/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Jackson
Noms: Holly/Tommy
Veto: Nicole

Previously on /bb/:

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first for loving life

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nicole bb21 winner

Tommy thought he was gonna get gaybashed by Jackson desu


>cliff already decided, after the jackson talk, he wants tommy gone but is too pussy to force nicole to vote that way or force a split vote

won't keeping the showmance make the jury view cliff and nicole as jackson and holly's lapdogs?

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and holly stating she had a final 4 she went against should also set a red flag

1 hundo p

yes, it's bad optics

If they flip back now they did a lot of unnecessary damage but it probably doesn't matter since it still comes down to who wins the POV.

But Cliff might have screwed himself if Jackson follows through on what he said to Holly and votes Cliff out now.

based watermelon man

holly confirming the christie anal tommy final 4

Cliff is going to wear her down. He keeps harping on the Jackson AND Tommy being in the F4. Tommy also freaked Nicole out a little tonight. If Jackson and Holly don't screw it up, I think Nicole is going to come around.

probably doesnt matter much for quarky. this whole fiasco only hurt hogg in the eyes of holly and jackson. they always viewed quarky as being wishy washy. so she is just being par for the course

3 of last 6 winners were homos (andy, steve, kaycee)

tommy praying for god to watch over holly.

well goodbye tommy.

Tommy praying is cute. too bad he's gonna toil in eternal hellfire.

tommy is eh fucto

tommy 5th place

jackson is kicking holly out of the RV so he can talk to quarky and hogg by himself

Regardless of his sexual orientation or your beliefs concerning damnation, he's still got infinitely more going for him than Nicole.


quarky gave it away immediately lol


risky play


i love it

quarky wants a house meeting!



How does he keep getting away with everything?Just how powerful is the Snack Force?

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high risk high reward

quarky not buying it

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>Nicole: House meeting!
>jackson: t-t-tomorrow...

we got too cocky Jackson-bros

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"I don't like seeming stupid."

-Nicole, certified stupid person.

call the housemeeting nicole

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I hope nicole knows he is lying. If he was telling the truth he would say sure let’s go hash it out right now

Jackson has the ability to lie so effortlessly. I think he'll lie right in Tommy's face about shit Tommy said.

>jackson to nicole: why you shaking your head


jackson pissed quarky off

Jackson just sketched the fuck out of Nicole



man nicole really wants to be evicted next week


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quarky better grab tommy

remind me, does the final evictee (3rd place) do an interview with julie?





Yeah they still get to talk on finale night. Vanessa immediately comes to mind.

>mentally breaks cliff and nicole to keep holly

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Spergin' session

how can one man be so based? i dont fucking get it.

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just go talk to tommy lol
so stupid

bought it. tommy gone

>chess not checkers


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How does anyone possibly think Nicole is good at this game?

>almost verbatim what tommy told us

if cliff and nicole flip back after this and keep holly, Jackson deserves to win

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>get conflicting information
>don't go and verify
you love to see it

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>what the fuck just happened

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the winner of bb21 is stepping up hardcore

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Don't even bother wondering about it. This place is an echo chamber.

Ultimately, she's absolute shit. But some of these peoples' absolutely mental crushes on her fog their lenses to the point of just attacking you if give her any criticism.

But yeah, tonight has revealed how much she sucks, all around, and listening to Cliff try to keep her on track makes me imagine him as such a patient and sympathetic game partner.

Babysitting her has just been a way for him to fill the role of dad away from home, and for her to experience the parental oversight she so desperately needs to live.

i fear for jackson in a blowup

literally no one here thinks quarky has good game. stop replying to yourself

>reddit spacing

>Cliff- The more he (Jackson) talked, the more it sounds almost verbatim what Tommy was telling us, which does make me worried.
>Nicole- It makes me feel like an idiot. How stupid can I be?
did cliff forget jackson overheard him during his "cliffnotes"
cliff must realize this but he's been slowly pushing for tommy to go and he's running with it

cam 3/4 3/4 place

tommy shouldn't have gone to sleep during crunch time

can you share your file naming scheme?

haha they're onto Jackson oh no no no

Not in response to my own post, but alrighttttttyyyyy

i cant explain the will of the universe friend. they are all unique

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jackson did a good job making it seem tommy dont consider nicole a threat and beating her to bring jackson to final 2
shes so pissed

it literally doesn't matter if tommy is lying or not
if you keep holly, she is working with jackson and keeping him 1 hundo p. why the hell would tommy keep jackson making his path to final 2 harder??

what a shit show on cam 3/4 right now lol

> But Tommy thinks that he can beat me in the end! That makes me so mad!

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i can see holly taking nicole over jackson

>Nicole: I'm smart


Jackson about to be EXPOSED.

isn't jackson using production as a strategy? I thought that was against the rules

I can't

jackson won


>cliff: let me go up there and see
quarky just got done venting how she is being left out. call the house meeting quarky jesus christ

>jackson: shit shit shit

Does Jackson even get BTFO if there's a house meeting? He literally can just say he got the same deal that Tommy gave to Cliff/Nicole line for line

jackson preparing for the housemeeting
preparing his pokerface

Jackson overplaying now.

this fucking prison bitch

damn what's with this house and wednesday nights/thursday mornings?

adam poch 2.0



>don't worry jackson, i'll happily take 4th place

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jackson literally block the RV door so tommy cant go in. sending him back to bed

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this show fucking sucks, when is Grodball going to save my queen Christie?



>tommy willing to talk now
>jackson doesn't
>nicole isn't piecing that together

>clean game

are we going to get another live feeds leek 2 hours before live eviction tomorrow?

based jackson using the backyard incident as strategy

jackson wants to say christie tommy owned a business together by the speaker

not production so its fairgame

Jackson is utter trash. He cheated when he was a HN, is misogynistic as hell and is literally physically blocking people from entering rooms?? HE BETTER NOT WIN

adult book store

tommy will smooth all of this out tomorrow during the house meeting. no worries

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cliff must be doing jumping jacks in his head right now. he's been desperately trying to flip nicole on tommy after the jackson talk and jackson just lined it up perfectly for him

funniest part, if jackson or holly win veto, cliff is gone after all the stuff he was pulling

>leads the charge in trying to get holly evicted
>hogg takes the blame
blessed quarky safe for another week

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quarkyfags should be thankful she has never been in power for a full week

you're probably right about that. i still have faith she is sitting F2

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This is perhaps the first time Nicole and Cliff have had the taste of their own power for once. I can't really blame them being so wishy washy desu. It's just so weird because it is super late in the game and what they should be doing should be fairly obvious at this point.

yeah she's a goat everyone wants in their F3

Derrick made rape jokes about Victoria with Frankie. He was a deserving winner. Who cares.

Nicole is letting her ego mess up her game. She's upset that anyone would think she'd be easy to beat. But she hadn't won anything until last week, wasn't targeted because people DID think she'd be easy to beat in the end. Their assumption shouldn't shock or upset her this much.


so hogg is gona steer it away from a house meeting tomorrow and push the eviction of tommy.


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Based Hogg guaranteeing his 4th place finish.

nicolefags aren’t waking up today

but she's guaranteed final 3 and most likely 2 no matter what

she might even have a decent shot at winning this low iq season the nicolefags still need to be culled

He looks the same in every picture

Fuck man, I just had a nightmare where Nicole was evicted. Thankfully it was just a dream

you have to go back

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4 of the last 7.

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What did BB mean by this?

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So if Cliff and Nicole win BOTH HOH and veto, who’s the target?
On one hand, Michie is a comp beast, but Tommy has the jury votes and played a perfect game

nobody thinks that

So they should get holly out since everyone competing in hoh next week is going after michie anyways and it removes a vote to keep him.
killing tommy allows holly to compete and to kill of cliff. after that Nicole has no chance.
Killing holly is the only logical option for cliff and holly

Tommy can be beat at pt1 and pt2. Jackson is a lock for pt1. If they flip back and keep holly, she's a no brainer to tale to F3.

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I’m glad you woke up

If they keep bog it will be one of those choices that really pisses me off because it's basically handing the game to jackson. Jackson is 100p the winner if he makes f2. If holly stays not only does he have a chance at her winning hoh he has a shot at both of them winning veto next week and it's more or less a guarantee he makes f3. Tommy will easily put him up with Cliff if he wins HoH, I think cliffs fear is that if he goes on the block against nicole when jackson wins veto he's going home, but he's going home either way if Holly stays. He probably is banking on Holly winning and taking him to f2 which is stupid as fuck. He should stop being so fucking retarded because there's no way he sits in F2 with Holly, it would be Nicole.

Holy fuck
From the movie Rio

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you forgot the most important bit, she's guaranteed second place

Twitter has turned me against Nicole, the stans there won't admit the mistakes Quarky made and instead blame everyone else under the sun except their precious white princess. I want the Hoggfather or based bogermelon showmance to take her out

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Imagine ever liking the crybaby skank. It was kino when Bella btfo her ass.

>muh daughter

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oh my god this game is great

cliff and nicole are buying jacksons shit hook line and sinker

lol this shit fucking sucks i cant believe you actually stayed up all night updating us on absolutely nothing

If Nicole and Cliff lose, they're going to realize that the biggest mistake was sending Christie home in the double and not Tommy. If Cliff still goes up as a facade, and Nicole wins BBComics, then its Christie and Holly on the block. Neither is a comp threat but this is where you fuck Jackson over because you know even if Christie won't throw HOH and wins it, she will still want Jackson out and take the shot. If you can get Jackson out with Christie, a Cliff/Nicole F2 is pretty much guaranteed at that point.

i can't imagine being you
i woke up, read all the updates, and i'm fucking ecstatic with the state of things
what makes you happy? is there...anything, out there?

These two retards are actually going to keep holly

literally nothing changed, cliff is still retarded

it looks like you're the retarded one...
i'd explain but you really don't deserve it. retard.

k thanks for the updates bro

>multiple people have said they will vote for jackson if he gets to F2
>hogg thinks they have a chance against jackson in F2

Who do you think they're planning to vote out now? Just curious

tommy it sounds like right now. but they havent even talked to tommy yet

And who do you think they were they planning to vote out, earlier last night?

before cellson misted them? i think they were leaning towards voting holly out

Ding ding, yep! You got it right!
So, before the happenings over the late evening, they were planning to vote Holly out. Now, tentatively, they are planning to vote Tommy out.

That, my friend, is what one would call, a "change". A change happened. So therefore, this post right here, where it says "literally nothing changed" after a previous post complained about people updating about nothing, is wrong.

I really, truly hope you understand now. Or there really is just no hope for you.

tommy, sticking to the shitty 4 like they had always planned

they were never voting bog out lol but at least you have someone to reply to now rather than pictures of watermelon and unicorns

cliff and nicole are going to convince themselves to keep holly and not talk to tommy at all today

>Endurance comp is on its way! CBS has just confirmed tonight’s Head of Household competition will play out live on the Feeds through All Access.

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another bog HOH incoming

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i can't watch, ill be at RHAP Live

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Is this what autism looks like

Holy is going home, isn't she?

No, that would be this poster >they were never voting bog out lol but at least you have someone to reply to now rather than pictures of watermelon and unicorns

That, my friend, is pure, unadulterated autism. Straight from the source.

yes that is indeed bbo

i wont even bother posting bridgette he mad cause you are furious

hogg doesnt even want to talk to tommy

Incredible. How does Jackson do it?

Remember when faggots spammed misted lol


tommy quarky hogg RV talk

tommy digging himself a hole
basically looking like confirming it

tommy saying jackson walked in the room saying nothing and thought it was weird

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Holly playing the role of the nosy elderly neighbor to a tee.

tommy crying saying hes not lying



nicole confirmed angry about tommy making her look like a weak loser


holly sweating


not out of her botox paralyzed forehead

what the fuck is this shit. just have a house meeting.

holly doing a great job

based chadson eavesdropping on everyone this season

>house meeting time to turn on the feeds this might be fun
faggot fucking feedboy fuck this season

why fish why


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grodner forcing you to watch it on tv

based faggot piece of shit button boy

>still fish

vegas tweeted paul just came in the house

they can't let us see jackson btfo shitcole live and unedited.

shit sucks man

based production intervening and setting the record straight so Holly goes home.

reminder that they're so inept they aren't even going to show what is getting fished on the episode tonight. we will have a jury segment instead

still fish......


>fish the house meeting
>straight into lockdown

The episode will be gold if Holly goes home

so is the housemeeting happening in the hoh lockdown?

This meltdown actually helps Cliff and Nicole now that I think about it. If there was any chance of Tommy taking Jackson to F2, I think that's done. If they keep him, Jackson has to win F4 veto.
If they keep Holly, they have an easier time winning F4 HoH. Worst case scenario for them is Holly or Jackson winning veto.
Pretty much every other scenario results in Cliff and Nicole making F3 easily and that isn't keeping Holly.

>Make sure to tune in tonight to see who goes ay-non

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I'm glad I don't pay for any CBS related services.

I was just about to make fun of people like you.
Whenever feeds go down like this I see people threatening to cancel their feeds, etc. It sounds so ridiculous to me. People that are around all summer long, posting about live feeds every day, and then when a conversation is blocked, they whine about cancelling. Which, I get that it blows having key convos blocked... but if you cancel, you're out of the community. No more first hand feeds talk for you. Is it really worth it to change how you spend your summer because of a couple of annoying blockages throughout the summer?
It just makes whoever is complaining sound...poor. As far as you go who never paid and is expressing joy about it now, you also sound quite poor.


actually when you cancel your feeds they just give them to you for free

I remember watching BB as a 10-year-old 20 years ago. Back then they would show fucking, ass, dicks, pussies and titties on TV. Does this still happen?


remember when amanda bullied the fuck out of everyone in the house?

>but if you cancel, you're out of the community. No more first hand feeds talk for you.
huh? I pirate my live feeds.

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>you never be a neet with a mommy gf
im so jealous of mccrae

remember when amanda raped McCrae

When is Paul coming back?

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is this a meme template I’m not aware of or did someone really say that about quarky?

Agreed, Rhager1983, good find!

autism scares the shit out of me tbqh

>faggot fucking feedboy
formerly fuckboy

um... why is cliff crying?

I always assume that they’re just getting out some frustration whenever I see a post like that. it sounds silly but whatever works for them, it’s understandable at least.

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>jackson & hogg F2
>one by one all the jurors get up and put their key in
>each of them congratulating jackson and ignoring hogg

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fair enough!

no, they stopped casting people with genitals. now when there’s a slip, it’s just smooth like a Barbie doll

>j-jackson has no chance next week
how much will reddit seethe on saturday?

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i hope quarky keeps tommy. if she does, she gains a real life friend that she can go to shows with. maybe even get hooked up with his brother. shes gotta think the long game

Oh yea true you get them for a free month when you cancel.

In that case, everyone should have just cancelled a couple of weeks ago. Why use it as a way to "threaten" CBS when literally you don't even need to pay another dime to watch official feeds for the rest of the season?

She’s not dating that faggot. Queers run in the family


christie looks so fucking hot in her jury videos.

She'd be better off getting rid of Bog and taking Jackson next week. She doesn't need some midget to take care of.

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wow, look at that pretty girl!

>sound... poor
you are a piece of work, my friend

she also gets to be at his bedside as tommy slowly withers away from AIDS

blessed angel of death. her work is never done

I miss jessica and her big fat Spanish titties


That nigger bbsuperfan004 on twitter is crying over Nicole not being on the feeds lmao what an obsessed cunt

wow what a housemeeting
jackson is fucking running this shit

no feeds till live hoh. guess i'll be tuning into night to see what happens!

>rhap doing a live show for the episode tonight
>it'll be a really boring episode where only the vote matters
>won't even have a new HOH at the end of it
>they won't even get to watch the feeds for the live comp afterwards

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>jackson is going to be an ex-addict with $300k in cash to invest

i know just the guy willing to help

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haha yeah she looks nothing like nicole

theres jury segment of nick and christie (the best parts of the season)

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oooooooooooooooooh the jury so exciting! lmao

had to mute em, like i do for tons of people. can't fucking stand it lol.
>Hes playing like an idiot for 3rd place. That's what pisses me off
I hate people who aren't honest with themselves

They should have computers and wifi, I don't see why they can't put on the feeds in the background.
But yeah I am wondering how it will go. I'll let you guys know later when I get there.


>it'll be a really boring episode where only the vote matters

Except it's maybe the most exciting vote all season lol. Stay pressed.

enjoy that 10 seconds of voting where you don't know what will happen and then miss the HOH comp

looking forward to it friend

>where you don't know what will happen

Is that supposed to make it worse or something? That's literally the only upside to the fish happening right now, is that it will be shock come the live show. I seriously can't believe you used that as a point against it. What the hell? Lmao. Jesus.

>and then miss the HOH comp
Again they could end up playing it there and if they don't, not a big loss at all.

>final 5
>nobody cares who wins
>most exciting vote

lmao the desperation

the point was that it will last 10 seconds you autist. you will spend money and an hour somewhere for 10 seconds of anything happening. and then you will miss the HOH comp.

Imagine having opinions this bad. Oh well, we can't all be patricians.

>Taran so pissed that his fag self insert is leaving that he is shitposting non stop

wow they actually took down the feeds lmao
lets see if tommy is gonna call jackson out in his speech

Lmao, okay, it'll be fun regardless watching the show with an entire audience. I've been to the RHAP live show for the Halting Hex, a particularly dud episode yet it was a blast to be there, and this will only be better, especially with the crazy vote flipping, that moment will be pure, unfiltered gold.

>miss HOH
Usually for these, especially late game ones, I'm just eating candy and playing video games with the feeds on. I think I can handle missing that and being updated live by Taran 100 ft in front of me
I mean seriously, I'm not saying you're missing out, but you saying that I won't have fun is ridiculous

this season has been such complete bottom feeder trash that you have been telling yourself for weeks now that it somehow improved because you are so desperate for some real big brother

thats not being a patrician, its called being delusional... get a grip

lelel. i mean i don't know how we can convince each other. i guess just agree to disagree. but i'm certainly having a blast.

the fact that you used "lelel" in your reply says it all

wait though lol
somehow improved? SOMEHOW improved? you don't think that, i don't know, a giant boring alliance steamrolling through the game getting broken up/turning on each other and then shifting all over the place had anything to do with it? perhaps?
come on. please. be realistic.

the fact that you need to use non sequiturs, to me, personally speaking, says it all.

they werent steamrolling

ah yes the... you use non sequiturs argument... solid

the final 2 we deserved :(

Did he manifest a load on her face?

Are you okay? Is your brain broken?
The eight got out Ovi, Kemi, and Cliff the first 3 weeks of the game. Cliff comes back and at this point the power alliance is the Six, not the Eight, and so they have him take out Bella, when they don't even have the HOH power that week, but a twist power. Then Holly tries to continue with evicting Sam...and then Day 44 happens, and the rest is history. But until then, yes, they steamrolled.

I do feel sorry for you. I truly do.

who will be his Matty?

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>that smile on his face
must be heavenly

they didnt steamroll. they missed there targets several times and had to use and threaten the use of powers to accomplish it against a non alliance of terrible players

they just voted out a bunch of trash

I don't really care about your smartass definition for a steamroll. They steamrolled the first half of the game. Sorry.
>against a non alliance of terrible players

Fucking exactly. Even the week they didn't win HOH they didn't sweat for a second. Again, save your smart ass definitions, because they steam rolled. I guess we're done here.



The thing that makes all of this worse to me is that nicole was so close to leading this vote, she was confident, spitting logical facts/reasons to evict holly, and going with her gut and then all of a sudden last night that fight went away and its disheartening to see

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yup, now she isnt going to get any credit for booting bog if they do. and if they keep holly, just another notch in the jackson / holly running cliff/nicole. they fucked this up royally


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this season still blows

I miss Fatuga

>inherent boomer desire to btfo the fags
>fatherly wish to watch chadson pound quarky in the HOH room

Cliff has a hard decision to make

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>>inherent boomer desire to btfo the fags
its the only nature he knows
hell bring it to fruition no matter the cost

>btfo the fags
he gonna btfo himself?

What is happening? Is Cliff and Nicole still voting to keep Tommy?

quarky couldnt handle the pressure and self evicted

Who the fuck knows at this point?
Isn't Jackson threatening to go after Cliff if they don't keep Holly?

Pretty sure he's going after cliff regardless. Cliff seems like the only person that could possibly beat Jackson in jury votes

>fans whine so much about the christie/tommy relationship that they send a speaker to the house
>speaker improved their games by separating and getting anal nick evicted
>jackson uses the speaker incident and spread lies with it to protect the showmance
this is what you faggots deserve

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Why go after Cliff if it was Nicole's idea?

cliff always wanted tommy out
nicole was halfway through breaking up the showmance for jury points but jackson shooked her with the false tommy info

tommy is gone

jackson said all loyalty is done regardless if holly stays or not. jackson and holly are pissed at cliff because they would've 100% kept him over nicole in F4. so they are confused as to to why he just doesnt vote for holly to stay.

I'm pretty sure they think Nicole is a retard that only does what Cliff says. (they're not that wrong)

Why are the feeds down for this long tho...starting to worry Jackson punched someone or sumn DKSKSKDK

Tommy punched Jackson for spreading lies. They said he just snapped

Tommy sucked off Jackson for spreading lies. They said he just snapped

at this point, jackson deserves to be the winner

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wow look at this pretty girl!!!!

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hope you have a good time
is aura gonna be there?

ugly slut

how many bongs till live?

based man

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it's modern Big Brother, dummy, Holly or Nicole are going to be our winners
all other options are too good

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stop talking about yourself

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Thank you!
Shes supposed to be yea, and Eric Stein, should be interesting

Holly Eviction Party!

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new thread

omg you are so trolling me again!!!!