You guys excited to see this?
You guys excited to see this?
God i fucking hate Kojima
Take your numale shit back to FAGGOT central.
This FAGGOT keeps spamming his Hideous Kojigger FAGGOTRY on Yea Forums.
This is unrelated bullshit, meant for a FAGGOT board where FAGGOTS discuss FAGGOTRY among other FAGGOT topics.
The matter at hand is OP is a FAGGOT spamming the board with off topic FAGSHIT.
Right cause tveddit is soooo much better with our ontopic threads
You're so mad. fucking numale faggot. Go suck your dog's dick FAGGOT.
I don't know what this shit is supposed to be but that poster bores me to tears already
yeah I'm pretty contrarian myself.
ill see the 42 hour long kojima cut on a youtube channel that doesnt have commentary on it
I'll take a Drew Struzan imitation over a generic photoshop thrown together haphazardly by the janitor.
He couldnt make it to hollywood so he surrounds himself with hollywood actors and puts large cutscenes in his games. Mgs4 was fucking awful for that shit.
Behold, a pleb
It's open world so likelihood is I wont buy this game. God I hate open world.
So fucking boring.
Game will be so full of expository gibberish that I simply won't give a fuck.
You can tell from the composition he wanted to commission Ohrai to do this like he did for the Metal Gear games, but sadly he died a few years ago.
Yes because despite his convoluted plots Kojima understands that vidya is a different storytelling medium from films and actually explores the storytelling potential of the medium.
>refn on the front cover
shouldve hired Yoji shinkawa to make every cover
Movie poster art is dead.
Even his worst ones are better than the shitty 2 minute photoshop jobs you see these days.
How fucking lazy is this shit?
Okay. Kinda lame tagline and some quibbles... but compare that to this...
Souless trash
And while we're on Del Toro stuff, here is one by artist James Jean. There are so many painters and comic artists out there, is it really tht much to spend money on them instead of some intern using stiff publicity photos and Photoshop for the first time?
Thr artist for the Death Stranding poster is Pablo Uchida btw.
Hell. Tons of concept artists work on vidya or even movies themselves. Just hire some of them to do some damn original poster art that is more than lame stock photos
Check out the documentary "24x36" about movie poster design and poster art in general
One scene has a focus group picking between three posters, and someone says the illustrated one can make the movie look animated.
Baby Driver, Mother! (also James Jean poster) and a few others are returning to the illustrated format but they still need a high enough level of realism, and even then it can make the movie seem "arty" and "independent" which can affect normie mass viewership
Nice. That sounds like an interesting doc.
I liked mgs 1-4 but I think this one is gonna suck
I have no excitement for games anymore. The trailers lie, the reviews lie, you have to wait for game play videos to have any idea of what you are really buying. And then I'll just wait for the next seasonal flash sale.
Watch a movie, then make a thread about it
It's extremely simple to understand