seriously, what was the implication in this scene?
Seriously, what was the implication in this scene?
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought it was going to turn out it was real and was in stasis or something.
yeah so did i then it just turned out to be a demonstration of her being the slut archetype? its a fucking weird scene, weird way to do that. also why did sigourney weaver show up? her character is useless and i don't get how that is some fourth-wall breaking cameo when cabin in the woods is not like alien at all.
can you be more specific? noname55 does a lot of woof
Do ppl really get off to this or is it just a novelty?
yeah I love beast on female
yes, retard
It's a good change of pace. Just never read the comments. They're cancer.
Americans do.
That's why they keep spamming this shit and saying girls fuck dogs.
The mutts have grown numb to interracial cuckoldry and need something new.
noname55 + Jaina Proudmoore
>White girl
>Big dog
You just KNOW
Real life (porn) bestiality is really awkward. Dogs can't really get in our girls properly.
Yeah, I bet the mutts are getting a hard on on their beloved bestiality.
why would you ever see that shit irl
Seriously, what's up with Americans and their obsession with projecting degeneracy on white people, and specifically white people?
I'm starting to think that all Americans are just anti-white and that the whole Trump and alt-right thing was a larp to try to fool other whites into thinking Americans were friends.
That's exactly it, actually.
America is trying their best currently to destroy whites, and their whole population is helping.
Wanna save white people?
Kill every single one of the 320 million roaches that inhabit the US.
Fucking paw burners
whatevers satan
No, seriously, their insistence is reaching obsessive levels, Americans will always take the chance to try to project some form of degeneracy on whites.
But on niggers and shitskins?
Never, they love them, in fact, they wish to mix with them.
Maybe it is true that the enemy here isn't the jews, or leftists, it's Americans.
Hell, identity politics were born in America, as well as pretty much all anti-white propaganda movies and TV shows.
you just K N O W
Its almost like there are a lot of propaganda campaigns going on from certain people to topple a country from within.
>beast porn starts in Europe
>why you Americans so weird
Europeans are the niggers of whites.
just a reminder that in taxodermy arsenik is used to conserve the pelts
the stupid bitch poisoned herself it was real life
>dude blacked
>dude bestiality
>dude, lets talk, behave and try to look like hoodrats, niggers are so based
Keep your trap shut and go racemix some more, mutt.
I would believe that if it wasn't for the fact that their citizens take part on it too.
Nah, Americans deserve to die, down to the last child.
Fortunately, between their muttification and their self hatred, I doubt America will be around in 20 years.
Then we just let the russians or the chinese invade and let them have their way with whatever's left of them.
the nr:1 beastiality mogul in the world is british
>I doubt America will be around in 20 years.
lmao I remember that interview Varg gave in prison over a decade ago and he said the same shit, I love how obsessed you euros are, I don't think of you at all, respond to this and prove me right though, you know you want to.
the guy who runs that website
The difference is that you are at 56% and falling, and since you are programmed to hate whites, that rate is falling quicker and quicker.
And, with no whites, you'll just turn into a bigger Mexico.
You'll become a decadent 3rd world nation, and everyone will rush to get as much US land as possible.
Hell, you could do that now, who would defend the USA?
Scrawny, blue haired millennials?
>could have a comfy zoo porn thread
>instead have mentally ill 12 years old blogging retarded shit about degeneracy and burgers
>white people smell like wet dog
>white women fuck them
seriously wtf is up with this?
It might be taking longer, but you are in complete decay.
You hate whites, you hate each other, your politics are a joke, your cities are full of crime and that crime keeps getting worse...
Only difference between the US and Africa is that the US has taller buildings.
And that some of the savages have fair skin, but only very few of them.
>You'll become a decadent 3rd world nation
They already are.
Muttness knows no limits.
Where's the joke?
>I am 12 and just visited /pol/ for the first time yesterday and now I must let the world know about my deep analysis of the state of the union
take your meds
asians fuck octopusses and smell like rotten fish
America is shitter now than it was 10 years ago. Maybe things will get better, but considering how mad liberals are maybe not.
I don't think the US will be gone, but the difference is that it is written infallibly into your constitution that you must allow migrants into the country, and your most destructive minority, blacks, have an inalienable right to live in the US so CANNOT be removed even by will of the people. In Europe we always retain the right to remove illegals and curtail immigration, the problem is the delegation of sovereign power to 'representatives' who in turn use mechanisms like the EU to obfuscate that responsibility and pursue their own agenda.
its like watching two aids patients arguing over wich is more of a faggot
Keep dreaming faggot
Die quietly, mutt.
To stay away if a woman owns a male dog.
Absolutely obsessed, dilate.
Sorry, Jose Manuel Tyrone Wong, but trannies are more of an American thing.
t. recent reddit immigrant trying his hardest to fit in
Fuck off back there larping Pablo
I will as there is actually a reason to dream, in the US you will never change your demographic spiral into irrelevance because to do so would contradict your american identity, and an america without immigration or blacks cannot exist. A Europe without it absolutely can, has and I beleive WILL exist.
i mean, "thanks"
Man what is up with all the retards in this shit thread
No one gives a fuck about your copypasted retarded view of the world after 2 days browsing /pol/
Constitutions are literally made to be changed, and if you think the EU doesn't have a fuckton of references to immigration and asylum rights in its founding legal texts, you're fucking illiterate.
who said anything about the 'EU', and it's amusing to see it touching such a raw nerve.
Which is why the EU must be disbanded.
i legitimately wanted to talk about the movie.
Cabin in the Woods was a good film, right guys?
Building tension for a jumpscare that doesn't happen.
>He thinks a decade is 20 years
Mutt education
Is this porn?
Amerimutt cope
>I would believe that if it wasn't for the fact that their citizens take part on it too
>the conditioned repeat their conditioning
Wow, so hard to understand *twerks@u*
As a beast porn kinoisseur, I can authoritatively state that overwhelming majority of dogwhores are white wimmenz. By an undeniable margin. Latinas are runners up, but I'm pretty sure that's just economic exploitation.
It was to make the audience uncomfortable ffs
>Durr it’s the proxy’s fault!
This is why Washington told us not to get involved in European bullshit.
Well, I'd rather be the one fucked by the dogs (Not YMS btw)
>Girls fuck dogs and nobody bats an eye
>Guys fuck dogs and everybody loses their minds
It's a funny world we live in
Few men have the bravery to muzzle-dock.
Again, also latinos. Yegua leche all night long.
America was dogshit in the 70s. The US is not as rock bottom as it’s been. You don’t know history. It’s doing fairly well actually
This but unironically
Best yellow ranger...she should show up in more movies
based retard
This, and it's a good thing. Now if only 90% were not hideous.
It should have been Jamie Lee Curtis. That would have worked.