How badly will Ana butcher the accent?
How badly will Ana butcher the accent?
>notits actress
i fucking hate hollywood so much
Bitch is literally a transexual.
No ass.
>no tits
>no ass
even more reason to hate hollywood
She can butcher muh dick with her vagoo if you know what I mean
>adrien brody
The pain. When will it end?
She looks so much like Demi Lovato on the thumbnail that I almost want Demi Lovato to portray Marilyn Monroe instead.
Grandma sag ass
Brody is quite literally /ourguy/
Why is the misstres of a former president so famous ?
thats worse than fucking hank hill
that's not her, is it?
monica isn't that famous though
Why no complaints of brownwashing on Yea Forums?
Why would you fuck Hank Hill?
>Marilyn Monroe
>not cast as black
White supremacy is alive and well
Who cares? Monroe was a dumb whore who deserves to get her "legacy" dabbed on.
No way that's not a stunt double.
That's not her. That looks like Eddie Redmayne in drag.
Imagine how Metoo'ed you would get for doing this today.
because its better than looking at this woman's ass
no one can doubt her whiteness with an ass that flat
What is she holding, what is that thing?
But too bad for her. Every woman, who "plays" Marilyn, is actually an illuminati controlled sex kitten.
Would she metoo him or she really enjoy all this happening ?
Its called a stage kiss.
Sneed kiss
>Brody is quite literally /ourguy/
Literally an overrated kike.