Yea Forums rewind

Unironically, what the fuck has happened to this board? I just went to read the Dane Dehaan AMA and a couple of other threads from 2013, and Yea Forums is almost completely different. The quality of discussion here has declined dramatically.

Attached: Ayami_Nakajo-p2.jpg (477x750, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit moderation that doesn't keep /pol/ and Yea Forums in their shitty corners. Once they ruined their own boards they moved on to infest this one, and now the infection spreads from Yea Forums to Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and beyond.

Sneed will save us

Something something any community that pretends to be retarded will eventually become filled with actual retards

>Yea Forums used to be good!

I never thought Yea Forums of all places would be a breeding ground for /pol/, but Yea Forums has always derided there.

I don't have any delusions about Yea Forums being "good", but there's a very noticeable difference in quality between now and then.

Back in 2011 people were complaining about how shit the site had gotten. People will always be nostalgic for the past.
Be the change you want to see in the board and post some quality content.

cunny posters geting baned

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing.

True but back in 2011 it was mostly because L O S T ended and nothing would bring those feelings back. Then baneposting happened.

that shit should be banned, there's nothing funny or ironic about being a pedophile.

>force Yea Forums shit threads when the site mostly abandoned anime years ago.
>woah why are people shitting up Yea Forums now?

You're just looking at it through nostalgia googles.
Half the threads were people yelling about summerfags and >ishygddt

this op is a retard for making this thread hope they give you some days of to reflect on it op

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no I mean they are the best posters

I know what you meant, and I'm telling you you're wrong. They should all be banned.

Stop being delusional. You looked at a few good threads. We still have them. Overall it was as bad if not worse with all the tripfags.

I've been lurking All Boards on boards.Yea with the keyword cunn*, pedo*, "little girls", etc...
There should be a Catalog for All Boards. It would inhibit the desire to crossboard.

imagine thinking this is a good thing


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All the tripfags left

>post fuck niggers, gore, sneed, tons of other off-topic shit
>at most I get a 3-day ban if I even get banned at all
>post cute girls
>get permabanned without fail every single time
I genuinely wonder what goes through the jannies mind when he "moderates"

/pol/ has ruined everything.
I wouldn't even be aware of most of the retarded SJW shit if they wouldn't bring it here to go LOOK! DOESN"T THIS MAKE YOU MAD? (GIVE ME LOTS OF YOUS)

i blame america for sjws not /pol/

It's not suposed to be funny or ironic.

I blame /pol/ for talking about it here and hating fun.

whatever boogeyman you need bro

>old good
>new bad
Look at your /jp/ board, weeb. It's so disgusting

The 2016 election and subsequent flood of redditcels have done permanent damage.

>Yea Forums
Yea Forums is just a shit board all around now that the quality of comic writing and editing is in the toilet.

>cute girls
Based c**** poster

Honestly, it's probably this.

Can Jannies even ban people?
