Do you guys drink while watching movies in the theater, either while in it or before?
What are the comfiest drunk kinos?
Do you guys drink while watching movies in the theater, either while in it or before?
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For me it's Everything Must Go
for me, it's wild turkey 101. if im going to the theater i get drunk in the parking lot. if im at home, i take it easy and have a steel reserve
I drink all day every day just to cope with reality. I'm drunk now.
How do you get home after
>tfw day off and want to drink but have a monstrous sinus infection and it will just fuck it up more
I can't breathe at all through my right nostril. So fucking uncomfortable.
Jack daniels whiskey is a solid drink
Usually get a White Russian or a Whiskey Sour. Felt bad about it when I watched A Star is Born in the theater smashed. I cried.
Based alcoholic. Reality is a bitch.
i make someone else drive because i rarely go to the movies and if i do its with someone
>Do you guys drink
can anyone here handle the leaving las vegas drinking game? you mirror what cage drinks all movie.
the kitchen sink chug is the hardest.
I miss the days when I'd buy taaka and just stay drunk :(
I drink before at home, sneak in a few beers since they never check the bags.
I live walking distance from the cinema.
Withnail and I.
Now this is comfy deluxe. Fear and loathing is fun on the drink.
I don't drink. No drugs, no weed, not really even a fan of caffeine.
>do you guys drink while ____
I'll sneak some 50ml vodka/whiskey shooters in yeah. I usually drink beforehand for a nice buzz.
No, because if I'm drunk I can't concentrate on the movie and I start yelling in the theater
>I watched A Star is Born in the theater smashed. I cried.
Lmao I did the same thing. I know it's not popular here but Bradley Cooper was really good portraying alcoholism in it
do you burn yourself alive while having a campfire?
The key is to get a good buzz and maintain.
I take a flask of whatever, most of the time just vodka, into the cinema, and get one of those slushy drinks and just fill it up with vodka. I chug it so I get a buzz then chill out. Then drink the rest on the way home.
this is what I do.
>Order large coke, spill half down the sink.
>take pic related and add to the large coke.
>enjoy my kino with a large whiskey and coke
>need to take a piss 20 minutes into the showing.
>get woken up by the ushers cleaning up after the movie has ended.
for me its
1.the big lebowski
2. blade runner 2049
3. apocalypse now
there's no way anyone could do that and make it to the end conscious/alive
Saw Avengers Endgame drunk in the theater
>2. blade runner 2049
That's depressing enough when sober.
>watching movies in the theater
>leaving the house for anything besides food, cheap wine, cigarettes, weed and wellfare related shit
silly user. its almost as if you have some sort of life or something
I generally will grab a pint of vodka or whiskey and bring it in my coat. I'll buy a large soda and fill it with whatever mixer, drink some, pour in liquor, wa la.
I really liked drinking while watching Hostiles, thought Bale did really well and it's pretty cool wild west. Also, the avengers movies were good to drink at cause theres no reason to take it serious and it's a bunch of explosions and fights and shit.
i drank an entire flask of fireball in the first 20 or 30 minutes of suicide squad, i could tell it was going to be bad
ended up not hating it because of the drunkness
Ryan Gosling is a god amongst men.
watched this drunk. good times
One thing I realized when I stopped drinking was that a lot of the movies I thought I liked actually suck
how do you figure?
same, i was fucking hammered.
I was drinking at Leaving Las Vegas levels a few months ago. Thank God my family took me to rehab. I was planning on jumping off a bridge...
Bros I haven't been to the theaters in over 15 years. I'm about to sneak drinks into one due to this thread.
What kino should I watch?
this sounds based
also checked
did you get to the point where you have to drink first thing after waking up to stop the shakes?
I actually cant remember most of xxx return of xander cage because i was so blitzed watching it, the biggest memory is ice cube showing up and the whole theater getting into a hooping and hollering spree.
Once upon a time in Hollywood was fun to drink to
It's real fucking long though so you'll have to take a piss break at some point
I brought a beer to a theater once and I felt like a massive piece of shit. I thought I'd feel like a cool Hunter S. Thompson type but I felt more like Barney.
I like it when you get drunk to the point you can't understand the movie anymore
Yes. I would literally straight chug vodka otherwise i felt like I would die. Like literally drag myself to the freezer after jolting awake in a pool of sweat.
How much of an alcoholic do you have to be to actually do this?
i bet elizabeth shue wasnt all over your dick though
my old man bladder aint good enough to handle beer in a movie theatre.
Luckily we still have breaks at movies in my country but I don't understand how you fuckers in other countries can manage. When I was on vacation I literally had to drag a garbage bin between the doors because they couldn't open from the outside when I ran for a quick piss
Do you have to do the butt rape scene too?
A big one I imagine
don't they sell beer at the cinema in your country?
god damn that looks good
who the fuck goes to the theater? seriously
explain how this is possible, are you a hermit?
I always bring a pint of vodka and once got too drunk during a retrospective screening of Kill Bill 1+2 and had to leave during 2 because I fell asleep. Seeing Blue Velvet drunk just made me laugh at Dennis Hopper. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was incrediy fun to drink to, literally just drinking with the characters. Same for Rio Lobo and Red Line 7000
Got loaded in the theatre watching xXx: Xeturn of Xander Xage. Pure kino
only if it's with me
Stop now user.
I mention this every alco thread but Steve Buscemi's Trees Lounge is drunkino
I like to drink so much my vision doubles, then it looks like I have two tvs, it's like Free 3D
Barfly >Trees
Scotch for me
damn that looks comfy
that movie sucked ass
I still need to see that
How so?
trailer trash detected
The problem with drinking on my own is that I just end up sleepy, and feeling like I want to go to bed for the rest of the day.
cashews are a good snack choice. just got to watch the salt dust build-up on your fingers
Went to a screening of Big Trouble in Little China where they were serving 2 dollar pbr tallboys in the theatre. Super fun. My boys and I went to see School for Scoundrels together back in high school and had the entire theatre to ourself. We drank two gallons of vodka, chain smoked, and pissed all over the theatre.
>all these alcoholics in here think they’re cool as fuck for drinking themselves retarded in the cinema
>these same anons are probably DUDE WEED posters
fucking normies
Took a pint of Jagermeister with me to IT Chapter 2, brother drank a pint of southern comfort.
Take Vitamins if you're going to be a drunk. Specifically B1 and Folic Acid.
next time you and your friends should drink heaps of bleach, I’ve heard it get you legit wasted
Is this Cage's most iconic role?
>not getting dude weed lmao'd before the movie and sipping whiskey and beer during
Miring that collection
Seagrams vodka with water. Am Russian American
Ehhhh I was a pretty rotten teenager. Luckily I grew out of all that and seldom drink anymore.
i’m a social drinker, i’m used to drinking in pubs/bars with mates or at parties and having fun. sitting around drinking is just alien to me, sounds kinda depressing
>not going to theaters that serve beer and pizza
gotta say, I'm loving that trend in Portland
You're going to be dead in 5-10 years if you keep that up
>Seagrams vodka with water
you may enter the salty spatoon
I do it for health reasons. And you're always hydrated. Try it sometime. Mix a little mio or other water flavoring and you're good to go.
Not true.
Sounds pretty depressing to not be able to have a drink with yourself.
best movie to get drunk with the lads is new kids
Attention seeking faggot normie
I quit drinking two years ago and I've never felt better. I miss smoking a lot more than drinking thanks to based nicotine addiction.
it’s just what I’ve gotten used to. I used to get drunk at home and watch movies or play video games. then I stopped doing that at some point and started going out to drink, so now whenever I drink I feel like going out and doing something. i also think there’s a lot of social stigma to drinking alone, it’s fun for the people doing it but it looks sad and depressing to everyone else(what with alcohol being the most social drug in the world)
you are the seeking attention right now, moron
Some people can handle it; some can't. No reason to gloat.
how am I gloating exactly?
hell yeah brother amen,
I'll toast to that
Fair enough. On week nights I don't because of work, but on a weekend when no one wants to go out I don't mind it. I could give two shits what others think and I don't advertise it.
You're in a thinly veiled al/ck/ thread and your post is making it seem like you're better than everyone else.
>i’m a social drinker, i’m used to drinking in pubs/bars with mates or at parties and having fun. sitting around drinking is just alien to me, sounds kinda depressing
That's how you're gloating
>What are the comfiest drunk kinos?
Whenever I'm not working I'm knocking back vodka or Special Brew. Life is horrible in those silent moments where the existential dread sets in and alcohol is the only thing that kills that off for me.
I was just saying why I can’t drink just and watch movies, and how it felt to me when I used to do it. if that counts as gloating to you, then you have some issues you need to work on.
do you drink alone regularly user?
One month out of an inpatient rehab and now going to iop classes three times a week. Seek help to stop. If you decide to stop don’t do it on your own, it’s dangerous
Dog Soldiers
How do you conceal alcohol in the theater? My flask kept making the tink noise when I unscrewed the cap during Halloween 2018.
I stopped drinking during movies cause it just seemed gay and sad
Nobody cares once you're inside. Just make sure to only open cans during the trailers or a loud scene.
Define 'do you drink in the theater'
I do drink, I'll take a few beers, why not?
Do I get fucking hammered? No that's something else
I agree user. It's one of my favourite films because of how well he portrays it.
if you can't go two or so hours without having a drink you have a serious fucking issue
Alcohol doesn't enhance viewing experience at all either, just turns it into a blur
>Alcohol doesn't enhance, just blurs
This guy fucking gets it
I got out of rehab a few weeks ago and just found out insurance didn't pay a goddamn cent for it. I'm now $30k more in the hole that I was.
And this is supposed to be good for living life in sobriety?
Whatever you say reddit, why don't you go back there faggot
Aren't those medical bills and you don't have to pay them?
why should insurance pay to help you with a problem you created for yourself?
I dont have to but my credit score will take a huge - if even recoverable from - hit and they can garnish wages whenever it comes around.
That combined with student loans and it might just be time to exit Clapistan to a country that wont extradite.
FMLA and such senpai. Theres laws for helping people in this situation. They sent some write-up basically saying I was too healthy for rehab in the first place.
This after two DUIs, three ER visits, one psych hold, etc.
>calling me reddit because you can’t think of a decent reply
hello nu fren
pistachios are better
Because helping addicts is more beneficial to insurance companies, the government, and society at large than it is to deal with the fucking mess addicts create
Sure it's their own fault, and in a way; fuck them for that.
But I'd rather deal with their rehabs, than I'd want to deal with more drunk drivers, spousal abuse, other crime and the junkies themselves
If you were considered too healthy for rehab you should try suing them for malpractice.
Because you fit all the criteria for a reddit faggot, pretty simple.
For me, it's Napoleon dynamite, a pint of Jameson , eighth of shrooms and rolling rocks for chasing.
only summerfags call people reddit. stop trying so hard to fit in
this, by intentionally damaging the property insured (your body) you are causing the other party a potential finanical loss out of the boundaries of your agreement, thus violating the NAP