>talks about simulation theory on dozens of episodes
>has on the guy who came up with it
>can't grasp the simple concept with the expert explaining it over and over for an hour.
Is his IQ under 90?
Talks about simulation theory on dozens of episodes
Your frustration with his popularity is hilarious and sad at the same time
Joe Rogan is peak normalfag, of course he has maximum 90iq
He's a fucking burned out loudmouth meathead, no shit.
He literally can't even understand jokes, why would you think he could grasp this?
>dpoehead cant understand basic stuff
no shit
Helluva Drug.
He's always been a meathead and weed makes you dumb as shit.
Weed has rotted his brain
>Dude I smoke weed every day and nothing has happened
>What does expansion mean?
Bro you have to realise Rogan opened his mind and decalcified his pineal gland through strategic use of weed and DMT. He's not failing to understand it, he understands it on a deeper level than the expect.
Weed and abuse of other drugs definitely didn't impair him. No sir.
LA nugs are literal shit tier. You have these retarded west Coast breeders that are breeding for THC like a bunch of meth addicts. Cannabis has a large assortment of psychoactive compounds that function synergistic-ally, by breeding for THC the natural ratios of psycho-active compounds in the plant get pretty fucked. That's why a lot of people who smoke this dog shit end up having panic attacks.
Unironically, the only good weed is schwag you can grow in a family garden, or home-made hash. Everything else is dosed with insane chemicals to keep insects off of them and bred into a state of absolute corruption.
holy fuck, he sounds retarded in the clips. misses the dudes point.
its funny how hard hes trying to talk and sound smart but his sentences are just random
>"Wow Eddie, you seriously believe all this stuff?"
>"My next guest will be Graham Hancock."
weed kills brain cells
Go smoke your stems and seeds buddy, you can grow good weed without it being schwag.
Joe is definitely solid average IQ at best, but he's trying.
Why was Neil so rude and aggressive in that last episode?
He's autistic
He's a sperg and a buzzkill.
He literally thinks people who celebrate the new year are backwards peasants.
>Is his IQ under 90?
it's entirely possible
What did you expect? The guy smokes weed and believes all the bullshit that Bob Lazar said.
based and chink pilled
He literally mirrors the few black men on Yea Forums lol.
What's the best Rogan epispdes?
I want to take roganpill.
He's an egomaniac
Hating popular things doesn't make you an interesting person
I'm pretty sure "almost all armed conflicts" were because of desire for money/power and not beliefs.
Alex Jones
>could fucking hear Eddie run to the studio as soon as he realized Jones is there
Liking popular things doesn't make you an interesting person
Just sort them by popularity and choose a guest you like.
inb4 /pol/shits start recommending the demented Alex Jones
#911 yeh
Did Joe even go to college? He sounds like he reads like 1 book per year.
go outside for a walk or something
>college means you're smart
He actually did go to college because he didn't want to be considered a loser.
What did joe say?
Did he keep saying that he feels like he's real and ask if he's really in a pod like in the matrix somewhere?
Seems a lot of people can't get over that hurdle, that there doesn't need to be a "real" version of them outside the simulation.
Simulation theory is just gnosticism for people who are afraid of admitting they are religious.
He did take a test irl that put him at 127.
I can't, I'm at work.
Yeah sure. I'm super confidend that He wouldnt mind letting everyone know that his IQ is around 90... Why would anyone ever lie about their IQ eh?
The one with the sleep specialist was real interesting
I enjoy the ones with Michael Malice
>Rogan: "Wow dude, you worked at Area 51!"
>Lazar: "hum... not really, just a few miles from Area 51"
>Rogan: "And you went inside a UFO? How was it? Do you have any picture for us?"
>Lazar: "Joe, like I said before we started the podcast, I have a terrible migraine"
>Rogan: "It's ok dude, we'll talk about something else. Have you seen that video of the monkey who put a finger up his ass? Hey Jamie pull that up!"
Probably around there. And regardless of how superior you like to think you are, statistically yours likely is, too.
>simulation theory
fuck that shit, it's religion for atheits
For real though the Theo Von ep was painful to watch. For someone who calls himself a comedian Joe sure does fucking suck at spotting a joke. Don't get me wrong, I actually quite like Joe Rogan, but he was better back in the earlier days when he'd have Eddie Bravo on and just chat shit and bro out. Due to his success he's trying to be something he's not.
listen to dan carlin. literally anyone else but joe rogan im begging you
No way it's real.
That's not exactly like it happened but everytime he would ask more questions, Lazar would say that he has a terrible migraine.
Paul Stamets was fucking fascinating.
Most armed conflict happened because someone has something another person wants.
Roger Penrose,
Rogan said 10 words that podcast if not less.
How is he burned out?
It definitely makes you more likeable tho
duncan trussel
not gonna lie... bernie sanders had be rolling a blunt with my monkey and smoking dmt out of my asshole
In fairness they're both bad at interviewing and leading a discussion. Joe is probably slightly above average but always baked. Whereas Neil is actually smart but has a chip on his shoulder. I recall him doing a panel with other academics and just ripping into the philosopher like a $2 whore. Joe asks dumb questions, but at least he isn't an asshole.
Cringe and NPCpilled
Which is funny because when he has pseudoscientists on his show like Michio Kaku he actually respects him.
Well, hey... Ya gotta respect the media credits. R-right? (I think that's a little harsh on Kaku since he is a real scientist. It's just that he's thirsty for gee-wiz casual cock. Worse than Neil.)
>When you don't want to admit that the universe was designed by God so you just say a big computer made everything
Simulation theory is the ultimate atheist cope.
>I think I should have it
>I think not
hes right
People under 140 IQ will never understand this
Joe used to be a good looking guy before he got addicted to TRT, drugs, weed and DMT.
How many Jewish producers did he let fuck him up the ass?
>has on the guy who came up with it
doubts of human experience have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. read a book retard.
Just one that's why his pilot show got cancelled.
He smokes too much pot and it screws with his brain.
>Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a cosmically arbitrary event, carrying no Astronomical significance at all.
>The weekend is a cosmically arbitrary event, carrying no Astronomical significance at all.
>Beethoven's 5th is an architecturally arbitrary event, carrying no architectural significance at all.
>Everything else is dosed with insane chemicals to keep insects off of them and bred into a state of absolute corruption.
pants on head tier.
It's not gay if it's in the octagon, bro.