Why do so many men seem to take issue with strong, competent female characters?
Why do so many men seem to take issue with strong, competent female characters?
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yeah remember the uproar when pic related came out
i hate korra
Because its a larp
>competent female characters?
They meet so few in real life.
Name a single time that's happened?
They need to start casting women that actually look strong. Why teach an actress how to lift when you can teach a strong woman how to act?
that grill is tan af
Yeah. Very man was so upset..
Oh wait,everybody loved it.
op is a fag.
The Last Jedi
Its just unrealistic and brakes immersion
I think your response is misconceived but God damn if I don't love your glorious approximately literate prose style.
Rey isn't strong or competent, she's just a badly written mary sue.
now I'm just confused. I actually want to punch her in the guts to see how her steely looking rectus muscles take it
What are some examples of "strong, competent" female characters? Because I'm pretty sure most of us wanted to bang Rodriguez in Alien, and got boners watching Ripley walk around a space ship in her underwear. Or loved watching the evolution of Sarah Connor go from naive frightened waitress to hardened mercenary operator. I think we even liked watching Princess Leia laugh at the feeble attempt of rescue then blast her own way out. But I don't think those are "strong, competent" female characters to you. To you what makes a woman strong is her vagina powers of surviving an explosion in space and flying back to the bulk head. Or a Captain Marvel who just one ups the boys because she likes wearing the strap on cock that's been written for her for no other reason than she is a fucking woman.
no one takes issue with ripley in aliens so..
how do i get a wife that is competent and strong
Dang Korra was the perfect delicious fit brown girl in animation. Too bad the writing was shitty af in LoK
>the writing was shitty af in LoK
I couldn't disagree more but since we both seem to like Korra it's probably not an occasion for fussin' and a-feudin'.
Captain Marvel
Its cringe
Because even though I haven't worked out in years I could beat that girl to death in a fair fight and there's nothing at all she could do about it. The concept of strong women is just inherently ridiculous. Men don't compete against women even in non-violent sports because they just don't stand a chance. No one can take a strong woman seriously.
Doubtful. It's actually a well-known truism among operators that women are more effective hand to hand combatants than men. Longer reach, lower center of gravity, stronger legs, etc. There's a good reason men and women have separate divisions in MMA.
Men don't have an issue with strong female characters. They have issues with women being the centerpiece of characters that already exist such as Ghostbusters, as oppose to creating actual original ones.
God I wish that were me
Same thing happened for Jackie Brown and Alien.
It was because the movie fucking sucks, idiot. Do you even realize how many movies exist that destroy your premise?
Strong female characters aren't the problem. Forced strong female characters, and being told you have 'to like it' is the problem.
Gina Carano tried acting. She did not have much dialogue. They made her into silent bad lady assassin typecast
The only people who take issue are manchildren who are obsessed with mass produced garbage shows for children
>manchildren who are obsessed with mass produced garbage shows
Maybe it's true. Perhaps it's even *right* they should be obsessed with crap instead of something worthwhile.
Because they will pick some anorexic jewess for the role, instead of someone who can have a realistic physique while performing the physical actions they're supposed to convey.
my waifu
This is now a Gina thread
were those guys trying to steal their burgers?
>ywn lick the sweat off Gina's abs
why even live?
Why do so many women seem incapable of understanding that strength and competency don't just fall out of the sky and innately bless people?
source for that sexy video, please
RIP Gina dad who died in 9/11
I like strong. competent female characters. Especially in the bedroom.
>strong, competent female characters?
They are just rare.
I like Gina Carano, find her believable
>Captain Marvel
>Why do so many men seem to take issue with strong, competent female character
The injury and fouling rates in Women's Soccer is appalling. They actively play dirtier (including against each other for intra-team politics/playing order.)
The people writing female leads in contemporary film/tv are:
1.) hacks chosen primarily for worldview over talent
2.) have no conception or experience of what team play is (in male, performance based vs. outcome based group dynamics)
3.) evolutionary psychology: they do not appreciate that no (wo)man is an island;-- women to other women are competition; men to other men [as rivals/enemies] may readily win each other's respect & held in Higher esteem than their own in-group/peers.
Interesting female leads, like male leads, have to make concessions to reality -- even more is required when a woman is slotted into the archetypal role of a male hero without reconfiguring the group dynamic constellations that make the action and tension. The most recent Wonder Woman did well in this regard. [To illustrate the problem, imagine Breakfast at Tiffany's meets Red Sparrow, male fatale lead.. A simple genderswap doesn't suffice.]
Could say the same for most men, unfortunately.
>Work hard on your body to make it look good
>Ruin all your hard work with tattoos and piercings
I don't understand
Tell us the flavour of your last quart of ice-cream, hun
Those are sponsorship temporaries, you goof.
All men are dogs
thats the cleanest muscle up ive ever seen a woman do... I think im in love.
Why do you make the same thread, with the same image over and over again?
It is not healthy
lol he just sees it and goes for his shot lol
because it's a lie that leads to false expectations, as most women are weak and incompetent.
Because said competent stronk womyn are usually portrayed by 5'3 98 pound cumdumpsters who equate constantly shrilly yelling = being tough and confident.
For example, Starbuck on Battlestar Galactica is constantly shilled as being the best spacefighter, marine, fisticuffs fighter, and leader, but she constantly fucks around and acts like a bitch on her period and looks like a girl who can't even bench the bar but 6'3 meatheads who could pick up the actress IRL and snap her over their heads act like they're always ready to piss their pants when Starbuck gives them a narrowed eye.
The trope completely defies reality and belief and always comes across as forced. It's akin to making a full turban sihk portray Augustus Caesar. You can do it but it will never not look retarded.
lol na bro, if you didnt pull your groin trying to do your mma shit, she would just backpedal you then youd be gassed after a minute, if you try to keep going youd just collapse, just like those antelope ancient humans would chase to death.
people who dont do cardio are inferior humans, the one thing we can say we are really good at as a species physically, and you just cant do it. a barnyard pig could outrun you.
looking forward to your reply, oh wait, youll be too busy crying after reading this
bro are you saying fucking actors, who all work together to put on a good show, dont know teamwork?
okay so you played baseball in high school, big whoop, all those life skills you learned there were learned by everyone else in their band camp or math club
They need to look the part to be realistic, but women don't want to be told that to be strong you need to work out and build this kind of physique. Also men prefer eye candy than butch dykes. That's why strong female characters look like teenage girls who receive magical powers that makes them stronger than Hulk and smarter than everyone
they used to be well done but now they are so contrived
Is this a Natty comic?
>This is now a Gina thread
Yes, yes I approve of this
>There's a good reason men and women have separate divisions in MMA.
and as your video illustrates, there's a good reason why there are different weight classes. F=ma. Still embarrassing for the homey tho
It's my goal to die this way.
name one actress with a body like that
you cant
They don't. The people who keep saying this are the ones who have something to prove.
damm jimbe is using fishman secret technique and it's super effective
>Doubtful. It's actually a well-known truism among operators that women are more effective hand to hand combatants than men. Longer reach, lower center of gravity, stronger legs, etc. There's a good reason men and women have separate divisions in MMA.
You just contradicted yourself so hard.
gay that they didn't show her tit and it's a R rated movie,lame
>that gay black guy in the background losing his shit with laughter at what he is witnessing
This cracks me up every single time I see this webm.
How about focusing on writing good characters rather than "strong" and "competent" ones? The clamor for fucking power fantasies just tells how weak and hopeless everyone feels.
Lily James
How do you defend yourself from this?
You make it sound like strong characters can't be well written.
are you retarded
she looks nothing like the girl in the op
just another skinnyfat bitch
What happens at 11 seconds?
I have no fucking clue. I love stronk female characters. They always get me hype and hard!
sand falling out of her vagina
You don't. Your best case scenario is to let her take you down and pass to mount, then hopefully she lays and prays and you get suffocated under her massive tits. Surely a better plan than trying to fight back.
You know exactly what happened. I don't know why you guys ask inane questions about girls you're attracted to. Do you think you're being cute or something?
No I don't. Hell, when the order of priorities is skewed, you DON'T get the strong characters you want.
No I didn't actually I thought maybe it was sweat. thanks to for clarifying it was sand. I guess she's a volleyball player or something. I don't know who these bitches are I just coom.
>thinks IRL misogyny or racism is always subtle
Actually, I'm growing tired of the subtlety since people will find multiple ways to interpret a character's motivations or actions depending on their vantage point. Subtlety just isn't good enough any more.
This doesn't make any sense. Every good story conceives of what the character is, before writing then. What priorities do you mean exactly?
I would love to see real fit girls in movies, but there is never something like this.
Strong females in the truest sense of the word are not to be found in hollywood only meme "strong indipendent women that dont need no man"
Gib fit gf
I don't believe you. You can't be that blind or retarded. it was obvious to me as soon as I read your post. What was so confusing about seeing sand on her butt, and then watching sand fall away?
I used to think this shit was better than Attack on Titan but then these last few seasons of AoT have been fucking fantastic.
take the 2d pill
looked like sweat
Then why did you ask?
because i wasn't sure
How can you not be sure? What made you doubt what you saw?
>Every good story conceives of what the character is, before writing then.
That is very basic. That doesn't necessarily result in a good story. In this context, it can result in a shallow power fantasy instead. Perhaps that is good enough for you if you prioritize a character being "strong", I'd prefer a story do better than that.
>strong, competent
because they are not strong nor competent
i met strong women in my life before, the ones who drive trucks and work in hard labor.
"strong" cinema women are just weak children with pussy.
Looked like too much sweat, makes more sense now that I know its sand.
imagine what her pussy must smell like
The way you're framing the matter is entirely too basic, and as a result, you're making a really bad point right now.
Look, every story goes through planning and conceptualization. And during this process, the ideas of what a character are get defined. What difference is there is conceiving of say a meek character to a strong one?
What is "too much sweat"? You know what? Nevermind. I don't believe you're this retarded.
lmao female power fantasy
I don't believe you're this autistic. You've been interrogating me for like 5 posts because I asked a dumb question about a webm. get over it you fucking sperg.
lmao shortstack gets btfo by tallfit in the mirror
WTF Ben Shapiro looks like this now??
now this is epic
Show her penis
did she shit herself or something
Because it's fucking embarrassing whenever they do this sort of shit. Whenever you see a movie with a female lead or female leads, it's guaranteed to be horribly written by hacks, and completely fuckin filled with political shit. Gone are the days of well written characters.
Oh and I should also mention these so called "writers" have absolutely no idea that strong can also mean mental or a journey the character has gone through. It almost always means strength.
I've yet to see any actress work out enough to properly fulfill a female superhero role. Male actors do it all the time, but female actors are unwilling to change their bodies other than lose a few pounds they needed to lose anyway.
>hat's why strong female characters look like teenage girls who receive magical powers that makes them stronger than Hulk and smarter than everyone
Damn straight.
this thread is maxing fit women my new fetish
>The way you're framing the matter is entirely too basic
Fitting for the type of movies this pertains to, which are basic. Look, the writers of capeshit, nu-SW, and that shit are producing power fantasies on par with what any 14 year old can write, not these well-written stories with strong characters that you're suggesting. Seems to me that delivering that is their main priority, what they are really laboring toward. You like that, go and enjoy, but it's kinda pathetic.
>What difference is there is conceiving of say a meek character to a strong one?
Those don't necessarily contrast. It's a problem people think they do.
Imagine thinking that the writing in Korra was any fucking good.
Or even better. Imagine being one of the people who say that Season 3 and 4 were the best of Avatar.
Just like any healthy man I fucking adore strong competent female characters. It's just Hollywood is shit at writing them.
Why do I want her to punch me in the face and fuck my ass with a strap-on?
For me, it’s Michelle Jenneke..
Imagine her knocking you out before she rapes you. God, I gotta find myself a fitgirl. Too bad I am a fatass.
The issue isn’t strong female characters but rather characters that can do no wrong, are good at everything, and can never have bad things befall them or ever be in true danger. They’re written like Superman, so people hate them for the same reasons they hate Superman. On top of that, if you hate them, you get called a misogynist, whoch only causes people to hate them more. And it’s all just a shitty gimmick, like whoa there’s a girl in a movie how fucking novel. Remember when they called Captain Marvel the first female superhero movie even though Wonder Woman had happened only a couple years earlier and it wasn’t even remotely the first?
This, i don't want to see lanky Mcwhite chick LARPing as someone who can beat up a guy
But it literally does - if you are born with the right genes (male)
Imagine her like that but at 25% bf
>How do you defend yourself from this?
A well placed banana peel.
>Too bad I am a fatass
Move more and eat less. Do that every day for about a year, and you'll be closer to your dreams as the days go by.
Women's muscles are weak and not very dense, so a normal soiboi would probably still offer more resistance
I want to be Brie's pusyslave but I think you need to be a bit more realistic
Anyone got those webms of that hot fight scene she does in the hotel room?
Say what you will about the live action film, but they nailed this bit
Holy shit she fought a fucking cyborg?
Muscle girls aren't really my thing, but Korra is probably the hottest 2d gril imo. She was literally MADE for sex. I can't put into words how much I want to fuck her.
Post the NZ girl
based coomer
Never been a stronger case of god i wish that was me