Man look at this
Man look at this
why does he wear so much black?
Black is slimming. He's phenomenonally insecure from a physical standpoint.
he is damaged
he should honestly just kill himself already.
Damn! My man J is lookin fly! Alright bro keep it up!
you'd be too if you would only ever be known as "that funny fat guy" no matter what you did.
how did he get the covfefe to levitate?
>holding it by the lid
rookie mistake
>being a hypersensitive but overall really nice guy
>typecast into being the fat funnyman who's the butt of all jokes and everyone treats you like that's what you are IRL
>even some french frog eating immigrant fucking nobody whore makes fun of you and it becomes an internet meme
>based Jonah reinvents himself and bounces back better than ever, fit and fashionable now
give him a break guys, he looks good
>all these gripstrengthcels holding it by the cup and not the lid
it's a sign of him being poor. this is probably the first time he's held his own drink. cant afford the butler anymore.
>almost 40
>still having an identity crisis like a teenager
I don't know why would anyone hold that shit by the lid. It simply won't work.
thats the chad veteran grip Jonah has been drinking them for years
even if i did bjj?
I'm happy that Jonah has finally defeated his Ornella demons and found a girl to marry him
go to bed jonah
theyll get divorced within the year
>he looks good
He's fucking fat again.
>midlife crisis isnt a thing
the only break Jonah will be getting is from a kitkat bar.
I find tvs obsession with this guy hilarious. He doesn't even look that bad in this pic
He's getting married. He's untouchable now.
Why are American so obsessed with iced coffee?
>I find tvs obsession with this guy hilarious.
cause everyone identifies with him in that video. jonah is joker irl.
Anything to avoid drinking water
Dude is ugly and will always have a weight problem. What are you like 50 now? Get over it already you fucking retard
I don't know. These people are always drinking some sugary gooey shit.
Look at the cup he is holding and you will realise why people are posting it
>afraid coffee staining teeth so drink with straw so it goes straight to stomach and never touches teeth
>dont want to drink hot coffee from straw because fear of plastic straw leaching chemicals so drink it iced
I don't know
Literally because they're all caffine addicted slaves and are too lazy to slowly drink a hot drink, so they get it cold to gulp it down quick and consume more.
Me in the back
People who ask other people to buy and bring their coffee are the fucking worst.
No bitch, I won't bring your coffee. It's your problem if you can't wake up earlier. Go to hell.
>ywn never lick iced coffee off her feet as she belittles you mercilessly
Why even live
do you think she has three drinks because she knew she would spill at least one before drinking?
>"mam would you like a carrier for that?"
>im fine :D
>carries 2 stackeds coffees on one hand
>drops the other one
what the fuck?
Look at the straws, user.
>No bitch, I won't bring your coffee.
except you do bring their coffee every time because YOU'RE the bitch. you wouldnt be raging about it now if you weren't everyone's coffee bitch. being a coffee bitch never even occurred to anyone else in the thread except you because you're the coffee bitch.
Why the fuck does this idiot live downtown? He could easily afford a luxury apartment on the park or a Brownie in Brooklyn Heights.
>the same thread, with the same posts, day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day
Nah but I used to be the coffee bitch though. One day I just had enough and the cunts stopped asking me for shit.
>oh look a jonah hill thread
>i know the replies are always the same
>but maybe this time it's diff-
you're the dumb one. stop complaining
it's just another phase
I wear black because i don't know how to dress
and even if i did i'm too poor to afford clothes