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Disney and Kathleen Kennedy must die

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It's fake, move along, move along.

bastila is flawless and never falls to the darkside played by lupita nignogo
carth becomes the smart mouthed comic played by kevin hart
mission is a gender fluid twilek
hk-47 is an assassin droid that only kills racists and slavers

>mission is a gender fluid twilek
mission is restast as an english brunette

by making me not watch? okay

Just play Kotor instead.

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The less white women in movies the better

>they're gonna make revan a black gay tranny woman

>Kevin Hart as Carth

That would be ironically entertainig

maybe it's Juhani or Mission. They could be any race because they'll be in a lot of makeup. Bastila's descendent was like, Happa, so maybe Asian? I wouldn't throw a fit as long as Bastila's not black.
Basically Revan, Malak, Carth, and Canderous (get the Steven Lang (guy who played the villain in Avatar) he'd be fucking perfect as Canderous) are white, Jolee is black, Bastila could be white, asian, or hispanic. The rest are aliens or droids so whoever plays them doesn't matter.

As long as DnD are the writers of the script the movie will be a kino.

Slit your fucking throat reddit nigger

the only one I was even really flexible on that mattered was Bastila, and I just don't want a nigger playing her is all.
Does it really matter to you what race actress is playing juhani and mission? considering they're caked in so much shit that you won't see their skin?


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I don’t know why anyone would be upset by Patty Jenkins doing the movie. She did a great job with Wonder Woman and never insulted the value of men or shoved a feminist agenda down people’s throats.

Ava DuVernay is the problem, as is Disney.

Ah yes, just like Ciri was going to be a black woman and you lot freaked the fuck out, not realising it was on a self-submission acting page for troubled youths. Oh and ignoring that it was distraction for the rest of the non-whites.

You guys are now spreading this, giving more media coverage. You guys are the dumbest fucking useful idiots on the web.

Nobody gives a shit about star wars anymore, shit eating normies and minorities have moved on to Marvel and the SW fans have given up on the franchise years ago

>moved on to Marvel
as far as I can tell even Marvel is starting to lose steam, people don't feel nearly as invested now that Endgame is over
and then the spiderman thing happened

I really don't think there's a lot of hype for Shang Chi or whatever

>hk-47 is an assassin droid that only kills racists and slavers
completely off base. HK 47 will still be evil and will be the allegorical white nerd incel alt-right manbaby

Its fake you dumb fuck

It's not, it's fact because it's Disney, and it's gonna be the best thing to ever happen and bring me great laughter.

No it's not, filthy shill, it's a real rumor.

>it's a real rumor
all nu wars is faggot shit, disney needs to burn to the ground

>KotOR movie
>female POC

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I hope it happens. They need to fuck up Star Wars as bad as possible, I stopped caring the second I saw TFA in theaters.

Ciri WAS going to be a black woman until the shitflinging caused them to change their mind in fear of losing to much money. Also there were news that there was a black girl who would have had a major role but she dies really youn before the production started

>Oh no! These Sequel movies are just awful. I miss old Star Wars. I miss my old computer games. They should make the Knights of the Old Republic into a movie, that would be based!
>Oh please, oh please oh please, Disney. Please make us an Old Republic kino!

>Disney Announces POC Female Lead for KotR Trilogy, Greenblattbergstein Director.

Idiots. Hope you craterbrains are happy.

>literally any POC woman existing

? Are they gonna make Juhani a nigger?

i just do not give a fuck about star wars outside of the 9 core films, and i barely care about 2/3rds of those. i especially don't care about medieval star wars or whatever the fuck kotor is

What? I haven't seen a single person here say they want Disney to touch KOTOR. Everybody knows they'd fuck it up.