Cast it
Cast it
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more like cat it
just read the wiki, they really should adapt this
Salem from Sabrina as the talking cat
I have this on my shelf just waiting, should I move it up my reading list?
Its about Satan acting like a human and tricking Russians
there's a whole wiki for a single book??
It's one of my favorite books but I honestly don't want to see Hollywood mess Satan's troupe with dumb cgi.
Woland - Blixa Bargeld
It was adapted multiple times you fucking mongoloid
Bar-Rabban comes from the Aramaic Bar-abbâ, it means son of the father. If he existed historically, he would probably have been a member of the sicarii, a militant jewish liberation movement which wanted to drive away the Roman oppressors from Judea by force.
In the Matthew gospel is said that Barabbas' first name was Jesus. Mattheus 27:16 - At that time they were holding a notorious prisoner, called Jesus Barabbas. This has led to a theory that the people, in fact, wanted to set free Jesus of Nazareth. In Jewish prayers God was often addressed to as Abba, and Bar-abbâ would thus mean son of God. Advocates of this theory suppose that the Jewish crowd at Pilate's palace asked for the liberation of Jesus, the son of God. According to this theory, anti-Semitic christians would have re-written the story in such way that the Jewish were to blame for Christ's crucifixion, by letting them plead for the liberation of a murderer.
Instead of full CG, Leviathan (the demon cat) should be animatronic, with some overlay
The cat is called Behemoth
Its anti atheist. Wont fly these days
Based cat man
>Just read the wiki
>Didn't read the book
neck yourself teehee
Behemot should be an actor wearing nekomimi headband and eyeliner whiskers. Everything else will look like shit. As for the actor it's either James Badge Dale or Jared Harris
cant be made well