been having mild seizures all day and accidentally took the baby with the dirty sheets, they found it in a laundry basket

the episode where he lost the chess match against that asshole kid

You can tell a show is well-written by how the banter plays out. Compare everything to the original Star Trek, specfically the banter between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy; since that is the peak of TV banter.

>I demolished your house and shit on the ruble, Wilson
>House pls