Could a highly trained woman actually take down a man or is that just another Hollywood myth?

Could a highly trained woman actually take down a man or is that just another Hollywood myth?

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If it's a fair fight with no weapons then the woman loses 10/10 times.

Depends how highly trained and what's the size difference. My bjj instructor is a woman, I'm a manlet and she could easily take me down but she's a 10th planet black belt.

Shut up. An average untrained man could beat most women. Unless she is some freak outlier

How big is she though? Unless you're that short you gotta understand the huge difference between men and women. Its literally like a 8 year old fighting a 11 year old


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Yes, especially when you overcome that fear of fucking beating the shit out of a female. Never cross that line.

Confident my 5'8 ass could beat Rhonda Rousey in a fight.

the average untrained man would get a stroke before throwing the first punch.

Why did he let her do that? He could've pushed her off when she was on top of him...

You are retarded.

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I could beat like every woman in my local gym, yet I don't even train seriously. Dunno why womyn are so pathetic.

>a man
well if it's "a man" then yes, that implies "average" and she's highly trained

Only way id beat the living shit out of a girl is if my sister or girlfriend was getting ganged up on.

I think you'd be surprised B

C'mon now he's not gonna beat the shit our of this blonde in from of cameras and potential customers. He would look very bad. Probably some demonstration of some moves. Or he just wanted her on him, look at the ending, holy shit they almost fuck right there .

I'd like to see you both fight

You know they so fucked after this

She might get me in a hold true. But thats the only way id see it getting my ass kicked

Understandable I guess. But I wouldn't recommend.

>Shut up.
You’re pretty hostile regarding this topic friend, I can’t help but wonder why

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Chris Cyborg could probably beat my ass, but yeah. Not really a woman.

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Female boxing champion against male tv show host
Make of it what you will

that's not a fight it's a fighting game.

he can't go all out without breaking the rules

No man would ever destroy a woman in front of a camera/public. Only nigs do that.

It's actually a well-known truism among operators that women are more effective hand to hand combatants than men. Longer reach, lower center of gravity, stronger legs, etc. There's a good reason men and women have separate divisions in MMA.

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>10th Planet

Snake oil merchant, watch me tear through her rubber guard with a straight power headbutt

Yeah yeah yeah we've seen this stale pasta before.

Ironically the only way that a man is assured to prevail in any given skirmish is with the advantage of weapons. Beyond that it's essentially a toss-up.

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Top level female football and hockey players regularly lose to teams of 15-year old boys. It's not even close, the US Women's Soccer team lost like 6-1. I think it's even more one-sided in hockey.

Xena the warrior princess was a mistake.

>watch me tear through her rubber guard with a straight power headbutt

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imagine the fapping after those matches

>Could a highly trained woman actually take down a man

Dunno. Is a Yea Forums neckbeard a man?

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But would a female football team beat an untrained group of men who've never played football before? Because that's what we're discussing here, Dr. Peter J. Retard, MD.

I love how you pulled this right out of your ass.

>longer reach

>stronger legs
Double nope. Men have stronger everything. Women have better immune systems. Sorry, but that's nature. It's a pretty well-known truism in almost all of the world over every single sport, except for rifle and pistol tournaments where stamina, strength, seize, and reach aren't explicit factors. Men and women have different divisions because men would beat the ever-loving shit out of women, and they are also half the weight of the men.

Are you some misinformation spreading shit-poster?

In a restricted jewjitsu competition she'd probably beat you but in fight all it takes is a good headbutt to shatter her orbits.

Even still, my little brother is actually good at jiu-jitsu and regularly wins competitions at 95kg, but I still dab on that nigger by virtue of just being 120kg and brute forcing it.

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An asian man maybe

This is true. A women's soccer coach, a female, said the best practice for women is to play men but that stops being effective around age 14 for men. Ie, 15 year old guys will start regularly beating older, more experienced women and the women just can't learn anything from those beatings anymore.

All she has to do is go for the balls.

>posting fetish webms


You ever met edgy brah?

She moved his head directly near her asshole

Is your IQ above room temperature?

Never underestimate a lardass in combat

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and thats a good thing...

I'd bet a man with like a week to a month's worth of training is capable of beating a highly trained woman.


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>highly trained woman actually take down a man yeah sure if they are about the same height and weight
if it's some average woman 5f9 vs average men she will just get obliterated

>im sure to win because of my superior speed

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The top 10% of women could possibly take down the bottom 10% of men

It would take very little training to take out most men, as most men are not really very fit these days.

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>it's a pasta

I don't care. Some people here will think it's genuine so it's best to flat-out prove it false anyway to stop retards from fucking with the zeitgeist so you don't have trannies in the ring with women.

I thought god made women to breed and not to fight...

Does it matter? I find ghosting far more effective on the malfunctioning female psyche than any beating. Beating women is for betas with zero options putting up with trash women because they can't do any better.

>street fights are the same as 15 round boxing matches

Ok dumbshit

fucking standard. go train bros, i think you will be insanely surprised. instead of being like, "fuck that i'd never lose to her/a girl," recognize that you may be lacking in a certain skill and go learn what she knows. You can do that shit too and it's fun as hell.

>all these wannabe tough guys think they could take this chick on in a fight

Attached: asian grandma gets FUCKED by BIG Brazillian girl.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

One day, no cameras, only a ref hidden from sight with a tranq gun, just in case it gets out if hand.

>You can do that shit too and it's fun as hell

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An average untrained man doesn't know how to throw a punch

she has more test than 90% of the male population. She's more man than chick.

Yeah because you see that big body of hers? All juiced up on roids? Hundreds of hours in the gym? Men are stronger than that just by default

>goes to pick up his hat

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Every human can naturally throw a hook. Just watch any nigger street fight.

I cannot understand what the fucking point of this was?

This is so wrong it's embarrassing.

An average lad can destroy the strongest lady. Social construction stops him. Unless you are the dude in the video.

>Being blind
The dude on the chair tripped him

literally just grab her, her limbs crack and fall apart if you just hold them in an ungentlemanlike manner

>male slowly walks up with no guard and lets her attack while lightly resisting and throwing zero strikes of any kind

What an accurate representation of fighting

he's right though

they can naturally throw a hook, but they'll also end up breaking their bones because they'll land the whole fist.

TV host is a known loud mouth, box championette was on his show, they decided to make an exhibition match out of it.

In this thread: incels who have never fought in their lives and would shit their pants if they had to.
it's an asian girl as well lmao
and those jackass guys were toucher than your average person

She's not very big, slightly taller than me but she's very strong, when she demonstrates moves on me she can easily ragdoll me. But that's the difference between training over a decade and one year. If it were a pure kickboxing match I'd heem her because I hit much harder and I'm confident I could take more hits to the face too.

When I roll with women in class that have about as much experience as me yeah I could easily beat them. Some of them have very strong legs but their upper bodies are generally weak. I'm not even that strong and I can control them pretty easy.

I hope to some day

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Why are white people so obsessed with femdom and letting bitches win? I remember in high school I mentioned to one of my white friends that most girls are weak as fuck compared to men in a random conversation and he called me sexist. I have never befriended another white person after that.

>roles into his guard
what was he thinking bros?

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Hes holding back

>that shoving and posturing when its clear they dont stand a chance

Why are women so deluded? Its like some kind of genetic weakness in their brains makes them legitimately believe that they could never be hit or hurt.

>what was he thinking bros?
>you've got a tight ass

Seriously go watch any nigger street fight, all you got to do is land a lucky hook when the person is least expecting and he's down. Would someone who learn how to box have an advantage? Of course. But humans are natural at swinging their arms.

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Do you have an argument?

I know they still havent discovered this in africa but its a pretty cool invention, we call it civilization

They are training


Bros is this kinda stuff gay?

What is this fetish called its kind of hot.

She's drilling a sequence of moves, the guy puts up light resistance so she can execute all of them

>civilization to whites means letting women rule over you like a little cuck
Makes sense

thats the worst double leg of all time, he just let her pick him up lol

Why are brack peepu so obsessed with crime?

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>women thinks they're better fighters than men
Explain this then

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>hand-to-hand combat
>not just simply shooting your opponent
This isn't the middle ages, we have the tools of civilisation aviable to us now

>It's a crime to not let women win or defend yourself if they attack you
Holy shit, what is wrong with white people?

Knee to face and this fight would have been over


>be amerifat
>mass shooting daily

>that webm
>the men aren't even defending themselves

haymakers with zero power

>but they'll also end up breaking their bones because they'll land the whole fist.
how to avoid this? pleb untrained fag here

confessions of a teenage drama queen is a bad movie
see this shit roasties? dont be so full of yourselves, all thats saving you is rules
on a side note, those are weak ass kicks

better w sound

You mean freedom shootings, a proud American tradition


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didn't she get clobbered by some 13 year old

>just another Hollywood myth
It is.

when you land a fist, you should only hit with your index and middle finger knuckles. If you land with the other two, you end up breaking the bones behind them.

You can't hit a woman because you could accidentally kill her idiot. She can house your seed instead.

I didn't say that you no brain nigger monkey I asked why you apes can't go five seconds without robbing raping or killing. is streetbeefs kino

>weekend warrior thinks he's hot shit

he is facing the wrong way

I mean, og course she can hurt you but at the end, they are always weaker and more fragile than men.

Goes for the knees

i see i will take this into account

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I never expected farm equipment to understand anyway. No matter how many times you type cuck on the internet, youll always be just a nigger.

That's called gun-to-hand combat, captain marvel . Not hand-to-hand combat.

Haha asian """men"""

you should answer his question first


Are you retarded? You don't have to hit her full force like a sperg, just a hard slap or a light punch to the nose will be enough to fuck them up. If that doesn't work then push or slam em to the ground, assuming they're not hambeasts.

>white cucks have no arguments to excuse their betaness towards women so they change the subject

i think this only applies to you because youre so autistic that any contact with another person is awkward.

I would let her take me down too so she sits on me

People do realize that the dude could've just kicked her right in her shin and she would've pretty much died right? The dude obviously didnt want to engage in combat with a woman. Such an annoying video honestly.

I thought we are dealing with hambeasts not ladies.

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It's just some inane nigger babble putting down white people because we don't beat our own mothers for the last chicken wing or crack rock. Just the other day I saw a news story where some black baboon beat his newborn child to death because he lost at call of duty. The nigger brain can not understand physical restraint on small weak things.

>associating yourself with fat women at all
There's plenty of crazy stuck up "ladies" that aren't fat, trust me.

this but without irony.

I saw a vid of hambeast up there user...

I was not being ironic

>white cuckold thinks that not bending over backwards for dumb thots means you hate women and beat/kill females
kek, why are white people so radicalized? It's either a so(y)boy beta feminist or an incel who wants to kill women with you people.

Well, I usually don't hang around whales, but I guess it's okay to knock them out since they're fat.

This is definitely a win for him

This is just cringe at this point

imagine being known as the nigga who got fucked up by a girl

He didn't get knocked out. Any male champ would have knocked him out easily.

Either roastie or reddit white knight. Most women are fucking weak as shit. An average male could beat most women. I stand by that.

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No one said anything anout hangong out with the people you fight. I was reacting to the videos given above.

God i wish that were me

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Ok... I wasn't talking about the videos in the first place. Why even bring that up?

Chess absolutely destroyed women. It's literally just sitting, and yet the female with the highest elo is fodder for male grandmasters.

Telling women they're weak is sexist and telling shitskins they're an inferior race is racist. Both is true but you shouldn't say it.

It's okay to beat nigger bitches though because they look like trannies and aren't even human

If the fight lasts for more then 5 seconds the manlet is sure to win

>white cuck beating anything but his micropenis

Im serious about the wrestling fetish. Whats it called.

Shut up roastie

imagine being a sub-human lol

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lol what the fuck is this

>all these seething white knight soiboys and stronk women itt

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Imagine being whipped by women lol

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I'm not lel have fun being a diverse color of shit though

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>whipped by women
I got just the webm

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>lying on the internet

>Big, heavy, huge muscles
>Punches like a little bitch
Yeah I'm pretty sure i can fuck her up, literally


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if you grew up with everyone doing their damndest to protect you, you wouldn't ever learn any self-preservation skills

its why women are raped but men rarely are. men know shit like
>dont walk down dark alleys when you see nigs down them

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Its fine if there are no cameras around

The one wearing black reminds me of my mom.

Believe what you want shit skin, I look in the mirror and I like who I am, as I'm not the color of excrement

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Have sex

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>seething so much he has to reassure he doesn't hate himself to a stranger in an anonymous board

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Of course skill disparities exist. What in the flying fuck are you trying to imply by suggesting a ‘Hollywood myth?’ Don’t answer. Obviously it’s a trolling prod.
Here. He was soundly defeated. The girl had fun as she repeatedly pinned him to the mat. He attempted to throw her & his kicks completely missed as she moved to her left.

But I guess he was just ‘being gentlemanly’.

Sure bro.

Now it's isn't false, males are physically the betters offemales.
As much as men are physically superior to women in every way there is...from speed, to power, to endurance, to jumping to sprinting to pure are way and I’m talking *way* ahead of women....if you take chiseled rock abbey that fights & wins MMA...she will fucking murder everyone at your local gym when locked the octagon one after another...the skill & physique level is so far beyond you, it's not even worth discussing.. granted, if a guy had even a year of solid sparring & match experience, they’d become very difficult spars but that’s not what OP is asking now is he.

Only rarely from the lowest common denominators of online /pol/ hick have I heard an argument that a man being fit automatically makes him superior it combat to a trained female fighter. That is absolutely stupid and It’s disconcerting to me that this thread seems to be playing along.

Now that you’re done not reading what I haves to say here’s a vid of a man thrashing a woman in a match to keep your rage tizzy from spiralling out of control at hearing a filter of ‘blar-soI woymn power guis!”

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lmfao okay chum

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>Believe what you want shit skin, I look in the mirror and I like who I am, as I'm not the color of excrement

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>he's still giving me (you)'s despite having nothing else to talk about

wait what did he do?

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yeah. womens legs arent as weak as their upper bodies are compared to men, i think they are like 70% on average, its like 30% for upper body.

a good kick in the knee could put any untrained man out of commission. a highly trained person could kick the knee at the appropriate time for a one way, all expenses paid, business class ticket to snap city

or just a kick in the balls, since uhh, those are organs, and if you get your organs bashed your body sorta just prepares to die

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This man literally lets her do it, absolutely no takedown defense.... and I would do exactly the same to get her sweaty thighs wrapped around me.

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When me and my brother was beginner boxers, we had a chance to spar against the woman boxing champion, and we both thought - is this for real, must be a joke- , well we both played with her in the ring.
But ofc its individual...but most of the times woman has nothing on man in contact fights involving strikes. Aikido or other grappling sports sure why not.

> knocking out a taxpaying nigga


Lesbians are so offputting, I cannot comprehend how men get off to this shit

This is like reverse groping.

>Used to do judo and BJJ
>Stopped for some reason
This thread is making me want to get back into it bros, should I get back into grappling or try out striking?

Thanks alot fren you really made my day

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>girls are weak and pathetic dude
>you are a nigger
>gets mad
fuck off faggot

>Every male can naturally throw a hook
fixed that for you.
Most females have the weirdest fucking ideas of what constitutes a fist; putting their thumb inside the ball, bending at the wrist, angling the wrist - it's hilarious. While even small boys knows whats up.

They're sparring, froggy.

>getting off to a video instead of having sex with a real girl
Incel please leave.

t. male feminist

>Some of them have very strong legs but their upper bodies are generally weak. I'm not even that strong and I can control them pretty easy.
This. Women have very limited upper body strength in general, but also tend to have extremely powerful legs. I know a few "athletic" ladies who can out-hike me to embarrassment but can't do a single pull-up.

what happened at the end there?

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Asian men are the smallest and weakest of men, they don't count
and yes, kungfu is a fucking meme and so is bruce lee

Not of the sort at all you're just a nigger

From what I've heard and read, women have a higher endurance level for pain, while men have a higher threshold level.

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Am i the only one getting off to these wrestling vids

Hey sig/ abu

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>extremely powerful legs
compared to what?
the rest of their body? Sure.
But the difference between male and female in terms of leg-strength is only like 10-20%, so its just that it's a more even playing field.

Linking to the only really decent post in the thread.

>but also tend to have extremely powerful legs
Have you ever seen a woman in your gym squatting her bw for reps? Fuck off with this meme of women having a strong lower body.

Thats some natsoc on ifunny. Dont remember his user. Just the meme. Im kekking though

>attention whoring for your samefagged answer

>Im kekking thoug

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Whatever you want to believe nigger

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The average woman is like 5'4

I want him to die with fire


Weak. Rape and assault happen in nature all the time.

is that way fren

neither are most women

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One shall stand. ONE SHALL FALL.

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You gotta look into it.

Yeah in retrospect that’s one variable where females do actually come ahead.

He’s a different user. Obviously the lad just has good taste in well put together comments. My mental smug levels had a hit of the good shit right there.

A highly trained woman would probably beat up most men that aren’t a lot bigger. The majority of people have no fighting experience

what a awful situation haha

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Realtalk lowkey love this lil nigga rn

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>did some wrestling with a girl 20 lb's lighter than me at a sex party
>lost both rounds

The good kind of humiliation

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You're fucking pathetic

>even considering a woman to go against a man
Women arent made for fighting. They are for releasing anger, children and making food

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Skinny manlet here. Some bitch at school many years back was bullying me constantly and spat one time in my face. Punched her with my left fist - aka the weaker one - and she fell down, with a tooth on the ground.
Never had any training before and never threw a punch before that.
Mere seconds later, the chad white knights ganged up on me and they broke a rib of me, but it was worth it. Even though her brother threatened to kill me, which he never did.

Now this is based

I was talking about them and then you started to respond to me about off topic.

>modern men are fucking pathetic



Depends on the man. If you mean your average city dwelling hipster onions boy , than yeah, probably
Some dude that lives in the country side and works with his hands daily would absolutely wreck most of the fighters
And as the size difference increases, her chances become even more slim

>This is how it looks like ladies and gentlemen, when both male and female combatants are of equal skill.

g-guys what if she like farted in his face and made him smell it then p-put his noise in her butthole, that'd be really crazy, r-right guys

can a white male beat a black man in a fair fight?

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>white knights
I think you should kys instead zoomer

>Some dude that lives in the country side and works with his hands daily would absolutely wreck most of the fighters

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>getting bullied by a girl
kill yourself

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No the nigger always chimps out and doesnt care about form or timing. They just throw blind punches and hope for a K.O


dios mios... son las ogras de las americas...


Not an American.
These were lads who lifted, fucked sideways, hit girls probably themselves, but when a skinny fucker who got bullied by pretty much everyone, throws a punch, they insta-rage.
Got me hard.

>The Bulldozer of McDonald's


>asian "men"

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>There's a good reason men and women have separate divisions in MMA.

el abominacion de la 56%...

Post some real fights that make you go "MORTAL KOMBAT!!!"

I was mocking you. Not like youre smart enough to tell. spanish speaking shit stain

You should follow one home and unironically kill his dog or cat.

So what's everyone's favorite kino to watch after a satisfying night of mcdonalds fighting?

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fake and gay

I wish

>posts webm of a white woman taking down equivalent of a 11 year old white boy

san miguel arcangel protegenos de los siervos amerimutt del tribu de israel...

You should have beaten the white knights and her brother much harder


Trips checked

Doogal and the magic carosel i think its called

women are pathetically weak
any skinny fat incel loser could beat 90% of women easily

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No sorry. Its called the magic roundabout. My favorite childhood kino

Gym accident montages. Kino if blood is spilled.

She's taking down an Asian. They weigh about 2 pounds.


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>being this new

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Or you could just wait for him to die of heart attack.


Is there a story for this webm

In groundwork it's especially telling. I'm 6ft2 82kg and not bad on my feet, other sports. On the the ground the manlets who've been better educated still usually beat me after a year.
It took me a months of training to learn how to avoid running out of air, basement user here would be surprised to find using all his fat strength burns him out within two minutes.
I think an user would need two years training and a significant weight advantage (or natural talent) to compete in a serious women's division. He'd need to learn a few takedown defences, learn distancing and keep at range. It's obvious but long arms are really useful for punchin'

A gamer rises up.

Maybe. I have my doubts. I went to a Muay Thai gym for a few months to try it out, and went twice a week for an hour and a half session. About 2 months in I felt confident enough to stay after the class and spar. I grouped up with this chick who had been there for maybe 10 years. So I went for a high kick, nailed her in the head, and she went down cold.

The funny thing? I was purposely holding back because she was a woman, and during the entire time, she kept telling me to stop holding back just because shes a woman. I was still holding back when I kicked her head.

Why aren't they protecting themselves?

>german cucks set up a liberal propaganda video

If that guy threw some serious punches the fight would've been over in 10 seconds. He has huge reach and height and weight advantage on her. In boxing an inch and 10 pound difference in enough to place guys in vastly different divisions.

If a man is over 5'6, works out properly once a week, is under 65, and fights seriously, he can best 100% of the women on this planet.

>Implying learning to shoot, lifting, and hand-to-hand combat training are all exclusive

Lmao, literally mega cope

I’m better at them than you though.

IIRC it was her bf waiting for her all night, and she came home at 1am after cheating or some shit

i'm 172 and 65kgs and back in hs we did arm wrestling for funs with this 176cm girl who did athletics and was /fit/
it was like arm wrestling my 13yo brother for some reason
even if women are big their muscle density is so much lower that even twig arm niggers are stronger

as for fighting they take punches much worse than men do


men are better at shooting too
men are better than women at basically everything
it's not just physical things or things requiring intelligence
men are just better

Bieber dhoulf have just given hrr the d

he jobbed on purpose, idiot.

I remember when I was about 14 and the puperty just started to kick in heavy, this girl who always talked shit to me in class pissed me off
Sitting at my desk and just drawing circles like an autist. She took my pen and threw it out of the window.
I snapped and punched her will full force in her face, breaking her nose and a part of her tooth.
Ofc I was the one who got shit from the principle and my parents.

Nevertheless I was known as the girlpunsher of the class from this day on and everytime someone wanted a girl to be punched, they asked me.

Attached: Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg (350x350, 96K)

>take punches much worse
their body responds to stimulants like adrenaline much slower so percussive forces like punches instantly stun them even if they are weak, and they might get up after a minute. For men it's an instant response to allow us to resond to trauma.

Are you gay or female?

Depends on size, muscle mass etc. if its some amazonian 6ft brick house she'd obviously push your shit in.

If both are equalized, the man wins

Farm strength > gym strength

>look at this demonstration of a lightweight fighter and a heavy fighting facing off in literally the most unfair, biased towards the heavy fighter way you could possibly set up, this PROVES being heavy alone is the ultimate advantage in a fight

Just keep away from him till he's slow and tired then gouge his eyes out.

Based camera work

what a dumb cunt
what fucking basedboy, you destroy if someone attacks, no matter the gender or race

>get off my car, harlots!

what's the story here?

looks like gamma rage to me


Women are weak af. Even hardcore trained females are the equivalent of a small squirrel challenging you to a fight.
The only case where a woman can beat up a man requires the conditions below:
>A. her physique is not petite
>B. she has years of sparring experience and is fit af at the moment
>her opponent is an untrained, fat slob that is not bigger than her, physically.
Another exception perhaps are soiboys since they seem to be inherently incapable of conjuring anything relating to masculinity.

>t. used to train with many girls while I was training in TWD

Grab onto her arm as she's pushing you, your momentum will drag her down with you. Also because she's morbidly overweight she will most likely faceplant and be unable to get up again.

Are you retarded or something? If a man goes up against a woman and it's a matter of life and death the man will kill the woman 100/100 times.

Of course a trained female fighter can beat a man when there are rules to follow.

>>your momentum will drag her down with you
>she gets a scrape on her arm from the fall
>she calls the police and tells them a man just assaulted her
>with no questions asked and no proof required, multiple police show up and arrest you, probably rough you up a bit (you deserve it for being a woman beater after all) and take you to jail
>since women have no sense of honor, she doesn't even feel ashamed of such a cowardly so you don't even win out in terms of pride

>backseat fighter
you wouldn't do anything you fucking sperg, you'd be just as fucking ragdolled as he would

Or just trip the bitch.

It's just a suggestion, no need to get all antsy about it. Tell me what you would do?

i let my wife do this to me lol. shit's hilarious

Problem is that is not a man against a woman, that is a shitskin against a woman, and if you'd know your leftist social justice, you'd know that women and non-white men are considered to be same.

>Could a highly trained woman actually take down a man or is that just another Hollywood myth?

Could they? Of course, they could, but not in the way Hollywood portrays it.

This.This video should answer all the questions from this thread

>he doesn't know

To handle someone swinging at you is like the first thing you learn in boxing. Like you said, it's mans natural fighting stance. It's easy as help to see them coming tho. And when you can do that you have to be fucking wasted to let yourself get hit by one